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So, Finally Got The Pluto Nav Segment To Go See The Void Trader, Only...


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Level 6 currently and rushed through the Europa and Neptune missions, looking forward to getting the Shell Shock mod for my Hek (which I'm told is for sale right now: 5-30-2015), only to get @#&$-blocked by a level 8 mastery access lock to the relay at the end of the road; I ain't happy.






I don't mind a little work, don't get me wrong on that, but the fact that I can solo the Hyena Pack ought to be enough.

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Level 6 currently and rushed through the Europa and Neptune missions, looking forward to getting the Shell Shock mod for my Hek (which I'm told is for sale right now: 5-30-2015), only to get @#&$-blocked by a level 8 mastery access lock to the relay at the end of the road; I ain't happy.






I don't mind a little work, don't get me wrong on that, but the fact that I can solo the Hyena Pack ought to be enough.


If you know you have the prime stuff to sell for ducats, perhaps see if a trusted clan member might help you. Perhaps you can trade them stuff, and they can sell it for ducats and get it for you, and then you could give them something to make up for the credit cost. I don't know. But if you have some friends/clan members MR8 or higher that you can trust, see if you can work out some kind of deal with them. You still have almost a day and a half to figure something out. 

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If you know you have the prime stuff to sell for ducats, perhaps see if a trusted clan member might help you. Perhaps you can trade them stuff, and they can sell it for ducats and get it for you, and then you could give them something to make up for the credit cost. I don't know. But if you have some friends/clan members MR8 or higher that you can trust, see if you can work out some kind of deal with them. You still have almost a day and a half to figure something out. 

A good idea, but implementing it will be a different story; I'm the only active member of my clan right now. The rest of them are either out of the country or moved onto something else.


Also, what does clearing the star chart have anything to do with mastery level? Mastery Exp seems like it only is gained from leveling non-forma'd, non-potatoe'd equipment. 

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A good idea, but implementing it will be a different story; I'm the only active member of my clan right now. The rest of them are either out of the country or moved onto something else.


Also, what does clearing the star chart have anything to do with mastery level? Mastery Exp seems like it only is gained from leveling non-forma'd, non-potatoe'd equipment. 


You get small amounts from each node you clear, if I recall correctly. However, the fastest way to get mastery is just ranking up lots of frames/weapons. 

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I really don't see the point of mastery locking relays.


It gives people a reason to rank up, so they can unlock more stuff.


Its kinda like unlocking anything and everything the first time you log into warframe, whats the point of playing then?

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I don't get it. If Mastery is useless because it grants anything, people complain. If mastery means something (unlock nodes, weapons, slots and so on) people complain because MR doesn't mean nothing more than 'how many trash weapons a player had ranked up'. 


That's how things works. Back in my days, the FIRST aid people were used to give to new players was: 'before doing anything, unlock every node'. Back in my days it was because of alerts, now it has more purposes. But it's still true. 


And it's not that hard to do so. Level up a weapon take 1h leeching, 2-3 hours alone. It's not that difficult. Also, a lot of weapons can be bought with credits (all Mk1 one, a few others like Lato and Lex and, so, their akimbo versions too). Just do it.

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It gives people a reason to rank up, so they can unlock more stuff.


Its kinda like unlocking anything and everything the first time you log into warframe, whats the point of playing then?

Well, I know I'm one in a million, but I do still play DOOM because I simply like shooting things.  Warframe's kinda the same thing.


I consider people that play ONLY to unlock stuff and grow stronger the problem with gaming today.   It's why we're dealing with RNGesus in everything, instead of worrying about, y'know, how fun the game is without needing a carrot to bait the sheep along.


Mastery rank is like stamina - it's kind of only there to hold players back and generally be this annoying thing to get out of the way simply because some stuff is arbitrarily locked behind it, most of it hit or miss whether or not it actually qualifies requiring XY rank.

Edited by Littleman88
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Level 6 currently and rushed through the Europa and Neptune missions, looking forward to getting the Shell Shock mod for my Hek (which I'm told is for sale right now: 5-30-2015), only to get @#&$-blocked by a level 8 mastery access lock to the relay at the end of the road; I ain't happy.






I don't mind a little work, don't get me wrong on that, but the fact that I can solo the Hyena Pack ought to be enough.


if this helps:


DE-devs promised that nothing is lost at the void-trader if you arent able to get it by less igc, ducats, time or whatever, things will come back, keep an eye on it and enjoy levelling (no sarcasm) =))))

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is getting rather absurd. Last time, Baro Ki'Ripoff was selling Prisma Skanas at 510 ducats and 100000 credits. Now it's the Prisma Grakata, at 600+ ducats and 100000+ credits in the same effing Relay.

It's almost as though DE wants us to hate Baro and his stupid ducats. I, for one, won't bother rush farming this time.

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The intention of relays was to provide a gathering ground for all players. The idea they've MR locked it is stupid and goes against what devs have said in the past.


And MR 8. Thats seriously too high imho. Why did they do this?


MR 8 is easy to get, sure it is time consuming, but requires little effort. That's not high for the last planet of the game, 12+ would be imho.


The only people who complain about mastery rank are the ones too lazy to rank it up.

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The intention of relays was to provide a gathering ground for all players. The idea they've MR locked it is stupid and goes against what devs have said in the past.


And MR 8. Thats seriously too high imho. Why did they do this?

It really isn't... I'm MR7 and I'm not even on Pluto yet.


Besides, you have the other relays, do you not? I hear the Larunda Relay is all the rage nowadays anyway (I'm serious, it's always full over there).


Edit: I forgot to mention that the Larunda Relay is in Mercury, the second planet you unlock.

Edited by KennPhoton
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