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My Biggest Concern About Parkour 2.0


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Hi, this is exactly what it says in the title.

Anyway, in my opinion, the biggest problem stemming from Parkour 2.0 will be an overall decrease in the effectiveness of melee and melee-only gameplay.

As DE has stated itself, Parkour 2.0 will be slower. This means that while we're barely scraping by with life strike on Ceres missions, with Parkour 2.0, the Grineer will have even more time to unload their unholy clips in our faces.



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use more stealthy gameplay with the new movements avoid not running into the open to chop down some goons


This game was never about stealth play ... Altough some mechanic were added it still isn't that type of game.

It just takes for one mob to see you briefly, no radio chatter, no screamin for help, You can quietly kill him a fraction of the second later ... but goons from all neighboring rooms come down running and gunning. Stealthy my *ss :)


As for Parkour 2.0 my thought is : Let the slide melee and aerial melee coexist with Parkour 2.0. Make it comparable. I always was astuned how DE does things. There is little choice in this game and if there is it's by mere accident. When something new is introduced it replaces the old thing completly. We should have a chance to decide how we want to play.


Maybe Parkour 2.0 won't be too bad, still I'd like to keep core aspects of flip jump, slide melee and aerial melee.

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This game was never about stealth play ... Altough some mechanic were added it still isn't that type of game.

It just takes for one mob to see you briefly, no radio chatter, no screamin for help, You can quietly kill him a fraction of the second later ... but goons from all neighboring rooms come down running and gunning. Stealthy my *ss :)

That. I decided to try being all stealthy when I got Loki prime, decided stealth and everything to do with it is bullS#&$ after like 10 tries.

Edited by MrGuddi
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I doubt that they will go with this, call it potential disbelief but something tells me they will still tweak a lot on it. I dont think they will let it out, knowing fully that the playerbase awaits fast movement

It wont be too bad, given that stamina is gone :O 

Edited by MihawkDulacr1
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Wallrunning will probably ( surely ) be gone, but if forumgoers can make a big enough fuss about it, DE might add it back.

But isn't Wallrunning an integral part of Parkour 2.0? They are constantly showing it in every DevStream....Parkour isnt Parkour without wallrunning.

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But isn't Wallrunning an integral part of Parkour 2.0? They are constantly showing it in every DevStream....Parkour isnt Parkour without wallrunning.

Yoy won't be able to wallrun but you will be able to ''jump horizontally'' on walls. It's slower than wallrunning and looks silly

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Doubt it will make melee less effective. With the removal of stamina, blocking should be more effective.

Along with jumping on your enemies and striking down from above, we will be able to tackle the heavies before they unleash their shockwave ground slam.

If sprint is infinite, we can reach our enemies faster too. Charged attacks will also be coming. While coptering won't be used for speed anymore, if DE is making it multi hit, imagine what high slide attack melee weapons can do.

Now only if our directional melee attack can hit flying enemies...

Edited by Deruser
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Well whatever happens I'm more interested currently on the "concepts" of the new solar map along side of Parkour 2.0, that map looked awful similar too the skill tree in Skyrim and I don't know why they related it too zodiac at all? Either way looking forward to the new changes to be in store soon enough.

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I go 40 minutes T4S... How is melee useless? Also Parkour 2.0 is no more slower than Parkour 1.0 it just looks slower. >.>

No one tested it so you cant say it is, or it is not, slower.



Ill bet you an Ammo Drum that Movement 2.0 will be slower as half of the maps and tilesets arent properly adjusted for it. Just try bunnyhopping in Europa corridors. Or at Phobos open maps where there is nothing to hop from.

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No one tested it so you cant say it is, or it is not, slower.


Latest devstream, DERebecca actually showed off how it works in the dev-build.


She stated that movement *is* slower overall, but way more fluid and interesting.


And from what was seen, I'd fully agree to Parkour 2.0 being a whole lot better.




My concern with Parkour 2.0? Crybabies.

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Latest devstream, DERebecca actually showed off how it works in the dev-build.


She stated that movement *is* slower overall, but way more fluid and interesting.


And from what was seen, I'd fully agree to Parkour 2.0 being a whole lot better.




My concern with Parkour 2.0? Crybabies.

It's not that I'm worried about coptering being taken away, it's just that I'm worried about how this will tie in with our survivability while using melee. Slower frame=More time to be shot in the face.

Actually, maybe that's what the new mod "Armoured Agility" is here for. Maybe it's a way to keep melee viable in the new, slower, parkour system?

Edited by Awsumniss
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Yoy won't be able to wallrun but you will be able to ''jump horizontally'' on walls. It's slower than wallrunning and looks silly

From what I looked in the vid where she moved... its the same speed, but if what they said are true that you build momentum, it might be better but yeah, it LOOKS kinda silly.

Well that 50% armour isn't that much unless you're using Valkyr or Chroma.

wrong thread bub.

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