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Want Female Version Of Wfs.


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tenno have no gender so its impossible to ask for a female or male version


I don't think this is a kind of proof to your statement. I add that they do have gender, we can clearly tell who is female and who is male simply by looking at them hence the reason why someone created this post. Also something about them being unique. I failed to tie in that last bit but i wanted it said none the less.

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I present you with this then, which adorns most all Warframes...



either way this is not the place for this discussion. 

AGain you provide proof with no information to back it up im i to assume that this somehow tie hayden to to warframe. I don't know how you want me to read this.

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AGain you provide proof with no information to back it up im i to assume that this somehow tie hayden to to warframe. I don't know how you want me to read this.


... you are hopeless to the lore of the game then and I am done wasting time on it, educate ones self. 


Also provide a link to the Post, Thread, Interview, or Viable Source where they discount the connection of Hayden Tenno to the Warframes.

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... you are hopeless to the lore of the game then and I am done wasting time on it, educate ones self. 


Also provide a link to the Post, Thread, Interview, or Viable Source where they discount the connection of Hayden Tenno to the Warframes.

I was eluding to that possibility, i never said it was fact. Also you kind of confirmed it when you said this wasn't the place  for that discussion.

 And yes i don't know anything about dark sector except for that de worked on it sometime ago. That the main protaganist wears something that you could say inspired excalibur as well as the glaive. Maybe even the infected(?) were inspired by this game. Like comparing Destiny to Halo.

Edited by (XB1)Nlandry
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The frames were built around the originals. Specific sex pronouns are used suggesting that tenno do indeed have a gender. They wear the suits even if its not the gender they identify as to respect to original which is presumably dead.

That and about 96% of people would be running female frames.

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The only thing that in any way implies us being energy is that quote however it is contradicted by many quotes. Not to mention he is reffering to the power we hold, not the power we are. Ember's codex: we get our powers a young age. Presumably because the body is volatile at a young age exposing a baby to void energy may be what causes the change. Or maybe the mother/test tube (Ember's codex: they wouldn't allow a baby on board. This could be a cover up or the truth.) was exposed to the void.


If we go through the codex/lore we see:

-Ember: Kaleen comforted a child, not an energy ball. A child.

-Rhino: He ate people, showed emotion when looking at dead tenno. Since we have no mouths on our suits one would assume that he wasn't wearing one.

-Mirage: She was disintegrated, not dispersed, disintergrated.


We are twisted humans, we are not balls of energy controlling suits. We are twisted humans our suits are a conduit of our affliction. We produce the energy/ability the frame helps us convey that ability. Say if I use:

-slash dash, I'm going to get knocked down/bullets to the face before I even reach my target.

-stomp without a suit to sturdy my legs I may break a leg arfter spamming or hitting the ground wrong.

-Zephy due to her abilities she would have hollow bones so a strong suit with not too much armour to weigh her down would be ideal.




On to sexes:

DE tried this idea already back in closed beta. Nyx was going to be a female Excal however the idea didn't pan out (DE's decision not influenced by the community) so Nyx became a seperate frame. Brining back this already flopped idea would just be more work for little achievment. Taking resources from development on the next frame/prime/tile set and giving it to an already failed idea for a small crowd (expanded by scientists ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) who want to see their frame have different genitalia or be a complete rework into the opposite gender.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Well quoted and researched in the Codex I like the idea of it, but it still begs the question as to how the Tenno we are now can use all the suits, if they are built around one specific power. ... hrmmmm *ponders life*

Presumably we are meant to be found in pods which the lore says but the foundry creating suits contradicts that. So maybe we are finding tenno without suits in pods? Keep them in stasis until we find the corresponding suit? Lotus' secret stash of sleeping tenno. That sounds evil. It's like disney princesses only the "true love" turns out to be a suit of armour. More lore is required.

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Presumably we are meant to found in pods which the lore says but the foundry creating suits contradicts that. So maybe we are finding tenno without suits in pods? Keep them in stasis until we find the corresponding suit? Lotus' secret stash of sleeping tenno. That sounds evil. It's like disney princesses only the "true love" turns out to be a suit of armour. More lore is required.



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Ehm, that was the original concept for Ash...


On Topic:

Considering how long it apparently takes them to create and build the model for each frame, I don't think suddenly saddling them with 28 (ow however many frames & primes we have) extra, large tasks is a wise idea ;)


Different Gendered Equivalents:

I like Blaze. He was actually dressed kinda like a traditional (still inaccurate) ninja. If the had both him and Ember as (off the top of my head) an Area control and Glass Cannon sides of the same fiery coin, I would be happy. To me, this seems preferable to the current trend of throwing abstract concepts in as a theme.


For clarity - 2 frames on the same theme with different focus's. Not necessarily polarized extremes, but definitely no sharing.

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This has been popping up here and there in their to do list. They try doing this in the beginning (nyx was originally female Excalibur) but then they gave up. Then they have been off hand mentioning on devstreams that they are revisiting the concept.

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Ehm, that was the original concept for Ash...


On Topic:

Considering how long it apparently takes them to create and build the model for each frame, I don't think suddenly saddling them with 28 (ow however many frames & primes we have) extra, large tasks is a wise idea ;)


Different Gendered Equivalents:

I like Blaze. He was actually dressed kinda like a traditional (still inaccurate) ninja. If the had both him and Ember as (off the top of my head) an Area control and Glass Cannon sides of the same fiery coin, I would be happy. To me, this seems preferable to the current trend of throwing abstract concepts in as a theme.


For clarity - 2 frames on the same theme with different focus's. Not necessarily polarized extremes, but definitely no sharing.


Are you talking about this Blaze (the right one) ?  



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I made concept for a female opposite of Ash, called Fenris. Falls inline with the Dev's rule of using the themes, but not duplicating a character. Fenris has similar ash and smoke aspects to her design, but uses a wolf instead of a scorpion as an animal reference.


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Yeah, that looks like his concept art, his model is still sitting in the files from back when he was in the game proper. I believe that was just during alpha. Google didn't turn up anything useful though.

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i hope they don't because each is build into the lore as single entity. For example Excalibur is Excalibur not someone dressed in an armor called Excalibur.

And they also refer to a past Limbo and Mirage user. Yet we still trounce around in a frame just like theirs. Your point is?
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I present you with this then, which adorns most all Warframes...



either way this is not the place for this discussion.

If you look at the Black Market grates, the Lotus symbol is plastered on it in its exact glory.

That, and this guy has no concept of DS does he? The technocyte plague was the main theme of DS, of which Hayden Tenno had been infected with. Technocyte. Something the Orokin also created monstrous creatures out of to aid in their own war. Lo' and behold, it does the same thing. Hideously mutated zombies.

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Nyx is a female excal with a new helmet set slapped on, and fancy gauntlet energy FX. Literally. Look at her body. Exactly. The same.



It is true. Nyx was a female Excal through and through. However, I still don't understand why people won't accept the Dev answer and let them build alt-sex themed frames. Especially if the frames are just models, like fighter jets. A given expression of a frame in the case of Excalibur is male. A similar frame could be expressed as female, with the same theme, but not identical powers. The fact that DE want to go down this road hints as to the true nature of the Tenno and their relationship with the Warframes. And instead of doubling frames that are identical, except for the sex is not very appealing. It isn't like DE is shirking women, they alternate the sex of each new frame released. If people want a similar themed frame to x frame then lobby DE to do that.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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There is no Lore reasons or otherwise to defend one gender-tenno anymore.

All hints point toward 1 tenno/ many warframes, so the design of the "warframe armor" ( official description btw) is really irrellevant.

I have no problems at all with dual gender if it is only a armor.

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I can agree with this because the lore is still just only we are tennos whom fight against the grineer and corpus and now will come the sentients. The armor what we use is just an armor we can imagine living persons or energy entitants into this armor but we have also genderly armors which means we are humans/humanlike. Every day when you play then you can meet peoples online whom use the same armor as you so the uniquity is not means there wouldn't be other peoples whom using the same armor.


The lore only works if the game single in multiplayer games this wouldn't be very good because many of peoples could use the same character like you. "imagine diablo 2 with 6 barbarian in a single match". A good customization system can be make enough differences for looks but in warframe it's limited. The dual gender idea mostly droped because of the much more work to model twice and make a bit differ the models but overall not really harder than we have actual now "1-2 monthly a new frame" and one prime. Making models not so hard if you have some base mesh and you have already a full rigg and animation set only the new in this thing the new frames special moves and looks.


Almost everyone can make models if have enough patience and it's possible way to help the devs it's depend only them they will accept it or not but I am on to make models and hope someday they or other ways I can use it.


PS: Not break any lore only just needs more work.

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