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Crewman Synthesis Is Done


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I take it all back, looks like the Sentients are indeed going to the Orokin AI creations. With a built in... known... vulnerability to the Void.


So... not a _single_ true alien in the whole game... interesting.


Still, It near-confirms that it's the Void-powers of the Tenno that made them so good against the Sentients. I wonder if they still can't travel the void.


Oh and nice to have more confirmation that the Solar Rails _are_ trans-Void-travel, some people doubted that.


Also, the Orokin just keep becoming bigger and bigger A******s the more we learn don't they.


Am I the only one disappointed by this revelation? I was hoping the sentients would be much more... Alien, what with how they constantly quote ancient Mayan creation myths and what with how only the Tenno could defeat them. Them being yet another orokin creation run amok (just like grineer, infested, and arguably Tenno) is kind of trite and cliche at this point. It's not just a story that's old hat in sci fi in general, it's a story that Warframe itself has already dealt with.


On the upside, the creature in this lore entry is a lot squishier than some AI construct, so at least it sounds like DE avoided that particular cliche.


The Seven Principles seem to talk about things turning against them, things made by them. But that's the only clue we have.


As for the need for terraforming, as the narrator says "they already suffer in this growing wasteland", so I'd say that the Orokin had effectively used us all the resources in Origin. So they needed to move out, head to the Tau system, get more things, move their people their. Expand their Empire.


Sadly, it seems they never got that far.


The only issue I have with that is how the orokin clearly didn't use all the resources in Origin, since there's still enough for the grineer and corpus to casually pump out bazillions of ships in the modern era, after centuries/milennia of collapse. Recycling and salvaging can only get you so far. 

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Well these Sentients seem to definitely have been genetic in origin. What, exactly, our Warframes come into is unclear - we only have theories, atm.


I say they're biological, but...



A lot of the technology in Warframe seems to be bio-technical. Infested and the technocyte virus affect and meld both bio material and technology. We have corrupted MOAs just like we have corrupted crewmen and grineer.


Even the Warframes are described as catalysts for the hosts power. Technology working in tanderm with biological material is a big theme here. The original Dark Sector had the virus create beings of "living metal".


I think that this is what sentients are. Beings of living metal so to speak.

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Now its hard to know if The Crewmen project was in anyway related to the sentient project. I can see the Orokin being $&*^s about any project idea.


-So you spend a century at school. Specialize into a specific branch of learning. You then pitch your Thesis to the Excecutors. Not sure if this is a sustainable solution for funding problems.


So after the war the lost corpus just stumbled on this abandoned project and used it? What did it do? Was it just an initiative to use human labor instead of moa?


Then Tau Ceti. 12 light years away. So how bad is Orokin and thus our own sub-light speed.

Then the Orokin attacked Tau it to take it over from the Sentients. The Sentients didn't destroy their end of the gate when threatened?

The Orokin destroyed the Origin systems end of the gate as they knew they could perhaps overcome "the flaw".

And if they knew what the flaw was from the start, why the Infested? Unless its now retcon to a different problem.

The outer terminus was becoming a wasteland. Was the infested a problem before sentients and were not really a weapon against them?

Edited by Firetempest
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A lot of the technology in Warframe seems to be bio-technical. Infested and the technocyte virus affect and meld both bio material and technology. We have corrupted MOAs just like we have corrupted crewmen and grineer.


Even the Warframes are described as catalysts for the hosts power. Technology working in tanderm with biological material is a big theme here. The original Dark Sector had the virus create beings of "living metal".


I think that this is what sentients are. Beings of living metal so to speak.


I still don't see MOAs and other Corpus proxies as being biological - this would be supported by Alad V's talk about his Mutalist creations during the whole Patient Zero quest; they're a new thing, made by him. But like any machine they can be reprogrammed and controlled by another force that ha the technology - hence the Corrupted. You'll note THEY, unlike the biological corrupted, don't have the masks on them.

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The only issue I have with that is how the orokin clearly didn't use all the resources in Origin, since there's still enough for the grineer and corpus to casually pump out bazillions of ships in the modern era, after centuries/milennia of collapse. Recycling and salvaging can only get you so far. 


Perhaps the Orokin (sub-breed of human) themselves require an as yet revealed resource in order to live/reproduce, and the Sol system was running dry, while the Tau system had it. 

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Perhaps the Orokin (sub-breed of human) themselves require an as yet revealed resource in order to live/reproduce, and the Sol system was running dry, while the Tau system had it. 

Perhaps the Orokin reached an unprecedented level of self-sufficiency? I mean, much of what they left behind are still fully functional despite who knows how much time having passed since their disappearance, for lack of a better term.

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Man, the Orokin are $&*^s.  Killing off your best scientists because their projects failed?  They deserve every bullet the Tenno put into them.  Its not even due to the replication problem either, the previous researcher died because they didn't like crewman.

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-So you spend a century at school. Specialize into a specific branch of learning. You then pitch your Thesis to the Excecutors. Not sure if this is a sustainable solution for funding problems.


Man, the Orokin are $&*^s.  Killing off your best scientists because their projects failed?  They deserve every bullet the Tenno put into them.  Its not even due to the replication problem either, the previous researcher died because they didn't like crewman.


I think they were executed/going to be executed because they both had a hand in creating the Sentient, which Ballas referred to as "evidence" of their crime.  Apparently whatever was involved in making it is in violation of Orokin Law, punishable by death. Likely the act of making a true sentience that can reproduce and overthrow them.  Think all those silly anti-AI laws everyone has in Mass Effect, or the Covenant has in Halo.


This excerpt is basically the opening scene of Lilo and Stitch. 

Edited by Gelkor
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I most defenitively agree that the Crewman Project was a "solution" to the current problem for the Orokin.

Made for space, long lifespans and intelligent.

What is INTERESTING is that it was,

A) Cancelled

B) The Project Leader was terminated.

C) The next candidate with another Project was next inline for termination, then given an appeal, but at a heavy price.

This all sound like time was running out and all the brightest minds submitted their best ideas.

What this threat was I can't imagine.

I still think that the Emperors are something else. The Excecutors NEED them, but they are not them.

The Orokins appearance seem angelic. Smooth skin, no imperfections and Golden eyes. Orokin, people of gold.

And finally. The Sentient. This is the classic sci-fi nanotechnology. It protects and adapt against whatever hurt them.

This now cemented my belief that Technocyte IS the main techbology that the Orokin used. The creature basically is a Technocyte animal, and possibly the source of the later infestation.

What I don't like is the Unknown timeframe, and the fact that they knew very well what the Void was at this time.

Do this mean that Excalibur's codex is a Lie?

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Hmm... I wonder what the chances are that 'Perintol' is Mr. Perrin Sequence. Corpus are lead incredibly long lives, so an older member like him is likely millenia old. The names are similarly rooted, so Perrin Sequence could be his creation once the Corpus failed to uphold his vision of peace.

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Hmm... I wonder what the chances are that 'Perintol' is Mr. Perrin Sequence. Corpus are lead incredibly long lives, so an older member like him is likely millenia old. The names are similarly rooted, so Perrin Sequence could be his creation once the Corpus failed to uphold his vision of peace.


Then he's got some 'splainin' to do.


Could be a descendant or named in his honor too.

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Am I the only one disappointed by this revelation? I was hoping the sentients would be much more... Alien, what with how they constantly quote ancient Mayan creation myths and what with how only the Tenno could defeat them. Them being yet another orokin creation run amok (just like grineer, infested, and arguably Tenno) is kind of trite and cliche at this point. It's not just a story that's old hat in sci fi in general, it's a story that Warframe itself has already dealt with.


On the upside, the creature in this lore entry is a lot squishier than some AI construct, so at least it sounds like DE avoided that particular cliche.



The only issue I have with that is how the orokin clearly didn't use all the resources in Origin, since there's still enough for the grineer and corpus to casually pump out bazillions of ships in the modern era, after centuries/milennia of collapse. Recycling and salvaging can only get you so far. 


The one who turned the machine against the Orokin are the Sentients.


Not the regenerative machines themselves! 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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The one who turned the machine against the Orokin are the Sentients.

Not the regenerative machines themselves!

Perhaps. You have to admit the abilities here seem just like how the Sentients will be.

Adaptive and hard to kill.

I keep comparing this to the Rhino Prime Codex.

"Cut their shell" he sais. And here we have a hard carapace and a soft.interior.

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The one who turned the machine against the Orokin are the Sentients.


Not the regenerative machines themselves! 


Perhaps. You have to admit the abilities here seem just like how the Sentients will be.

Adaptive and hard to kill.


We're kinda left with two possible theories:

A) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system, adapted, changed, evolved, and became "sentient"; or

B) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system and got corrupted - or even assimilated, a la Infestation? - by another form of existence, who turned it against the Orokin. (I was personally leaning towards the latter, but to be honest neither option satisfies me as an answer for whatever reason.)


Another thing I wanted to point out. While I was mindlessly slaughtering T4 Vor during my quest for new Primes, a rather disturbing thought occurred to me: the Archimedians, who would later become the now-Corpus, were the scientists from the Orokin Empire. Would it be too much of a stretch to believe they were the ones who engineered the first Grineer?

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Another thing I wanted to point out. While I was mindlessly slaughtering T4 Vor during my quest for new Primes, a rather disturbing thought occurred to me: the Archimedians, who would later become the now-Corpus, were the scientists from the Orokin Empire. Would it be too much of a stretch to believe they were the ones who engineered the first Grineer?


Not at all. We already know the Grineer were Orokin-made AND that these Archimedians were genetic geniuses. I have no doubt that this group was responsible for the creation of the Grineer worker-slaves and then the evolution of them into soldiers.

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Not at all. We already know the Grineer were Orokin-made AND that these Archimedians were genetic geniuses. I have no doubt that this group was responsible for the creation of the Grineer worker-slaves and then the evolution of them into soldiers.


This is... kinda fun. I understood that both the Grineer and the Corpus are descendants of the Orokin Empire. But this - this would mean the Corpus created the Grineer. It's making me go all Jackie Chan here.



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This is... kinda fun. I understood that both the Grineer and the Corpus are descendants of the Orokin Empire. But this - this would mean the Corpus created the Grineer. 

Now all I can imagine is the solar system as one big airing of Maury and they're all trying to figure out who created who.


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This is... kinda fun. I understood that both the Grineer and the Corpus are descendants of the Orokin Empire. But this - this would mean the Corpus created the Grineer. It's making me go all Jackie Chan here.


Ehhhh, the Orokin made the Grineer, the Corpus are just descended from Orokin era human citizens. Corpus just means family or house. It's possible that the citizens who survived the fall and became the modern day Corpus were related to the scientists who worked on the Grineer, but that's a bit removed from "Corpus made the Grineer." Edited by Gelkor
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We're kinda left with two possible theories:

A) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system, adapted, changed, evolved, and became "sentient"; or

B) The starfish-machine reached the Tau system and got corrupted - or even assimilated, a la Infestation? - by another form of existence, who turned it against the Orokin. (I was personally leaning towards the latter, but to be honest neither option satisfies me as an answer for whatever reason.)


Another thing I wanted to point out. While I was mindlessly slaughtering T4 Vor during my quest for new Primes, a rather disturbing thought occurred to me: the Archimedians, who would later become the now-Corpus, were the scientists from the Orokin Empire. Would it be too much of a stretch to believe they were the ones who engineered the first Grineer?

I am prone to A because the narrator refers "it" to "creature", so it is not merely a normal machine. It implies that it has the potential to contain organic or become one. The description of it's composition also implies this IMHO.

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Ehhhh, the Orokin made the Grineer, the Corpus are just descended from Orokin era human citizens. Corpus just means family or house. It's possible that the citizens who survived the fall and became the modern day Corpus were related to the scientists who worked on the Grineer, but that's a bit removed from "Corpus made the Grineer."


It was a metaphor, lol. PsychedelicSnake got the joke though.

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