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Arcane Enhancements, What Have You Done De?


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I'm not gonna grind raids until I get 10x of the same arcane to put a moderate defensive effect on a cosmetic item.


This is the opposite direction I wanted things to go, and the opposite direction they said things were going to go.  We were going to not have stats on cosmetics any more so we could wear whatever cosmetic we wanted whenever we wanted.  Instead, I have to wear this or that Loki hat for my two different Loki builds and forego the glory that is the Loki Prime helmet if I want to maximize my builds.


This is silly.


This. I do not want bonuses on the left ring finger on my frame. This type of reward is terrible. Why is a cosmetic award not enough. I liked the patches and the sigils. Why do we need this?

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They stack up to 10 times, requiring 10 times same drop and 5mil credits per piece of cosmetic.


to equip 1 single maxed on every frame will require 220 enhancements and 110mil credits, im mr19 and thats actually more than my gross income of 69mils.


Are you @(*()$ kidding me...

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Why is a cosmetic award not enough.


Because the Tenno who have the investment in the game necessary to complete raids generally already look hugely fabulous. 


I know I'd feel ripped off if a raid gave me a new sigil, because then it has to compete with my ultra-cool mastery sigil, my rift sigil, and my velorum wormhole sigil.


Fact is, the players who want to do raids overwhelmingly want good rewards. Mere cosmetics, unless they're amazing, aren't good rewards.

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These arcane enhancment really need a buff. So far, I would say none of them a worth burning 100,000 creds for the raid bp, going through Warframe's equivalent of Hell, wasting 1-2 hours of your life, organizing an advanced squad with the best weapons in the game, and burning an additional 500,000 creds just so your scarf can have ON DAMAGED: 1% chance for 5% Speed for 2 seconds


"But they stack"


Stacking these after burning 1,500,000 more credits will still seems to only give you less than 10% chance to proc this effect. WTF?


I know that this content has not been really tested out that much yet, but so far it is looking quite pathetic, and not worth the time put into it. >: I

-Just to be clear, I am saying this but I think that the actual raid mission will be fun and give the community a great challenge :)

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Still not seeing why people keep whining.


Examples of what you people think is "worthless" (again, these can be applied anywhere, and use no slots or mod points):

Arcane Guardian: 40% chance for +120% armor for 40 seconds when hit.

Arcane Nullifier: 80% chance to block magnetic proc.

Arcane Strike: 20% chance for +40% melee attack speed for 24 seconds when hitting with melee.

Arcane Trickery: 20% chance to go invisible for 40 seconds on a finisher.


"OH gee, perma invis that I can apply to my rhino. How awful"

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.... I got fed up with the raid and quit out of it earlier. Now, I was thinking about doing it again, going back in with what I know and hoping that it would be worth the effort....



DE, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!? I swear to god....who is making these decisions?! FIRE THEM. YOU ARE KILLING THIS GAME.

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Arcane Guardian: 40% chance for +120% armor for 40 seconds when hit.Examples of what you people think is "worthless" (again, these can be applied anywhere, and use no slots or mod points):

Arcane Nullifier: 80% chance to block magnetic proc.

Arcane Strike: 20% chance for +40% melee attack speed for 24 seconds when hitting with melee.

Arcane Trickery: 20% chance to go invisible for 40 seconds on a finisher.


To get any of those effects to the level you're talking about, you need minimum 10 successful raids and 5 million credits. And those ten raids are assuming RNG favors you completely and gives you the same arcane effect each time. I suspect you also have to have two maxed effects on your hat and your syandana in order to stack them to the level you're talking about.


Because I haven't. Completed a raid, I mean. On the first night, I joined a raid with a clanmate and some twitch stream dudes. It was immensely painful. It took nearly two hours and we got stomped in the hijack portion of the second stage. I went from 90 large energy restores down to 50, and burned through several health restores as well. But I can only imagine how rewarded I'd feel if I got a basic ultra-crappy arcane effect that I then have to farm the hell out of raids for just to make it not suck terribly. I certainly wouldn't feel rewarded after doing a raid if I got one.

Raids which practically require an organized, optimized team (doesn't grow on trees), and a sizable time and credit cost to attempt. Oh, and the keys have a six hour cooldown and are consumed regardless of failure or success. And even then, you can only try one every twenty four hours no matter whether you win or lose anyway.

Edited by theclinton
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If any of you guys/gals eventually manage to finish the raid you will notice that there is a "very" sizable credit reward that goes along with the arcane you aquire.


Also once people actually get into organised groups the raid WILL NOT take you 2-3 hours to complete.[30-40mins]


I feel that the rewards are fair and by saying that you will never be able to afford to place arcanes on your gear is pure rubbish.


Yes getting the same arcane to stack on your gear will be time consuming [RNG]


The benefits you keep saying are useless is complete nonsense once leveled your arcane will be of great benefit to whatever frame you choose to use it on.


I will be raiding for many many many days because i can see the bigger picture, take off your blinders and you may also see that these rewards are truley wonderful things.


The content is going to get much more crazy and harder.That is when all the naysayers will be wanting these so called "useless" rewards because they will find themselves so squishy they will not be able to walk 3 feet without getting owned.

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Even so. applying the same arcane 10 times for 5 million and what you get? 30% chance?

Another question: what stacks? the chance perc, the effect or the duration, or all 3? and how many can you stack? I don't think you can stack as many as you want, and guess what? Still way to expensive and time consuming

End game content isn't supposed to be easy to get, founders you have something to do while u sit on the rest of the content we all have

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lol seriously ppl XD I see that people complain about the rewards but I think they are just a bonus for the awesome new 8man raid :D

I honestly love the challenge it provides and have done it twice until now and still wanna do it over and over again, cause it justs needs you to finally use your head and communicate.



Btw the raid isnt so hard when you know what your doing and your teamcomp is right. hmhm I meant when everyone knows what hes doing

Edited by Seyenas
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Now, Arcanes... to craft a helmet or syandana it cost you 500k credit, for what? right below is what you get, Situational, Expensive and Negligible,, even if you buff the chance percentage X10, it is going to be useless.

So what is this? some kind of crappy common useless Arcane helmets

Arcane Awakening: ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.

Arcane Strike: ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.

Arcane Trickster: ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds.

Arcane Warmth: +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect.

Arcane Healing: +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect.

Arcane Ice: +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect.

Arcane Guardian: ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds.

We originally had arcane helmets but no one like them then, so DE got rid of them, why would they bring them back?!

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I also looked over the Arcane Enhancements, but to be quite honest I didn't see any problems as they were passive buffs. Maybe they're as you put it abysmal rewards, but they're still rewards even if the effort isn't equal. It's a feeling process that DE is currently doing, this conservative first wave is a way for them to gauge the player base and change accordingly. 




Also I'm going to try to get the Raid done, just to try out the content and get the Enhancement. I feel that it's better to directly test something rather than just theory craft about something.


Normally, I'd go through the rest of the posts before I post a reply. Let me preface my furor by letting you know I have nothing against you, and think it's nice that someone has a positive outlook.


Now, I may not have 1000+ hours of play, or bought 10000 plat but I have been playing off and on for years and have watched the extraordinarily dedicated player base come to where it is today. We stand at the edge of a cliff.


Just, we're at the bottom, and only get what the dev's choose to throw down to us. The grindwall started with u14 (before that from who you ask) and is at a current state, and currently growing unlike anything I have seen in gaming to date. All the while, this whole time, users have been giving AMAZING reccomendations to fix problems, create new content, and even write fan-fiction that the devs could copy/paste into what has been the same game for years, with the equivalent of 2, mabye 3 good DLC's worth of stuff since then. But we get slapped in the face with nerfs, removed content, more nerfs, reworks without anything to help us adapt to the new conditions, except for "Use a different frame/weapon/mod. Stop Crying."   "It's free to play you can stop whenever you want. Stop Crying."   Or, we could get the new weapon/forma on our own time, grinding.


Grinding compounded upon grinding upon grinding. Grind for nav points to grind for mats, to wait for dark sector keys, that (no longer even!) let you grind for the MASSIVE bounty (I'm gonna call it such) that you need to build the NEW key that lets you spend 2-3hours in a raid and TRY... Pause right there. What? Yessir, if you don't win the 2-3hour raid without a single glitch (that has probably been around for years) playing maps, puzzles, bosses that you haven't even SEEN before... You have to start back at the bottom to grind for nav points to grind for... and so on. Don't even get me STARTED on how much time, how many posts have been spent shooting down why this common bug isn't fixed for years or put bug reporting or unstuck in a game that desperately needs it (it's "a low priority" to put bug reports in game) because of bugs. Or why you have to grind for 100hrs for item X or who cares about that it's free to play when I have to spend 100 of my free hours doing crap. Forget the drop tables being turned to dog poop + orokin cells, because you need to grind for those R5 cores.... Somewhere?


If they listened to the community that has helped bring them this far, they would FIX drop tables, not remove things from them. They would not include PVP in a game that they said (if you were there back then you know I'm telling the truth) would NEVER be a PvP game. They would implement some of the new play modes that would fix the drop tables, while also giving us something NEW to do. I stopped playing for almost a year after vivergate, and I can count on one hand the things that are really "new" to me. (minus weapon dmg & miscellanious stuff)


This, as well as stealth nerfs being done on frames (Excal and Trin-Look em up) and then lying about one of them to the same players that are so dedicated to them, and grind like this because they are told about "great" updates. "Lots" of new "stuff".


For me, there's too many quotation marks around those promises. The rewards we've waited for, have tested for, and that the devs have had (sry 4 caps n lang) ALL THE @(*()$ TIME IN THE GOODDAMNED WORLD to finish whatever "feeling process" they should need to not make their once kickass awesomesauce game into a grinding mill. - and I mean that in the literal sense of the word. This game is going to become so boring, I would more productively spend my time grinding flour and get something out of it. Unless the devs can remember the track they were on when Warframe was still fun, gaining new users instead of losing them, and fixing bugs instead of reminding everyone that the game is "beta", it's free & you don't have to play, and they have more important things to fix(break).


I'll be back in a year or so and hope with all the pixels of my heart that things get right again. Until then this game has become a constantly dissappointing rss feed of how the game I loved is slowly grinding down.

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They removed the arcane helmets, and now added things that you have to pay literally millions for and that give you worse boni. That's like removing a mod and releasing it again, but you have first to craft it out of 10 different parts. Just rediculous.

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When I heard arcane enchanter I was thinking the enchantments would be similar to the arcane helmets. A boost to health, power strength, power range, efficiency, speed, that sorta thing. This seems oddly lackluster. I'll still play the raids for fun though (that is if bloodbourne hasn't consumed my soul).

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I loved the ORIGINAL arcane helmets.

Never understood why they were removed.


Basically, the reason is thus:


Arcane helmets pushed players to choosing alt helmets based on the stats they give instead of their aesthetics. So you ended up with cool looking helmets never getting used because the stats they gave were useless or outright horrible (who's going to use a helmet that gives +50 health but takes away speed?)


Which means less plat sales of those helmets and DE's work being wasted. Also means players feel pressured into using helmets they might not like purely because of the stat boos. (I know I'd rather use a thrak or vanilla rhino prime helmet over my arcane bacon helmet some times, but I never will because that 1.25 speed is way too good to pass up.)


However, the system DE went with was basically the worst possible solution to this problem. Most people suggested splitting the arcane effects from the helmets, allowing you to place that effect on your frame regardless of what hat you chose to wear via something similar to mods or auras. Instead DE chose to remove all stat helms except ones grandfathered in from before.

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these are stack able i believe. so you can pretty much multiply all those values by four, then double that if you use the same enhancement on two decorations. these numbers actually get considerable then. this gives you 80% chance to not take heat against napalm or be slowed, if you chose that path. this could also mean you could have a 24% chance to do 120% more damage on your gammacore for 16 seconds (since time will execute simultaneously) every time you reload (which will be often because of the nerf, or you can just force a reload often when moving between rooms). I think these buffs are fine stat wise.


I do NOT think that after all the effort put into the raids with a once a day cool down should be slowed down any further with an rng when trying to get 20, I REPEAT 20 of a kind of a single enhancement and a 10 MILLION credit expenditure on geting these.


the enhancements should be ready install-able on the cosmetic and we should be able to choose which one we are going after if we have to get 20. trading is not an option as not anyone can do these missions and everyone will naturally all go for the same select few that are worth applying.  

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these are stack able i believe. so you can pretty much multiply all those values by four, then double that if you use the same enhancement on two decorations.


This is true.


But helmets can't be shared between warframes, only syandanas, and we're still talking what is basically the most expensive credit sink in the game thus far. Not even legendary mods like primed continuity approach the cost here.


And to get even one "maxed out" arcane effect (ie two stacks of rank 4s), we're talking minimum twenty days of successful raiding assuming RNG favors you completely and gives you nothing but what you're looking for.


If these arcane effects started out at max rank instead of you needing ten of the things, they might be useful and worth suffering through a raid for. You'd still need to farm them to apply to helmets for all your various frames, and DE could also supplement the raid rewards with valuable items such as large rare5 fusion packs, huge credit caches, or even legendary cores so that players have a good reason to raid even if they have all the arcanes they want.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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