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New Loka Death Squad Is Too Strong


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Took about 15 shots w/ a 2.5k puncture/8k corrosive/4k heat rakta ballistica to kill the first one.  Some of those were headshots.  There were also two other people in the squad shooting them.


The stacking auras are too strong.


For comparison, it takes 2 shots to kill a hexis death squad member.

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Took about 15 shots w/ a 2.5k puncture/8k corrosive/4k heat rakta ballistica to kill the first one.  Some of those were headshots.  There were also two other people in the squad shooting them.


The stacking auras are too strong.


For comparison, it takes 2 shots to kill a hexis death squad member.

>tfw you never feel the rage of a squad consists of 15 Eximus Roller that spits fire and drain your energy, all the while stunning you to dead with an echoing scream of a thousand Tennos.

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death squads? Ive only had issues with them ONCE on Sechura, lost one guy (had to use a revive), managed to rez the 2nd, and the 3rd stayed alive....me, i was using excal, the reason we had an issue was because I had mistimed the RB, so I got 1/2 of them instead of all of them. EB + RB is your friend when taking them out...even a 8-10 second RB is perfect as long as you can slash them to oblivion.

Edited by xcynderx
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Took about 15 shots w/ a 2.5k puncture/8k corrosive/4k heat rakta ballistica to kill the first one.  Some of those were headshots.  There were also two other people in the squad shooting them.


The stacking auras are too strong.


For comparison, it takes 2 shots to kill a hexis death squad member.


I don't think new loka's assassin's stack auras, since I don't see them glowing like they're affected by themselves (weird white/black aura thing). They're just too tough (high hp, most noticeable on parasitic and sanguine eximus)

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Just this last week a New Loka death squad appeared in a defense mission and it took longer to kill them then to do the entire 5 waves. It took all 1000 bullets of my fully decked out 4 Forma Crit/Status Prisma Grakata with all mods max rank configured for corrosive and fire so that's +75% damage against ancients. I had 50 bullets left AND I was in a full team. That's ridiculous.

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If you bring frames with low health like a Loki/Frost they can kill you in literally a few seconds just by being near them and they are bullet sponges/energy hogs. If they took less bullets I would consider them more balanced since we can kill them easier.

they are death squads they are supposed to be dangerous people are afraid to use team restores even on low health and shield frames it isnt an issue loki can melee them to death while invisible with no bullets used at all(drop a health plate and go to town) and frost all you have to do is shoot from a distance they dont move fast and fighting them is optional in the first place but They are supposed to be dangerous.

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Whether you consider them as "too strong" by themselves or not, the imbalance between the New Loka squad and Rollers is undeniable. In addition to that they make absolutely no sense at all. I can see the Red Veil, as destructive and ruthless as they are, using Infested as biological weapons to exterminate their enemies, but that the New Loka the "worshippers of the human form and Earth, before its corruption" that aim for a "restoration of pure humanity" are using CORRUPTED abominations to attack their enemies, without any supervision or control of what those actually do, is beyond ridiculous and inconsistent lore-wise, even if you do not worry about where, how and why the space-hippies actually capture and preserve them.

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Is Loka bad?  Yes.  But Suda's Death Squad is so, so, SO much worse it isn't even funny.  You think you feel pain now, but the difference is you can totally just fight them from a distance and slowly, carefully, painfully whittle down the Loka squad and not die.


Try doing anything slowly against the Suda squad and you'll find yourself pushing up daises faster than you can say "FOURTY EXIMUS OSPRES WTF?"


And that's why I'm allied with Suda.  That's literally the only reason - I already had the Synoid, Vaykor, and Telos before I hit max rank with any of them.  I am literally allied with them solely because it's easier to defeat the Veil/Perrin/Loka death squads than Suda's.


The title of this post should be "DE Please balance syndicate death squads" because that's the real problem here.  Loka is still bad, Suda is much worse, and every time I see any of the other 4 squads I'm actually happy because it's a boatload of additional affinity because all the others are so easy to kill.


Oh and about the rollers: do you even AoE, bro?

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I always found syndicate death squads laughable, as their efforts are futile. Often times in solo, either Red Veil, Perrin Sequence or New Loka decides to pay me a visit. As to how i had slaughtered those ancients, particularly since they are Eximus units, Radial Disarm cancels Eximus auras, and I cloak into invisibility. After a few swings with my Scindo prime, i've basically made a mess all over the floor with them.

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The trick is to seperate from your party before they spawn not stack up i one shot them with dread on abody shot and im using a rapid fire build not a max damage one. Also slide melle wrecks them very quickly

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