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Ask A Cephalon, March 17


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Hello Cordy,


Well, the other day I was thinking about the Sol System economics, more precisely about currency. I have a question regarding that. Are credits the universal currency throughout the whole System? Do Grineer have their own? Do Corpus? How about Ducats, is Baro the only one that uses those? Is platinum the most valuable currency out there, if so, why? Who coins platinum, credits, ducats? Is there a universal bank?


What do corpus spend money on? I mean, the members of the board are almost immortal, they are wealthy beyond imagination, so what are the common corpus luxury stuff or what merchandise is their money sink?


Finally regarding Cephalons, I like Ordis, but I don´t like listening to his voice, i want to buy a new "female voiced" cephalon , how much would it cost? Who can offer cephalons on the market? Also I want to retain Ordis aswell, having two cepahlons would be nice.


Anyway, thx for your time Cordylon.



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i have somethings to ask:


- I know we collect on several targets in the capture missions... but you can tell me what happens to these targets after questioning them? because, as the case may even be a good drop them to catch them again in the future, making a bit of a "consensual" relationship, instead of making this kind of profession the 2nd most dangerous in the galaxy, behind only to be a security guard


- I know a little about the Stalker's reason to hunt me, considering he always mentions the important targets we defeated / killed before striking me / us ... but why he hunts me for killing Phorid? or J3-golem, six months after his initial disappearance in Jupiter? it bothers me because it does not even come to the point where I try to understand the supposed "sense of justice" that he has... (and no, I'm not sympathizing with him)

even the infestation attacks him when he hunts me in these hours


- while I'm doing my intelligence homework (spy, capture, looking around...), I am trying to retrieve the memories I lost while I was in cryogenic state... after all, as the Stalker mentioned that I have sins in the past... and still stalking me ¬_¬

sorry if it's too much to ask, but I ended up doing many void runs, and... so... considering what I found there, you can share some of what you know about the Sentients? maybe I can help with this research
- considering that the infested share one mind, there was any attempt to disrupt the existing communication on infested? this would make it easier to deal with them individually, since while in group...
- Sorry, it's a question about mods, but I wanted to know: how the mods really work on weapons and warframe? physically, they do not seem as cards (magazine mods telling "hi !") [now, i'm looking insane, mods can talk?] {even worse, i'm writing to myself}
- how would you rate the case of Ordis Cephalon? although he is fuctional, it presents some cases of emotional outburst... not that I think it unnecessary, but it is as if there is the possibility of an A.I. can emulate feelings, right? or is this just a "response system" damaged?
- there's something you can talk about the "Void Trader"? like, the fact that he created currency called Ducats?
- i wanted to know a little of how your sense of humor, like what kind of situation you say is funny
other day, I saw a Drahk Master taking the Hind of a grinner soldier in the middle of a mess caused by radiation
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I have noticed that the mod polarities have their names. Madurai, Zenurik, Naramon, et cetera.


I usually just call them the D, V, Dash polarities and so on for the sake of simplicity, but what do their real names mean?

They're the Tenno numbers - 1, 2, 3 etc

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Hello Cordylon, I have 2 questions for you...

I was wondering how you explain discrepancies in the information in our codexes? Our own Tenno 'faction' data says that we went into stasis as we were no longer needed; but the Stalker claims we killed the Orokin Emperor and then destroyed the Empire? I know these aren't mutally exclusive, but if there were no Orokin left, why did we go into stasis and leave the Origin System defenceless?
And should we expect to hear a "new side of the story" when this Tenno "Tenshin" makes his appearance in the new Conclaves? This so-called "Tenno who didnt go into stasis"?

As of late, the introduction of new Frames for the Tenno to use have carried an ongoing "from out of *insert hidden location here*"; implying this Warframe was recently rediscovered. But the 'starting' Warframes the Lotus provides us were not... Does this mean the original Tenno and their Orokin Warframes of Excalibur, Mag, Loki, and Volt were the first to awaken? If thats true, then where are these Tenno now? Excalibur was the First, used by the first of us, Hayden Tenno; so where is he?

Edited by Saraphys
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Dear cordylon


I have all ways wondered about the ammunition our enemies used. how come they don't use ferrofluid cartridges like we do? those lumpy ferrite pellets the grineer manufacture have a flight speed that is as fast as our rounds, but the elemental effects that we modify them with are pitiful at applying them. the corpus are no stranger to such technology but the flight speed of their plasma rounds are so slow that the enemy can merely sidestep them at long range.


why is it all of a sudden that the grineer are creating successful plasma based weapons, the last time i saw one it blew off a grineer scientist hand when it fired (just to note that i had noting to do with the malfunction though it was satisfying to watch). I thought that we succeeded in sabotaging their efforts to achieve this.

Edited by Banansa47
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"Perhaps one day we will be able to administer such immortalization to entire civilizations…"


Woah, hold on now.


Why do I feel like something like this was attempted before?



Here's my question to Cephalon Cordylon:

How far back do your repositories of information go? In other words, what is the oldest data recorded in your archives?

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Do you have any data on the "Derelict creature" that is occasionally reported to be seen throughout the Orokin derelict vessels?


How exactly did the infestation get into the derelicts?


We, the Tenno, have decent idea of how big our lisets are compared to us, archwings, and even the relays, but are there any official measurements or diagrams depicting exaclty how big other vessels, like corpus and Grineer cruisers, colony ships, and Orokin Towers and derelicts are in comparison to our stealth ships?


How exactly do Tenno get in and out of the liset? We can see that there is a rotating pod of sorts on the belly of the liset, but there does not seem to be any way to access it from within the liset itself.


Why can't Ordis queue up duplicates of one item to craft within his foundry even though he can forge multiple different items at once? Is it a limit in his programing? Are our foundries perhaps not adequate enough to handle such a task? Is it due to the fact that he is a damaged cephalon in need of repair?


Will we ever repair poor ordo?

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Have you seen a research by a great Tenno mathematician Renegade343. He used complex curve theory to compare bust sizes of Valkyr and Saryn.


I thought you like math so it might interested you.

Do you have similar information about Lotus?

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So it has been said that the Orokin Void is soon to Be destroyed. Do you have any knowledge as to what or where the Orokin have gone and What or why they were here in the first place. Since there seems to be no answers for this.


Also Can you tell us how to fix Ordis. His memories are gone and he's rather cranky. So how can We fix this perminately. (Please DE make this a Quest.)

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