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What Are Your Thoughts Regarding The Upcoming Ash Prime?


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What is Ash good for anyway?


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im talking about Ash prime being the original Ash and regular Ash being the imperfect duplicate


Taking a shot in the dark here... No one will know other than DE most likely.


Ash Prime's Lamellar (looking) armor vs Ash's Laminar Metal armor. 

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Ash is the most ugliest frame, imo, but I have to admit that I like the look of Ash Prime.


I think Ash is one of the better looking frames with one of the worst looking starter helmets. His starter helmet is a face only The Lotus could love.


I could do without the poop access panel on his Immortal Skin though... Onesie's button from the bottom.

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Lore wise, how do they get the current Ash from that design?

We can only guess, but by THAT look, I'd say he is was the chosen Orokin Royal Super-assassin. I can see the room going silent when Ash Prime walked in, because someone was going to die at his hands.

I imagine that the Orokin Elite had their Legendary "Hunt-and-Kill Squad" in Nyx Prime, Loki Prime, Ash Prime, and Volt Prime.

I also imagine this was the first squad to turn and draw blood at the Ceremony.

"standard" frames were probably built from streamlined, less expensive mass produced parts that also needed to provide camouflage for an army of Tenno.

In short: The Golden Tenno Elite were a visual demonstration of Orokin Might, meant to be seen and feared, and standard counterparts were field soldiers that had the need to blend into the environment. That's my take.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I can honestly say that I have never looked to a prime frame before as much as this one. I don't like the originals' look (but the abilities were great) but this.... My god, why didn't they do anything like this for the other Primes!? It looks awesome. Especially the gold circle on the helmet. makes it look like it would fit in with the void enemies.


All I can say is that it looks like Chroma. I don't mind that. Can't wait for Chroma prime now that I think of it. Wish I could travel 2 years ahead in time for it to be released.

Edited by DLGrave
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it looks like a robot :DD,

My opinion is that DE seems to make primes look better and better,and im very happy they gave Ash Prime such a great look,especially that Ash is one of my favourites :)


Looking forward for the 2 following female primes ^^

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What is Ash good for anyway?

Please tell me there is somebody else out there who is aware of how great "teleport" is.

When I first used Ash, I listened to all of the veteran players and completely avoided "teleport" thinking it was useless. Boy, was I wrong.

Stun any enemy opening them up to a finisher attack while also having the utility to fly around the map.

Costs little energy as well in comparison to most 3rd abilities.

Didn't like Ash that much until I found out how much fun he was to play with because of teleport (and he still inflict ridiculous amounts of damage).

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Please tell me there is somebody else out there who is aware of how great "teleport" is.

When I first used Ash, I listened to all of the veteran players and completely avoided "teleport" thinking it was useless. Boy, was I wrong.

Stun any enemy opening them up to a finisher attack while also having the utility to fly around the map.

Costs little energy as well in comparison to most 3rd abilities.

Didn't like Ash that much until I found out how much fun he was to play with because of teleport (and he still inflict ridiculous amounts of damage).

Of course!! He truly represents a ninja.

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He will be overhyped and a month later be abandoned and forgotten. Tbh i was a little dissapointed since i would loved a prime oberon and ash well....... Lets just say that despite many people like him, i rarely see anyone actually play him

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Please tell me there is somebody else out there who is aware of how great "teleport" is.

When I first used Ash, I listened to all of the veteran players and completely avoided "teleport" thinking it was useless. Boy, was I wrong.

Stun any enemy opening them up to a finisher attack while also having the utility to fly around the map.

Costs little energy as well in comparison to most 3rd abilities.

Didn't like Ash that much until I found out how much fun he was to play with because of teleport (and he still inflict ridiculous amounts of damage).

"Veterans" on this board are the worse. They'll have you believe that Kubrows are expensive and useless, Ember is not viable, Bullet Attractor is useless, and teleport is useless. 

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I dislike the golden antenna on his helmet ruins the whole helmet for me. Will swap to the default and in my opinion superior and best looking helmet for him. 


But then again the only prime helmets i think look good is Volt prime and Loki prime. 


To each their own. 


I will also have to hide all that Marshmellow with a color job as it looks fugly as hell to me. 

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