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Frost Prime: The End Of An Era. [Megathread]


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  This may be a method to address many aspects of what has been brought up by a lot of us.  While some of us do feel upset for one reason or another, at least as many of us ( anyone who has been playing, or knows friends who have been playing ) for a bit either already has at least one of these things built, or can get in and get parts to do so without too much trouble.


  Multiple possibilities exist by creating a 'Vault' - Re-releasing an entire 'discounted prime access' at a random later date, or offering parts as some non-major holiday / event, as well as everything from keeping drop tables slightly more in line as multiple new things are brought to the game, as well as building some sense of actual rarity and prestige on longer-lived frames and weapons are all valid business decisions.  


  It's likely that we'll see it, or some parts of it at a later date - get what you can get, have a good time, and enjoy it.  Have some faith in the process as it continues to evolve as well.  :3

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I don't understand this at all. Are they trying to increases plat revenue off of these items via trade? I just don't get DE sometimes.

Perhaps they decided there was too much stuff, but the more obvious solution would've been just to put these items on the highest level starchart missions.


 It's most likely a space problem.


 The more items crammed on the Void Drop Tables the harder it is for a person to get any specific thing they need out of it.


 Since Primes are still a thing being added to the game every so often it gets really rough to make the Drop tables work. Especially since it's kind of hard to just constantly pump out new tiers of keys, since those will have to drop some somewhere too.

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Strange they ask about buffing frost in the community feedback thread and now they remove him from the game. I guess this inspires me to finally craft the bronco/akbronco before they get removed as well. 


The good news is my 10 sets of latron prime parts will finally have some value aside from ducats. 

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It's most likely a space problem.


 The more items crammed on the Void Drop Tables the harder it is for a person to get any specific thing they need out of it.


 Since Primes are still a thing being added to the game every so often it gets really rough to make the Drop tables work. Especially since it's kind of hard to just constantly pump out new tiers of keys, since those will have to drop some somewhere too.

I thought they were reworking the Void for that reason. If DE had said "these items will be unavailable until our Void rework is complete" it would've made sense to me.

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So, "Void Destruction" in real life?, is more like "Market Destruction"


DE watch "Trade chat" and see your own fault.


Some players are wasting their platinum buying Frost Prime only for "fear".


Considering that Tradeframe is the endgame for lots and lots of Beta Testers, and platinum sales are always good for the company providing this long and expensive Beta, how they can see the results of this horrible move (for Beta Testers) as negative is beyond me.


Beta Testers never "waste" platinum in the eyes of the the company providing the Beta, otherwise the platinum prices in the Market wouldnt be so laughable even after 2 years. 

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 It's most likely a space problem.


 The more items crammed on the Void Drop Tables the harder it is for a person to get any specific thing they need out of it.


 Since Primes are still a thing being added to the game every so often it gets really rough to make the Drop tables work. Especially since it's kind of hard to just constantly pump out new tiers of keys, since those will have to drop some somewhere too.


But before today they never seemed to care about how bloated the drop tables were when they crammed new stuff in them every several months.  It didn't stop them before.


There's also plenty of missions they could have dumped Frost Prime and his weapons into without actually removing him from the game entirely.  Like the Derelicts that nobody plays.

Edited by Katakuna
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In both this megathread and the main announcement one, most comments I see are from vultures preparing to farm as many Prime parts as possible to sell it later at high prices.


Now I don't know what DE plans to do with this change, but I'm very disgusted by what I see from some of those players who want to make profit out of this.

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 It's most likely a space problem.


 The more items crammed on the Void Drop Tables the harder it is for a person to get any specific thing they need out of it.


 Since Primes are still a thing being added to the game every so often it gets really rough to make the Drop tables work. Especially since it's kind of hard to just constantly pump out new tiers of keys, since those will have to drop some somewhere too.

Instead of making keys only drop as rewards.... why not make them drop in-mission as well? There's a secret room with a Void Key there, find it, hack it and grab the key. Tiers goes with level.


It would reward exploration, specially if in Sabotage and Deception missions have more than 1 of these rooms.


In both this megathread and the main announcement one, most comments I see are from vultures preparing to farm as many Prime parts as possible to sell it later at high prices.


Now I don't know what DE plans to do with this change, but I'm very disgusted by what I see from some of those players who want to make profit out of this.

Are you really surprised? First thing I did when I got in game was to say in Region "I'm afraid of looking at Trading Chat now..."

Edited by Kao-Snake
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They're likely to be readded as a quest reward introducing the void.


Nevermind they're removing the void, but they'll still likely be reintroduced as a quest reward for introduction of the new prime system, they talked about.

This sounds interesting. Is there any more info on this? I must have missed the stream or whatnot when they talked about this.


Overall, I'm not entirely sure how this solves the problem with the dilution in the drop tables. I mean, if they take 3 things out of the void, and lets say volt prime comes with 3 new things that are going to be added to the void, isn't there still the same amount of drops anyway? Take it in simple math with some random numbers: 10 - 3(frost and stuff) = 7 but 7 + 3(volt and stuff) = 10.


I'm not saying I'm upset by any means but I'm just worried about the void being as diluted as ever. However, I'm going to wait for u16 to see what they do with the void before coming to judge it further. Here's to hoping that the void will be changed for the better and the vault will turn into something more people can look forward to rather than fear for their gear being locked away for a long time.

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The reason i give DE my money is because i know i can get everything (besides cosmetic and some misc) in game for free.


If Perfect World have a hand in this....and start taking away content to sell back to us in their typical LOCKBOX GAMBLING fashion, i will quit Warframe.

The over 30 people i have introduced to Warframe will quit playing (been talking on teamspeak and they all feel the same way).


We are fed up of of poor patchwork lately, and dont want to start putting up with how Perfect World DESTROY every game they try to tamper with manually. If it is LOCKBOX behaviour, you cannot tell us PerfectWorld did not influence the decision, because we wont believe you. Purely through experience, we wont believe you.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Removing content does not a good game make.


The following paragraph is from the perspective of keeping void/keys as they are, which I know they are thinking about changing:

Make older primes easier to get. Do not remove them from the drop tables entirely. Move them to T1 or even the Derelict, and remove a lot of the nonsense items you get from them, like Forma BP, Orokin Cells, Mutagen Masses, and T1 or T2 keys. A void key should not reward a void key, it should reward a prime part. Mutagen Masses are already quite plentiful from Infested Invasions. Orokin Cells should have been one of the resources that drops in the void to begin with. Forma BP should have been moved out of the void a long time ago.


Players have already been asking for a long time to have limited time weapons and items to be brought back. How many of them actually have? Brakk and Detron. Most players want a chance to get weapons from events they missed, not have older prime items removed. Demote prime items to lower levels/tiers as they get older and keep newer items more rare by putting them in near the top and middle. But again I stress my point: Stop removing content.


The only players I see that are truly happy about this are the vultures preparing to feast on their stockpile of these prime parts after they're taken away.


At least I finally managed to get a Reaper Blade a while ago. That should have been moved down to T2 at highest over a year ago.

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Instead of making keys only drop as rewards.... why not make them drop in-mission as well? There's a secret room with a Void Key there, find it, hack it and grab the key. Tiers goes with level.


It would reward exploration, specially if in Sabotage and Deception missions have more than 1 of these rooms.


Are you really surprised? First thing I did when I got in game was to say in Region "I'm afraid of looking at Trading Chat now..."

Can't say I'm surprised, no.


What disgusts me is that their posts made it clear, their main concern is their profit and not the well-being of the game and its community.

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Yes, they are unrelated. If you had read Megan's post more closely, you'd have seen this:


I saw it, obviously that's the case since they have yet to implement the whole "distribute prime parts throughout the starchart" thing. Until then, of course they will be out of reach. 

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Don't really see the point in removing stuff from the game. I know a lot of free to play titles do stuff like this to exploit the collector mentality in its players. It depends on how they handle the "come-back" if any. If it's just a way of rotating the available drops when there are tonnes of prime parts so some some have to be on scheduled breaks, then thats not so bad. But this forced rarity just seems unnecessary. Players should have more choices for goals to work towards, not less. Thats how you retain dedicated players. There is so much more that could have been done with this. Put the parts to use, draw people to areas of the game that need players etc. Just seems like a waste. I hope they have something better in mind, as it stands I just feel like its a bit of a bummer when content is getting removed each update along with the new stuff added in, two steps forward and one step back. It kinda takes the edge of excitement off an update for me.

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I do not have to say much, I'm just saying that this step is a step in the wrong direction. Whatever the deeper thoughts of the devs might have been, this is just STUPID!!! I strongly hope they re not doing this to boost (overpriced) trading for platinum. I don't see at least ONE positive aspect of that change. I'd like to quote the nice slogan I was reading several times here: "DO. NOT. REMOVE. CONTENT." (Except Archwing, that wouldn't bother me much :D)

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Just look at the chat channels and even the trade channel, people are charging insane prices across the board for this stuff.  It's not even an average amount, it's skewed everywhere. We needed to be given more notice, a week is way too short. It's not even fair to newer players, suddenly being told that they have a week to get gear that they may have really wanted.


Then again, people are probably buying a bunch of platinum to try and get all this stuff before it's gone for good. DE is probably raking in a bunch of extra micro transaction money this week. I guess Im just lucky Ive already had all 3 but I feel sorry for those who didn't, it's a massive disservice to a lot of players. There's enough exclusive gear in this game already, come up with a different way of putting in new prime gear instead of taking it away. It just feels like a kick in the pants to less fortunate players. A month wouldve been a reasonable amount of notice, and it's really at a bad time. Why hype up U16 and all it's new content and then drop this bombshell on people? It makes the coming update look sketchy, and it makes me less eager for it. Oh sure Ill be able to farm Volt Prime and stuff, but at the cost of everyone being able to farm Frost Prime? Im not pleased.


You could just get rid of Forma BPs from the drop tables, and Orokin Cell drops, and lackluster single R5 fusion core drops too...

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