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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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Could someone summarize what de is planning to do that might have lead to this topic?

*been out for a month*

Well DE is planning to reduce the star chart from 254 nodes to 20 nodes only and therefore players can't choose what specific mission type they want to play or what type of  faction or tile set they will play in. It will all be based on RNG rotation system similar to alerts if you get lucky and the mission type you want to play is on rotation for that day then good for you if not then well try again.

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New Starchart
• Hoping to appear in U17
• 300 nodes are being condensed to 20 nodes
• There may be time-based instances, such as Vor appearing temporarily, dropping different things each time
• Similar to Alerts, but hopefully not something that punishes players for sleeping
There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall
• Re-viewing player made quests again and designing the starchart so that these will be able to fit into it; hopefully this will be the answer to players that resent the removal of choice


This is a god awful idea.

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This is a god awful idea.

Keywords here There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall


If that is not a reason for concern then what is right? I mean with all the changes no matter how minor or major they are at least they added more options this is doing the exact opposite.

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The difference is that it involves money, a large as hell playerbase, possibly Nexus Mods (SkyUI is supposedly becoming a paid mod), and things that SHOULD be free, becoming just the opposite of that.

Nobody wants to give money to these greedy suits, and it's justified. We've had free mods forever, you start making us pay for them, you're just getting laughed at and spit on. Steam has been handling the comments, constructive or otherwise, or just comments like - "Well, won't this make people angry?" rather poorly, by distending community priveleges for set amounts of time. I know this because my friend did just that exact comment, followed by an actual harmless suggestion.

Next thing you know, community priveleges banned for a week.

They all know just how severe the consequences are, how angry everyone is, but do they do anything? No. They just ignore the community that they run on, and continue to try pushing this so they can further steal money from people. Do you know how much the developer of the mods supposedly get from sales? 10%. I've heard they'll only get 5-10% of the actual profits, and the companies gets the rest.

I can't even bother to think about Bethesda and Valve right now.

I hate suits.

You are aware that paid mods is no longer a thing thanks to the community, right? Valve took that whole thing down. 

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My main concern is that we are going to end up with 20 nodes, each with a "themed" tileset (and resources), that will cycle mission types + all of the boss nodes will vanish and turn into craftable keys.


And my bigger concern is that it's going to end up with something similar to the current model of the Mission system from "Skyforge" (a MMO that's currently in closed beta, see the image for reference)



Now in Skyforge, the available mission nodes/instances and their Rewards cycle every 40 minutes.

Granted this has a bigger impact in Skyforge since the mission rewards are usually the currency you need to progress in your skill-tree (there is no XP/Levels per say), so compared to Warframe where you do have Affinity and levels on your Frames/gear, it's a bigger issue in Skyforge.


But if the new starchart will work in a similar fashion, then you could end up with not having anything that you "need" or want to do, on the available nodes when you login, and that's a pretty big nono. If I log in I mean to play the game, not sit around and wait for the nodes to cycle to something that I need/want them to be on.


Oh well, DE needs to give us more info and be way more open and transparent about the process of re-designing the starchart, than they usually are with stuff, so that we can give our feedback before it's even done.

Edited by Farris
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The only things I'm worried about are:


1) There will still be low level missions where people are able to level up their new gear? Or should all of us be forced to leech in Dark Sectors to do so?


2) There will be at least 1 mission type per planet? Will we be able to chose what kind of mission we want to play and where? Or will we be forced to play alert-style (a.k.a. everything casual)?

3) How will the new star chart influence the drop table? Because you know, if they just change everything into a big alert system, how will people be able to farm what they want? For example, what about if I want to farm Leech Ospreys, or Bombards, or Arid Seekers to obtain mods/drops/resources and not able to do so because that day there are no missions where these units spawn?
If it will just be a casual missions system RNG will really F*** up, and it will become a real pain to farm even common drops, because we have hundreds of drops/mods from hundreds of different units that generally spawn ONLY in particular tilesets or missions. 


That's the sense of speaking about the new star chart. Maybe Devs didn't figured it out, so we have to remember them these things. Do you read Devs? PAY ATTENTION to these things.

Edited by Latronico
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At the moment it feels like this is a step in the right direction, but way too far. The starchart really needs a cleaning, both the number of nodes and the aesthetic. Whether or not 20 (!) nodes give enough freedom of choice is very debatable. When Rebecca raised the concern of player freedom the answer left me very worried; not like the alerts, but a little bit like that (ie. the alerts). The alert system is already insanely unpopular (Vauban anyone?) and shouldn't even be a possibility. Of course, if the alert system was changed (or as Steve said the nodes will be (kind of) different) then I'd be much more relaxed. 

Even though I'm worried I'll wait for DE to actually come out with something concrete before sheltering for the apocalypse.

The old starchart was the best Warframe ever had, but since the game has so much more content today I can understand why just changing back isn't going to work. At the moment, it just feels like this was a (couple of) step(s) too far.


It's quite assuring that it looks like there'll be a way to bypass some of the RNG by 'building' a specific node in your foundry. However, I think it's going to be a very tough sell for current players, since we don't have to pay anything to go to any node we want to. Although all veterans have common resources coming out our ears, it doesn't mean we like to be "forced" (indirectly) to use them.


Making every node relevant is a very noble goal and it's something Warframe really needs. Whether 20 nodes are enough and how they'll function is the next step. Until DE comes out with it (or a discussion/ workshop post) I'll just stay calmly worried.       

Edited by aavvdkdk
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Chill out guys. With the release of *this and* Warframe in China DE will have finally realized their dream of developing an Asian grind MMO. 

I kid. Though if this isn't a smooth new iteration do you think they'll roll it back?



Edited by Moomabo
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Calm down Dave. It's a huge change, it can be dangerous, but staying cold-blooded is better to analyze the situation clearly...


I'm as worried as you : if they mess it up that would let a good amount of people with a taste of disgust BUT they could also come out with something interesting,whether they listen to us or not...


I hope they read our feedbacks though : I'll never fully count on RNG to do my usual Saturn Spy,just to see it replaced by an interception mission...

Edited by unknow99
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The only things I'm worried about are:


1) There will still be low level missions where people are able to level up their new gear? Or should all of us be forced to leech in Dark Sectors to do so?

I'd assume, or at least hope, that they're going to do something clever like level the mission based on cell conclave.  With more people per node their match maker should have an easier time grouping people by conclave, and let playing alone still be a reasonable option. 

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"players will leave if you remove ability mod!"

"players will leave if you nerf xxx!"

"players will leave if you remove xxx!"


Yeah people keep making this thread whenever big changes happens. If huge ammount of players actually leaving whenever DE implement big changes, warframe would've been dead many updates ago. But the simple fact is, the change happened but warframe still going strong.

Hey that's a big change man. No need to make a doomsday thread but it's a biiig change.


If you want to play, what do you do? You select a mission. :p


If selecting a mission is easy & match your desire, you'll select more missions (if the missions are also well made)


Else if this crucial first step is badly designed, you'll try one,two miss- "Oh Ruk it, I had enough of Warframe for today..."

Edited by unknow99
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At the moment it feels like this is a step in the right direction, but way too far. The starchart really needs a cleaning, both the number of nodes and the aesthetic. Whether or not 20 (!) nodes give enough freedom of choice is very debatable. When Rebecca raised the concern of player freedom the answer left me very worried; not like the alerts, but a little bit like that (ie. the alerts). The alert system is already insanely unpopular (Vauban anyone?) and shouldn't even be a possibility. Of course, if the alert system was changed (or as Steve said the nodes will be (kind of) different) then I'd be much more relaxed. 

Even though I'm worried I'll wait for DE to actually come out with something concrete before sheltering for the apocalypse.

The old starchart was the best Warframe ever had, but since the game has so much more content today I can understand why just changing back isn't going to work. At the moment, it just feels like this was a (couple of) step(s) too far.


It's quite assuring that it looks like there'll be a way to bypass some of the RNG by 'building' a specific node in your foundry. However, I think it's going to be a very tough sell for current players, since we don't have to pay anything to go to any node we want to. Although all veterans have common resources coming out our ears, it doesn't mean we like to be "forced" (indirectly) to use them.


Making every node relevant is a very noble goal and it's something Warframe really needs. Whether 20 nodes are enough and how they'll function the next step. Until DE comes out with it (or a discussion/ workshop post) I'll just stay calmly worried.       

Yes "way too far is" subtle"way to describe this questionable and very drastic change that may or may not happen according to we perceived it to occur still doesn't change the fact that in itself its something we should be wary of.

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Calm down Dave. It's a huge change, it can be dangerous, but staying cold-blooded is better to analyze the situation clearly...


I'm as worried as you : if they mess it up that would let a good amount of people with a taste of disgust BUT they could also come out with something interesting,whether they listen to us or not...


I hope they read our feedbacks though : I'll never fully count on RNG to do my usual Saturn Spy,just to see it replaced by an interception mission...

Thanks man I drank my KOOL AID now lol. So yes for the time being I'm going to try to calmly wait and see how things will turn out.

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Thanks man I drank my KOOL AID now lol. So yes for the time being I'm going to try to calmly wait and see how things will turn out.

You're welcome man, let's hope they can come up with something as good as the old solar map...


It's such a >>>>>>HARDCORE<<<<<< change,they need to show a prototype and at least show it to the Design Council for criticism, if they want to get it right in one go!


I'm wondering what stuff they managed to do correctly in one try... :p

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You're welcome man, let's hope they can come up with something as good as the old solar map...


It's such a >>>>>>HARDCORE<<<<<< change,they need to show a prototype and at least show it to the Design Council for criticism, if they want to get it right in one go!


I'm wondering what stuff they managed to do correctly in one try... :p

HAHAHAH how could I have missed that yes so HARDCORE DE is with their changes lol. Agreed its just that with this change a lot more is at stake so yes lets hope by some miracle that unlike the other changes this one will turn out the way we least expected it in a good way proving that not all changes have to be met with pitch forks and rage threads on the day of release because of badly designed systems and unfinished or untested mechanics. So yes I'd like to choose not to believe in the common trend when it comes to new additions with this major change and maybe DE can surprise us by doing something we will all/majority appreciate and not dislike but that will only happen if they let us retain some freedom of choice and not completely take it away from  us.

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Seems like a direct attack on farming as a whole. Can't really go to your favorite defense to get neural sensors if you have to randomly get it. Also can't build for specific missions which makes everyone run vanilla builds to compensate.

The lattice style star chart was simple and effective, this is a case of breaking something then breaking the broken thing further.

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I'd like this idea where it could rotate...

DE has always told us things different from what they where...

Never have I been so salty...

Stances : Ended up every weapon being in a stance... (being Global like we thought.)

Prime gear : Baro ki Tier, does not really trade for OTHER Primes, he just sells what he wants from his own Rotation(how 2 find Jolt in void plis).

More Bosses like jackal : We got bosses with invulnerability states, not tricky and mindful bosses with a hard strategy.(Lephantis, same strategy x2 or Sargas Ruk)


So, My hopes for this might die again... But one can only hope.


Mercury : Morphics.
Rotation (3 items).
Neural Sensors, Ferrite, Rubedo.

Meaning, Mercury will ALWAYS have morphics. The other loot will just rotate in.



20 nodes? I think he means. 12 nods of normal missions, 2 for alerts, 2 for voids, 2 Nightmare,  1 for specials, 1 for assassination(or irregular stuff).

As of now, we have 13 nodes AT LEAST for every single planet.(some others have 20, 30 +)



Bosses will stay in their planets(as of being the one who drop resources in certain areas). To make stable tiers, who is low lv and who is high.



Hopefully the star chart is revisited again, because Invasion missions take too long and are too inefective(Run this mission 5 times, could be a 5 minute survival, or 10 wave Def, or a 5 minute MD). <- which are a huge pain.


Then if the nodes come to progressing where we won't have choices like "waiting" missions such as Survival, Mobile Defence and Defence itself or even Interception. These missions should be separated from the rest since there are Waiting missions and Action missions, which means that what everybody feared was something that not many people liked. Which is why sometimes I mention or moons. Which it should be left to a minimum and have more interesting things go in Sabotage mission and Deception than just delivering a data-mass or just doing a simple task. We also have... THE ARCHWING.

^will these nodes be transferred to? Or will it be used for Hybrid missions?

That's all I think...

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