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Frost Warframe Shields And Missions With Ice


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I am sure the subject has been brought up already but :
shouldn't be the Frost warframe positively affected, or in the worst case not affected at all, by the presence of ice during a mission instead of having shields halved like all other frames ?

I mean, what´s the lore about Frost warframe? ...shouldn't be a frame based on...frost ? 
Why it should be damaged by its own natural element ?

Or DE just doesn't care at all about the lore and randomly throw things in ?

Edited by Ye4hR1ghT
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My bet are DE don't give a dam about that sh1t

for example.

Ember can get burn hue hue hue.

Frost ice effect him to.

Saryn toxic pit can kill her

Volt electric trap can shock him to death.

Yes, exactly this.

But it is sad, I mean the elements play a big role in this game, and they are very fun to play with or against, DE should really do it right or not at all.

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Just because you are capable of controlling something, this does not mean you are incapable of being harmed by it.

Our powers are a form of our energy generated within us. We can control those, sure, but not the fire and ice outside these powers.


That even post count wew!


BUT that would be all fine and dandy aside from a few things....frost is always pumping out cold, ember is always smoking with embers, volt is a walking battery with electricity constantly popping. Now granted it could be the whole built to house not take thing like perhaps a battery would be. But they should at least be taking somewhat of reduced damages. The primes should just not take damage at all. Cause I mean with all this great tech both tenno and orokin alike your trying to tell me no one thought to make these things sturdier to their respective elements?!


Let's make a suit able to contain and harness the raw and explosive power of fire! -Plot twist- it has no defenses against fire though! When will it end?! cause I swear if hydroid jumps into a lake and drowns....i'm hitting this game with a big "NOPE" xD~

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Its void energy. We manipulate void energy to make things that act like those elements

Volt turns his void energy to act like electricity

Ember turns void energy to behave like fire

Frost turns void energy to act like the cold.

You get the idea. Since we're only manipulating void energy, real elements still effect us.

Well, thats the explanation im going with anyway.

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Just because you are capable of controlling something, this does not mean you are incapable of being harmed by it.

Our powers are a form of our energy generated within us. We can control those, sure, but not the fire and ice outside these powers.


Sure, a fish can drown, eventually...or not ?

Edited by Ye4hR1ghT
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Just because you are capable of controlling something, this does not mean you are incapable of being harmed by it.

Our powers are a form of our energy generated within us. We can control those, sure, but not the fire and ice outside these powers.


Butbut... Ember doesn't simply control the fire, she's engulfed by it, she radiates it, it's everywhere around her. Controlled by her or not, surely that's pretty damn hot, no? Yes, they can control it, shape it, tell it where to go, but how do you tell fire to only be hot when it touches something you want to burn? I'd assume Ember is naturally resistant to it, same for Volt and Frost and their respective elements. It's not a big deal, I'm not losing sleep over it or anything, but I think immunity or at least some innate resistance in that regard would make for really cool passives with these frames. 

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My bet are DE don't care about that.

for example.

Ember can get burn hue hue hue.

Frost ice effect him to.

Saryn toxic pit can kill her

Volt electric trap can shock him to death.


That even post count wew!


BUT that would be all fine and dandy aside from a few things....frost is always pumping out cold, ember is always smoking with embers, volt is a walking battery with electricity constantly popping. Now granted it could be the whole built to house not take thing like perhaps a battery would be. But they should at least be taking somewhat of reduced damages. The primes should just not take damage at all. Cause I mean with all this great tech both tenno and orokin alike your trying to tell me no one thought to make these things sturdier to their respective elements?!


Let's make a suit able to contain and harness the raw and explosive power of fire! -Plot twist- it has no defenses against fire though! When will it end?! cause I swear if hydroid jumps into a lake and drowns....i'm hitting this game with a big "NOPE" xD~



Butbut... Ember doesn't simply control the fire, she's engulfed by it, she radiates it, it's everywhere around her. Controlled by her or not, surely that's pretty damn hot, no? Yes, they can control it, shape it, tell it where to go, but how do you tell fire to only be hot when it touches something you want to burn? I'd assume Ember is naturally resistant to it, same for Volt and Frost and their respective elements. It's not a big deal, I'm not losing sleep over it or anything, but I think immunity or at least some innate resistance in that regard would make for really cool passives with these frames. 



DE has stated that they will never do elemental resistances as the frames passives, and besides that it has major balancing issues.
Lets take a look at all the enemies and effects that deal cold damage:
LN2 Hyena
First half of the Lech Kril fight
Cryo barrels.
And that is litterally it.
2 enemies, that both happen to be bosses, and 1 rare corpus only barrel.
Such a great resistance, it could be replaced by "Freezes cups of water around him!" and would have just as much an impact on gameplay as a cold resistance passive would.
(Artic Eximus don't deal cold damage, they only have the bubble and slow effect)
Lets look at Volt:
Sniper Crewman
Prod Crewman
Arc Trap
Electric Crawlers
Electric water in derelicts
Better than Frost, but still hardly useful and rarely seen.  Most players wouldn't even know that he has it.
How about Saryn?
Toxic Ancient
Venemous Ancient eximus units
Toxic Crawler
Lobber Crawler
Mutalist Osprey
Quite a bit better than Frost or Volt but only against infested where depending on the resistance would be OP, but against the other factions she might as well not have it.
And lets look at Ember:
Fusion Moa
Corrupted Moa
Flame Blade
Caustic Ancient
Arson Eximus
NG Hyena
Second half of Lech Kril
Sargas Ruk
She would get a major buff and a solid resistence against some of the hardest hitting enemies in the game and would be miles and miles better than any of the others because her element can appear in any faction and is genrally the harder hitters.
Mags resistance? Wouldn't matter much.
Magnetic Door Traps
Denier Bursa barriers
And that's it.
The ancient disrupter adds magnetic procs to attacks but not damage.  So she wouldn't get a buff there.
And who knows when the Bursa will make it into the game proper, so she's getting a resistance to something rarely fought by a Mag.
Not much better than Mag.
Detron Crewman
Void Laser Traps
Tar Moas Tar damage ticks.
As you can see, the elemental distribution of enemies is far too lopsided and unbalanced for this to be any good.
Two of the elemental frames get noticeable resistances, the others might as well not get anything at all with this idea.

And that is the biggest problem with just going "Lets make the frames one passive be elemental resistance!"



Frost's passive should be innate Warm Coat. Combine with Warm Coat mod to completely negate ice level shield penalty!

Why would you want a frames singular passive be relagated to something that the vast majority of players would never notice and would not affect the majority of missions?

What would be the point of even having the passive then?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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-Wall of text-



Right because a small boost in their respective elements is so very bad! With such epic imbalances this game already has this idea is what's really bad and it would literally make no sense for the frames to have any sort of resistance against their respective elements! What were we thinking!!!


I do see your point though especially with ember BUT still. No type of boost whatsoever? Even if it's a small one to make people feel better? Granted trying to being any type of logic into a game such as this is silly but come one it's kinda pushing even that >,>~


But like I said if hydroid jumps in the sea and drowns im calling "NOPE" 

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