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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Reporting on duty !


(or much more at ease)

Hello everyone :)


I'm newly appointed Guardian of the G ... upss ... Guide of the Lotus :)

I'm will be working with all of you , on both English and Polish side of the community :)

Fill free to ask me anything as you can find me both here on forums and in game :)


Despite my name i don't bite (that hard) and I don't make tentacle jokes ...


See ya on Relay ! ;D

Edited by Cracken
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Reporting on duty !


(or much more at ease)

Hello everyone :)


I'm newly appointed Guardian of the G ... upss ... Guide of the Lotus :)

I'm will be working with all of you , on both English and Polish side of the community :)

Fill free to ask me anything as you can find me both here on forums and in game :)


Despite my name i don't bite (that hard) and I don't make tentacle jokes ...


See ya on Relay ! ;D

Congrats cracken.

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Totally random but; would it be possible to either create a GotL sub-tab to Friends, or even auto populate all Guides into new players friends lists?  Maybe just add a little blurb to the tutorial so newbs know that the Guides are a thing and where they should look for them?


The reason I ask is due to running into some newer players that didn't know about the Guides, they didn't even know to go looking for them, and were thinking about leaving.  Their only in game resource had been Region and well, that didn't go well. :X

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Totally random but; would it be possible to either create a GotL sub-tab to Friends, or even auto populate all Guides into new players friends lists?  Maybe just add a little blurb to the tutorial so newbs know that the Guides are a thing and where they should look for them?


The reason I ask is due to running into some newer players that didn't know about the Guides, they didn't even know to go looking for them, and were thinking about leaving.  Their only in game resource had been Region and well, that didn't go well. :X

one of the possible solution for this impasse is to create a separate chat channel specially for guides and new players - let say that from rank 5 up you can no longer able write in it - but you will still be able to see the guides that are online.

Edited by Cracken
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one of the possible solution for this impasse is to create a separate chat channel specially for guides and new players - let say that from rank 5 up you can no longer able write in it - but you will still be able to see the guides that are online.

That would be a reasonable solution.  My only concern would be off topic situations and a newb not being noticed.  But, I guess with the friends list, we'd run into the same situation.

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That would be a reasonable solution.  My only concern would be off topic situations and a newb not being noticed.  But, I guess with the friends list, we'd run into the same situation.

in that case it would have similar rules to other channels - but while having so much moderators you think that one or few offtops will be a problem ?

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in that case it would have similar rules to other channels - but while having so much moderators you think that one or few offtops will be a problem ?

It would depend on the mods online, time, region, etc.  as well as the current topics.  It's hard carrying on multiple conversations in an open channel, it tends to spill over and can get moving pretty fast. 


Maybe put a little channel message like Trading has, encourage PM'ing a Guide and give the steps how to PM someone?

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Totally random but; would it be possible to either create a GotL sub-tab to Friends, or even auto populate all Guides into new players friends lists?  Maybe just add a little blurb to the tutorial so newbs know that the Guides are a thing and where they should look for them?


The reason I ask is due to running into some newer players that didn't know about the Guides, they didn't even know to go looking for them, and were thinking about leaving.  Their only in game resource had been Region and well, that didn't go well. :X

There are a lot of great ideas and suggestions but ultimately it comes down to dev resources and time being limited. That being said that sounds like a cool idea.


Also Hi to the new guides

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I feel that too many chat tabs would cause confusion to new people as to where to really go. Perhaps the guides could get a [GotL] in front of their gamer tag like [DE] and then in the popup message when you first open chat it will say what those player are. Perhaps.


DE were once considering putting [Guide] in front of our names but decided not to as it would mess up our profiles or something. Guess the sigil and purple text (for seniors) was the next best thing. 

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Totally random but; would it be possible to either create a GotL sub-tab to Friends, or even auto populate all Guides into new players friends lists?  Maybe just add a little blurb to the tutorial so newbs know that the Guides are a thing and where they should look for them?


The reason I ask is due to running into some newer players that didn't know about the Guides, they didn't even know to go looking for them, and were thinking about leaving.  Their only in game resource had been Region and well, that didn't go well. :X

I was adding every single person that added me to their friendslist.

I, unfortunately, regret it.

My friendslist became a new Region chat worth of random invites and PMs begging me for items such as keys, Platinum, and other things I can't provide.

I had to disable invites, and I'm now actively removing those who want nothing more than to mooch off of me for my items, and kiss up to me, as I simply cannot deal with all of them, and would rather help those in actual need, instead of a more "I don't want to farm this item, so you do it for me and give it to me".

It's rather unfortunate, and I had accepted roughly 400 players onto my friendslist, with about 80 of them being online at any one time.

The blurb to the tutorial I can accept, but auto add to friends...? I feel this only adds trouble and limits my ability to help those in a real need.

one of the possible solution for this impasse is to create a separate chat channel specially for guides and new players - let say that from rank 5 up you can no longer able write in it - but you will still be able to see the guides that are online.

As a moderator, creating a 6th channel for me to watch may be a little over cumbersome. I feel the Relay channel being the one step "Guide" channel is best, and should be supported a little better as such.

I feel that too many chat tabs would cause confusion to new people as to where to really go. Perhaps the guides could get a [GotL] in front of their gamer tag like [DE] and then in the popup message when you first open chat it will say what those player are. Perhaps.

The tags are something we've all wanted, and wouldn't mind, though DE says it cannot be done at this time, as the chat can't properly support it.

Perhaps when chat 2.0 arrives, a small feature would allow this.

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I tend to agree with Devoid.  About every other time I post in any of the global chat tabs I get someone asking me for platinum or weapons that we can't get or whatever.  I guess some people think that we get something special out of the program....which we do but it is nothing of substance...We don't get free ducats or prime parts or plat or anything else.  We get gratification for helping others and a Sigil...


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I was adding every single person that added me to their friendslist.

I, unfortunately, regret it.

My friendslist became a new Region chat worth of random invites and PMs begging me for items such as keys, Platinum, and other things I can't provide.

I had to disable invites, and I'm now actively removing those who want nothing more than to mooch off of me for my items, and kiss up to me, as I simply cannot deal with all of them, and would rather help those in actual need, instead of a more "I don't want to farm this item, so you do it for me and give it to me".

It's rather unfortunate, and I had accepted roughly 400 players onto my friendslist, with about 80 of them being online at any one time.

The blurb to the tutorial I can accept, but auto add to friends...? I feel this only adds trouble and limits my ability to help those in a real need.



I was wondering if that was happening.  Sorry to hear that it is. :( 


Probably adding a blurb in the tutorial is the best way to avoid our Guides and mods from being swarmed by leechers.


Everytime a mod quotes me, I have a small heart attack and try to figure out what rules I've broken.  ;~;

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Q: Okay cool, so how exactly do I become a Guide?

A: DE staff will seek out helpful players that have a good reputation in-game and on the Forums. Invitation requests will not be considered.

If you meet the following Guide requirements an invitation will be sent to you on the Forums:

- You have at least a 500 hours of game-play logged (Steam hours are not attributed into overall count).
- You display extensive knowledge of the game and keep up to date on the latest content.
- You are active on the official Warframe Forums and have no more than 1 warning points on your profile (30-Day temporary warning points will not count if they have expired). *Note: This is not a necessary requirement, but a solid reputation definitely helps!


Is it possible for clan leaders or even yet alliance leaders to become guides of the lotus? As it would seem we clan leaders have trained our fair share of new starters thus will know what to do for the most part.


Also is the whole sitting on a relay compulsory? or is it a case of as and when possible?

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Is it possible for clan leaders or even yet alliance leaders to become guides of the lotus? As it would seem we clan leaders have trained our fair share of new starters thus will know what to do for the most part.


Also is the whole sitting on a relay compulsory? or is it a case of as and when possible?

Anyone can become a guide of the lotus.

Relay is whenever you have time.

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