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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Post count doesn't necessarily matter, forum activity and reputation can matter.

I don't care if you have 10 million posts, if they don't contribute much of anything, for example, but if you have 1000 awesome posts that help others and provide good discussion and feedback, etc, I'd take that into consideration.


So having no posts means nothing?

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So having no posts means nothing?

Having no posts leaves me with no way for me to take a look into your profile and posting history to gauge your behavior and contributions.

We'd then need to rely on what we personally experience with a certain user, or recognize them as being active elsewhere, to hold discussion on viability. The application is good and well, though when there are a couple of candidates that have similar applications and we're interested in the both, without having any sort of idea who they are personally, we'd turn to the forums.

The forum activity would help us decide in that regard, verify applications, that sort of thing.

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Been there, do that. All I got was a clan and a T-shirt, Yet I object to learning a language to become a GoL.

I'm not saying you should learn a new language just to become one, I'm saying it increases your chances, simply due to demand. 

Becoming a guide without knowing other languages holds more competition, why would you recruit a great person who only knows English over a great person who knows Portuguese as well, thereby being able to help many more players?


Few have large post numbers, but some have a detailed "about me" page; you'll see some of the things that recruiters are probably looking for. 

Those that have few posts and no page probably put similar statements into their applications, posts do not matter if you do not display the same qualities recruiters are looking for in them. Of course, not a recruiter, others may tell you for sure.

Edited by Zinthir
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Sorry bud =/ remember being a guide is just a title, we get nothing in exchange for being guides. The main thing to take away from this program is to keep being a good, helpful person/tenno and next time recruitment rolls around your likely to be the first person on the list of new recruits! =)

Thanks bud!

I'll give it another go next time.

After I hit send, I feared 4/5 knowledge would cost me. Ask me a question on lore and I'll stare at my phone in cluelessness. Outside of that 5/5.

Also, only 70 days play time is probably on the lower end of people that submitted.

Best of luck GotL, & rock that badass sigil!!

Edited by (PS4)Juzam666
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"Tons of fun," he says. "You'll have a good time," he says. "Bow down to Valkyr," he says.

That sounds like having tons of fun and a good time to me. Now lets get back to work on your praising posture, it could use some work!

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Post count doesn't necessarily matter, forum activity and reputation can matter.

I don't care if you have 10 million posts, if they don't contribute much of anything, for example, but if you have 1000 awesome posts that help others and provide good discussion and feedback, etc, I'd take that into consideration.

But what about on the chosen system, wouldn't where they help be more important than the forums which 70% of people don't care about?
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Ever since I heard rumors of the GotL program, I knew that I wanted to join. I've always been a huge advocate of player helpers, and I was excited for a program that was composed of likewise people.

Even though I wasn't chosen for the early Guides, I didn't stop helping players out. I acted as a Guide without the fancy sigil, and I believe that it's finally been recognised and acknowledged by Danielle and the other Guides.

I couldn't be more proud to wear this sigil, and I'm so excited to be an official guide. I'm going to do our Lotus proud.

Thank you to Danielle and to the Senior Guides for seeing something good in me, and for giving me their trust to help the playerbase in an official capacity.

I look forward to assuming my position on Western America's relay.

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Just a quick question: How do I tell Danielle that I want in? (Never mind the fact that I already applied)

Do I PM her?

Anyway, good to be here, looking forward to helping out.

Yes response to the pm she send and welcome buddy Edited by --MZez--
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I can confirm that most if not all of the new guides fit the same description as Telluric.  You were all already Guides...the only thing that changed is you have a Sigil and a direct line to DE and the Senior Guides for support should the need arise.


If you weren't chosen getting mad won't help nor increase your chances next time. Not being chosen doesn't mean that you were not qualified nor that we don't want you as an Official Guide.  Just keep doing what you were doing before.  We are always watching and learning about new players that we think would make not good Guides but great ones.  


Congrats to all the new Juniors!  See you all around!

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