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How Is Your Archwing Setup?


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I'm REALLY looking forward to the J3 Golem Archwing Trial/raid. Archwing builds are far more straightforward than regular ones, meaning that the gamemode as a whole is a little "neutered" and thus easier to build for, meaning easier acquisition of arcanes.


That being said, Itzal, velocitus and rathbone are all set.

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I've definitely got a couple of mods on there, some kind of crit chance for melee maybe? Dunno. More or less the only time I play Archwing is when it's an alert I haven't read properly, and oddly enough although I enjoy it more than I expected and decide to do another soon I never do.

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I know that Archwing is a neglected gamemode, by the community and developers alike, as of late. But I've loved Archwing since the start, and probably played more of it than 99% of the community.


I have all four Archwings, three of them fully modded. I have all mods and all weapons (except Prisma Veritux), with the Dual Decurion and Centaur fully Forma'd. Will need to Forma my Velocitus a few more times, and maybe the Fluctus as well.


Anyways, in the event that something truly epic in Archwing comes out, how prepared would you be for it?

As a compulsive completitionist, I have everything as well, maxed, potatoed, multiformaed and so on, ready just in case of need.

This includes mods as well.

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Got everything maxed, forma'd my favourite stuff (Elytron, Centaur, Imperator Vandal) ages ago. I say ages ago because it has been a few months since I last played Archwing.


Still, I'm ready enough to face an Archwing Trial.

Just hope the rewards will be worth it, unlike the rewards from the current Trials.

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Iztal. Iztal. Iztal.


I love that thing. It looks like something out of Tron. I wish more weapons/warframes/stuff used that design motif.

It's abilities are also great and I would argue it's the best wing to use for Interception, the only challenging mission type.

I'm finding it hard to make myself use anything else, even the Prime Odanata. Style just counts that much.

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Have all Archwings, Arch-Guns, and Arch-melees. All maxed and forma'd several times. Have all arch-mods maxed. I love me some Archwing. Can't wait for more!


Favorite Archwing: Itzal (Please give mean Itzal Prime DE!)

Favorite Arch-Gun: Imperator Vandal (Fluctus a close second)

Favoirite Arch-Melee: Tied Prisma Veritux or Centaur

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Here us my super complex incomprehensible arching setup

I use....

Wait for it...


How to skip opening the spoilers:

1. Press the quote button located in his reply (lower right corner).

2. You're welcome.

3. ???

4. Profit... numbs the feeling.

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Since i was kinda bored the last few days, waiting for u17, i finally finished most of my Archwing stuff, since that's the only thing left for Mastery.

While leveling i actually had quite a lot of fun, especially with Itzal and Fluctus.

Only Imperator Vandal and Corvas left to max.


My favorite Archwing setup is Itzal, Fluctus, Centaur.

Thinking about polarizing my Fluctus.


I think i'm pretty well prepaired for anything Archwing related :)



On a sidenote... since i kinda enjoyed the last few days of archwing, i really hope the gamemode will get some improvements and additions so it will finally be accepted by the majority of the community ;) And to be a valid part of Warframe.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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Poor Archwings...   Last time I did an AW alert EVERY player that joined exited out... must not have read the alert properly...



Completely true, the community and even rebecca talked about this a few months ago, yet in hasnt been improved yet.

You can see the alert in both the nav mini screen, in the alerts window, and you will have to press on all of it, even select the mission, to finally see in the node info window that its a aw mission.

Sometimes i do that too, i enter an alert only to discover its a disgusting aw mission, i either b*tch about it in the chat and do it anyway cause i need the credits, or I just abort and say fck this sh*t.

Edited by 7grims
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It's funny how you can have everything max'd in Archwing, but if you get shot 1 time on Uranus you're dead.


Imagine playing T4Surv and fighting enemies at the 60 minute mark.  But instead it's the 1 minute mark lol.

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It's funny how you can have everything max'd in Archwing, but if you get shot 1 time on Uranus you're dead.


Imagine playing T4Surv and fighting enemies at the 60 minute mark.  But instead it's the 1 minute mark lol.

You must be referring to Hellion Dargyn and yes they're pain in the backside (especially when you miss the sound of rockets being fired at you).

Personally I decided to get some "vacation" from Archwing after farming Elytron... some mission types just seem to be designed to suck your soul.

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