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This Game Is Now A Joke And A Con


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So now the DE has so much content and mods, fusing takes way to long, farming and getting credits...

It was fine back in update 10 but its getting ridiculous...

Im so dissapointed in you DE and I will recomend no one should try get into this game unless its fixed

And don't you fan boys and girls think that the devs gotta eat... its obvious they are making a killing.

Edited by xxsugarxx
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so much content and mods, fusing takes way to long, farming and getting credits...

Darling, just don't max them.


Seriously, don't max them. Just look at your mod inventory and say to yourself: "right, I'm not ranking no mod past lv 8". You will find that it is much faster and much cheaper than you'd think. I do that, and I'm a perfectly happy and succesful MR13 player.


The problem with people like you, you see, is for no reason at all you want to be able to rank everything to the max. Now, I don't know why, but... don't. No point in that. You don't gain anything. You just spoil your fun, and then end up writing very silly forum posts.


So my best piece of advice is: don't do that. Don't ruin the game for yourself.

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Darling, just don't max them.


Seriously, don't max them. Just look at your mod inventory and say to yourself: "right, I'm not ranking no mod past lv 8". You will find that it is much faster and much cheaper than you'd think. I do that, and I'm a perfectly happy and succesful MR13 player.


Totally agree with this.  Over time I might try to get the ones I use a lot up to 9 but I ran out of other mods to level when Kubrow came out and I got the Rare and 4 Uncommon mods for them up to 9/10.  I then realised that I could have added 1 rank to Link Shields instead of getting 9 ranks of Link Health.  With the Primed mods now, if I use the normal version I'll take the Primed to 6 since that is enough to justify having it.  If I use it a lot I'll maybe take it to 8.  9 or 10?  Not any time soon and I don't care.  Taking them to 8 costs one quarter of taking them to 10.  I can level 4 mods to 8 instead of one to 10.


Also, other than the credit drop to dark sectors, did Update 16 actually affect fusing at all?  It made completing the mod collection easier since you can now determine the polarity when transmuting and remove the credit cost.

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Totally agree with this.  Over time I might try to get the ones I use a lot up to 9 but I ran out of other mods to level when Kubrow came out and I got the Rare and 4 Uncommon mods for them up to 9/10.  I then realised that I could have added 1 rank to Link Shields instead of getting 9 ranks of Link Health.  With the Primed mods now, if I use the normal version I'll take the Primed to 6 since that is enough to justify having it.  If I use it a lot I'll maybe take it to 8.  9 or 10?  Not any time soon and I don't care.  Taking them to 8 costs one quarter of taking them to 10.  I can level 4 mods to 8 instead of one to 10.


Also, other than the credit drop to dark sectors, did Update 16 actually affect fusing at all?  It made completing the mod collection easier since you can now determine the polarity when transmuting and remove the credit cost.


Agree with this too! There's usually little to no reason to rank up mods past 8 simply because the expense doesn't justify the return you get for ranking your mods up past 8. I have been following that particular rule for some time and you know what? I'm @(*()$ swimming in credits, 4.2 million to be exact, and that's without any sort of dedicated farming / grinding. 

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Bit harsh to say it's a con but this has given me visions of warframe's grave. Remember those games you found early on and supported and loved ? Then they partnered with a big company and it went down the toilet ? I'm not saying that will happen but this isn't exactly the year of quality.

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So now the DE has so much content and mods, fusing takes way to long, farming and getting credits...

It was fine back in update 10 but its getting ridiculous...

Im so dissapointed in you DE and I will recomend no one should try get into this game unless its fixed

And don't you fan boys and girls think that the devs gotta eat... its obvious they are making a killing.


You know a forum is headed to "toxic cesspool" status when a thread with this title and post has several upvotes. RIP =(

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this is the year of :QUALITY:


probably they meant quality of their revenue, not the game experience


Perhaps they tried QUALITY and it required to much fixing so they went with QUANTITY; it sounds similar. xD

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I keep hearing about this "year of quality" thing, did DE really make this their mantra or motto for this year? This is update is full of mediocre content and awful/lazy design decisions and bugs that are stock standard for DE since like update 10. Year of quality ROFLMAO

Edited by iamLoveless
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I just love how this thread is full of constructive criticism and has thouroughly explained points as to why the game is suddenly so terrible?


I don't like weps I need weps to build, but I cant say I didn't see it coming. I am mastery 19, and farmed for almost all my stuff, though when the game does get a bit overbearing or buggy I take a break, step back, and let it get fixed before I get back into the game.


And to people about the grinding, aside from rerunning missions for materials, what would the purpose of play be? The game is pretty much a grind fest and I know some people dont like that, but lets face it why are you playing a game with grinding at its core if its not your thing?


For me this update is full of unfinished concepts that will hopefully be expanded upon in upcoming updates, so I will wait ot make my judgement, mayhap you are right and its a money grabbing con by a soulless Canadian company. However I am an optimist and merely think they will get their heads together at fan responses of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and make changes, after all DE has been one of the most receptive games I have played in terms of support and player feedback.


Also before whining about an update and claiming it to be so bad, maybe give it a few days? Otherwise your post that equates to "I don't like this rupdate so fix it nao!!!" will be ignored like the host of people complaining whenever something gets buffed or nerfed, experience the update, make educated and thorough points, then post your thoughts in a organized and clear manner, otherwise your just making a DE hate thread.

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Mate, if your're saying that there's too much grinding in this game I totally agree.


But saying that a game has "too much content" is simply ridiculous. By the logic of your argument TES:Skyrim would have been a bad game because it had so much content. If all you wanna be is a casual gamer, then go ahead and stick to casual games.

Edited by tomrair
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Darling, just don't max them.


Seriously, don't max them. Just look at your mod inventory and say to yourself: "right, I'm not ranking no mod past lv 8". You will find that it is much faster and much cheaper than you'd think. I do that, and I'm a perfectly happy and succesful MR13 player.


The problem with people like you, you see, is for no reason at all you want to be able to rank everything to the max. Now, I don't know why, but... don't. No point in that. You don't gain anything. You just spoil your fun, and then end up writing very silly forum posts.


So my best piece of advice is: don't do that. Don't ruin the game for yourself.


Except it was possible to do this before. I have Two maxed Serrations/Heavy Calibers, Max Steel Fiber/Redirection/Vitality/Hornet Strike, Max Primed Heated Charge/Primed Point Blank, and a Max narrow minded, among a few others I'm sure I'm missing right off the top of my head. I actually started playing this game BECAUSE IT WAS GRINDY, but now the grind isn't fun. I have to grind because they break weapons or builds that were previously fine.


This game is unique in that I get to grind for cool stuff, and shoot people in the face. It seemed too good to be true, and now it is too good to be true. DE needs to dial back all this farm hate and play their own game. They don't seem to realize farming has always been the game since the beginning.

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So now the DE has so much content and mods, fusing takes way to long, farming and getting credits...

It was fine back in update 10 but its getting ridiculous...

Im so dissapointed in you DE and I will recomend no one should try get into this game unless its fixed

And don't you fan boys and girls think that the devs gotta eat... its obvious they are making a killing.

and you would know they are making a killing how exactly? with that statement i will simply assume that you have a indepth knowlege of their bank account and know every cent they spend.


You dont?

Well then pardon me for white knighting (something i find myself doing often cause of posts like this). You are wrong. DE indeed has to eat. The game is still fun. And im still gonna enjoy myself. Thank you and bye bye.

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