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Almost 2 Years.. And After This Update... Really?


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So this update we got "A LOT" of shiny new toys...



-Decent frame if used correctly.


2 Guns

-Just Shiny


1 Melee WPN

-Looks cool

-Stance is Ehhh, still won't use this weapon type.



-Pointless, the benefits given are not anything I would grind for days and days for.


You had 6 MONTHS to do this update, and I am just sitting here wondering.. Who came up with "this" end game content. Oh yeah the raid is great-"ish". This is warframe after all. Not a MMO-"WoW" clone. I've done the raid once all the way through. I am not in the mood to do it over and over again with a time lock of a day.


6 months to create a Eeehhh 2 weapons, and melee,

a Raid that any other MMO could of made in a month,

fix a PvP system you knew was broken from the start,

Guns, guns, grind, grind,

and Chroma is just okay, cool frame; if you build it right will be decent.



You've made my "final" end-game content of Warframe.


Good Luck DE

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..you do know there's still parkour 2.0 being worked on, underwater tilesets, J3 golem, and sentients, and cloth physics.
and then the two boss changes. 

They've been working on all that plus what's out now. 


Edited by Vesiga
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People seem to forget how much content was added in the 15.x updates. The U15 lifespan could easily have been condensed a bit into two or three major patches, but instead they trickled major additions and changes into the game.


In addition, to copy my response from a similar thread:


From a tech perspective raids are huge, and from a gameplay standpoint Chroma is brilliant. The issue with this update is that there are too many projects in the pipeline at once, and DE teased one of those just before releasing this update.
The new tileset (including the Tyl Regor rework) and the J3 Golem rework are both waiting on the ability to switch back and forth smoothly between Archwing and terrestrial combat. Whatever is going on with the Sentients is in active development as well, as are a few other things. This means that a lot of the work the past while was on things that are not in U16.
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..you do know there's still parkour 2.0 being worked on, underwater tilesets, J3 golem, and sentients, and cloth physics.

and then the two boss changes. 

They've been working on all that plus what's out now. 


But yeah.... They had 6 MONTHS! To do this....

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But yeah.... They had 6 MONTHS! To do this....


To be fair, it's not like they were focusing entirely on U16 content since September. U15's updates brought loads of new stuff to the game.


But yeah, considering that we went for so many weeks without even a hotfix prior to U16, you'd think that this update would have been a bit more... well, more.

Edited by SortaRandom
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..you do know there's still parkour 2.0 being worked on, underwater tilesets, J3 golem, and sentients, and cloth physics.

and then the two boss changes. 

They've been working on all that plus what's out now. 



Warframe end-game = Parkour 2.0, gg


Warframe doesn't really have bosses.


A boss for me is something you have to fight for more than 1 minute and where you actually have to think what you do.


Even the raid boss is meh.

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But yeah.... They had 6 MONTHS! To do this....

It's obviously not as easy as it looks to have /all/ this content being made. 

Plus as "the year of quality" they're doing more than they used to, to try to get the least amount of bugs possible by testing things A Lot. 

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Warframe end-game = Parkour 2.0, gg


Warframe doesn't really have bosses.


A boss for me is something you have to fight for more than 1 minute and where you actually have to think what you do.


Even the raid boss is meh.

imo - Any boss is something stronger than the rest of the enemies in the mission. like any other game. 


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It's obviously not as easy as it looks to have /all/ this content being made. 

Plus as "the year of quality" they're doing more than they used to, to try to get the least amount of bugs possible by testing things A Lot. 

You do realize.. Other updates had and within 3 weeks have most bugs were fixed and removed. Those updates coming out 4 months, not 6. Thus 4.5 months to do what they did, but with a lot more content.

Edited by Regius-Knight
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It's obviously not as easy as it looks to have /all/ this content being made. 

Plus as "the year of quality" they're doing more than they used to, to try to get the least amount of bugs possible by testing things A Lot. 

Some of these day one bugs could be fixed by a team that tried to break the game. (PVP)

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But yeah.... They had 6 MONTHS! To do this....


Let's just dial things back, just a bit and think everything through before tossing around things like this.


Let's start with the time frame, updates are worked on constantly. To say that DE had "6 months" is something that should not be said, updates typically come out every 2 months, with the exception on this update which was pushed back since they added more content and the Christmas break delayed production.


Everything that you are saying that's "broken" are things that will continued to be worked on. Instead of saying something is broken, what needs to be done is constructive criticism. Give DE ways to improve instead of slapping a broad title like "broken" on things and leaving it at that. People are just yelling at a wall by this point and DE is watching them yell at it, we won't get anywhere.


DE releasing this new content to us is a way to see how we react, by feedback. If we don't like it, let them know and give them ways to improve upon it. If we do like it, still give feedback and anymore insight that you have to offer.


The only way that we can see improvements in the game is if the community is willing to take the time to be detailed and precise when it comes to new content. If we're not detailed and precise, then we're just running in place.

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Warframe end-game = Parkour 2.0, gg


Warframe doesn't really have bosses.


A boss for me is something you have to fight for more than 1 minute and where you actually have to think what you do.


Even the raid boss is meh.


Eh, the Raid Boss actually requires some strategy, and does a good job at combining the other 3 phases of the Raid.


It's actually a worthwhile boss, although again, it's simply fighting Vay Hek in his Terra Frame again. I would've at least hoped for Vay Hek to use a new frame.

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well for raids, give em a chance is their first raid, and for pvp, well we can probably say that this time they are doing it right. raid is fun to play though, having to play with so many people and having em to actually play together and thinking together, and the fact that enemies deal high damage, it gives a spice of tactical teamplay where everyone depends on everyone, thats rather cool.

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As someone else tried to say: This update isn't particularly spectacular from a "I don't know what's going on" perspective. If you're a random player, this is nothing to blow you away.


However, if you look at it from a technical perspective, what they've added:


All of the mechanics for the new scan system.

All of the mechanics for having double-layered pvp+pve system.

All of the mechanics for two new syndicate systems.

All of the mechanics for improved variable rate skills.

All of the mechanics for doubling the number of connections the engine can handle.

All of the mechanics for upgradeable power.


Any one of those would be impressive by themselves. All of them at once? Intense.


And that's just the stuff that is overtly active--there's likely TONS of background alterations that support the systems they're still developing. Nor is it including all of the various fixes.


This sets a baseline for a ton of upgrades and improvements down the line, and also squares away some technical limitations they were facing before.


Getting new content is like getting a box full of toys! Getting an update like this is like getting new boxes to put toys where you never could before.


EDIT: Oh, and to be certain: it was 4.75 months, and they had a 3 week christmas break.

Edited by Llyssa
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The only way that we can see improvements in the game is if the community is willing to take the time to be detailed and precise when it comes to new content. If we're not detailed and precise, then we're just running in place.


Here's one thought....


Start listing the undocumented stealth nerfs instead of trying to hide them imo.

Edited by fizbit
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I will start with what I think about Chroma before my conclusion about what warframe did wrong the past year since its the shortest part: It is a terribly designed frame that is not viable under any circumstances, no matter what way you mod it. I would literally prefer any other frame over it. The dmg of his breath and ulti does like 400dmg per tick which is utterly pathetic (maxed transient and intensify, lvl 2 blind rage) although i thought someone mightve screwed up the dmg calculation there because it should be more considering those abilities are meant to deal dmg. Since Im not a fan of using shield/hp/armor mods because they are useless on higher lvls i couldnt care less about this frame.


Now onto what DE screwed up since i started playing (was back in the day survival missions were introduced i think):

- They destroyed almost all loot caves, added more grind and now they frigging HALVED all credits from dark sectors and voids (Dark sectors should be removed on a sidenote as they are abused by big alliances and shady deals anyways, but nobody seems to care)


- Excalibur... Another victim of stealthnerfs. STOP NERFING STUFF BEHIND OUR BACKS THANK YOU!!! Seriously you destroy all our trust with that and solve 0 problems the game has, and oh boy does it have alot of them.


- Stealthmultiplier wearing off once enemies notice you (makes 0 sense since you friggin cannot defend yourself against an invisible opponent no matter how you look at it).


- PVP contains catalyst and reactor rewards (seriously go ahead and name me ONE PVE oriented game that ever received any benefits from PVP implementation... I'm telling you right now, there isn't any.)


- More gamecrashes, lost loot, glitches, bugs than i could count and most of them havent ever been fixed. At least we got content right guys?


- Gameplay designed around finding the most efficient way to abuse a lootcave. YES im saying it now this is YOUR fault DE. I remember when we got double the xp we get right now from any mission untill you decided to half that presumingly to promote your affinity boosters and what not. This is not a decent buisinessmodell at all, because all you do is making your players suffer. Furthermore it is no excuse to argue that they lose out on money if people farm cores and credits because this is officially a beta, lame excuse imho but nontheless it is a beta.


- They introduced an AFK check which is utterly crap, prevents you from playing the game how it is designed atm (mesa cries everytime, nekros disapproves aswell etc.) and make no mistake, if their intention lies within removing ability spam then they did a pitiful job at it.


- After 2 years there is still no disable help button for trolling Limbos, Valkyrs, Lokis etc.


- Reconnect function is pointless if you lose all your loot on rejoining the mission. It is even worse that if you DC at wave 15 in a defence and then reconnect, you will start at rotation A again.


- Fusion cores. Seriously they make those rarer than diamonds nowadays. Orokin ceels in T4 missions as a damn reward instead of value stuff. Frost Prime has to go for new stuff because they wanna keep the S#&$ty items in the rewardtables so we have more mindless grinding on our heads, thats absolutely anti-consumer. They couldve removed orokin cells and forma blueprints from the higher tier missions and even out rotation A B C rewards cuz as of right now there are like 3 items in rotation A B and 8 in rotation C in a t4 survival (dont nail me on the numbers its just an example)


- Raids are a joke in terms of rewards. As in... there is no reward, literally all the arcanas are useless except maybe for the melee atk speed one but thats it.


- Augments are used to fix broken or useless abilities like nyx bolts instead of reworking or buffing the abilities, which costs modslots and is not the way to fix weak frames.


- Neural sensors are still only available on Jupiter, which is kind of a shame.


- The Simulacrum, although amazing for testing purposes, should have a button to enable corrosive projection, since thats a mandatory mod for any highlvl play that includes grineer or void. Also it shouldnt be max lvl 90 but 9999 since thats actually max lvl.


- Host/Client situation with Ash Bladestorm and Novas Antimatterdrop is still a mess. AMD doesnt do dmg when youre client and Ashs bladestorm also does less dmg than it should or randomly stops when you target eximus mobs. (I was able to kill a room of 20 lvl 90 corrupted bombards/heavy gunners/eximus healer etc. in the simulacrum but it didnt kill a lvl 40 eximus healer when i was client.)


Thats just from the top of my head, sry for the wall of text but I feel someone had to say those things out loud since these issues just drain the fun out of this game and Im sure I am not the only one feeling like this.

Edited by Natsu526
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But yeah.... They had 6 MONTHS! To do this....


Once again people forget the holidays. You lose a huge amount of time and momentum being out of the office for several weeks. U16 may have not met your expectations, but to say that it's been in the works for half a year is just false.

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stpid OP

, im a 2yrs + player of this game since CBT, and I saw how they develop this game ever since I play waframe that has only 2 tileset and the corpus share room with the grineer, and almsot 7 frames only by that time with only 8 DE members running it, and what I can say is this is the only game I saw who can add new content and very short period of time. they are the most improved game since CBT, so many updates and hot fix, if you count them, it will turn out to be 3 updates per week. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

what? you will play other games and then what? wait a freakin 2~3 months just to see 1 update with glitches and bugs theres always be, and every week you will see a regular maintenance that you cant log in and after the maint, nothing happens? wew.......

think very carefully tenno or just eat doritos LOL.

for DE I hope we can see a first 50 kill PVP mode. eith 5 sec immunity when your respawn :) and put away prime weapons out of pvp nextime ^^

Raid? we already finish it, I admit its fking hard when we first try it. but after searching some guide we finish it smooth. not that hard if you know what to do :) put some directional assistance voice from the lotus, so some folks wont be at panic during the gun fight.

our raid team consist of : Pro Trin, my friend booben LOL, banshee, loki , slownova , exca blind, limbo = mobs can hit you = perma stasis.

Edited by Rayzenfloss
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Where is this "6 month" time frame coming from? Its 5 months from U15: October 24th to March 22nd (today). That's only a few weeks longer than 4 months, which is the claim you made for how long it took other updates to come out. Mesa update came in November. That's 4 months. Not to mention the holidays that took up even more time for production.


Even then, the last content update we got was February 5th & came with the Stolen Dream quest, Akjagara, etc. That was last month? I don't get what the fuss is about. 


And it's quite clear they work on different things at the same time. They were working on Archwing for the entirety of a year. So, there's that. It's not like things released in updates are things they just started working on. 


This update came with several new tilesets, various npc's with full character models most of which have dialogue, new pvp mode, pvp balancing for said mode, several new UI's, a new quest, new frame, an entirely new concept in Raids (which arguably took the most work next to recreating & balancing pvp), new Arcane system, new Syndicate, Library Synthesis/ Sanctuary System, several weapons, ability to replay old & attempt new Rank-up tests, "Danger Room" Simulator, Grineer Manic, new mods, & more. Each of these things take varying lengths of time to program & code. 


Just sayin'. 


edit: typo

Edited by Rexlars
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