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Update 16.7


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  • In an effort to reduce in-game spam, accounts with a Mastery Rank of 0 can only start conversations with friends, clanmates, or recently encountered players.


So, in an effort to stop Spam you have locked out all Mastery Rank 0 players from being able to PM hosts in recruiting channel to ask them to join a game. Your suggestion that they ask their clan for help is marvelous, only wait, they can't PM anyone in a clan to ask for an invite to a clan. But wait there's more. Mastery rank 0 players can now only PM people on their friends list, but if they are new, that list will be short to non-existent, and since most initial game play nodes have few players on them, you've essentially limited them even more.


My dearest DE, in order to make friends, join a clan, find games, find help, you need to be able to chat and communicate with people. I think this is a very poor solution to a minimal problem. Albeit from your perspective, players being spammed with offers to sell them platinum at reduced prices could cut into your business. DE, I have faith you can come up with a better solution without nerfing chat for Rank 0 players. 


While we are on the topic of in-game SPAM DE, maybe you can stop your SPAMBOT Ordis from all the needless pop-ups every other minute while I'm on my Liset.  Because really, this is far, far, far more annoying than one random PM from some 3rd party site trying to sell me platinum once a week. And yes while i can mute him, it doesn't stop all the pop-up spam which can be really bothersome when you are playing in foundry, with mods, or even trying out colors for your warframe as the pop-ups are constantly blocking your view and interrupting game enjoyment.


EDIT: Someone once told me that if you bring up a problem without offering a solution you are just complaining, so always offer a solution even if its not the best. So in an effort to avoid just complaining, the solution I would offer is this. In a previous game I played they handled stopping spam by newer players by having them purchase an item in the market that allowed them access to chat. In this way, there is no Rank bias, and it forces players to play the game, collect credits in order to purchase the ability to converse. This causes them to invest in the game and be more respectful of chat. The item could sell for 50,000 or 100,000 credits. By the time the player has the credits they could be rank 1 or higher, but it doesn't stop a player that repeatedly fails their test from being locked out of chat. It is a very fair solution to your problem.

Edited by Austerity
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Yeah great awesome update, would be nice if you would stop breaking the game.

Got the notification that the server is about to update, finished my mission and got a message from the server that my progress was not saved. Vectis went from lvl 14 back to 8.

And lost 50,000 credits just noticed. Ugh. F U DE

Don't curse on DE because Red Texts always reminds you when is it safe to go out of a mission before and after the update and also tells you when not.And BTW,it's very noticeable because it's a huge wall of text written in red.The only way you won't be able to see it is either you have no screen,or you have been afk for 5-10 minutes max.I want to curse on you,but I don't want to be like you--cursing with ignorance.Lmao sorry if I'm too edgy..but dude,seriously,if you read it that the server would update,you would've read the warning because it comes with it,I don't know if you're trolling but I took it seriously.Either a troll or just plain stu...stuff...h'yeah..stuff...good day

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Conclave Changes


  • The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.


so why did i max primed slip magazine again???....

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  • In an effort to reduce in-game spam, accounts with a Mastery Rank of 0 can only start conversations with friends, clanmates, or recently encountered players."

Thank you, I've been getting lots of spam recently from throwaway accounts wanting to sell plat.

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  • In an effort to reduce in-game spam, accounts with a Mastery Rank of 0 can only start conversations with friends, clanmates, or recently encountered players.


O.o That is irritating/worrying the S#&$ out of me right now. Am I still going to be able to start a conversation with them ???? If not I will no longer be able to advise Masteryrank 0 players in game.



That would be unacceptable!

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O.o That is irritating/worrying the S#&$ out of me right now. Am I still going to be able to start a conversation with them ???? If not I will no longer be able to advise Masteryrank 0 players in game.



That would be unacceptable!


I very very rarely see MR0's. It so very easy to rank from MR0 to MR1, and this prevents platinum sellers/scammers from whispering random players in-game....somewhat.

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Fixed Zephyr’s Turbulence not properly deflecting some ranged attacks against hit-scan enemies.


Getting shot normally.



Turbulence Active (+Range)



Hard to tell from one gif, but it seems that the way Turbulence works is that "deflected" bullets are stopped at the perimeter?


Though... it doesn't always work, sometimes they shoot right through it?



And this is against level 4 Grineer in Mercury too.

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is it allowed to ask when, or smth around, U 17 will appear ? we have lots and even more announcements to things with no update since 6 month, just as a very pleased and friendly reminder in deep connection with warframe from my heart beside grinding =)


thank you

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  • Fixed players being able to kill ragdoll-able bosses by flinging the boss off the map.

Personally, i liked some old bosses better, and not because it was unfair, but i loved this feature the most. Well.....not anymore i guess... :(

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I dont think the PvP on this game is going well. we have many abilities many builds with maxed mods etc and DE keep banning them from pvp. So why the heck we are maxing them? Just for PvE? In all the other games you go to PvP with your best gear and best build. Look at WF now... every weapon is the same and every WF is at base stats. So ridiculous.. So unfair for those who tried hard to collect 1000's of fusion cores and credits... Its not good DE.. Its not...

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  • The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.


Ammo Stock was taken out, but It doesn't say if there's a replacement. There definitely should be some mod for it still because the Tigris, a weapon that barely anyone uses in PvP because slash damage isn't as good, can't keep up unless you have that 4 magazine size. I hope that the mod that replaced burdened Magazine allows 4 shots on it because the RNG reward makes Conclave mod farming a pain. 

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  • The following mods have been disabled in PvP: Magazine Warp, Slip Magazine, Burdened Magazine, Stabilizer, Steady Hands, Fast Hands, Quick Draw, Tactical Pump and Terminal Velocity. They have been replaced with PvP specific versions that have been added to the Mission Rewards of all PvP game types.

What is the point of separating everything between PvE and PvP? Most of those mods are almost never used in PvE (except for modding some weapons for non-endless missions) and now they're also unavailable in PvP. IN A PVE ORIENTED GAME. Farming PvP rep is tiring, when you have to look for new group every two or three matches due to host losing and leaving.

DE please, give us dedicated servers for PvP or smooth out a host migration (BTW Host indicator would be nice) and then add grind to something that isn't the main focus of Warframe (why would tenno, a race on the brink of extinction fight each other again?).


Also, thanks for new weapon, looks fun.

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Did anyone noticed a change in the drop tables in the Archwing interception in Caelus giving out T4 keys at wave 4? I had never gotten such a reward prior to these updates as far i can recall, it sucks to be honest, given that to get a squad together that even wants to run this mission is hard enough then we get these rewards, i want the elytron wings not a freaking T4 key... what the hell 

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  • Earth: Cambria is now a Spy Mission.
  • Earth: Lua is now an Excavation Mission.

Well yes but this has broken the Limbo quest duh. now that Excav is a spy ... stuff doesnt work that way if you forget to reflag your quests which orriginaly where on those  nodes.

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Naaaah D: I am trying to find the proof video, I really am, I had it posted on the forums, but my topic seems to be gone...

Want to invest into ... ? Ok, investing now ... processing ... aaaaaaaaaand - it's gone.

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