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What Are Some Good Solo Void Frames?



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Ice Chroma with a full duration build and power strength+ a weapon with life strike is survival, fire chroma with an effigy build is good for mobile defenses, zephyr, volt, loki and mirage are good for fast capture mission (Especially zephyr with jetstream or volt)

Edited by chofranc
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Depends on the mission type.


Loki can be great on Captures; Ash, Exterminates; Frost, Mobile Defenses; Nekros, Survival; Nyx, Defenses. And that's just listing some.



What I was about to type without reading the responses.....


Despite loving Ash I would probably go with Loki with a different config for different mission types if I had to chose just one.

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Any frame you're competent with can get the job done - obviously certain mission types WILL require some serious CC.


Aside from defence missions - Oberon has seen me solo every tier and mission type there is - Nyx or Nova got the T4Ds done no problem.


But again - its whatever you're comfortable with - outside of going long in a T4 - Void runs are really not that much to worry about.


Then again, if you're struggling - you can just cheeze it with Loki - seems to be a popular 'tactic'.

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I use Frost Prime (Frost non-prime works identically, just doesn't have the 250 energy from Death Orbs, also a polarity) a lot with Ice Wave Impedance and Freeze Force (useful solo in a couple neat ways).


Frost has a good amount of armor to start and his Snow Globe is affected by his armor value and also stacks with any previously-placed Globe. You're protected inside it and can kill most anything inside with ease as enemies are slowed inside it. His Ice Wave is great for widespread crowd control and locking down entry points (also for slowing cap targets or high-threat enemies). His Freeze ability can be used to completely, temporarily disable any enemy.


Here's where soloing becomes interesting. His Freeze Force augment sticks to Defense pods and does AoE damage over time, but only if you're host. It's currently a bug (from what I know), but it's not mentioned on the wiki as I haven't done enough testing to feel confident enough to make a wiki edit. If you place a Snow Globe around the defense pods and stick some Freeze Force bolts to it (just by casting 1 at it a few times), anything that walks near gets a nice chill effect from the Globe with occasional Cold procs (with persistent damage) slowing them even further. Ice Wave Impedance is the overkill of slows as it drops their movement/attack speeds to something like 10% (I still need to math this one, % is estimated based on observation).


EDIT: I looked it up and there's no viable information on how cold procs and Frost abilities stack debuffs. Sad BubbleSS is sad.


This works for me on T4. Here's the build I use, which is still a work in progress as I need to max some mods. Also, I have an Arcane Squall Helmet:





Also, for Limbo, get a high-duration, high efficiency build (might want some range too) and just snipe targets by banishing them and killing them while both of you are banished. If you need to kill a crowd, just open a Cataclysm around them, kill them all, then close it again to become effectively invulnerable again. Rift Surge will also increase your damage by quite a bit (200% at 100% power strength at max level) against banished targets.

Edited by MrBubbleSS
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Excalibur :D also Chroma and Valkyr if you like up close melee.

Rhino is one of the worst for endless solo IMO. The abilities don't scale well, his augments are "meh", and the only real useful one late-game is roar, but without a team a lot of potential is lost.

Edited by Modulus14
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Tbh any frame can solo any non endless T4 mission. For endless missions you might need something more specific, but then again why would you want to solo a defense, a T4 interception, or a survival past the first 20 mins?

Prime frames have it easier because you get 250 energy from every death orb, which is dirty useful.

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Here's where soloing becomes interesting. His Freeze Force augment sticks to Defense pods and does AoE damage over time, but only if you're host. It's currently a bug (from what I know), but it's not mentioned on the wiki as I haven't done enough testing to feel confident enough to make a wiki edit.

I learned something (about WF) today. That doesn't happen too often anymore. Thanks! :D


Edit: Any other #1 augments do the same?

Edited by Darzk
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For anything but defense I go Loki or Trinity. Loki with irradiating disarm on can be useful for defense as well. I have gone pretty far with Nyx in defense before but I think Limbo seems like the best choice although I have not tested that.

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The strongest frames in generall are imo valkyr (bulki af, you're melee-bound tho but strong enough to deal with bullets), mesa (her 2+3 can deal with bullets, ultimate for infested), trinity (link+blessing=god on the field), ash (stealth+effects like seeking shuriken or without a doubt the strongest ultimate in the game), Frost (defensive abilitys that support melee and ranged battle) and the self-stated master race loki ( long invisibility and disarm)

I recently found a liking to mag as well. Kinda difficult to deal with but gives amazing results. Limbo is pretty cool as well. Banishing gives innitial ground finishers and his tactical protection is awesome but having the loot locked away while you play him can be a drag at times.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Zephyr is great for soloing any mission type, but she'll shine the most in Defense (thanks to Turbulence), Capture, and Interception (both because of Tailwind/Dive Bomb). Just make sure you're going for a Duration/Range build. Forget Power Strength.

Valkyr is my second go-to for soloing, and she's generally more suited to Infested if you're dealing with event level craziness, but Zephyr does fine with them in most scenarios.

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Oberon with a maxed range set up works out fine as long as you balance it with Transfort or Intensify so your heals aren't 100% @(*()$ garbage.

Maxed range allows your Reckoning to spray out Radiation/Confusion on a scale slightly less large than Nyxie's Chaos, but with the ability to recast at will, which makes it superior to Chaos in terms of "get guys shooting at each other and NOT at me" functionality.


I use Oberon for nearly everything because he is a combination of Trinity and Nyx, but isn't really great at either role. Having that double-role-in-one, however, makes him too good to pass up IMO. Have never had an issue with Broberon in any void tier or type.

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I learned something (about WF) today. That doesn't happen too often anymore. Thanks! :D


Edit: Any other #1 augments do the same?


Actually no. Freeze Force is unique in a number of ways:


1. It sticks to defense pods when you're host and does AoE damage over time (a good amount if you have a few cast into it). It can proc cold as well with the same chance on each tick as a normal Freeze AoE hit (same damage too if I recall correctly, also the proc chance is surprisingly low per tick in my experience, but it's still fast enough to slow most anything to a crawl inside my Snow Globe).


2. It combines with non-augment-buff elements if they're alone. All other augments only combine with other augments (source: I made my friend Viral proc with a 100% Toxic Torid).


3. It has a physical model. It actually has a little ice spike associated with the power. That's probably why it sticks to defense pods as well. It also will stick visibly to whomever you cast it on if you're host, but I don't believe it does the AoE damage when buffing another player.


EDIT: And for a source on this, I've tested every damage buff augment. Fireball Frenzy is nice (especially the AoE damage on cast), but doesn't stick to pods. Shock Trooper can insta-buff anyone at any range if you're accurate, but again, no sticking. Venom dose is on-target (can't cast on pods), but it's toxin, so it's always useful. Smite Infusion is epic because you get a dual-stat buff (Radiation, which is epic against Grineer and a serious buff to Mirage's Prism as it gets to stay 100% Radiation) and all the extra damage orbs from Smite, but this is also on-target like Venom Dose, so it can't be cast on a defense pod.

Edited by MrBubbleSS
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