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Veterans Opinion Only/not Enough Content


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Firstly, what?


Secondly I think he simply means noone's playing at 2:30am because they're all asleep and have work/school/other obligations in the morning and during the day, so don't blame the Devs when noone plays at that ungodly hour.

thanks master, you have the words :)

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The only content falling in this classification for me would be tilesets. They are characters in their own right.


I would love to see more maps (kudos to Tyl Regor's lab).


I would love to see levels where the paths are unpredictable and could not be memorized over time.


Every time I walk into that Cephalon Suda room on relays, I wish there was a level to explore that dimension.

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MR19 here and yes, the content itself does have a limit but the overall objective is up to you. If you end your adventure at tangible content then yes, it's the end of your journey but if you put effort into other things like helping new players adjust to the game or mastering different skills such as wavedashing and then making guides for them, then there's no end to it.


Personally, I made a dojo that I have funded myself from the very beginning and find satisfaction in helping out newbies. Also, writing a review on a weapon and adding tips for others to read is another part.


With all that said, I have a PS4 account that just barely hit MR4 and there is a TON of content, especially compared to when we vets have started.


Good post. So much of this game is about what you put into it yourself.

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Nothing like that its not the same to look at this game for 2 years and 1 month (since im recruiting a lot of new player via (all kinds of media)) its just different to see this game change so much ups and downs all was good till you come to this exhausted point in game.




Almost nobody likes PVP and arch yet they still in game BUT when we wanted to mute ORDIS that was OK

I like PVP, only reason why i dont play it as often anymore is that i grew tired of constant host migrations... everytime someone looses match, host migration and back to the ship. That stopped me playing it, not the mode itself but rage quitters. As for archwing..... i dont like it, as soon it give 4times more affinity what it does now and get more missions then i might play it.


EDIT: Also im MR17, been playing this game 1 and half years now and now honestly guys, this game does not have any "real content" there is no goals in this game, very little of story, very little of character devolpment, there is no part in this game where you can be "oh this is close to the end, im close of finishing this" In simple words, there isnt any real reason for you to go on beyond MR5. Wich unlocks chroma quest. Last bits of "story". After that, if it is MR you are looking for, its only there so you can grow your virtual penor.

Edited by (PS4)SofeSNBR
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IMO, Warframe is "filling up" pretty well.


The grindy and RNG parts are not as awful as in other MMO-games, and there's plenty to do if you're a completionist/collector.


Mission-types are okay, there's a healthy variety and DE polish them from time to time so they are more unique compared to others (like the spy-mission-reworks and rescue 2.0 for example, or even the addition of Archwing as a seperate platform for certain missions).


Raids are still in a 'testing-phase' (sort of) and over time we will end up having more than LoR.


IMO there's no lack of content at all. DE have added and refined loads of content over time, and continue to do so. On a sidenote: several so-called 'AAA-titles' offer a lot less at full release Launch-day and beyond!

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Since veterans players have most likely complete or did most of the contents in the game there's not much left to do until DE release new contents. In terms of new player, there's plenty to do; the problem, however, is the need to grind. I mean honestly, you really can't go to nightmare raid or Uranus archwing interception without grinding exp and the necessary mods like crazy; the need to grind to access new content is rather annoying.

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Well, there's not much to do other than play with new toys for 5 seconds then go back to anther game than return for a helmet or alert item then go back to other game.


Once you have so much credits, you can sit back and relax and indulge in another game until next update or next major update when you spent upto a month indulging in U17 and UXX shiny things then go back to another game...


That's what normally happens in MMOs... people jumping on the major update bandwagon then jump off once it wears off.


Then there is void trader, once you have a ton of ducats, you are done...


Once you have all syndicate stuff, you are done...


Once you have all primes you want, you are done...


Once you have all you want leveled up, you are done or just bored after years of playing.


2-3 years, that's long long the dedicated player may play until he starts feeling the burn of being burned out.. Or less.


Have to take breaks from Warframe...


How often do the Prime Time gals play Warframe these days outside livestreams? How do they avoid being burnt out if often?

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I am not a veteran, i've played the game only for the last 2 months achieving 400 hours gameplay and MR9(i stopped at 9 because im not a completionist, not particularly interested in leveling every Frame/Weapon) and earned 4000+ plats, but i gotta agree with OP.

There's not much endgame content, and the only current endgame meta is farming Credits and Ducats to buy stuff from the Void Trader to earns Plats, that's the only feature that's keeping me ingame.

If the game is all about farming, there isn't enough stuff to farm. Syndicates and Archwing are a nice addition but they still looks incomplete imho.

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Every two weeks or so we get a new weapon. Every update we get a batch of new weapons, event, lore and sometimes extra features. Don't forget that bits of lore keep dripping in with the Synthesis targets too. Reworks are in-progress at all times. Skins keep coming at a very fast speed. The only thing that's missing from this game is, well, endgame, and DE are well aware of that. If I'm not mistaken they mentioned a secret system or feature they'll be showcasing soon, so that's something to look forward to (if I didn't hear wrong in one of the streams).

Buddy, there's plenty of content available with the game growing bigger every day. The game is absolutely massive from the perspective of a newbie and the fact that those of us who've spent a thousand hours ingame don't have much to do now is a wholly different problem.


The thread is wrong, in essence, simply because of your attitude and disposition.


And endgame will be coming soon, I'm sure of it.

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I think we need to observe few aspects and put things into proper perspective if I might so call it. Alright so what is true? Well it is true that the amount of content within 2 years of game is not the biggest I have seen around. It is also true that the playerbase is becoming smaller because the game can not hold the attention of players due to myriad of factors, one of which is lacking ability to compete in the wider market.

However we need to put things into proper perspective and consider few aspects here. First point would be to ask that to whom do we compare these results? When you think about it, then not even all AAA developers make this much changes in their game in this amount of time. Only few DLC map packs and DE has a lot smaller team than AAA studios have and this limits their ability to make new content, fix old and make proper adjustments. Yes then there are those studios that do better than this as well but to be honest, they are rare and usually pretty respected for it to begin with in gaming.

Another thing I like to bring forth is the quantity vs. quality aspect. While I will distance myself from making any judgements about quality or lack thereof, it is important to note that sometimes adding new content for the sake of it being new is not a wise decision. However obviously adding it at least time to time is an absolute necessity to keep the gameworld living longer. Just one important aspect to consider.

Honestly if you would ask me then the biggest problem at the moment is within innovation. Looking at what is coming like things that are more or less - more of the same, gamemodes that really haven't changed too much and challenged us to think and find other ways to play and manage with few exceptions and of course the few content items that seem like they are copy pasted content rather than their own carefully crafted ones do signal of a burnout, especially in innovation. This of course is expected when a person has a constant schedule 24/7 for 2-years straight.

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It's no surprise that after hundreds of hours of playtime, some things get a bit old, you know?


At some point, every game will have nothing satisfying left to do anymore. That's when you take a break or move on. It's just how it is, nothing to fret over.


There's certainly enough content to keep people interested for a long time, just not forever.

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is not lack of content, the game doesnt have a purpose is just farm and farm, we need a better objective 

On this note the next content will be exiting ,but soon will return the same as before: what objectives ?

     Helping out new players , getting plat from trade and maxing things out...only fun for a while...


     Going with a saying  like we need to come up with the solutions and not just the problem is being hasty about it all.


         This discussion is creating depth for understanding the problem holistically before analyzing it for a solutions



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Game needs an objective.


2 Years. How much time is that?


It's supposed to get stale after thousands of hours.

Take a break, come back.


And I don't think you can pump out content any faster than DE does it.

Edited by Evanescent
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I think the biggest thing OP over looks is Warframe, and to a greater extent DE, is try to cater to many different people.  We have of course primary PvE like myself.  I really enjoy their enemy content & diversity.  Also since they revamped Spy & rescue modes, it has become different.  You can do brute force which doesnt always work or play it smarter & use stealth & take your time so as to not alert people.


Next we have PvP which is under going a major rebalance.  I do not know much more about it since I do not play.  But I would like to think PvP players appreciate that DE is trying to reblanace weapons & frames in that mode to make more stuff viable.


Next we have the completionist view point.  DE trys to bring out a new weapon every month.  Most of the time more than 1 in a month.  Yes most of the time they are reskins but they are different from the originals with different stats.  Even the Prime warframes are different from there stock counter parts. 


Last we have have the casual player.  Does it take some learning yes but it not too complicated.  Yes you get into Mods, damage types, & void keys things get complicated.  But again with anything if you want to play there will be instructions, rules, & game mechanics you will have to get use too. 


Lets not turn this into a conversation about drop rates & farming, this is still a free to play game so if you do not want to farm & you just want a certain gun or frame then please pay for it.  Other wise be super cheap like me but be patient at the same time.  I forget you could also play the merchant game too & buy & sell for profit.

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I like Archwing.

I like PvP.

I like Warframe.

I find Warframe has more content then some AAA Games. 

Warframe is not done, Warframe is only just begining.


Source; Master Rank 19 Founder here since Open Beta Started.

Agree 100%. I love this game to a point that everytime I want to do something new, I start a new weapon/warframe configuration and start testing in different scenarios. 

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