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New Valkyr Skin


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Am I sure that different people will feel differently about how something looks? Absolutely.

For example: Some folks will look at excalibur's design and feel he is "boring and uninteresting" while others will look at him and feel he looks "streamlined and sleek" Some folks will see Zephyr as "busy and over complicated" while others will feel she has "texture and character".

If here one thing I am absolutely sure of is that people will differently about stuff.


I'm not going to say that you're taste is any more right or wrong than mine.

That's kind of the point. It's taste.


When I look at the current Valkyr I see a warframe that has had a layer peeled and they are in the process of peeling off another.

I see a shackles around her wrists and ankles. I see a collar. And a face that has been torn apart. Broken face of a broken soul....yes.

But I don't see a devil. And I see someone who was tortured and messed with by corpus..not an actual creation of the corpus.


I see the cat, I don't see a devil though I see how the tail with that extra little shape on the end could give that off.

And I find the concept art to showcase a sleek, elegant look.


It's not surprising that you don't see "mind control" in her visuals. 

The story of Nyx's visual design is that inityiallys he was the female body for excalibur.

When DE decided to scrap that idea they gave her a different helmet and a whole different power set.




First off: there IS such a thing as having a wrong opinion, so your comment about how people have different tastes makes no sense.

For example, you will always, ALWAYS find someone who likes something.... you can find people who think racism is a reasonable thing, you can find people who think females are inferior to males, and well you can find people who think Twilight is one of the best books ever written.


So, the fact someone might think this Valkyr skin is good means nothing. You will ALWAYS find someone who likes something. And furthermore, it can happen that a huge group of people like something, and it doesn't mean that something is good for real (Justin Bieber, One Direction....).


Which is why I am fairly confident in my view that this Valkyr skin sucks, just like Nyx skin sucks. Yes, I already knew Nyx was originally meant to be a female Excalibur. Which still doesn't explain why the devs didn't bother to change her when they decided she wasn't gonna be Excalibur.

I always, always play Nyx with the Vespa helmet, as it's the only helmet which somehow gives a bit of a mind control feel, what with how the bug eyes are electrodes going in the brain.

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I always, always play Nyx with the Vespa helmet, as it's the only helmet which somehow gives a bit of a mind control feel, what with how the bug eyes are electrodes going in the brain.


What about huge antennas, growing from all her helmets? I always saw her as a mind controller.

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Then Loki, Rhino, Excalibur etc. are all mind controllers?


The argument of "she doesn't look like a mind controller!" is one that divides the playerbase.


Do we want frames like Mesa that wear their theme on their sleeve?


or Do we want frames like Excalibur, Loki, and Rhino that aren't obvious as to what they do?


This discussion's happened before, but people will like one or the other regardless of what you say.

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First off: there IS such a thing as having a wrong opinion, so your comment about how people have different tastes makes no sense.

I wasn't talking about different opinions on EVERYTHING. I was specifically talking about different opinions in visual style.

So unless you're suggesting that we are looking at art that represents racism or sexism...

you're going way off base with your argument about racism and sexism.


So, the fact someone might think this Valkyr skin is good means nothing. You will ALWAYS find someone who likes something. And furthermore, it can happen that a huge group of people like something, and it doesn't mean that something is good for real (Justin Bieber, One Direction....).

Just because a lot of people like some art doesn't mean its good. Likewise, just because a lot of people don't like some art doesn't mean its bad. The point is, with something like visual style, it is very hard to argue that there is a right or wrong answer. 


Which is why I am fairly confident in my view that this Valkyr skin sucks

You're still missing the point. Like or dislike it..neither choice is right or wrong.


 just like Nyx skin sucks. Yes, I already knew Nyx was originally meant to be a female Excalibur. Which still doesn't explain why the devs didn't bother to change her when they decided she wasn't gonna be Excalibur.

I always, always play Nyx with the Vespa helmet, as it's the only helmet which somehow gives a bit of a mind control feel, what with how the bug eyes are electrodes going in the brain.

Their reason for not changing it more back then was they had a very a small team, a very limited time, a very small budget and a visual style that wasn't entirely fleshed out for the game yet anyway.  


I agree that there isn't much "mind control" vibe to Nyx but I find her overall aesthetic to be quite pleasing.

Not everybody even wants the frames to look so one the nose of what they do anyway. Do they have to? 

I'm not right, I'm not wrong, It's a matter of taste.


Stop trying to make the most basic concept of different tastes into an argument.

It's absurd.

Edited by Ronyn
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Loki : Horned viking helmet

Excalibur: Dragon & sharp horn

Rhino: beetle and the animal.


Yes, i don't see any antennas here, just horns.

So how should mind controller look like? What else could be this big golden thing on Nyx's Prime helmet if not a sort of translator?

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Glad they at least gave the community the "Pre Corpus" Valkyrie before they did an Orokin Valkyrie, at least now people cant complain that they never got it. Also going to call it now she is defiantly the next frame to be primed....its just to convent in timing....

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If DE does include a tail, i really hope it has some animation added to it, so that it seems a part of Valkitty's body rather then just another dangly+^_^+

You listening DE? Animate the tail to swish and swoosh just like a panther or cheatah tail+^_^+



Double post+^_^+ This is actually quite concerning for me, i'm actually thinking about the Khajiit in Skyrim, specifically the HDT tail physics mod that made the tail react to gravity and motion physics yet still had the vanilla animation when standing still. While the Iliac accessories are animated, I don't think the animated parts parts are bound to physics. I don't think DE has animated objects that are also physics based yet, only dangles and cloth so far. I'm thinking if they do give Valkitty an animated tail they could use those same resources to make a tentacle themed skin for Hydroid that isn't a bunch of dead dangles like Nekros has.


Also, just think, kitteh's use tails for balance, i think with Parkour 2.0 Valkitty should get some type of Parkouring buff like how Zephyr can jump farther+^_^+

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I fail to see the relevance...

People wonder what else the elongated head piece could be. Brach posts a picture of an elongated head basicaly saying that it doesn't have to be an antena.


Glad they at least gave the community the "Pre Corpus" Valkyrie before they did an Orokin Valkyrie, at least now people cant complain that they never got it. Also going to call it now she is defiantly the next frame to be primed....its just to convent in timing....

Depending on how they release her (such as limited time) people would still complain. As for prime, she would probably go in the runing along side Saryn and Trinity. Hopefully she gets primed first.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Yes, i don't see any antennas here, just horns.

So how should mind controller look like? What else could be this big golden thing on Nyx's Prime helmet if not a sort of translator?




You do understand that assuming the thing on Nyx's helmet is a mind control device is a HUGE stretch?


The Vespa helmet is the only thing which can give off a mind control vibe. Look at it, and you'll see that what appears to be the wasp's compound eyes, are actually electrodes: the "eyes" are the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Look even more and you'll see some electrodes going right in the cerebellum too.

Edited by (PS4)Lun-Sei
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I personally like the new Valkyr skin; I've never understood people's knee-jerk reactions to new Warframes, claiming that they don't follow some sort of vaguely-defined "aesthetic". It's sort of like how people always hate new generations of Pokemon, until the next generation comes out and they start hating THAT one instead.

But let's look at the most common objection people have to the new skin: it supposedly doesn't match Valkyr's inspiration; i.e., a berserker, instead going for a feline theme. However, it's important to note that Valkyr has ALWAYS taken inspiration from felines; she has claws on her hands and feet, cat-like stripes, and the Bastet helmet is named after an Egyptian goddess with a cat's head. In addition, berserkers have traditionally been associated with animals (the word even means "bear-pelt"), and cats have always had an important role in Scandinavian mythology (the Norse goddess Freya's chariot was drawn by cats, for example). Now, I have no idea if DE actually took any of this into consideration when designing Valkyr, but it's certainly food for thought.

Edited by Brachion
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I agreed that the basic nyx helmet doesn't exactlty give off "mind control" but as for Nyx prime....

You do understand that assuming the thing on Nyx's helmet is a mind control device is a HUGE stretch?

Nyx doesn't just control minds, she also uses her psionic powers to attack enemies directly or make impenetrable shells.

So what would a device that enhances mental powers look like? Is it really a "HUGE stretch" that such a device might look like that?

No way. This is relatively congruent with most depictions of mind power enhancing helmet devices in any other science fiction property. With warframes particular Orokin style on it of course.


Now that I think about I see a bit of..


in it...

mixed with the whole "pyramid power" concept.


The Vespa helmet is the only thing which can give off a mind control vibe. Look at it, and you'll see that what appears to be the wasp's compound eyes, are actually electrodes: the "eyes" are the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Look even more and you'll see some electrodes going right in the cerebellum too.

Yep I can see how you get the mind control from the Vespa helmet.

Edited by Ronyn
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I personally like the new Valkyr skin; I've never understood people's knee-jerk reactions to new Warframes, claiming that they don't follow some sort of vaguely-defined "aesthetic". It's sort of like how people always hate new generations of Pokemon, until the next generation comes out and they start hating THAT one instead.

But let's look at the most common objection people have to the new skin: it supposedly doesn't match Valkyr's inspiration; i.e., a berserker, instead going for a feline theme. However, it's important to note that Valkyr has ALWAYS taken inspiration from felines; she has claws on her hands and feet, cat-like stripes, and the Bastet helmet is named after an Egyptian goddess with a cat's head. In addition, berserkers have traditionally been associated with animals (the word even means "bear-pelt"), and cats have always had an important role in Scandinavian mythology (the Norse goddess Freya's chariot was drawn by cats, for example). Now, I have no idea if DE actually took any of this into consideration when designing Valkyr, but it's certainly food for thought.

I agree on most points here. But remember; the warframe was voted just like Yin Yang was. It was not called Valkyr but berzerker if I recall, and the torture was a big deal.

After the fact it was soon labelled the cat-frame.

If she is to be a catframe, then go all out I say, make it into the fiercest panther in the galaxy, add a roar to her sounds and gracefull mmovementanimations.

(I hope she is a warrior though.)

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That thing looks like a half-synthetic Predator.

Thats pretty accurate. But the Protoss share many traits with the Orokin.

More or less immortal.

Uses high tech Energy weapons and robots.

Creates new life.

Have a fetish for gold and bling.

A very Holier than Thou attitude.

I love them.

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