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What Happens When You Actually Put Together All The Current Lore In Warframe?


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here is how it goes


-orokin are attacked by the sentients

-sentients use the orokins technology against them

-the more the orokin use technology, the greater their losses, the orokin are beginning to lose the war

-orokin being to looking at more simple technology

-orokin being to create bioweapons

-orokin expirements were done using technocyte virus, leading to infestation

-orokin send "rejected ships" into the void, the ones that didnt make it becoming the derelict ships

-orokin perform their biochemical weapons expirements in the void, to achieve different results

-zariman ship is reported to be lost in the void

-families of the crew are notified of the death of crew

-kaleen is a scientist working onboard the zariman

-kaleen finds the ship, perfectly fine

-kaleen finds nothing but children onboard the ship, presumably infested

-kaleen breaks the quarantine to comfort the child, is injured in the process

-orokin perform more expirements with the children from the zamiran, with much success

-orokin build the warframes around the children recovered from void

-the children, become the tenno

-the tenno win the war for the orokin

-the tenno soon betray the orokin

-the tenno enter cryosleep

-the solar systems falls into disarray 

-the lotus wakes the tenno up without thier memories

-warframe's story begins


so, what does all of this mean really? what really happened? where is this all going?


ready to have your mind blown?



so, the orokin losing the war with the sentients, and are getting more and more desparate. they eventually begin an attempt to develop super soldiers using the technocyte virus, similar to the legendary hayden tenno himself. kaleen and davis, orokin scientists being their experiments. they are a complete failure. the test subjects reject the virus, lose their sanity and become extremely violent. the orokin scientists continue to experiment with little result. desperate, davis decides to perform a secret expirement. he performs a secret experiment in the void using the zariman. kaleen, eventually finds this ship, somehow, perfectly functional. the crew were gone, replaced by something different. children, hiding in the ship. and these children have been infected. however, infested or not, but they are still children. terrified and alone. kaleen breaks the quarantine protocol and goes to save them. she pays the price, and is scarred forever. she is not deterred, she is not scared, she is furious. she confronts her superiors. "why were these children there? they are innocent! what are you going to do with them?! was this your plan all along?!" she cannot believe they would go so far as using children, (infested or not) on this wicked experiment and their attempt to cover it up. they deny everything, and the children are taken away. kaleen knows whats going to happen next. she watches as the kids are taken away, and forced to endure wicked expirements. the subjects from the zariman are experimented on. they are much different mentally, due to either there young age, their surivival of the void, or more than likely both. their behavior is much less violent, the new subjects are finally controllable, the project is a huge success. these new creatures are given a name, tenno, in honor of the one that came before them. they are given fashioned suits like his, both to focus their power, and hide thier hideous form. they are trained with simple and ancient weapons. they grow into magnificent warriors, and become legends of the battlefield. they defeat the sentients and win the war for the orokin.


kaleen has seen the truth. the orokin are monsters who will stop at nothing to achieve power and control, and have defeated their greatest threat. the balance of power has shifted, but peace has been restored. yet at what price? what place did the tenno have in a time of peace? they were considered monsters, and incapable of living normal lives. they have had their humanity taken from them, and all they know is violence, they cannot rest. kaleen makes a decision, maybe she has been planning it for a long time, but the time to act is drawing near. it is time for this to end. she has watched these children grow into magnificent warriors, she watched them work so hard, but for what? they will give them their reward. she reveals the truth. your masters are not who they seem, they cannot protect you. the tenno recongize kaleen, she has been there all along, she was the one who saved them, she is the only one who accepts them. she will protect them like their parent couldnt, the tenno recongize their mother. "you've worked so hard, you've endured so much, im so proud. its time for your final task tenno, kill the ones who took everything from you, and then you will finally be able to rest". the orokin celebration is short lived, and quickly turns into a funeral. everyone is shocked, the tenno are labeled betrayers. but to kaleen, this matters not, she knows the truth, and these are her children. with their final task done, she puts them into cryosleep, so they may finally rest. she allies with celephon ordis, and uses him to wipe the tenno's memories, and he wipes his as well. now she has one final task. there will be a time where the galaxy once again needs the tenno, these forgotton warriors. kaleen becomes the lotus, to be there to wake us, to guide and protect all our future tenno, and restore balance to the solar system once more.



-kaleen finds infested children on the zariman, is injured in the process

-children are taken away and their existence denied.

-children are experimented on, eventually having the first (prime) warframes build around them,

-children are trained in the art of blade and gun, becoming the tenno. 

-the tenno win the war for the orokin

-kaleen convinces the tenno to kill the orokin, out of revenge

-kaleen puts the tenno into cryosleep

-kaleen uses ordis to wipe their memories, ordis proceeds to wipe his own

-kaleen becomes the lotus, to guide the tenno in the future


read the codex entries of ember, rhino prime, excalibur, and mag prime, in that order, then go back and listen or read all the dialogue from the quests, and it should suddenly make more sense. there is further evidence for this in the spoilers.


Bravo, DE you have made quite the gruesome and dark tale, quite inspiring.



what makes the zariman children so special, is that they are the only known survivors of the void, the only ship ever to come back, since they were sent to the void as children, and probably already infested at that point, they probably never even learned to speak, nor were they influenced by the infested hivemind, they may have even forgot how to speak due to from the trauma, but it also explains why the tenno never speak. it is also possible that the tenno themselves where actually born in the void, but that idea is much less likely. the exact time kaleen becomes the lotus is unclear, but its more than likely that she began to wear her headgear to cover up her scars, and also why the lotus is referred to as "eyeless" since kaleen does infact lose an eye to the child that would become ember prime. 


finally, the reason the tenno are called betrayers, is simply because most of the general orokin population were ignorant of the horrors the orokin had commited, especially the ones to the tenno. they still though of the orokin as benevolent leaders who and worshipped them. one of these fanatics would become the stalker. the ember codex entry proves that they knowingly covered up the information, and the use of neural sentries in the towers proves they also were capable of mind control, and more than likely used heavy brainwashing. 




warframe actually has a pretty great story behind it, its just extremely vague and not in order, so hopefully this acts as a reference to anyone who is confused.

Edited by HillsAndTheSea
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The kids on the Zariman (and they are kids, not just one kid) aren't infested. That comes later, with Rhino's Codex entry.


-zariman ship is reported to be lost in the void

-families of the crew are notified of the death of crew

-kaleen is a military investigator investigating the zariman

-kaleen finds the ship, perfectly fine

-kaleen finds children onboard the ship, "twisted" by the Void (really, endued with powers)

-kaleen breaks the quarantine to comfort the child, is burned in the process

-orokin put the Zariman kids in storage

-orokin are attacked by the sentients sometime later

-orokin technology is being turned against the orokin by the sentients. The more advanced the tech, the more it's used against them

-orokin take grineer clones and make soldiers out of them, but it is not enough

-orokin perform biochemical weapons (Technocyte) experiments

-orokin ships that are taken over by the infestation become derelict

-orokin take the Zariman children, now adults, out of storage and perform Technocyte experiments on them

-orokin build the warframes around the Zariman children

-Zariman children are given guns and blades, trained in martial arts, and are named "Tenno"

-the tenno are sent out to fight the sentients

-the tenno win the war for the orokin

-the tenno soon betray the orokin, the stalker bearing witness to this

-the tenno enter cryosleep

-the solar systems falls into disarray

-the lotus wakes the tenno up, the tenno having lost their memories as a result of cryosleep (the lotus has lost memories as well),

because the grineer are destroying tenno in their cryopods

-warframe's story begins

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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What I want to know is how Hayden Tenno factors into all of this. He is confirmed to be the first Tenno, but according to this lore the children in the Zariman became the first Tenno. Dark Sector is said to take place in a fictional country near Russia near the end of the Cold War, and I don't really see any Orokin battling sentients or children being sent to the void. How could an advanced civilization such as the Orokin be in a war with the presumably advanced sentients and there be no sign of it on Earth other than the technocyte virus itself? Dark Sector does not explain were the virus itself comes from, but clearly Hayden Tenno was not left in the void as a child to become the first Tenno.

Edited by Shadowray
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This is actually pretty genius. Perhaps this is also why Lotus covers up her eye - to cover up the burn that "child Ember" gave her?

She is not Kaleen, as Kaleen got her mouth burned in the process. If Orokins had technology that could repair heavy burns, she would have her eyes repaired also.



Lotus predates Tenno, she might even be old as Orokin Empire.

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The role played by the infested in the lore of Warframe, especially during the Orokin era, has not been specified yet. There is very little we currently know. It is also not stated in Ember Prime's codex entry that the children are infested. Please, do not make up stuff like this.


You summon Morec0 ofcourse.

Why is he suddenly the guru on lore? Other people know their stuff too. >.>

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The kids on the Zariman (and they are kids, not just one kid) aren't infested. That comes later, with Rhino's Codex entry.


they certainly are. ember's prime codex entry states:


and that is when you violated procedure?

so you broke quarantine and this happened you?


meaning she was well aware of the child being infested, and still went in to comfort her because she was afraid.

Edited by HillsAndTheSea
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Why is he suddenly the guru on lore? Other people know their stuff too. >.>

He is not the Guru of Lore, he Shogun of Conspiracies as i call him.



No thread with a bit lore talk can pass his allseeing gaze.



He just talks about lore, wherever he can

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I asked server if the tenno betrayed the orokin and he said there was no evidence of that. I personally think that is what the lore implies and don't know if server has any direct knowledge of the lore. He answers other lore related questions often and seems to be in the know.



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He is not the Guru of Lore, he Shogun of Conspiracies as i call him.



No thread with a bit lore talk can pass his allseeing gaze.



He just talks about lore, wherever he can

Interesting. That must be why I have seen him linking lore to other threads so that he can come up with some conspiracy or such.

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What I want to know is how Hayden Tenno factors into all of this. He is confirmed to be the first Tenno, but according to this lore the children in the Zariman became the first Tenno. Dark Sector is said to take place in a fictional country near Russia near the end of the Cold War, and I don't really see any Orokin battling sentients or children being sent to the void. How could an advanced civilization such as the Orokin be in a war with the presumably advanced sentients and there be no sign of it on Earth other than the technocyte virus itself? Dark Sector does not explain were the virus itself comes from, but clearly Hayden Tenno was not left in the void as a child to become the first Tenno.

Time flys by fast, very fast, hayden was the first tenno, but not the first official recorded tenno in the eyes of orokin/cephalon equvialents of librarians or wikipedia contributors. The Technocyte started at that time, and then ripped life on Earth a new one, potentially almost all life, all knowladge of the mean time until the Orokin is unknown, it could be a hundred years after, a thousand, 40 thousand, WE DON'T KNOW, all Dark Sector shows was the birth of the technocyte and the First unrecorded tenno.

Edited by Incrodon
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I don't agree with any of this.

Mostly because the lotus can be anything but a smooth talker, and she convinced all of us with the exception of the stalker to kill the people that trained us a taught us the old code? nah.

She doesn't have that much power nor resources to do all of that.

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You summon Morec0 ofcourse.


I am Loreframe incarnate.


But, really, everything there is to say Antoine basically covered. There's currently nothing to suggest that "the ones from the Zariman" themselves are Infested, and I think that's a reservation that is made for the Warframes themselves - though less "infested" in the zombie-sense and more constructed of the Technocyte virus.


Kaleen as the Lotus is also something that crossed my mind, but given her lack of of facial burning - because her face, lips included, was RUINED beyond anything else her little mask could cover - I have my doubts. I currently associate her more with the Guardians myself, linking Teshin's familiarity, the Conclave to the Old Ways, and Stalker's talk of the Guardians as a separate, lesser group to Teshin's talk of him and whoever else "we" is in relation to him that "failed" the Orokin when "that new evil" (most likely Sentients) came.


they certainly are. ember's prime codex entry states:


and that is when you violated procedure?


so you broke quarantine and this happened you?


meaning she was well aware of the child being infested, and still went in to comfort her because she was afraid.


Infestation doesn't burn. Ember's powers could burn, but as we've established the Warframe powers come from... well, the Warframes. The Tenno are more of a energy source that supercharges them to the point of godlihood. The fact that Davis introduces them to the narrator as "the ones from the Zariman" rather than, say, "the others from the Zariman" - which would have implied, even if he didn't know it, that the narrator would have had some contact with them before before, but since Davis has to introduce them as though they were an entirely new element I think it is safe to say that Davis' little "Rhino" project was something else entirely.


The logical association, as I see it, is that Kaleen was burned by exposure to radiation, which would fit with Vor's statement of the Tenno being "energy" - now, that doesn't mean we're energy beings, only that we're positively BRIMMING with the stuff. Vor spoke in metaphor, but the separation of the Tenno having energy and the Warframes shaping that energy into various forms can't be ignored. Hell, the mechanics of us picking up energy show us exactly what Warframes can do with it as it is.


And consider the name of Aura Mod that passively gives the Warframe Energy over time - Energy Siphon. Siphoning from where? From the Tenno!


Interesting. That must be why I have seen him linking lore to other threads so that he can come up with some conspiracy or such.


He is not the Guru of Lore, he Shogun of Conspiracies as i call him.



No thread with a bit lore talk can pass his allseeing gaze.



He just talks about lore, wherever he can


I'm still attempting to figure out if I'm loved or reviled, in all honesty.


Let's call him together :




This. Use this gif whenever people talk about "summoning" me from now on.

Edited by Morec0
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