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Vauban Drop Is Kind Of Unfair


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Hi everyone


I have a problem with the drop rate of the Vauban warframe. The problem being that no matter how much you grind, you may never get the warframe.


Please correct me if I am wrong.


1- I have to wait for an alert

2 - i have to hope its "?" alert (which is random?)

3 - The prize is also random so i have to hope its the component

4 - Each component you get decreases the chances of you getting the next piece

5 - there is nothing stopping you from getting the same item twice

6 - There is nothing i can do to improve my chances OR compensate for the low chance of the drops.


This means you can play 1000000 alerts and never ever get a complete set to build your Vauban warframe.


play 3 games and get all the parts. however, the odds on that happening are kinda low.


Basically it is a lottery. Where you CANNOT invest your time to compensate for the low odds.


Now this is a pretty big change in how micro transactions work. Because either you buy it, or you might never get it.


At least with other warframes, if you put in the time and you are successful in the game you can re-run a mission over and over and compensate for the low odds. (it takes more much gameplay time but its free)


But you cant do that with alerts, you have to wait and hope.


So now i am in this position:

I have collected almost everything in the game I want to collect. (so far)

So now, 

I only play alerts with "?" as there is no point to playing any other part of the game. By that I  mean the investment of time will yield little to no reward, progress etc. However I can't put in more time than that because the game won't let me. I have to wait for the right kind of alert.





I don't play at all, because even if I did wait around for alerts with "?" I may never get any suit components, and if i did get a a component, my chances of getting the next one gets worse, and the one after that gets even worse. And I cant invest my time to compensate for that.


I think generally speaking, if someone has two options, both of which involve playing the game less as that is the best economy of the players time. Then the game did something wrong.


Anyone got any helpful suggestions or corrections if i am wrong on something?






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Please correct me if I am wrong.


1- I have to wait for an alert

2 - i have to hope its "?" alert (which is random?)

3 - The prize is also random so i have to hope its the component

4 - Each component you get decreases the chances of you getting the next piece

5 - there is nothing stopping you from getting the same item twice

6 - There is nothing i can do to improve my chances OR compensate for the low chance of the drops.


1. 30-40 minutes apart

2. Sorta. Look at twitter.com/warframealerts to see what the ? is

3. See 2

4. Incorrect, you always have the same chance.

5. Correct.

6. Follow Twitter, carry a laptop, have a trusted friend log you on, Or you know, pay DE some money for their free game.

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If you have an Android phone, use the application https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digitalextremes.warframenexus'>Warframe Nexus 

If not, just keep an eye on the twitter accound https://twitter.com/WarframeAlerts'>Warframe Alerts.


Both options will allow you to see what kind of alert is running and what is the reward for a "?" alert. You don't even have to be logged in to check it.

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What is unfair about it? Just because you now want it doesnt makes it any more unfair then already existing stuff like heat dagger/dark sword/ dark dagger / ceramic dagger....


People never made any threads about how unfair these weapon drops are, because they arent. These threads now only exist because people dont have any patience for new stuff....

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1. 30-40 minutes apart

2. Sorta. Look at twitter.com/warframealerts to see what the ? is

3. See 2

4. Incorrect, you always have the same chance.

5. Correct.

6. Follow Twitter, carry a laptop, have a trusted friend log you on, Or you know, pay DE some money for their free game.

1. Up to ten hours apart actually.

5. It's kinda stupid that DE has a system put into the game that actively discourages people from playing the game, no?

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Just to note to those who say pay for the game.



I have payed for this game and put in enough money already as if buying an xbox game. I also put in a butt load of time.  I payed cash this to help the devs rather than to buy in game items. I like trying to earn the stuff in games I don't like to buy my way through it. However, warframe components on the "?" alerts is a really bad idea and kinda unfair to those who don't play. Being on alerts makes it stop being about time put in the game and just being a lot more about being lucky.


Also the prices for warframes in the market are WAY to high (though you can argue you are buying an "experience" not just a warframe, but if that was the case it should come leveled with a whole bunch of maxed mods)

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1. Up to ten hours apart actually.

5. It's kinda stupid that DE has a system put into the game that actively discourages people from playing the game, no?

How unlucky are you that ? Alerts are 10 hours apart?

And how is that what their doing?

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How unlucky are you that ? Alerts are 10 hours apart?

And how is that what their doing?

It's all the awful RNG man. It hasn't happened in the past few days but there's been a few times where the ? alerts on the twitter were 10 hours apart at least. So how is it not their awful system's fault?

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The Alert system seems bad right now because it is the only thing breaking up the relative monotony of just running normal missions. It's still early in the lifetime development of the game and Alerts are just one single piece of a puzzle with many pieces yet to come. Alerts won't seem so bad once we have other things to go along with it, for example (just a few ideas) to have multiple random events happening in the game-world:


Several of these could be going on simultaneously -


1. Mothership spotted! Attack Corpus mothership loaded with robots before it can invade the planetary system

2. Hidden Base infiltration. A Tenno hidden base has been discovered, find the spies and eliminate them inside our own hidden base

3. Outpost Infestment. One of the Grineer's outposts has become overrun by Infested. Destroy both factions as they focus on each other

4. Unknown singularity detected. Investigate a previously undiscovered singularity just outside our local sector. Watch for other interested factions

5. Ancient Derelict found. A dropship will deposit you at this derelict ship found floating near Pluto. Salvage alien tech and watch for traps!

6. Standard traditional ? Alert (just like they are now)


See, with all of those put together then Alerts wouldn't seem so bad but any one of them alone and nothing else would quickly get "old" real fast. Kind of like current alerts have. We just need more cool random stuff popping up besides ? Alerts.

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They should put him on a boss on Europa because there is not one yet:) or have him similar to Banshee and have it as a random reward

Putting Vauban as Europa boss would be bad, because it would make the people who bought it with money mad, but they should put Banshee there though.

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What is unfair about it? Just because you now want it doesnt makes it any more unfair then already existing stuff like heat dagger/dark sword/ dark dagger / ceramic dagger....


People never made any threads about how unfair these weapon drops are, because they arent. These threads now only exist because people dont have any patience for new stuff....



There is a difference, Once you get the dark dagger etc. Thats it you got it. its done. You don't have to go through it again to get the next part, and then again to get the next part. Which wouldn't be so bad if it were a planet run like the rest.


The alert system, especially for warframes, actually makes it better for time to just play the game less. Wait for a "?" alert do it in 10mins or less, then log out and wait again. . 


that is bad for the game as a whole, just because, if a player isn't in your game because there is little reward for doing so, then they will play something else, whilst they wait for a reason to log in.

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Argoms is right.  Whether you agree with the current method of distributing the Vauban components or not, the topic has been beaten to death in many, many other posts, with nothing settled but hundreds and hundreds of opinions expressed.


No disrespect to the OP or his/her position on the subject, but there is no point to creating yet another thread for people to bat opinions back and forth in again.  Call for the thread to be locked.

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Argoms is right.  Whether you agree with the current method of distributing the Vauban components or not, the topic has been beaten to death in many, many other posts, with nothing settled but hundreds and hundreds of opinions expressed.


No disrespect to the OP or his/her position on the subject, but there is no point to creating yet another thread for people to bat opinions back and forth in again.  Call for the thread to be locked.

Actually there is. DE seems determined to ignore any problem that people aren't very vocal about. The alert system is a huge problem, the more people who raise a fuss about it the more likely they are to finally fix it.

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Pay play and support the devs.

I'm really beginning to hate it when people bring this argument up whenever someone has a legitimate complaint about paid options vs free options.

Now I'm not saying don't support the devs, I bought the Hunter package and will probably be getting Master soon. I did that because I liked the game and wanted to support it. NOT because I felt pressured into it.

Vauban never should have been alert exclusive. The difference between him and all the weapons is that THIS IS A WHOLE WARFRAME WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. Something that changes gameplay a lot more than a different weapon.

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Argoms is right.  Whether you agree with the current method of distributing the Vauban components or not, the topic has been beaten to death in many, many other posts, with nothing settled but hundreds and hundreds of opinions expressed.


No disrespect to the OP or his/her position on the subject, but there is no point to creating yet another thread for people to bat opinions back and forth in again.  Call for the thread to be locked.


after seeing Argoms post. I see your point, The ultimate issue is the alert system,  Vauban warframe issue is a product of that.


With so many threads on that issue I wonder if the Devs realize it's kinda broken in the long run?

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Pay play and support the devs.

I'm not paying until flaws I see in the system are changed. Anyone who gives in and pays while they have a major problem with the game is effectively sacrificing their voice since in the end, money talks. Edited by Argoms
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I'm not paying until flaws I see in the system are changed. Anyone who gives in and pays while they have a major problem with the game is effectively sacrificing their voice since in the end, money talks.

This is exactly why I didn't get any plat or anything after this recent update rolled out and in a single day they managed to take out a lot of what me and my friends were loving.

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I'm not paying until flaws I see in the system are changed. Anyone who gives in and pays while they have a major problem with the game is effectively sacrificing their voice since in the end, money talks.


but what if the money we give supports them so they can make those changes?


Generally I'm with you actually, but about 100hours in, i figured despite the flaws, it was good enough for me to enjoy 100 hours of the game, so I gave them money to support my next 100 hours. After that i did the same again, I think im entering subscription territory here lol. Also i get to be a space ninja.


A lot of game may be released at a AAA price and provide only a few hours of play (anyone remember Force Unleashed 2?) 

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