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Why Don't You Play Archwing?


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There seem to be a love/hate relationship with archwing within the playerbase. Personally, I'm in the "hate" group. But I became curious about WHAT was exactly so wrong with archwing. What is missing? What is flawed?


Personally, I don't play for the following reasons:

- DE won't admit that the sprint turbulence is freaking annoying and unrealistic. Yeah they turned it down from vomit AND seizure inducing to only high blood pressure inducing, but personally Id like to see it GONE. EVERY DAMN BIT OF IT. 


- There is not enough freedom in Archwing. I'd like to be able to be able to fly in loops!


- The skybox is stale and boring. Stareing into space and stargazing, is one of the things that can really give me goosebumps. Some games has managed to mimic the deep space image almost to perfection, Warframe on the other hand is.... Not something Id look at and enjoy. It's just a background image.


- Most enemies are just upsized recycled enemies.


- The weapons are slightly boring


- No archwing bosses (At least we get golem soon)




So yeah, those are the biggest issue for ME PERSONALLY. What is the reason YOU stay away from archwing?



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I don't play it because it's so limited at the moment. I have all of the Archwings and weapons, and they are all leveled. Just no reason for me to do it at the moment. We need more variety of Archwing missions, and even a void Archwing. Add other types of rewards for me to chase and I'll play more Archwing.

Edited by (PS4)thefndodge
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I think there is one more problem, for the majority of the community at least as far as I noticed. Archwing missions are just... unprofitable. They yeld much less cash and resource/mods rewards. And so Warfarm people prefer other nodes for their harvest. Especially those they've got the equipment potatoed and ready instead of, pretty much, starting anew with Archwing.

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- No archwing bosses (At least we get golem soon)

Pretty sure Tyl Regor will also have archwing components and for me the biggest problem with archwing is general lack of content not that much variety and only 1 node per planet

Edited by -Amaterasu-
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I don't play it because it's effectively attempting to force me into gameplay that's entirely different than what Warframe has been for such a long time. It's like playing Chess and then having some mandatory checkers match. I'm here to play Chess, not checkers. I'm saying it's mandatory because it is if you want to be able to deploy extractors.



It's just chaotic with little strategy involved other than pew pew pew and hope for the best. There's no avoiding incoming attacks viably, and there's so much going on from any direction, it's more frustrating than fun.

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I absolutely love archwing, I find it to be a very interesting and fun mode and a nice change of pace. However the only gripe I have with it is LB is decent and cannot be changed, and LB is where I have my powers assigned to, so I have to manually switch my controls around every time I go into a mission which gets annoying.

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Not enough mission types.


Weapons are super-hard to get.


Overall, variety is what I feel Archwing currently lacks. I've said it once, I'll say it a hundred times more: DE, give a month's worth of updates to JUST Archwing. Please.

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I dont play it because nobody else is...

Stupid because it was exactly Archwing that made me come back to the game and now its just a desert full of hate and no love. Its like, DE wanted to make the game better by putting it but somehow didnt know what exactly to do with it...

Edited by hawker_mech
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I don't play it because it's effectively attempting to force me into gameplay that's entirely different than what Warframe has been for such a long time. It's like playing Chess and then having some mandatory checkers match. I'm here to play Chess, not checkers. I'm saying it's mandatory because it is if you want to be able to deploy extractors.



It's just chaotic with little strategy involved other than pew pew pew and hope for the best. There's no avoiding incoming attacks viably, and there's so much going on from any direction, it's more frustrating than fun.

This, absolutely. 


Although the two are very different in many ways, to me Archwing is a bolt-on, much like PvP.  Speaking only for myself, if Warframe had come out originally in either of these formats (Archwing or PvP), I wouldn't be playing it today.  Archwing is just not well-realized (at least not yet) and there's very little to draw me in.  And if I'm completely honest, I'd probably end up resenting any inducements to play more in Archwing mode - I'd treat them as bribes to get me to do something I'm otherwise not interested in.


I like Warframe's main game mode, and much less so the bolt-ons.

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Odonata. This is the main issue that many players I talk to have with archwing. Odonata sucks, its awful and painful to level up and play, especially as the first archwing. However, the players I have managed to get past Odonata and into an Itzal or Elytron find it much more enjoyable.


Second issue is with the missions and rewards. Missions are either A) really easy or B) way too hard. Tack on to that the atrocious XP rate, and of course players will not want to use their time playing something that doesnt give any rewards or extra resources. The missions are just slow, painfully slow.


Third issue is weapons. They are really really difficult to get. In order to get better weapons, you need to play more archwing missions. It has the same inherent properties as void fatigue. Simply not enough weapons and they are difficult to get.


I am really hoping that sharkwing will make its big debute and be awesome because it is something fun when you are actually being a space ninja in space, and not just sitting at a radio point waiting for enemies to slowly get there. I would really like to see archwing be more of an open world sorta thing, explore the asteroid belt, terrorize a colony, protect the relays (again), launch from relays for some target practice. Mostly its just got too little, the starter "frame" is painful to play, and weapons are impossible to obtain.

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I don't play it because:


1.) I don't enjoy the gameplay as much as I do regular Warframe.

2.) Getting shot at and not being able to quickly figure out where the bad guy is because you have to account for all of 3D space isn't fun, especially when the shooter is one of those freaking Hellions...

3.) In the end, there's just not much of a point in me playing Archwing, and that's that.  

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I also love Archwing. Flying through space is extremely satisfying. Getting the Itzal was a super fun grind IMO but now I dont feel enough interest to continue the grind for the other items. I feel the main thing its missing for me is more purpose. What I mean is that although its fun to do, it doesnt benefit other aspects of the game such as giving frame parts or frame mods etc. Why should it though?


So I think it needs more missions, more weapons, more Archwings and more Archwing mods to eventually feel almost like a secondary game within Warframe. The obvious issue with this is that we want it to fit in with Warframe as a seamless extension rather than a side game etc.  So I would propose that while having all of these extra items, we also need a reason to use our Archwings. For example being able to fly from location to location within a planet (which I'm sure others have suggested).


Some of the upcoming stuff sounds like we will have some better reasons to use them (ie raid and underwater) which I am looking forward to but how long will that last before players are bored again? 

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