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Mesa Ignores The Rules Of Tactical Alerts And Should Be Banned From Them


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Topic. Seriously.


Do I even need to explain? I will.


Before the Black Seed we had the Den of Kubrow event. Another Melee-only tactical. The problem here is that Mesa IS a gun. Now granted the last part of the Black Seed capture has the targets with unbreakable Nullifier bubbles around them and you do have to give chase.


HOWEVER, like the Den of Kubrow thing where you could stand on a tiny platform and Peacemaker all the doges out, you can do the same thing to the Juggy here. His black tar cannot affect you if you are standing on the corner of a fence or ledge. Peacemaker ignores his defense/armor.


Look, I love Mesa but people have been clammoring for her to get tweaked/adjusted for a long time and this triple underscores the exact reasons why. Mesa ignores this game's rules and just does whatever she wants.


... which I like right now since I have about 90 minutes of play time per day and if I didn't use Mesa, I'd probably not be able to complete this. I'll fight him regularly when I can but this was kind of my only option for the time being. All the same, the amateur game designer in me is quite frankly disgusted by this.


Mesa should be banned from Melee-Only Tactical Alerts until she is adjusted. This is ridiculous.


Edited by DiosGX
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Thats like saying no warframe powers. Mesa isnt even one of the most OP 4s for melee only TA. Try mesa with max range max dmg with no blind rage and max eff. With that build you can run through missions easily. Also carrier for getting energy.

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 the amateur game designer in me 

needs to calm down and pay attention to what there is to learn from your experiance.


1: Many powers in the game are ranged. So functionally Mesa's powers are no different than other frames powers.

Just because mesa's powers have the visual design of "guns" doesn't make it any more or less fair to take into battle.

So unless you're suggesting that ALL ranged powers have to be disabled during melee events....

You simply can't single mesa out as breaking the "rules" just because of the visual signature of her powers. 


2: The juggernaut fight doesn't prevent you from bringing your guns into battle.

Admittedly, after playing melee only missions it is understandable how someone would not notice that its ok to take guns now considering that wasn't expressively stated. If anything you could say that the mission communication could have been more transparent...

but it was clear in the UI if you were paying attention.


3: This game needs balance adjustments. No doubt. Some frames and some powers are better than others. This should be looked at.

But don't oversell it. Don't take it too far.


Anyway....good luck in the future of warframe and whatever game design path you pursue.

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Topic. Seriously.


Do I even need to explain? I will.


Before the Black Seed we had the Den of Kubrow event. Another Melee-only tactical. The problem here is that Mesa IS a gun. Now granted the last part of the Black Seed capture has the targets with unbreakable Nullifier bubbles around them and you do have to give chase.


HOWEVER, like the Den of Kubrow thing where you could stand on a tiny platform and Peacemaker all the doges out, you can do the same thing to the Juggy here. His black tar cannot affect you if you are standing on the corner of a fence or ledge. Peacemaker ignores his defense/armor.


Look, I love Mesa but people have been clammoring for her to get tweaked/adjusted for a long time and this triple underscores the exact reasons why. Mesa ignores this game's rules and just does whatever she wants.


... which I like right now since I have about 90 minutes of play time per day and if I didn't use Mesa, I'd probably not be able to complete this. I'll fight him regularly when I can but this was kind of my only option for the time being. All the same, the amateur game designer in me is quite frankly disgusted by this.


Mesa should be banned from Melee-Only Tactical Alerts until she is adjusted. This is ridiculous.


Err have you ever met Saryn she has an ult that I would say is on par with Mesa's albeit with a shorter range BUT Zing it can go through walls. That's some crazy nuke right there, how about Ash and Loki making every single mission in the game trivial with invisibility. It makes no sense to ban warframe powers in tactical alerts. They're meant to be a bit of fun and often ramp up to become a bit more challenging towards the end. Hence why they do stuff like melee only or absurd 400 conclave restrictions.


Unrustle your jimmies sir.

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Though it would be cool that DE make a TA with a frame restriction and weapons, that way it would be more challenging and a less repetitive TA but the only problem that it would be is with those players that doesn't have those abailables frames.

Edited by chofranc
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LAWL. Nice joke. Thought April's fool day was a while ago though, strange...

Anything with armor makes Peacemaker basically useless. It just so happens that this guy (namely the juggernaut, for those who don't follow) has a weakpoint where Peacemaker's auto-aim... aims. That or Peacemaker ignores the guy's armor. Which probably will be patched then.

But you're right, let's nerf the few frames that actually have abilities that get the job done! That's exploiting the game and should be forbidden!





Edited by Marthrym
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To be honest, I'm tired of hearing people like this complain about Mesa. The fact is, she is built just as fairly as all the other frames. Yes, she can shoot down tons of enemies with ease. Now against your argument of banning her from melee only alerts, that's...just stupid. If they banned Mesa from melee alerts because she has a ranged power...then every frame would have to be banned. Mag can easily pull the kubrows constantly to keep them from attacking. Excalibur can just cast his ult and hit every kubrow in the area. Hydroid could cast tentacles and just capture and kill everything. I really, really hope that you feel differently after re-reading your post. 

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Topic. Seriously.



Mesa should be banned from Melee-Only Tactical Alerts until she is adjusted. This is ridiculous.


Mesa would have been a bad choice on the heavy weapons Tac alert which gave the rift sigil and tempo royale. That one was about less killing more crowd control. 

All frames have something that from a certain angle can ruin the point in any given mission. It's all good

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Are you dumb? You can use weapons against Jugger. Opticor melts him.

Opticor deal 0 damage compared to what Mesa does.



But seriously i can't believe some people still think "oh it's ok that Mesa can cheese and ignore "rules" of events".Ofc she can use peacemaker that's her ability BUT that's not fair and seriously shouldn't be possible to do.

You guys REALLY think this is normal that a Frame simply comes up with 100 energy and destroy the juggernaut like he was just a big trash mob?

Seriously you guys must love imbalance and 0 difficulty.

Edited by THND3RZ
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I think You should ally with the Energy is Broken Thread, Maybe you should ask for No Abilities Tac Alerts No?


How about that? No abilities for Tac alerts? I want to know what drives people in this diverse and critique community to want to nerf or ban certain warframes and abilities? Is it the fact that you dont have a Mesa? I will be honest Im an "AshFanboy" Yeah I play Ash alot, SOO WHAT!?

But I have every other frame in game including Mesa and She is one of My Favorite Female frames.

Doesnt mean cuz I play Ash alot that I cant bring w.e frame is requested in a Game.

You wanna Farm? Koga will Bring Despoil Nekro or Pilfdroid.

Draco? Ill bring Gmag or Mesa or Saryn tho I rather Ash it out.

Raids? Im always Your designated Vamp Leech Trinity, NM Raids or regulars.

The problem is with warframe is there are frames for every situation and occassion. Its all about adaptation and familiarizing yourself with the games mechanics and adjusting yourself to its playstyles and features.

Build Yourself a Mesa and Im sure You wont complain.

Btw the Behemoth wasnt Melee only did You not notice squad members using Guns?


smh............ =_=

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I see what you're getting at OP, but straight up banning a frame isn't the way to do it.

And to those crying Saryn, Saryn worked on the Den event because there were multiple separate targets, and she hit all of those targets once. Mesa, however, has a single target skill, meaning she will pump out continuous high damage in a single target until it dies, in this case the Juggernaut. You cannot compare them in this situation.

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