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I Really Don't Understand Why Players Want To Preserve The Current Star Chart...


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No, what DE needs to do is what they said, with randomized nodes that change. "Leave us enough options to find the new 'Draco' ". Absolutely not. That is the OPPOSITE of what needs to be done. Doing what they suggested would ELIMINATE THE EXISTENCE OF FARMS.

And doing that is a terrible move on DE's part.


Preventing us from having nodes like Draco will hurt players that have only a small portion of time to play the game. Instead of being able to get a new/forma'd weapon to 30 in 2-3 Draco runs it will instead take them 2-3 days.


Then there is the issue of farming itself. For example: most primes take ten Orokin Cells to make and players could either go throw themselves into two dozen missions to get their Cells [size=2](if they're lucky)[/size] or they can go run a few Draco's to get all that and then some.


DE can't eliminate farms. Even if we had a fully randomized starchart then players would identify what roll is best for farming what and then players would just flock to it like they do to Draco. The only difference being that players get left in a lull waiting for said roll and end up not playing untill then.


Either way it ends up causing DE to lose players which is not good for DE or the players themselves.




Also players that spam Draco are not harming you in any way shape or form. Any issue that players say stem from Draco farms are wrong; we've had the issues long before we started finding farms.

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I'm not attached to the current star chart. Part of me kind of misses the star chart before this one, but that one was pretty unwieldy...I'm not unhappy with the current one really, but I'm more than fine with DE reworking the whole thing again.

Edited by nefrai
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My main concerns are:-


a) can I play with other people in PUGs in varied missions at the drop of a hat, while at the same time,


b) aim to accumulate some particular type of resource for a purpose I'm building towards; and (less importantly, but still somewhat important)


c) can all this be done while maintaining the immersive fiction of being in a spaceship able to go anywhere I want?


So long as these 3 requirements are met, I don't mind how they do it. 


The population is somewhat spread out while completing the Star Chart, so it's hard to find people to PUG with to complete it, that's for sure.  And it seems that the rewards at the endgame are very lucrative on a few missions that people repeat endlessly, and that doesn't seem like a good thing.  These are the two biggest problems at the moment.  I hope they manage to find a solution that satisfices everyone (few are going to be super-satisfied with any given solution, but if what's in place is marginally better than what we have now, then that's the best that can realistically be hoped for, I think).

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And doing that is a terrible move on DE's part.


Preventing us from having nodes like Draco will hurt players that have only a small portion of time to play the game. Instead of being able to get a new/forma'd weapon to 30 in 2-3 Draco runs it will instead take them 2-3 days.


Then there is the issue of farming itself. For example: most primes take ten Orokin Cells to make and players could either go throw themselves into two dozen missions to get their Cells (if they're lucky) or they can go run a few Draco's to get all that and then some.


DE can't eliminate farms. Even if we had a fully randomized starchart then players would identify what roll is best for farming what and then players would just flock to it like they do to Draco. The only difference being that players get left in a lull waiting for said roll and end up not playing untill then.


Either way it ends up causing DE to lose players which is not good for DE or the players themselves.




Also players that spam Draco are not harming you in any way shape or form. Any issue that players say stem from Draco farms are wrong; we've had the issues long before we started finding farms.

Players that spam Draco is harming my gameplay by drawing a large part of the player base to Draco. i dont mind farming at all, but WHY would people want to do the same exact mission for leveling? I welcome a random node being the next top affinity spot. 

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I don't want to keep the current star chart, but I'm very wary of the current proposed changes.

RNG stacked on RNG stacked on RNG is about the time things get excessive. (Mission Types rotated, map/enemy faction, level and specific enemy).

Besides, I think a rework is needed.

Thank you, so much.

You said what what I wanted to say, but better than I ever could.


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Players that spam Draco is harming my gameplay by drawing a large part of the player base to Draco. i dont mind farming at all, but WHY would people want to do the same exact mission for leveling? I welcome a random node being the next top affinity spot. 

And it has always been difficult finding players on a majority of the nodes regardless. Plus there are a lot of players that only play solo or only play with their own clan and/or friends. Draco or any farming node is not the only cause of it being so hard to find random players.


The reason players flock to Draco is because the community has found that things about it are good for farming and what 'works best' for farming it. Once knowledge of that starts spreading and it becomes much more commonly known then players are able to queue up for Draco (or whatever the current 'farming node' is) and know exactly what to expect.


Simply knowing that you can queue up for a specific node and know that it is more likely than other nodes to go to wave 20/round 4/20 minutes and that you'll be getting loads of affinity and drops from it makes players want to spam it. Plus that you're bound to find players that are doing exactly what was found to be 'most efficient' for farming it, like taking Mesa (or two Mesas now), makes it even more desirable.


I mean if you want it to be entirely random nodes and still allow for 'Draco-esk' nodes then DE would need to do something like: [Farming Node: +30% Affinity Gained +50% Resource Drop Rate] as a random mission modifier.

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I can't speak for other players, but just going by the few bits of information with the changing of the star chart, I would not like idea of the nodes dropping to a smaller amount and the missions being randomized. With the previous chart, we could see where each path led to and while it felt jumbled, it was an easier way to go for players figuring out the system. The current chart is a bit confusing, yet it still allows players to choose the nodes they want to play without worrying that they geared up wrong.

For example, if I wanted to run a survival or exterminate mission as my Valkyr, I can choose to do so and I know the node won't change. But if I geared up for that mission solo under the "random mission" and I happen to get hijack or any of the defense mission, then I have to abort it and roll again.

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I think you're the one who should 'go in game and si in recruit chat for 5 minutes'. Because what I see is a lot of 'H Tn def', 'H vault runs', 'H trial' and so on and a very very low of Draco ones, generally leechers. 

And however that's means nothing. The game doesn't orbit around recruit chart. A lot of people play solo, a lot of people don't even use that chat and recruit player in clan or alliance chats. 

ohh lord. someone does not see draco spam in recruting chat. in what world am i.

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Stop with the 20 node stuff.


Nodes = maps NOT gamtype.

Gt are 




Crossfire etc.



If you get the misconception that Nodes will be gone out of your Doom n gloom head, it might be easier to understand.



I dont know exactly how it will be done but I see a Battlefield or CoD style MM/filter system in my head for Public play.

Choose gt

Choose faction.

Have up to 3 mins to switch loadouts, checkup or leave.


The Node(Map), would be selected randomly for public. I imagine that the Nodes/Maps will still be there but hidden until spun up by request for use.


Mission Crafting is being discussed in another topic.....

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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I can't speak for other players, but just going by the few bits of information with the changing of the star chart, I would not like idea of the nodes dropping to a smaller amount and the missions being randomized. With the previous chart, we could see where each path led to and while it felt jumbled, it was an easier way to go for players figuring out the system. The current chart is a bit confusing, yet it still allows players to choose the nodes they want to play without worrying that they geared up wrong.

For example, if I wanted to run a survival or exterminate mission as my Valkyr, I can choose to do so and I know the node won't change. But if I geared up for that mission solo under the "random mission" and I happen to get hijack or any of the defense mission, then I have to abort it and roll again.

Why would you think that you wouldn't be able to tell what kind of mission you're selecting beforehand? WHY? 



There is nothing in the game that works that way. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Except they specifically said "20 nodes as opposed to 300 nodes".

Warframe has 253 nodes on the map. I really don't see how what they said COULDN'T be interpreted that way

Yes, but obviously they aren't going to take what we have now and just get rid of 233 nodes without significant changes to the what a "node" means.

But go ahead, play ignorant.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Except they specifically said "20 nodes as opposed to 300 nodes".

Warframe has 253 nodes on the map. I really don't see how what they said COULDN'T be interpreted that way

Reread this...........


Stop with the 20 node stuff.


Nodes = maps NOT gamtype.

Gt are 




Crossfire etc.



If you get the misconception that Nodes will be gone out of your Doom n gloom head, it might be easier to understand.



I dont know exactly how it will be done but I see a Battlefield or CoD style MM/filter system in my head for Public play.

Choose gt

Choose faction.

Have up to 3 mins to switch loadouts, checkup or leave.


The Node(Map), would be selected randomly for public. I imagine that the Nodes/Maps will still be there but hidden until spun up by request for use.


Mission Crafting is being discussed in another topic.....

See the part where I distinguish the diferrence between a Node v Gametype???


Have a nice day :)

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See the part where I distinguish the diferrence between a Node v Gametype???

Yes I did, and it's a flawed argument that relies on confusing yourself to make any sense.

Let's do the math here: 20 nodes on 14 planets. That's less than 2 game types per planet. This is not a good thing

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Yes I did, and it's a flawed argument that relies on confusing yourself to make any sense.

Let's do the math here: 20 nodes on 14 planets. That's less than 2 game types per planet. This is not a good thing

Lol Bye :)


Not my fault you choose Not to read..........

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Why does everyone take this as word of god totally happening when they specifically said nothing was set in stone yet?

Because this is the Internet



Lol Bye :)


Not my fault you choose Not to read..........

Taking your ball and going home already?

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I can only speak for myself.  It's not about preserving the current star chart. It's about how the idea that was presented to us not equating to a better alternative.  This is different than weapon changes.  This is different than Warframe changes.  At the end of the day, we'll see what happens.  Just remember it is better to provide consumer opinion and predictions before actions are made.  

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I really agree with the OP. The feels I get from the game now is pretty much what the OP said. When I log in, the first thing I think of is


"What do I play now?" If there's no alerts, no weapons to level and try, I pretty much don't do anything and log off. That happened many times.


I play for the gameplay sometimes, and even that gets boring quickly. I run around shoot stuffs but the enemies are boring. Once, I even almost fell asleep shooting at the enemies mindlessly. Mind you, I'm already taking a break from the game. At least a few days to a week. Once I'm done with the Tactical Alert I probably will run out of things to do.


This is going to be a little off topic. There's Trial, aka raid, and when I'm in there, I need to do my part and it's crystal clear what the objective is. It really made the game feel different. That's one of the good things going with Warframe; the raid missions will provide somewhere in the game that I can use my 6 forma weapons, even though the point of the raids isn't about killing the enmies..


What I want in future is something that can make me actually use my brain in gameplay and not mindlessly shooting. That's oen of the reasons why I forma'd so many of my weapons running Spy 2.0 missions. It made me think a lot at first, and it still did every run because it is dynamic. But running that single mission type is still boring and I stopped that at some point.


Maybe the starchart change will bring what I'm looking for, since there are few mission types that I haven't played recently. The game is way too easy right now. The early game where I had nooby skana and braton made me feel very weak but it made me think while I play. With all the warframe abilities and farming techniques people spam, the feel is gone, and it's just about mindless spam of abilities and shootings.


That was my rant about how I feel about the game as of now. I actually didn't run a single Draco mission since I unlocked the node, but I still feel this way. Playing while mindlessly spamming abilities to rank/forma weapons for no real purpose is beyond me, and I want to see more dynamic environment too. Honestly I think anything can replace the current starchart. I trust the devs.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I really agree with the OP. The feels I get from the game now is pretty much what the OP said. When I log in, the first thing I think of is


"What do I play now?" If there's no alerts, no weapons to level and try, I pretty much don't do anything and log off. That happened many times.


I play for the gameplay sometimes, and even that gets boring quickly. I run around shoot stuffs but the enemies are boring. Once, I even almost fell asleep shooting at the enemies mindlessly. Mind you, I'm already taking a break from the game. At least a few days to a week. Once I'm done with the Tactical Alert I probably will run out of things to do.


This is going to be a little off topic. There's Trial, aka raid, and when I'm in there, I need to do my part and it's crystal clear what the objective is. It really made the game feel different. That's one of the good things going with Warframe; the raid missions will provide somewhere in the game that I can use my 6 forma weapons, even though the point of the raids isn't about killing the enmies..


What I want in future is something that can make me actually use my brain in gameplay and not mindlessly shooting. That's oen of the reasons why I forma'd so many of my weapons running Spy 2.0 missions. It made me think a lot at first, and it still did every run because it is dynamic. But running that single mission type is still boring and I stopped that at some point.


Maybe the starchart change will bring what I'm looking for, since there are few mission types that I haven't played recently. The game is way too easy right now. The early game where I had nooby skana and braton made me feel very weak but it made me think while I play. With all the warframe abilities and farming techniques people spam, the feel is gone, and it's just about mindless spam of abilities and shootings.


That was my rant about how I feel about the game as of now. I actually didn't run a single Draco mission since I unlocked the node, but I still feel this way. Playing while mindlessly spamming abilities to rank/forma weapons for no real purpose is beyond me, and I want to see more dynamic environment too. Honestly I think anything can replace the current starchart. I trust the devs.

I'd honestly much prefer it that i am presented with missions that need attention instead of just randomly selecting an empty node and trying to make my own fun. Is there honestly ANYONE that really plays this way?


I find alerts far more engaging than going to a planet and picking the mission at random. Choosing missions that way doesnt feel alive, it doesnt feel dynamic, especially after ive completed the star chart. Its almost like saying the simulacrum is the best way to play the game because i get to choose ALL of my enemies. Sometimes, randomness and being told what missions to do is the most engaging way to tackle repetitive  content.


I'm hoping these "20 nodes" will provide a sort of narrative for me when i log on. 


i also hope i get to play more high level earth missions. Thats another problem. The only challenging content is located on 2-3 planets. I want level 40+ Earth missions.

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What we do know from the stream is that they're putting bosses on an "alert" system. That missions will fail if you're in them and the "alert" timer runs out. That Prime Parts are now going to be daily drop tables instead of known locations.


They're adding more time-gated nonsense to the game which in turn only continues to build the grind wall they were so adamant about tearing down during the 'year of quality'


Sure, I'll wait to judge it until it's actually out. But it's not all that difficult to see that either this is a really, really bad idea or that they're doing a really, really bad job of representing it to us. Plus, given their recent track record of terrible implementation of new half-baked features, skepticism is definitely warranted.


I want to say that I didn't think it could be as bad as this sounds, but this is pretty much what I expected. I can only look back on the three (or was it four) months between certain helmets being added and the first time they came up on alert. Still hasn't been one for the Longhorn helmet at all. If this is true, it also means everything won't always be available.


There is barely a narrative to the events they can tailor exactly how they want, and are suspected to manipulate. I sincerely doubt a handful of generated missions is going to have any thread connecting them.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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To me the alarm bells started ringing when they said that bosses wouldn't be available to fight all the time.


On one hand, I get that it's kind of unrealistic for Vor or Alad to be under constant siege by wave after wave of Tenno, but on the other hand there are rare resources that are easiest to acquire from bosses and frame component BPs can only be obtained from them. As can Sigils or mods like Ruinous Extension, but I imagine that's much less of an issue for the general playing base.


Frame components could be put in as an end of mission reward for the appropriate planets, I suppose. Rare resources are a bit more of a problem, especially since the presence of the new rare resource blueprints in the Market suggests that those won't be getting a buff to their drop rate in all nodes to compensate for our lack of access to bosses. Then there's the bosses themselves; I feel that the rewards would need to be improved for fighting them if they aren't accessible all the time, which is going to require additional rebalancing.


Then there's the related Void issue, where access to the Void at all may be RNG-dependant on the map having an entry point and the squad may or may not want to do any Void mission or may not all want to do the same type.


At the same time, there are a lot of unused map nodes. I feel the better solution would be to have pre-set "story" nodes that are always present and serve to advance the plot of Warframe, along with one node of each type appropriate to the planet. The "story" nodes would progress players through the star chart, with the additional nodes consolidating the player base since everyone who wanted to do a certain type of mission on a given planet would be running the same node rather than being spread out over four or five. Maybe Bosses could work like a Tactical Alert, requiring players to accumulate a certain number of points in Spy or Capture missions to get the intelligence needed to track down the boss.

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