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Consequences For Killing A Synthesis Target


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Well DE could implement negative ranks with Cephalon Simaris just like any other syndicate, and make it so that killing the target would cost standing points (depending on the damage done by each player for example, or on whoever gave the killing blow...). Simaris would have death squads with no rewards to act as deterrent against such behavior.

That way players with no interest in synthesis could go on ignoring it but would be incited not to spoil it for other players. Players doing synthesis would still have the challenge of synthesizing without killing the target. Other players intent on killing the targets could still do it but would have to suffer a penalty: Simaris death squads. The death squads frequency could be adjusted by DE to something they feel right...


As a bonus I think it goes well with the story, because Simaris does not strike me as the forgiving sort.

Edited by Elyan
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I started killing one but when I noticed that everyone else was just studiously standing around it I stopped figuring it was something special, and this is coming from someone who does watch all the devstreams and knew that Simaris was a thing. Thing is, he doesn't actually talk to you or give you any warning until after you've joined his scanner club, so for all anyone who isn't already aware of him knows this is just a random blue enemy with a peculiar amount of health. 

As always, try actual communication before just assuming people are being jerks on purpose. If they keep doing it after you've rationally explained it just sigh, make a note not to play with that person again, and move on. A lot of the time people just don't know any better as the game can be a bit obscure in its' explanation of things. 


*EDIT - I've also been playing solo, had Simaris tell me the synthesis target is hanging out on this tileset, and still failed to notice the subtle blue aura and murdered it to death. I'm sure I've probably done this more times then I'm even aware because it's really easy to lose the synthesis target in the literal sea of enemies that I'm chopping through. 

Edited by Acos
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  • 4 months later...

You're not meant to kill them?


Maybe if the Lotus said something about not killing them, less people would kill them.


They got introduced with no in-game explanation, I'm still not sure what they are.


When I first found out about the synthesis targets I thought you had to kill them too, so I did and then Simaris got extremely upset and makes it clears you're NOT supposed to scan them.


You use your scanner and scan them several times and they disapoof and you get the credit and Simaris is happy.

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+1 OP. It's anti-coop, it's griefing, to kill the target. Player's who kill the target should get a radiation proc placed on their Tenno for the duration of the 0mission.

Not sure about a radiation proc on griefers, last time I had a rad proc I melee murdered a clanmate in an archwing mission. I vote bleed proc, if we are using status effects to punish trolls.

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Today I killed synthesis target, not knowing what it was. Then everybody else said that I am n00b. But I still don't know what it is, and why I should not kill it, even after reading this thread. :-)


Most cases I see of death synthesis targets boil down to this.


If it's anyone under MR 8, assume they didn't know. Anything above, they're either trolling or in a blood rage lol.


One solution would be to make the synthesis target visible and damageable only by people with a synthesis scanner in their gear. Would avoid killing by lack of knowledge at least.

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There really should be some kind of punishment for it. Exclusively for whoever last-hited synthesis target.

Otherwise nothing will stop them. Synthesis targets already take 99% less damage, but it seems to be not enough to stop people from killing it in 5-10 seconds

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There really should be some kind of punishment for it. Exclusively for whoever last-hited synthesis target.

Otherwise nothing will stop them. Synthesis targets already take 99% less damage, but it seems to be not enough to stop people from killing it in 5-10 seconds


And there it goes again for "punishing people". Really?


What next, punish me for not waiting for you to go look for all the Syndicate medallions? Go to extraction and not let you pick up a marked drop 10 tiles back? Killing the last enemy on a Defense mission and ending it before you had time to run around the entire map and pick up everything? Setting off an alarm in a 4 team Spy mission?


Did I leave anything out?


How about you get friends, or go Solo, and stop dictating what complete strangers in a random mission that probably lasts under 10 minutes can and cannot do.

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+1 OP.  It's anti-coop, it's griefing, to kill the target.  Player's who kill the target should get a radiation proc placed on their Tenno for the duration of the mission.

One could argue that it's anti coop to go after the target because someone could be in a hurry. If someone kills your target then maybe you should put it on private smart one. Or you could have a friend call you a wambulance lol.
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Punishing players is unreasonable, because synthesis scanning is an optional objective. Yeah, it stinks when a troll kills the target on purpose, or a new player does it by accident (which I think most of us have been guilty of at some point), but thats the price you pay for grouping with random people and having poor communication. Based on my experience, the players that are unaware of synthesis far outweighs the players that are trolling, so a penalty becomes especially unfair. It may not be the answer you want to hear, but going solo or running with people you know is really your best option.

The idea of having dedicated synthesis missions is imo a good one.

Also, ive found it helps if you don't wait until the target is in sight and go "Don't kill that guy!" Let the other players know at the beginning of the mission (especially if they are low MR), "Hey guys, there's gonna be a dude around here somewhere that's glowing blue and has a ton of hit points. If you see him, please don't kill him, he's part of a side mission I'm doing." I've had great success using this method. It also doubles as a way to introduce new players to synthesis, as they often start asking me questions about it.

The synthesis target should be invincible while trapped in the Kinetic Syphon Thingy

^This is an absolutely fantastic idea. +1 Edited by (XB1)ChantingSheep
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Hi Tenno,


For player perspective there is a good solution to this. 

Tenno Killing Synthesis Target are often Newbie ( no shaming here but they dont know that the target count for nothing except syntehsis yeah they can be high MR too) .

If you want a good advice newbie ( for the major part of them ) don't know how to backflip so just use limbo and RIFT THEM  MOUHAHAHAHHA!

For DE

There is multiple solutions but my favorite is this one : The synthesis target should be invincible while trapped in the Kinetic Syphon Thingy


Thanks Tenno i hope you will be able to synthesis more easely.

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For player perspective there is a good solution to this. 

Tenno Killing Synthesis Target are often Newbie ( no shaming here but they dont know that the target count for nothing except syntehsis yeah they can be high MR too) .

If you want a good advice newbie ( for the major part of them ) don't know how to backflip so just use limbo and RIFT THEM MOUHAHAHAHHA.

Better idea - rift the target. The newbie might be able to roll out of it, the target definitely can't.
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I think killing it should deduct Simaris standing from the killer equal to how much scanning it would have granted.

And a message from Simaris saying "I'm disappoint, son".


(Also, make it immune in the trap, like someone said before :P)

Edited by Rivy
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A scaling pentalty would teach noobs, and discourage griefing.

I see OP was written in March, which means people haven't learned anything in 6 months, or are hurting others' gameplay intentionally.

Can we finally get rid of this cancer?!

(No reason suggesting obvious workarounds, filling the thread with useless comments, when there's an easy solution.)

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In my opinion,

I think killing synthesis target should punishing the player who kill it.

If you want to argue that major of them are newbies and they don't know the synthesis target is.


It is the same as Stalker deathmark.

Do the newbies know the deathmark? NO.

And Stalker still stalks them? YES.


And then newbies got killed by Stalker and now they learnt what it is.


So punishing them by Simaris is same as get killed by Stalker in my opinion.

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