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Crewman Synthesis Is Done


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I most defenitively agree that the Crewman Project was a "solution" to the current problem for the Orokin.

Made for space, long lifespans and intelligent.

What is INTERESTING is that it was,

A) Cancelled

B) The Project Leader was terminated.

C) The next candidate with another Project was next inline for termination, then given an appeal, but at a heavy price.


I find it weird that this lore entry was less about the crewman project, and more about the origin of the Sentients. Since, yaknow. We were scanning crewmen.


I get why from a 'hey update SOON' standpoint, but from a scan target standpoint it's a little odd that the focus wasn't on the terminated researcher, but on the dude who saw them get pulped.

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I find it weird that this lore entry was less about the crewman project, and more about the origin of the Sentients. Since, yaknow. We were scanning crewmen.


I get why from a 'hey update SOON' standpoint, but from a scan target standpoint it's a little odd that the focus wasn't on the terminated researcher, but on the dude who saw them get pulped.

"No Corpus, you are the Sentients"

And then Corpus was a Sentient

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This sounds like it could be the origin of the Sentients.

The Plan, reminds me to the Golden Way from Dune. A longterm plan (several generations in the making) to safe mankind what ever the cost may be. The Plan however seems to be more focused on a selfish desire of the Orokin leadership.

It seems that the Orokin wanted to leave the Solar system and build up a new home in that Tau system. However so far we only know of one FTL traveling technology in Warframe and that are the solar rails. These would need to be build and placed first. So they still had to travel with sub-light speed to new locations.

In addition to that their solar rails might have a rather short range (given that the Origin system has several of them). Meaning for example that for a distance of 1 light year you would need 20 solar rails. These would need to be placed or constructed along the way.

Note that Alpha Centauri our nearest neighbouring star system is 4 light years away. So that would using above example, allready be 80 rails.

This would mean that the Orokin couldn't just put people in cryo sleep and send them off at near lightspeed like in James Cameron's Avatar.

Instead their ships would need to constantly stop along the way and place the Solar Rails.

So the "Crewmen Project" appears to have been an attempt to create highly resilent and long living servants who could do that job. But the results were simply not good enough.

Perintol's solution instead was to send self replicating robots to do the job. Robots which are incapable of actualy using the solar rails themself. So even if they turned sentient and against the Orokin, they would take forever to travel back, giving them enough time to prepare. Or at least that's what Perintol thought.

That's how the whole thing sounds to me and that sounds a lot like it could be the Sentients.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Im not sure how i really feel about this entry. On one hand, we get to learn/speculate the origins of the sentients.

However on the other, they really didnt think it through naming them “Sentients” did they?

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Interesting Imprint.

Basically, this entry tells us the Sentients can only be killed by Void Energy as they will come back every time we kill them with normal weaponry. Maybe Prime Weapons will be able to kill them as long as they are Energy Infused or something.

By the way, we see there are Executors, that were mentioned previously in the Arid Eviscerator entry. Personally, they seem to be something like the Dark Council from SWTOR, as they execute the Emperor's will and rule when they can't.

It seems like after the Orokin Fall, the surviving Executors fought each other for the throne, destroying the empire from within. That way, the remaining Archimedians could continue doing the Crewmen project, creating the Crewmen as we know them.

Something worth mentioning is that Tau Ceti's System is located 12 LA from here. It's a similar star to the Sun, and possible there are 5 planets there. The Orokin wanted to terraform a planetary system that is low on metals, but why?

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This sounds like it could be the origin of the Sentients.

The Plan, reminds me to the Golden Way from Dune. A longterm plan (several generations in the making) to safe mankind what ever the cost may be. The Plan however seems to be more focused on a selfish desire of the Orokin leadership.

It seems that the Orokin wanted to leave the Solar system and build up a new home in that Tau system. However so far we only know of one FTL traveling technology in Warframe and that are the solar rails. These would need to be build and placed first. So they still had to travel with sub-light speed to new locations.

In addition to that their solar rails might have a rather short range (given that the Origin system has several of them). Meaning for example that for a distance of 1 light year you would need 20 solar rails. These would need to be placed or constructed along the way.

Note that Alpha Centauri our nearest neighbouring star system is 4 light years away. So that would using above example, allready be 80 rails.

This would mean that the Orokin couldn't just put people in cryo sleep and send them off at near lightspeed like in James Cameron's Avatar.

Instead their ships would need to constantly stop along the way and place the Solar Rails.

So the "Crewmen Project" appears to have been an attempt to create highly resilent and long living servants who could do that job. But the results were simply not good enough.

Perintol's solution instead was to send self replicating robots to do the job. Robots which are incapable of actualy using the solar rails themself. So even if they turned sentient and against the Orokin, they would take forever to travel back, giving them enough time to prepare. Or at least that's what Perintol thought.

That's how the whole thing sounds to me and that sounds a lot like it could be the Sentients.

Actually, they used solar rails to travel to a distant solar system in seconds (Mag Prime codex).

Just wondering, did Ash Prime codex show anything?

I'm guessing it didn't.

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This is... kinda fun. I understood that both the Grineer and the Corpus are descendants of the Orokin Empire. But this - this would mean the Corpus created the Grineer. It's making me go all Jackie Chan here.


What Gelkor said:


Ehhhh, the Orokin made the Grineer, the Corpus are just descended from Orokin era human citizens. Corpus just means family or house. It's possible that the citizens who survived the fall and became the modern day Corpus were related to the scientists who worked on the Grineer, but that's a bit removed from "Corpus made the Grineer."


At the time, corpus wasn't a group like it is today. It was just a kind of designation. Like employee - or family, more closely family.



Actually, they used solar rails to travel to a distant solar system in seconds (Mag Prime codex).

Just wondering, did Ash Prime codex show anything?

I'm guessing it didn't.


There is none, sadly. I'm REALLY hoping these Synthesis didn't replace Prime Codexes....

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Perhaps. You have to admit the abilities here seem just like how the Sentients will be.

Adaptive and hard to kill.

I keep comparing this to the Rhino Prime Codex.

"Cut their shell" he sais. And here we have a hard carapace and a soft.interior.

That thing might of been a Sentinel lol.

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We're kinda left with two possible theories:

A) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system, adapted, changed, evolved, and became "sentient"; or

B) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system and got corrupted - or even assimilated, a la Infestation? - by another form of existence, who turned it against the Orokin. (I was personally leaning towards the latter, but to be honest neither option satisfies me as an answer for whatever reason.)


Another thing I wanted to point out. While I was mindlessly slaughtering T4 Vor during my quest for new Primes, a rather disturbing thought occurred to me: the Archimedians, who would later become the now-Corpus, were the scientists from the Orokin Empire. Would it be too much of a stretch to believe they were the ones who engineered the first Grineer?

They were already fighting the Sentients.


This is them just desperately looking for a means to escape to another system to save themselves. o -o


They called his creation an abomination because it was made from the Sentients. 


To reduce the risk of them turning against them again like how all their technology did, their new solar rails go through the void and the void energies harm them. o 3o

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Interesting Imprint.

Basically, this entry tells us the Sentients can only be killed by Void Energy as they will come back every time we kill them with normal weaponry. Maybe Prime Weapons will be able to kill them as long as they are Energy Infused or something.

By the way, we see there are Executors, that were mentioned previously in the Arid Eviscerator entry. Personally, they seem to be something like the Dark Council from SWTOR, as they execute the Emperor's will and rule when they can't.

It seems like after the Orokin Fall, the surviving Executors fought each other for the throne, destroying the empire from within. That way, the remaining Archimedians could continue doing the Crewmen project, creating the Crewmen as we know them.

Something worth mentioning is that Tau Ceti's System is located 12 LA from here. It's a similar star to the Sun, and possible there are 5 planets there. The Orokin wanted to terraform a planetary system that is low on metals, but why?

Well they probably didn't want the starfish-machines they sent over there building a lot of stuff to come at them with in case they do turn against them.

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This sounds like it could be the origin of the Sentients.

The Plan, reminds me to the Golden Way from Dune. A longterm plan (several generations in the making) to safe mankind what ever the cost may be. The Plan however seems to be more focused on a selfish desire of the Orokin leadership.

It seems that the Orokin wanted to leave the Solar system and build up a new home in that Tau system. However so far we only know of one FTL traveling technology in Warframe and that are the solar rails. These would need to be build and placed first. So they still had to travel with sub-light speed to new locations.

In addition to that their solar rails might have a rather short range (given that the Origin system has several of them). Meaning for example that for a distance of 1 light year you would need 20 solar rails. These would need to be placed or constructed along the way.

Note that Alpha Centauri our nearest neighbouring star system is 4 light years away. So that would using above example, allready be 80 rails.

This would mean that the Orokin couldn't just put people in cryo sleep and send them off at near lightspeed like in James Cameron's Avatar.

Instead their ships would need to constantly stop along the way and place the Solar Rails.

So the "Crewmen Project" appears to have been an attempt to create highly resilent and long living servants who could do that job. But the results were simply not good enough.

Perintol's solution instead was to send self replicating robots to do the job. Robots which are incapable of actualy using the solar rails themself. So even if they turned sentient and against the Orokin, they would take forever to travel back, giving them enough time to prepare. Or at least that's what Perintol thought.

That's how the whole thing sounds to me and that sounds a lot like it could be the Sentients.

We dont even know if the Rails are FTL, FAL (Fast as Light) or Wormhole (Instataneous), and the Rails made for outside the Origin System might just be more advanced or powerful.


Another theory is that the Rails are made in each planet just to control traffic, if no ships have FTL, or something like that, capabilities, then they can control who comes and goes. Ofc the Grineer cant cant seem to use this freature so the Rails are always powered up and anyone can use it, all they can do is try to see who can(t) use it, and the Lisets are stealth ships so...


Like you said, the nearest Star System is 4 light years away, if we dont know how fast their best ships can travel, we will never be sure how long it would take to reach the TAU Ceti which is 3 times further and the Orokin were pressed for time.


And, you know... the Orokin reminds me of the Protheans:


Avantus (Arid Eviscerator): "Besides, those people know their place and they just did their duty. I will see to it they are honored when our Orokin Empire returns to glory."


Javik: "Their sacrifice will be honored in the comming Empire." , "We were one Empire composed of many subjects, all eventually called themselves 'Prothean'."


If they were like them or worse in some entries we saw... Well, I cant feel sorry for them.


It seems that the more and more we learn about them, the more we will feel like they had to go.

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We dont even know if the Rails are FTL, FAL (Fast as Light) or Wormhole (Instataneous), and the Rails made for outside the Origin System might just be more advanced or powerful.


Another theory is that the Rails are made in each planet just to control traffic, if no ships have FTL, or something like that, capabilities, then they can control who comes and goes. Ofc the Grineer cant cant seem to use this freature so the Rails are always powered up and anyone can use it, all they can do is try to see who can(t) use it, and the Lisets are stealth ships so...


Like you said, the nearest Star System is 4 light years away, if we dont know how fast their best ships can travel, we will never be sure how long it would take to reach the TAU Ceti which is 3 times further and the Orokin were pressed for time.


And, you know... the Orokin reminds me of the Protheans:


Avantus (Arid Eviscerator): "Besides, those people know their place and they just did their duty. I will see to it they are honored when our Orokin Empire returns to glory."


Javik: "Their sacrifice will be honored in the comming Empire." , "We were one Empire composed of many subjects, all eventually called themselves 'Prothean'."


If they were like them or worse in some entries we saw... Well, I cant feel sorry for them.


It seems that the more and more we learn about them, the more we will feel like they had to go.

Considering how they treat  people during the crisis and then honor them afterwards kinda shows how full of themselves they are to think their honoring is worth anything.............


I guess the Tenno saw this as a problem in the universe and eradicated the Orokin while they were honoring them. 

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Keep in mind that one of the Executors is said to be operating from Mars by another. So it's definitely interplanetary.


Yes but that specific executor seemed to be local to Mars, what I was suggesting is that a specific Executor "executes" the Will of the Orokin on specific planets/stations/ships and the Council convenes to vote on matters of law. Above them is the non-executive ruling class that sets strategy and just gets on with their life, the "Emperors" if you will.


It's very speculative, but that's the feeling I got.

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We dont even know if the Rails are FTL, FAL (Fast as Light) or Wormhole (Instataneous), and the Rails made for outside the Origin System might just be more advanced or powerful.


Another theory is that the Rails are made in each planet just to control traffic, if no ships have FTL, or something like that, capabilities, then they can control who comes and goes. Ofc the Grineer cant cant seem to use this freature so the Rails are always powered up and anyone can use it, all they can do is try to see who can(t) use it, and the Lisets are stealth ships so...


We know that the rail trip from what is assumed to be the Pluto Rail to a system with Sentients ("Alien Blue Star") happens in real-time for a human and is short enough to be described with minimal transition.


The punch came - and our windows became blinding. When we could see again our ship was somewhere else, shattered and dead in an instant.


And we know that the Solar rails use the Void as a transit medium, 

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So the picture starts becoming more clear.

There are laws/rules of preservation for the Orokin Empire.
Orokins put themselves at risk by creating Sentients. Breaking these laws.
Tenno fulfilled their role in the battle with Sentients.
Tennos following these laws executed Orokins responsible.

Also, who knows what did Sentients discover in the Tau system? Maybe something that made them evolve this far?
Since they are said to subdue technologies, how did they didn't become more familiar with the Void by building Solar Rails?
What did happen to Solar Rails in the Tau System? Did them got destroyed during the Sentient War?
Why did Sentients come back to the Origin System? What were they looking for?
Since the Origin System was a crumbling wasteland how did surviving populations made it to the actual Tenno Era we are playing in?


Look at this:

In war, the Sentients used heat-based beam weapons and "worm-ships" ringed in glowing discs; these may have used a similar method of propulsion as Orokin ships, since they are referred at one point as "coming out of punch" (an expression denoting the use of a Solar Rail).
Edited by Burnthesteak87
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If this creature is a sentient-precursor, then what is the Tomb of the Sentient?

Perhaps the original orokin sub-light ship that transported the sentient builders?



I'm just more and more... underwhelmed thinking of the sentients.

Just another grey goo scenario. People create replicating machines. The machines evolve. Chaos ensues.

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Perhaps the original orokin sub-light ship that transported the sentient builders?



I'm just more and more... underwhelmed thinking of the sentients.

Just another grey goo scenario. People create replicating machines. The machines evolve. Chaos ensues.

You don't know what happened in the Tau System, before and during the Old War. Given this piece of Lore comes long before Old War, Tenno, (hypotetical) Grineers creation.. There is so much that can enrich and twist the plot.

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Perhaps the original orokin sub-light ship that transported the sentient builders?



I'm just more and more... underwhelmed thinking of the sentients.

Just another grey goo scenario. People create replicating machines. The machines evolve. Chaos ensues.


I think the story so far is still far better than the millions of anthromorphic aliens that speak english populating our films, tvs, books and comics.

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