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Vauban Drop Is Kind Of Unfair


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Well, I read through all 4 pages of debate (to polite to everyone), so here is my take:

It seems to me most of the posts here missed the point of the entire game (or as was stated in the only that didn't, have another reason for playing) - This is a co-op game! not just in the sense that your target isn't another player, but for squad/team members to actually work togather.

If your interest in the game is just obtaining new 'frames/weapons/artifact and leveling them, you will lose interest whenever you won't get a new content in relation to the time you can put into the game.

For me it's the friends - made some new ones (talked to them) and managed to to bring some old ones into it - playing with them is what's keeping me interested and likely will for a long time.

Yes I follow the warframe nexus and twitter, and am dissappointed whenever there is or was an item which I want and didn't get, but I can also use that info to let my friends know that some good content is available even if I won't get it.

Regardless of the fairness/unfairness or any other opinion on the alert system (I really have nothing to add to that discussion) I would like to suggest to all the players who feel like they have it all (except Vabaun :)) something else - bring your friends into the game and play with them. None are interested - make new ones - go to starter mission and use VoIP to talk and help new players (press C to talk), form clans not only for UP8 but for the fun.

I stated this before - it's fun to play the game, but all the laughs are at the (insert software name) server.

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Well, I read through all 4 pages of debate (to polite to everyone), so here is my take:

It seems to me most of the posts here missed the point of the entire game (or as was stated in the only that didn't, have another reason for playing) - This is a co-op game! not just in the sense that your target isn't another player, but for squad/team members to actually work togather.

If your interest in the game is just obtaining new 'frames/weapons/artifact and leveling them, you will lose interest whenever you won't get a new content in relation to the time you can put into the game.

For me it's the friends - made some new ones (talked to them) and managed to to bring some old ones into it - playing with them is what's keeping me interested and likely will for a long time.

Yes I follow the warframe nexus and twitter, and am dissappointed whenever there is or was an item which I want and didn't get, but I can also use that info to let my friends know that some good content is available even if I won't get it.

Regardless of the fairness/unfairness or any other opinion on the alert system (I really have nothing to add to that discussion) I would like to suggest to all the players who feel like they have it all (except Vabaun :)) something else - bring your friends into the game and play with them. None are interested - make new ones - go to starter mission and use VoIP to talk and help new players (press C to talk), form clans not only for UP8 but for the fun.

I stated this before - it's fun to play the game, but all the laughs are at the (insert software name) server.


on the friends part.


Well with my friends we have done every mission (which is obviously much easier with friends). There is only so many times doing the same mission types is entertaining until you all develop a method with our fully leveled warframes and weapons to just beat it over and over. When you run out of equipment to level and missions to do, and essentially new challenges, even the fun ones you might make for yourselves. Then what? 


Playing co-op, as fun as it is, actually gets you to the end game wall alot faster. If you market your game on co-op play, you have to be prepared that people working together will beat the game quicker than a single player.


Heck, the whole game is solo-able and not just in solo mode. I've never seen a mission that can't be solo'd, heck I hardly ever run out of ammo so i still dont see the need for those ammo boxes. (Maybe for people who only use guns?)


I made some acquaintances in the game also, and got to wave 45 (i think it was that - one of the dude screenshotted it) on Xini and a few other fun things as well.


But to paraphrase Totalbiscuit - playing with friends doesn't make a game good game. You can have a great time playing a terrible game when your with friends. 


Its not like its a sandbox game and players can make their own fun. (if they released a level editor that could make all the difference for this game)

Its an objective based mission running game, in a corridor setting/horde mode. Players cant do much outside the limits given, and so there has to be enough content to keep up. 


Thats not the players fault, that is a design flaw that most games keep making. 

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I'm going to have to disagree to pretty much everything posted. 


Everyone has their own reason for playing. Yours happens to be friends. We didn't "miss" the point any more than you did. Some people are collectors/completionists, others try to break records or do silly things. Your reason to play this game is no more valid than anyone else's. Just because alerts don't matter that much to you doesn't make it a good system, does it?


Also, there are practically no co-op features. Warframe abilities don't interact with each other in particularly unique ways (radial javelin/bullet attractor being one of the few exceptions). There are no areas that really require teamwork to pass. One problem is that people seem to be so afraid of "trolls" abusing teamwork-encouraging mechanics. Trolls can abuse any mechanic. So long as there is some way to interact, it'll be possible for one guy to &!$$ another guy off. This isn't a good reason to stop adding mechanics that could potentially be used for trolling, but otherwise add depth to the game.


"you will lose interest whenever you won't get a new content in relation to the time you can put into the game"


A game frustrates people when it's not internally consistent. That's one big problem with the alerts system. You see everything else in the game? You put time into running missions and you get drops. Play more, get more stuff. Use this stuff to craft more stuff, or upgrade your current stuff.  This is one of the basic premises that the game introduces to you at the start. Then the alerts come in. You get new stuff completely independently from the amount that you play. I'm not going to go through my whole alerts are bad speech again since I always have the same thing to say on alerts, so here's all the other threads that share similar views. tl;dr: alerts system is flawed (as a method of content distribution) and needs changing.

(this is a quote from DE rebecca in the may 19th hot feedback thread)
There has been suggestions of ways to improve the alerts (adding a token system, generating Alerts based on time logged in, etc), and these are being seen.
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I see what your saying, and if it became a boss drop, then that boss would have the crap farmed out of it until all the parts dropped. I totally agree. 


I also agree that that can be seriously overused in a game. 


But that isn't the players problem actually, thats the Dev's problem (and not an easy one to overcome), its a system that is re used and has the same flaws and no innovation has been done to better THAT system, this is the current result of Dev choices. Instead the alert system is introduced, which kudos for giving something a try, but it has a lot of flaws AND alienates players from the game. So much so that other mechanics outside the game have to be used to keep people linked to the stuff going on in the game (twitter etc).  Thats a lot of extra infrastructure to do something that the game should be doing naturally.


All the while the result as a player is. 

' i have nothing to do but twiddle my thumps until a "?" pops up which can sometimes take hours."





U just equated hour/days (maybe weeks for some people) of grinding for an item as being the SAME as get something right now.


If that is your view then this whole topic may be lost on you.



No one has said there shouldnt be a long grind time. The fact is there is no ability to grind for it in the first place. You cant really grind for something that is only there for a small portion of the day, at different times in the day, which is random, so few and random I have to use out of game mechanics (gimmicks) just to keep track of when those random times occur. 


Note: most of what I said there isn't even to do with game play. Coz I don't get to play the game, I get to wait for a chance to play the game and have to decide between my irl schedule and what ever the game decides its schedule is for that day. 


Heck its not even at a set time/s every day for me to design my life around their timetable should i be so inclined. 


And if its a casual gamer approach you want, well, I play the ones that pop up as my schedule allows. 

Well now I play the game even less, and when I do play I have high odds on getting practically nothing out of it. 


and essentially I have less rolls at the dice per day when trying to get an item, where before I could trade my time for what is effectively dice rolls for an item, or I could pay money to get rid of the dice all together. 


Now, as far as the Vauban Warframe,  I can just pay to get rid of the dice or

I have to be successful with x3 dice rolls to get the suit, So I have to run mission x3 more than for any other alert item. AND I get significantly less chances to roll a dice due to it being an "?" alert not just a normal alert, AND I can't invest my time in the game to get more dice rolls.


I get that the "free" players will probably be second to "pay" players. But the only thing invested by "free" players is time, and now, as far the "?" alerts, we can't do that.


My own play time has dropped from several hours in an evening to about 20mins of actual game time. With the occasional bump in play time as I help friends level as they are much more the casual gamer type. 


And some of them won't buy that suit coz the warframe prices are so high. Though they still buy plat for customization. 

They are in a similar position, they are paying gamers, who can't put in more time than they already do, but they will have to wait and twiddle thumbs when it comes to the Vauban Warframe just like i do and every other player who may not be able to afford the suit.



Maybe now you see how grinding for an item is not the same as saying "I just want it now" ? 


just to add: sorry for the wall of text


Yeah, that wall of text was a bit long for me to get through. My point isn't all that deep though. All I am saying is that nearly all content is available via farming and alerts. I WOULD like more of the alert rewards to be random to the player - to cut down on the "I missed it!!!" rage. The amount of content being withheld by DE is minimal though, and very unlikely to stay withheld. When they release new items, it is perfectly with in their right to try and leverage it for a short time to get players to do certain things (like buy it). Just show a little patience and it will land right in the common pool with the rest of the toys.

Also, if they did release it quickly to everyone to farm or win on the same alerts - you would see 90% of players in that warframe for a period of time. Slowly making new weapons/frames available keeps that from happening as well.

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I'm going to have to disagree to pretty much everything posted. 


Everyone has their own reason for playing. Yours happens to be friends. We didn't "miss" the point any more than you did. Some people are collectors/completionists, others try to break records or do silly things. Your reason to play this game is no more valid than anyone else's. Just because alerts don't matter that much to you doesn't make it a good system, does it?


Also, there are practically no co-op features. Warframe abilities don't interact with each other in particularly unique ways (radial javelin/bullet attractor being one of the few exceptions). There are no areas that really require teamwork to pass. One problem is that people seem to be so afraid of "trolls" abusing teamwork-encouraging mechanics. Trolls can abuse any mechanic. So long as there is some way to interact, it'll be possible for one guy to &!$$ another guy off. This isn't a good reason to stop adding mechanics that could potentially be used for trolling, but otherwise add depth to the game.


"you will lose interest whenever you won't get a new content in relation to the time you can put into the game"


A game frustrates people when it's not internally consistent. That's one big problem with the alerts system. You see everything else in the game? You put time into running missions and you get drops. Play more, get more stuff. Use this stuff to craft more stuff, or upgrade your current stuff.  This is one of the basic premises that the game introduces to you at the start. Then the alerts come in. You get new stuff completely independently from the amount that you play. I'm not going to go through my whole alerts are bad speech again since I always have the same thing to say on alerts, so here's all the other threads that share similar views. tl;dr: alerts system is flawed (as a method of content distribution) and needs changing.



Please stop posting this in every thread. People can use the search function on their own and if they want to have a separate discussion there's no harm in it. Discussions do evolve and opinions can be changed. Telling people not to post and to re-read all that is adding nothing.


I like the alert system because of the fact that it doesn't depend on how much I play. It doesn't require I log in and go kill 35 munchkins a day for 2 months to get 60 gold stars to get the item I want. I want to log on and do whatever I want and if it so happens an item I want is up on an alert, great.

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Life is unfair, deal with it...pfff look at me all serious and what not. I think it's very cool of the dev team to leave the option to play for free and get almost anything, they could outright make vauban a cash only thing, but they don't, which I think is already something to appreciate. Now wether it's "fair" or not is completely relative.

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The alert system should focus more on currency and upgrades than blueprints. Resources, Credits, Mods, Potatoes, these should be on the alert system. Weapons and Armor should be things you farm for, not waiting for that 30-60 minute window on Twitter. DE seems really determined not to listen to the majority of their communicative playerbase. If any of you at DE are reading this, give us polls! We, the players, want to help you help us. We /want/ a good game, we want to help you get it there.


We may not have coding skills or a fundamental understanding of game design, and some of us can't go 5 minutes without dropping a "Your momma" joke, but in general we have a good understanding of games. I've seen good ideas for alert missions thrown around. What we need is these ideas to be consolidated, and the community can help isolate what we want, as the players.


That doesn't mean you have to implement every little thing we want, that's where compromises and reasoning come in.

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The alert system should focus more on currency and upgrades than blueprints. Resources, Credits, Mods, Potatoes, these should be on the alert system. Weapons and Armor should be things you farm for, not waiting for that 30-60 minute window on Twitter. DE seems really determined not to listen to the majority of their communicative playerbase. If any of you at DE are reading this, give us polls! We, the players, want to help you help us. We /want/ a good game, we want to help you get it there.


We may not have coding skills or a fundamental understanding of game design, and some of us can't go 5 minutes without dropping a "Your momma" joke, but in general we have a good understanding of games. I've seen good ideas for alert missions thrown around. What we need is these ideas to be consolidated, and the community can help isolate what we want, as the players.


That doesn't mean you have to implement every little thing we want, that's where compromises and reasoning come in.

Maybe if DE compromised a bit and tried to do a mix of random alerts and player-specific rewards. If the alerts spawned bosses who dropped a number of BP's so we have fewer alert types allowing for more chances at a single BP for each player. For example we could have a special Sgt. Nef Anyo alert that has a chance to drop both dark BP's, the Vauban Helmet BP, and the Glaive BP. This would make it a bit more predictable while still preserving the heart of the alert system.

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Yeah, that wall of text was a bit long for me to get through. My point isn't all that deep though. All I am saying is that nearly all content is available via farming and alerts. I WOULD like more of the alert rewards to be random to the player - to cut down on the "I missed it!!!" rage. The amount of content being withheld by DE is minimal though, and very unlikely to stay withheld. When they release new items, it is perfectly with in their right to try and leverage it for a short time to get players to do certain things (like buy it). Just show a little patience and it will land right in the common pool with the rest of the toys.

Also, if they did release it quickly to everyone to farm or win on the same alerts - you would see 90% of players in that warframe for a period of time. Slowly making new weapons/frames available keeps that from happening as well.


In principle I don't mind if they leverage it. Make it available to pay players easy, and a f*** tonne of grinding for free players (which isn't the case with Vauban)


But the game is billed (or at least giving the impression) as either pay or invest time, but then introducing a mechanic that cannot be affected by your investment of time. And is supported by more things that discourage playing the game.


As for everyone farming and then wearing that item for a chunk of time. Well release more than one warframe? or just more than one item at a time.  Divide the farmers work. 

or maybe

Innovate on the classic system rather than just tack on an extra system that doesn't compliment the rest of the game.


No matter how you introduce a single item, its still a single item. And players tend toward breaking every game they play by gradually finding the most efficient means to play the game. If players could easily farm that item, then that is down to game mechanics more than anything. 

Be it missions too easy or whatever the reason or reasons maybe.

Can't really blame the players for playing the game.


Rather than fix or try to fix that problem they are trying to go around it. That is an issue with most games though.


I'm sure they are working on alot of great content, it will be interesting to see how they introduce things in future.

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Dear people who think it's fine the way it is and people should just suck it up,
"The problems everyone has with the Alert System aren't being ignored, please see item number 4 of on the list of Hot Topics."-DERebecca

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These things have been pointed out before, but I'll mention them again, just for perspective.


1)  While it's been really interesting (for me, at least) to read the various suggestions and viewpoints about Vauban and the Alerts, the whole reason Vauban was made hard to get is so DE could hopefuly generate income from him.  Not enough income = no game.  Debating the various methods DE could choose to offer Vauban's components so that people wouldn't have to pay for him -grinding vs. Alerts, why the current Alert system is bad, how Alerts could be improved, have been good to read, but they all stem from a basic point of view (what's the best way to get Vauban without paying for him) that works against DE making money.  The fact that they have been willing to find ways to allow players to obtain things like Vauban and the Glaive without plat speaks well of them.  They could have simply made them plat-only, but they chose not to.


2) Almost every single item in the game, at least till now, has been made available to the players, and everything other than potatoes and color pallets (I think) can be obtained with currency that can be earned in-game.  There are a handful of exceptions, but they were all given away free to almost everyone who was playing the game at that particular time.  The point is, I think DE has really bent over backwards to be generous towards it's players.  I've heard several comments regarding how players need to be incentivized to continue to play WF, and IMHO DE has damn near run itself OUT of incentives to give to players.  Currently players can go everywhere and obtain almost everything....for free.  That's a pretty massive incentive.  The fact that some things are harder to get for free than others (again, IMHO)  in no way negates that massive incentive.


My opinion:  I'm not a business major, but I think it's possible that DE may choose (or have to choose) in the future to make some things -weapons, WFs, locations- only available for plat.  This will undoubtably make some players unhappy, for obvious reason.  We all need to remember that ultimately, DE's Job 1 is to make a profit.  Job 2 -making players happy, in a variety of ways- has to serve the interests of Job 1.  Please don't be angry with DE for trying to do what businesses are supposed to do--try and make a profit.

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If DE really want more money, one of the first things to do would be to look at equipment pricing. There are weapons/frames costing over $20, which is just ridiculous. Dropping prices to a point where people can buy a single set of equipment (primary/secondary/melee/frame) for $15-20 would actually make people consider buying them. A change like this wouldn't hurt free players, and reinforce the idea of plat being pay for convenience/cosmetics.

Additionally, the way that weapons are introduced could use some work. Currently there's no indicator that you can buy blueprints in the market from the weapon select screen, so a new player that doesn't bother to use the market (it's generally a safe assumption that the "market" is a cash-only shop in f2p games) will think that the only way to buy weapons is plat.

Overall, DE could probably improve profit by improving presentation of what we have without having to introduce new content.

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That actually isn't the game theory though. Marketing has evolved beyond trying to get people into the game as much as possible (as that isn't really realistic). The goal of games like farmville and such is actually to get players thinking about the game when NOT playing, and to encourage making it part of their daily routine. They are more interested in developing long term players than people who play a ton and burn themselves out on it. That is why you will also see daily login rewards as a norm in games.

Also, the game content is already stretched a bit thin. If players play a ton they quickly run into the endgame wall - which is enough to send many players looking for greener pastures.

Terrible comparison.  Farmville doesn't need people actively playing all the time to maintain an active player base.  Concurrent users are a lot more important for games like Warframe where you actually need other people to play with in real time.  Having players be able to click on a mission and always be able to queue up with other players is a lot more important than making the game a part of peoples' daily routine.


Login rewards btw are a way to get people into the game, not some kind of convoluted way of making the game part of their life.  It incentivizes people to log into the game every day, which increases the likelihood of them playing the game every day.   It's the exact of opposite of what the alert system currently does for the game, mind you it's less effective than it could be because of some of the incredibly lackluster rewards (which the devs have said they plan to change for the better).

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Terrible comparison.  Farmville doesn't need people actively playing all the time to maintain an active player base.  Concurrent users are a lot more important for games like Warframe where you actually need other people to play with in real time.

On top of that, Zynga's motto is effectively "F*** innovation, we just want to make money." (quote from their CEO, I believe). They literally do not care about anything but money, while DE is also trying to create a good game.

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Hi everyone


I have a problem with the drop rate of the Vauban warframe. The problem being that no matter how much you grind, you may never get the warframe.


Please correct me if I am wrong.


1- I have to wait for an alert

2 - i have to hope its "?" alert (which is random?)

3 - The prize is also random so i have to hope its the component

4 - Each component you get decreases the chances of you getting the next piece

5 - there is nothing stopping you from getting the same item twice

6 - There is nothing i can do to improve my chances OR compensate for the low chance of the drops.


This means you can play 1000000 alerts and never ever get a complete set to build your Vauban warframe.


play 3 games and get all the parts. however, the odds on that happening are kinda low.


Basically it is a lottery. Where you CANNOT invest your time to compensate for the low odds.


Now this is a pretty big change in how micro transactions work. Because either you buy it, or you might never get it.


At least with other warframes, if you put in the time and you are successful in the game you can re-run a mission over and over and compensate for the low odds. (it takes more much gameplay time but its free)


But you cant do that with alerts, you have to wait and hope.


So now i am in this position:

I have collected almost everything in the game I want to collect. (so far)

So now, 

I only play alerts with "?" as there is no point to playing any other part of the game. By that I  mean the investment of time will yield little to no reward, progress etc. However I can't put in more time than that because the game won't let me. I have to wait for the right kind of alert.





I don't play at all, because even if I did wait around for alerts with "?" I may never get any suit components, and if i did get a a component, my chances of getting the next one gets worse, and the one after that gets even worse. And I cant invest my time to compensate for that.


I think generally speaking, if someone has two options, both of which involve playing the game less as that is the best economy of the players time. Then the game did something wrong.


Anyone got any helpful suggestions or corrections if i am wrong on something?

Yes lets give everyone the 1 thing that can make DE a profit, for free and on the 1st day of release.


Remove the free to play tag please. Trial period would stop a lot of these posts. They are driving me mad. If you want it that bad go buy some platinum. Vauban is more than worth the tiny asking price and you'll help keep the game alive. If not, keep playing and at some point you will get it. 


Its not free to get everything in the first week of playing.

Not everything is free. No game ever is.


Infact F*** it im sick of these twatting posts. You claim to be free and this is what you get. Tight arse, clueless gamers. This game is infuriating.

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Yes lets give everyone the 1 thing that can make DE a profit, for free and on the 1st day of release.


Remove the free to play tag please. Trial period would stop a lot of these posts. They are driving me mad. If you want it that bad go buy some platinum. Vauban is more than worth the tiny asking price and you'll help keep the game alive. If not, keep playing and at some point you will get it. 


Its not free to get everything in the first week of playing.

Not everything is free. No game ever is.


Infact F*** it im sick of these twatting posts. You claim to be free and this is what you get. Tight arse, clueless gamers. This game is infuriating.

$10? Tiny? Well no wonder you're so arrogant.

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In principle I don't mind if they leverage it. Make it available to pay players easy, and a f*** tonne of grinding for free players (which isn't the case with Vauban)


But the game is billed (or at least giving the impression) as either pay or invest time, but then introducing a mechanic that cannot be affected by your investment of time. And is supported by more things that discourage playing the game.


As for everyone farming and then wearing that item for a chunk of time. Well release more than one warframe? or just more than one item at a time.  Divide the farmers work. 

or maybe

Innovate on the classic system rather than just tack on an extra system that doesn't compliment the rest of the game.


No matter how you introduce a single item, its still a single item. And players tend toward breaking every game they play by gradually finding the most efficient means to play the game. If players could easily farm that item, then that is down to game mechanics more than anything. 

Be it missions too easy or whatever the reason or reasons maybe.

Can't really blame the players for playing the game.


Rather than fix or try to fix that problem they are trying to go around it. That is an issue with most games though.


I'm sure they are working on alot of great content, it will be interesting to see how they introduce things in future.

Really though the game isn't billed as anything (their webpage is actually pretty remarkably lite on anything summarizing what the game is)... they are definitely making this up as they go along. How they are treating this one item release is something of an experiment, which I am more than willing to grant them without going all forum-rage on them. If it works out like they planned, yay. If not, they will do something different next time.

In the end, it is one item and it is too soon to draw any conclusions from this little experiment. If people don't care for the particular farm required for this item... then they will skip it. This one warframe is a small fraction of the game content.

It all strikes me as much ado about nothing, assuming we are even talking about the same thing here.

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Terrible comparison.  Farmville doesn't need people actively playing all the time to maintain an active player base.  Concurrent users are a lot more important for games like Warframe where you actually need other people to play with in real time. 


Also a terrible comparison. Games like Planetside 2 need a lot of active people, as they are all on one server together at the same time. My experience in this game at 4AM feels the same as it does at 7PM. You are incorrect about this game needing a critical mass of people to function.

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Also a terrible comparison. Games like Planetside 2 need a lot of active people, as they are all on one server together at the same time. My experience in this game at 4AM feels the same as it does at 7PM. You are incorrect about this game needing a critical mass of people to function.

That's because different people have logged on...

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Yes lets give everyone the 1 thing that can make DE a profit, for free and on the 1st day of release.


Remove the free to play tag please. Trial period would stop a lot of these posts. They are driving me mad. If you want it that bad go buy some platinum. Vauban is more than worth the tiny asking price and you'll help keep the game alive. If not, keep playing and at some point you will get it. 


Its not free to get everything in the first week of playing.

Not everything is free. No game ever is.


Infact F*** it im sick of these twatting posts. You claim to be free and this is what you get. Tight arse, clueless gamers. This game is infuriating.

You're kidding, right? Are you seriously trying to say that 15$ is a "tiny asking price" . Sure, in the grand scheme of things, it is, but F2P games are supposed to have microtransactions, that's their thing. 15$ is almost a third of a brand-new AAA title, or two good old or indie titles on Steam. That is NOT a microtransaction.
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That's because different people have logged on...


I only need 4 people to interested in playing a mission to form a squad. That is hardly a massive requirement. If I log into Planetside 2 at 4AM though - it is like a ghostland and the game suffers that time of night. This game does not require everyone to be interested in playing all the time at all the same times.

I'm not even sure what we are debating any more really. This just feels like arguing for the sake of arguing.

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You're kidding, right? Are you seriously trying to say that 15$ is a "tiny asking price" . Sure, in the grand scheme of things, it is, but F2P games are supposed to have microtransactions, that's their thing. 15$ is almost a third of a brand-new AAA title, or two good old or indie titles on Steam. That is NOT a microtransaction.


Good lord man, then don't pay it. The market will set the price.

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