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You Know... We May Have Just Destroyed A Possible Weapon Against The Sentients...


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Alad's an opportunist and a profiteer; if he thinks he can sell mutalist technocyte to fight the Sentients I couldn't be surprised. We've however gained a favor from possibly the most brilliant arms designer in the system. Alad has at least partially decoded Warframes, making him incredibly dangerous, and equally useful.

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Right turn the space zombie virus stuff into a bioweapon because there is obviously nothing that could possibly go wrong there.

Sentients are weak to bullets, blades and Tenno powers, we don't need anything more.

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No, certainly not, the disease is still there, but lore-wise it's heavily curbed, which likely means (as future developments go) it might not play a huge role - well, J3 will still likely mutate, but really that's just been something waitin' to happen since the moment those Corpus ships started growing innards.


Eris will likely remain as "stay the HELL outta there" zone, so it doesn't stop it there... but spreading throughout Origin? THAT might be slowed/halted.


I am curious to see how J3 Golem is handled. Will they retcon him into super beast or is his previous incarnation canon?

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What if Alad V tries to "cure" the Tenno. Temporarily or permanently trying to take away the effects of T-Virus+void which formed the basis of the Tenno's "supernatural" abilities.


Technically, it is still a "cure".  so 5alad5 won't be lying.

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What if Alad V tries to "cure" the Tenno. Temporarily or permanently trying to take away the effects of T-Virus+void which formed the basis of the Tenno's "supernatural" abilities.


Technically, it is still a "cure".  so 5alad5 won't be lying.


Making too many assumption about how the Tenno work. They where afflicted by the void energy, not necessarily the TC virus. Though, elements of the TC probably make up some of the Warframe, and that makes the void and TC virus possibly related in some fashion. If anything it might mean that Alad V or Tyl Regor could make a Warframe killing super weapon.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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Hey remember when the Orokin used the infested against the Sentients and it did literally nothing but back fire? But if we had kept the mutalist infested not only would we have gotten the same result, but the Sentients could then control the technology in the mutalist infested, making it even worse.

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The reason why the Orokin released the Tenno was due to........



1) Their Grineer failed.

2) Their mooks failed (rank and file joe with Percussion rifles and 0 tech suits).

3) The Infestation failed and preferred eating organics instead,

4) Sentients take over their advanced tech.


Honestly I doubt the infested can even do anything at all.

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What if Alad V tries to "cure" the Tenno. Temporarily or permanently trying to take away the effects of T-Virus+void which formed the basis of the Tenno's "supernatural" abilities.


Technically, it is still a "cure".  so 5alad5 won't be lying.


There is nothing to suggest that the technocyte virus has anything to do with the Tenno. 


It _may_ be part of the constructions of the Warframes (seemingly from what the devs have said all forma-based technology is based on material from the Virus) but that in no we required or implies that the Tenno are infected or that their powers in any way rely on anything other than their Void exposure, which in turn seems to be completely unrelated to the infestation.

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You know, it hit me. What was it Alad V was infused with? Regular Infestation? Was he "Infested" Alad?


No. No he was MUTALIST Alad. A very SPECIAL brand of Infestation, his own little mix. And, as with most disease, there is not "cure all" for them, only treatments and cures for them individually.


So, what we just helped save Alad from and cure was the Mutalist Infestation - one that.. so far hasn't really been seen to infect anything other than machines 


Alad V has visible infection across the left half of his body including his "control colar" so either the "Mutalist Strain" can infect both machinery and Organics or Alad was infected by both regular and Mutalist Strains.


That said, the Infestation-as-a-faction does not differentiate between Mutalist vs regular Infested. regardless of the location. (Orokin Derelicts) the whole range of troop units are present. Leading me to believe that the entire infestation is now the mutalist strain. Though you could make the point that existing Derelicts have not been deformed in the manner of the more recently infected Corpus ships.


Simply put the mulatist strain is still prevalent and an issue. Alad's flesh is infected with something (hence it can infect at least some flesh) so a cure is a worthwhile endevour.


Even if it ends up being something with limited application, it is a start.

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I am curious to see how J3 Golem is handled. Will they retcon him into super beast or is his previous incarnation canon?


Generally, it's going to have always been this newer thing - that's just sort of how these boss updates from their placeholders are handled, imo.



Alad V has visible infection across the left half of his body including his "control colar" so either the "Mutalist Strain" can infect both machinery and Organics or Alad was infected by both regular and Mutalist Strains.


Yeah, sorry, sorry, I was half-asleep when I was writing this, that was a stupid line. I'll fix it.

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If Alad could infest his robotics once, wouldn't he still retain the knowledge of how to "use" the mutalist disease?


Maybe... but would a man who nearly died of radiation want to go back to working in a nuclear power plant?

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Considering how the Infested evolve from absorbing things, DE could just say it grew into the new one.


Given the fact that Alad pretty much unleashed the Infestationt (and the original golem) once before to cover his tracks, there IS the precedent for him  being responsible for the creation of the new one... But generally I think it will just be a case of "Alad made this" and the first is never mentioned/never happened.

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Wasn't the infestation already interacting with grineer armor and corpus helmets and stuff? I don't really see it as a new thing.


It was growing around it, warp it a little from the likes of pressure, but it never really had the ability to grow into and morph together with metal before Alad got his hands on it.


Wouldn't the infestation still retain at least some of the knowledge that Alad V used to create the mutalists? 


That would depend on if the Infestation was... I don't want to say sentient or intelligent, but I will say "clever". They act on instincts for the most part, driven by hunger and the desire to spread, they can't really plan or strategize or alter itself in any way aside from natural mutations - that's why Alad was such a threat, because (for however much longer he had before he was consumed fully by the Hivemind.


People talk about like "Gravemind" and "Overmind" things for the Infestation, but I've never seen it, even the largest and most ancient of the creatures - Lephantis - has only ever really seemed to be a hyper-evolved Infested beast. J3 may show us more, but I'm not expecting any massive revelations as to the Infested mind from it.



Something something something get back on the horse.

Eh, maybe I'm just too self-preservation minded.
Edited by Morec0
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