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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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dev streams are fun, id rather watch cnn and read the resumes in the forum if they became all seriousness, and they gave more than enough information for a system that is not yet designed, they sure made a joke about it for like 2 minutes, but thats all, at least focus on the mission randomness

Edited by rockscl
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Indeed. This is why the group of people I play with, myself included, have really only been playing for events and other exclusives. We've been waiting for two years to see the game grow a bit of substance, and we've seen far too many solid community ideas get completely ignored, far too many important issues go unmentioned in favor of stirring up community hype, and far too many interesting ideas turn into hollow shells when they proved to be a bit of work to flesh out. 


It's disheartening.

The one positive I'm going to take from this is that they're willing to deal with community anger and make changes in the face of it. As long as those changes work out for the better, I'm fine with it. But given DE's track record, I worry that their newfound boldness won't do anything to improve the game, but only make questionable choices and ignore our feedback on them.

I really hope I look silly in a couple months when the new starchart comes out, and that it provides a vast improvement for old and new players. But I can't say I'm optimistic.

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This is nothing but an attempt to break people from farming period.


With everything being nearly alert based, the game becomes a lot smaller and it will SUFFER for it.

What I do I know is, DE won't be changing the boss nodes and to a certain extent DS nodes.

But what does that entail me ?


For example, I want to farm Neural sensors. I am only given an extermination mission, which I have to run over and over again. That gives me only 4 choices for maps to farm neural sensors.

Of which 2 are DS which is bound by the whims of a rail owner. 

1 is a repeated boring boss fight and the last node, a random mission that you may or may not like.



Does this even sound like variety to you ?

I can't even take a break from the scenery and choose a different map except this 4.

Edited by fatpig84
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dev streams are fun, id rather watch cnn and read the resumes in the forum if they became all seriousness, and they gave more than enough information for a system that is not yet designed, they sure made a joke about it for like 2 minutes, but thats all, at least focus on the mission randomness

No one is saying "Be 100% serious all the time", What people are saying is @(*()$ ANSWER THE QUESTIONS DE. Talk about the changes, not just the inside joke. It shouldn't be jokes and maybe stuff about the game, it should be jokes AND the game (or rather, the game WITH jokes on the stream)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Only time will tell if it's a big mistake or a step in the right direction.

You should relax OP and enjoy the vast star chart while it lasts.

Also next time use paragraphs, i don't mind going page by page but next time do a TL;DR.

Edited by Hisophonic
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All I know is my choice is being taken away,


Sometimes I like outer terminus, sometimes I like Narcissus. 

Sometimes I like Kistes, other times I like Kappa. Or even Helene !


I will miss my choice.

I understand having too many repeated nodes dilutes the playerbase.

So why can't we just have 1 of each mission type per planet ?

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This is the most ridiculous thing I saw today.


Boredom will happen no matter what and limiting what we can do is just plain stupid. Give people a reason to come back? Are you even remotely serious? How the heck a system like this supposed to attract players or even keep them? Draco is farmed like that because the time/reward ratio is good. How the freaking hell does that promote trading in any way?


Seriously i'm tired of people who accept any crap that is given to them. I can't believe that some people enjoy another layer of RNG, it's really sickening. At this point I feel like some players would still enjoy the game if the frames they could use was decided by RNG too.


I disagree with you, you don't need to complain that much over a different opinion, i simply believe they are expanding the  void and the void trader conceps and bring them to the actual game.

They made void trader rotate things so you always have a reason to return to him, that concept will be inserted into regular missions.

Void has rewards, so why not make them avaiable in regular missions aswell?


Promotes trading because just like void trader stuff, you can only get certain things at a certain time, so if you want things now then you need to trade for them, if you don't want to then you can simply wait a week.

Considering for how long players play the game, waiting a week or 2 is hardly a problem, especially when hunting for everything will take sort of the same time as if you had everything available to begin with.


Choices will be limited? yes

But for me that ain't a problem, that's my opinion, i don't need anyone to think for me nor to say what they thing everyopne should say, i like the change, period.


Players are trading mara detron, primed mods and old event mods from void trader because he ain't selling them anymore, here it's the exact same thing, but the amount of stuf available will be bigger and the rotations will be faster, those wanting to rush all the weapons will have to trade for them or wait for a rotation that has them.

That simple.


As for boredom, even if you hunt the exact same item twice it will likely be on 2 different missions, i don't know about you, but i believe hunting the same prime item in the exact same mission, on the same tileset, against the same faction over and over might be more boring than (in the case of 2 rotations) 2 factions, 2 tilesets, 2 mission objectives.

I like the variety.

Everyday will be a new day


"it took me 2 weeks to get all the parts for the weapon i wanted"

Oh the drama of waiting so long....

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I am rather unhappy with the explanation they offered. I'm hoping they just weren't making themselves clear and I'm glad these changes are still up in the air.


Two things the player should always be able to choose no matter what:


-mission type



If there was one of each mission type on each planet that would be fine by me. But if players aren't able to choose those two things, then we start having problems.

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So why can't we just have 1 of each mission type per planet ?

Even not so much. Because some types of missions are dependent on tile sets/factions. Survival/Deception on "Ships" and  Excawation on "Planet", Hive infested...


lets take an imaginary night i get home from work and have maybe 2 hours to play before i go to bed, so i can get up and do it again the next day.


in the current system i like survival the best, so i can come home and play a few survivals and have some fun. 

I play like this^^.

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was it really DE that thought of this?


Yes, it was. The blame rests squarely on their shoulders, and we need to remember that. Nobody makes these decisions for them. Direct your feedback to the people actually making the changes.

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This sounds more like one of the billion random chinese MMOs


For that we need Vitality system^^.

If someone does not know what this [...] is. This thing limits the amount of "mission/run" that can be done in one day.

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For that we need Vitality system^^.

If someone does not know what this [...] is. This thing limits the amount of "mission/run" that can be done in one day.

gods, & I thought things couldn't be worse...

don't scare us any further man


I would wait for more intel about the upcoming changes before raging, we don't know enough to really decide

but I think the majority agrees that not letting us choose our mission would be the worse decision DE could make

time limited mission types also isn't a good idea for casual & new players would probably be hugely penalized


& yes, I hadn't talked about it in my 1st post in this thread, but I feel disappointed by the dev team on the stream.

we're not asking for CNN style news but when the devs drop that kind of bomb about the game's future, goofing instead of answering player's concerns suggests an unhealthy attitude toward the player base.

following the game since the beginning of the open beta, I won't talk of disrespect toward us but ...

Edited by manub
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When I first came to Warframe back in March of 2013, I came as someone who was not much into staying with the same game very long much less a online came, I considered myself by nature a casual player. What made me stay was not only the amazing 3rd person graphics, but the choices I was able to make of how I wanted to play, solo or public or with personal friends and even what kind of mission whether it be a Exterminate mission, Defense mission and when I really felt up for it maybe a Spy or Capture mission. It was always my choice of how I wanted to have "Fun". I even developed a system of ranking weapons and Warframes by the types of missions I would play as I'm sure many of you have as well. I'm sure as a community there are some nodes that are less played than others, for me it's Hijack missions which I never play unless an event forces me to, but that choice is still there for me to make. I can understand even getting rid of redundant nodes but to pretty much obliterate any choice a player has of what he wants to play I think is going a bit far and running the risk of having players already bored of even playing less because the current cycle is not something they want to play. As someone said earlier is adding RNG on top of RNG. In my opinion I really think it would be DE's best interest to fully explain how this going from what we have now to 20 nodes is going to work so that way we can give more detailed feedback on it. As from the limited information I have heard I don't think it will be something I will want to continue playing.

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That's not a great example, considering how few nodes there are for farming neural sensors at the moment.


At any rate, why wouldn't DE change boss nodes? And especially why wouldn't they rework DS nodes, considering that the whole DS system has been essentially put on pause while they gin up an entirely new one?

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@manub I completely agree with you about not having to be CNN but at least show some type of professionalism at least towards the person trying to moderate the stream. In fact I sent a PM to Rebecca telling her how upset I was that she was being interrupted and things were just getting out of hand. 

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