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It's not a bad idea. It seems to go along with the whole mercenary thing, especially as we can choose opposing sides of a conflict, despite being on the same side as Tenno. 


I think we'd need to have more syndicate flavor to our missions for it to be meaningful, otherwise it'll just be same thing, different voice/face.


Also, Red Veil is freakin PSYCHO.


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The woman can keep track of every single Tenno in the system, gives us potatoes, and guides us. And she genuinely cares for the Tenno, even if it's not always obvious - her G3 lines and her unbridling hate for Alad V during Themisto's assassination mission is very, very palpable.

Really, in this universe, i'd rather trust the lady who orders me around and lets me get stuff done, and keeps me safe for nothing in return(all the loot goes to us, she gives us creds after the missions... The only time she seems to have a motive, aka during events, all she does is give the Tenno a little push via gifts procured from the enemy... Then Gradivus showed she's more than willing to rescue those Tenno at all costs ANYWAY.) than anyone from the groups who ask for prime parts and a million of so credits... AND don't hesitate to send hit squads after you if you get on their bad side.

But that's just my two cents.

This. Syndicates do not care at all about the tenno. We are nothing more than tools to them, same as the Orokin. The Lotus actually cares about us and will do ANYTHING in her power to keep us alive. Also, remember who got you out of Cyro?

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remember who got you out of Cyro?


You're not saying tennos should have the IQ of ducks, considering anyone they encounter first when they hatch their parent? She got you out of cryo to make you work for her, she cares for profit. Besides, who knows if she is the lotus? Corrupted Vor refers to her as a false prophet and an imposer, which is probably what he learned from his void research.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Red Veil? Those guys are so emo. They remind me of those 14 year old kids that think they're so evil because they would "kill their parents" if they could.


I think people forget lore: The Tenno are faithful warriors. They work for the Lotus because the Lotus cares for them and provides them with things including freedom and a loose mouthed cephalon. The Syndicate wants them to work for them, but their loyalty to you is frail if you dare to not go with what they want.


The Lotus allows the Tenno to go any way they wish while guiding them to the best of her ability. You get to choose a Syndicate freely and even if you want to support Corpus or Grineer.


Cept Infested. She wants them dead. We all do. Mostly. Cept Salad V. Screw that guy though.

Edited by DoomBunny.
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The Lotus allows the Tenno to go any way they wish while guiding them to the best of her ability. 


She destroys all life support when tennos run out of oxygen in survival missions, caring, isn't it?


Tennos aren't faithful warriors, they fight for treasure, just like Ruk states. When did you fight for faith? You fight for stuff Lotus or someone else throws you, like a bone to a dog.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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 I've been saying this for along time. If the tenno aren't under the Lotus' control, why can't we fully break off after aligning to a syndicate? The Lotus should be it's own syndicate.

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This. Syndicates do not care at all about the tenno. We are nothing more than tools to them, same as the Orokin. The Lotus actually cares about us and will do ANYTHING in her power to keep us alive. Also, remember who got you out of Cyro?

 There's not enough evidence to know of the Lotus' true intentions.

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She's mysterious alright; that much we can agree. Like i said, she genuinely cares, if the emotion she shows during G3 and normal Alad are any indication.

I think we're taking different sides based on what we DO not know, i.e. Her real intentions.

Which is probably the entire point. Can't wait for the big reveal; we already saw Lotus' full body in last month's devstream.

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She's mysterious alright; that much we can agree. Like i said, she genuinely cares, if the emotion she shows during G3 and normal Alad are any indication.


Those two cases of care can be easily explained. In case of G3 Lotus has a limited amount of tennos under her control, therefore she will do her best to preserve their numbers, that is why she warns about the threat. Not because she cares about you, but because she cannot restock the amount of tennos under her control. If she was cloning tennos the way grineer do, then she wouldn't mind you getting destroyed.


In case of Alad V Lotus is trying to monopolise the use of warframes, because as soon as Corpus start producing their own warframes, Lotus will stop receiving orders for missions, she will lose profit, tennos will no longer be a significant force in the solar system conflicts. The "DAT POWR IS HOLY!!11oneone" wrapper hides really low goals of keeping her criminal syndicate afloat.


She might have saved you from the grineer, but with the only goal: enlist as her pawn and obey her orders blindly till you are eventually killed during one of the missions she sends you to. Instead of seeking answers you become a pawn in her game.

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The Lotus is not who you think she is.


Once you've seen... you can't unsee...


Personally, I don't like it at all. Tenno awaken, without any memory, and everything they know is delivered and/or approved by Lotus, everything they do is ordered or approved by Lotus... I'd rather ally myself with Steel Meridian. They do good job.

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The fact that the Tenno follow Lotus comes not just from: I woke you up, saved your life. I have boobs You must obey.


Mirage's Quest, Teshin, Simaris, all confirm that Lotus was here in the time of the Orokin and was the one guiding the Tenno, we (the players) dont know what made us trust her so much but we (the Tenno) know something crucial enough for us to give her so much trust to the point of just following her orders seemly without question. DE even stated that Lotus is not "evil" if that old conspiracy is running on your heads.

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I think we should get a choice on who is the one to speak and guide us through our battles. I personally think we should be able to choose after the rank 3 unlocking the syndicate and maxing out a syndicate whether we become a operant of that syndicate and ditch the lotus. If this was a option i would've joined the red veil by now and i kinda wish we got a choice instead of blindly following the lotus into battle and be able to chose whose motives we think are right *cough* *cough* Red Veil #DeathToTheLotus


"You are a fire as feared as you are respected" - Red Veil

No the louts exsists for a reason if you dont like her not our problem

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But the lore isn't real life. If the game says lotus is to be trusted, why in the world would you have a fear of being betrayed?

I doubt this game is going to throw us any significant twist, and if it does it will be something unavoidable.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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