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What Frame Do You Feel Uncomfortable Without?

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I can only come at this as a purely solo player but for me when the chips are down I'll take Loki.


Nova is a close second though..

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Oh wait.. Mesa?

No wait please.. Trinity maybe..

I'm not sure.. I love them all and I have survived most of the game without having to depend on a particular frame.

I wish I could add to this discussion.

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When in a high stake mission, what frame do you absolutely want by your side? So much so, that it makes you uneasy when they aren't present. 


For me it's Trinity. The constant supply of Health and Energy is very reassuring in difficult missions. 

I've never felt comfortable in this game.

I never had Excalibur Prime.


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I think almost everyone can agree that trinity is always a welcome frame. I main Frost, so ultimately it depends on the mission, so Ill try to give my list

Survival: Nekros or Hydroid, always afraid of losing life support

Rescue: Ash, when you get to the target, a bladestorm ash is always a preference of mine to have

Defense and Excavation: Frost, bubble up

Hijack: Mag or Trin, either works

For me, all other mission types, i dont feel uneasy with any team, most a preference of auras that matter to me

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You need to defend multiple spots far away from each other. You better brought another teammate? no! tesla

You're stuck? game over? no! vauban bounce pads.

You're beeing downed, enemies everywhere. no option to get revived? no! bastilles everywhere.

A lot of enemies. You need to reload soon and almost out of ammo. Game over? no! vortex + melee finisher to kill them all.


vote for booban!!!

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I don't know really. It more depends on player alongside of you.


Some missions need a good Frost or Trinity, to feel safe. It just have to be good Frost and really good Trinity, i actually prefer to take this role myself, just in case.


As for recent events, I was really-really surprised to see PUG Valkyr staying in the middle of the environmental hazard gas cloud reviving my trusty Kubrow. Thanks a lot, I would be glad to see such a teammate in my squad any time.

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Honestly I used to (and still do) depend on my Rhino (now a Prime) a lot. Iron Skin has almost never failed me, even if I know he's not great for higher end content. 

Though I do depend on him for most general mission types I almost never go into a Defense or Excavation without my Frost (bubble ftw). and I'm honestly not comfortable with my Spy skills without using a Loki. 

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I suppose when it come to Defense it's nice to have a Frost by your side so you don't have to worry about the Pod getting sniped from across the map, but otherwise I can't of any mission where I feel any particular frame is absolutely necessary to have. Trinity is great to have around in general and Nekros is nice for Survival, but I've seen teams manage without them.

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