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Does Excalibur Need A Nerf?


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For real.

Saryn: 4 to win

Ash: 4 to win

Nova: Do I even need to comment for this frame?

Mirage: 134 to have a @(*()$ DPS party.

Loki: god mode and nyx wannabe

Chroma: 3 to gain the biggest damage/armor buff in the game for your frame and all your weapons.

And people complain about exalted blade. It's an interactable ability (UNLIKE MOST 4 FRAMES) that can multi hit targets (LIKE MOST 4 FRAMES) and requires the use of AIMING. They are slow waves that are easily dodged by most enemies. In-fact it literally does the same thing every gun does in the game, with the only difference of the waves having a sluggish travel time, and being amped up by melee mods and radial blind. People will run around with weapons such as the boltor prime, amprex, all the extremely powerful weapons capable of hitting more then one enemy, yet nobody calls for nerfs on them.


-Sayrn: people have asked for change

-Mesa: people have asked for change

-Ash: people have asked for change

-Nova: her 4 is more utility then insta win. You still have to damage the enemies with either guns, another ability, or another frame.

-Mirage: This is the perfect example of a glass canon.

-Loki: Invisibility is on a timer and radiation doesn't last for ever either but still people have asked for change due to how spammable it is.

-Chroma: Again unlike Excal that can potentialy stay in his fourth indefinitely, Chroma has a timer. Not to mention for this ability to work you have to take damage.


A wave that people spam and; is almost 2 meteres across, goes through everything, has massive range, and carries large damage. How does this at all require aiming? Slow and easily dodged? Well apprantly it does require aiming. I've not once seen an enemy dodge a wave from Excal mainly because enemies can't run fast and Excal can just spray these waves every where at no cost. These waves are no where near slow, average I would say, you want slow? watch Saryn or Frost try to sprint with no mods. The only enemies that may be able to dodge would be ospreys as they are small and can move faster then most enemies but again spam + good speed = dead. 


Guns? Comparing guns to abilities is like comparing apples to potatoes, but I'll go with it.

-Guns require ammo consumption, even with a converstion mod they still require reloading and more ammo to function. In comparison Excal requires energy but he can pick energy and put it straight into the 'clip' so there is no down time. Not to mention these waves don't require energy. The only energy consumed is the slow drain from using the stance.

-Guns do hit multiple enemies but require a mod to go through objects. Meanwhile Excal can hit multiple enemies, go through everything, and keep on hitting more enemies with the same damage. Meanwhile the person with the gun is busy actualy aiming (because their bullets aren't 2m waves) and reloading.

Edited by Postal_pat
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I think the only thing that needs to be toned down a bit is the blade waves.. not the sounds but how you can just sit there and spam circle to get so many high damage waves just sitting there.

I believe it should be something that can be integrated into channeling or mixed in with the more complicated combos that excalibur has.. stops the spam, lowers intensity a bit, and still be able to send out waves somewhat often.

Ew. I think if anything maybe the waves could have their infinite punchthrough toned down a bit (maybe Lanka tier, instead of infinite), and also perhaps higher energy drain with max efficiency. Having the waves on less than every slash would ruin it though. Sooner just use Redeemer than Excal then, more XP funneled to your other weapons like that too.

Especially now with the coming update, blocking isn't 100% damage prevention, one of the nicer perks of his ult gone even if it'll still be reduction by an unknown amount.

Edited by NearoC
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Exalted Blade is fine as is. If anything, like Darkshifter98 said, only nerf the range. Literally, just the range. Not the damage, not making it only usable with channeling. No. just the range. But, it doesn't even need that. This ability makes Excalibur useful after a year of him being useless. If they nerf him, he will become useless again.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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The only thing I think needs to be done to Exalted Blade is change it so the waves don't effect Nullifiers. Doesn't seem right that all other warframes powers don't work on them but his EB waves do. Other than that i think he is fine. 

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im tired of buffed, nerfed and bugged things in warframe


i start ignoring them and start deleting the imbalanced things until they go prime


why should i play or forma things which is wasted time and money ?


a fully equipped and strong kubrow needs nearly the same forma-mass as we have places for mods


DE's moneymaking genies are not stupid ? but even some players arent stupid too ^^)

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With his low armor and medium health and shields



225 is not low at all. In fact, Excalibur has the 3rd highest armor value in game (if you include Excalibur Prime, then 4th). 225 armor cetainly makes a difference and with Steel Fiber it's gargantuan. Excalibur definitely does not have low armor.



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The problem is a lot of people don't understand what actually makes something broken and in need of nerfing. 


Nowadays anything that can destroy low level stuff on the star chart fully modded is seen as needing a spanking from the nerf bat by a lot of ignorant people. 

But Excal can destroy anything at high level too.


They gave him too much power without making him require any skill to play... I'm all for making a starter frame easy to play but unlocking his full power should require MUCH more from players.

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The only thing I think needs to be done to Exalted Blade is change it so the waves don't effect Nullifiers. Doesn't seem right that all other warframes powers don't work on them but his EB waves do. Other than that i think he is fine.

Powers do effect nullifiers it just depends which power. Like hysteria can take it down or free aim projectiles. Targeting powers can't though.
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But Excal can destroy anything at high level too.


They gave him too much power without making him require any skill to play... I'm all for making a starter frame easy to play but unlocking his full power should require MUCH more from players.

Powers meant solely for damage being almost as effective as guns? Blasphemy.


The waves are fairly big, but it's not like he doesn't require skill, he requires more than the majority of frames at this point, even if they should get more skill incorporated too. It's not like Excal is godly without mods, you don't need to put 6 forma into him to be good or anything, but.

Honestly a frame shouldn't be extremely hard to make good, and there aren't any mods for frames, or melee, that are hard to get and just bam, make them 10x better. Not sure what you're expecting.

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I know you specifically aren't asking for nerfs, but I'm addressing this to everyone who thinks Excalibur(Or ANY Frame) should be nerfed, because this has been going on and off ever since that one Interception incident and I'm getting tired of it:


We. Are. Warframes.


We are the most powerful beings in existence, IN A CO-OP BASED ENVIRONMENT.


Why do people want to nerf everything?  Excalibur FINALLY gets something good, FINALLY.  After getting Radial Blind(an already pointless ability because other frames had better and other abilities) nerfed into the ground, and the already useless RJ becoming even more useless, WE FINALLY GOT SOMETHING AFTER MONTHS...and now people want it nerfed.


While we're at it, why don't we just nerf every Frame in the game because ALMOST all of them have a way to be ridiculously OP.  If people want, I can start listing off whys and hows.


Yes, Excalibur is good now.  Yes, he can actually be fun to play as now.  Yes, he actually has a point besides being "Kinda squishy Frame that has four mediocre abilities".  Why is this a problem?  Why can't we just buff the frames that need buffing instead of crying?

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Guns? Comparing guns to abilities is like comparing apples to potatoes, but I'll go with it.

-Guns require ammo consumption, even with a converstion mod they still require reloading and more ammo to function. In comparison Excal requires energy but he can pick energy and put it straight into the 'clip' so there is no down time. Not to mention these waves don't require energy. The only energy consumed is the slow drain from using the stance.

-Guns do hit multiple enemies but require a mod to go through objects. Meanwhile Excal can hit multiple enemies, go through everything, and keep on hitting more enemies with the same damage. Meanwhile the person with the gun is busy actualy aiming (because their bullets aren't 2m waves) and reloading.

-Exalted Blades requires energy efficiency mods to keep itself up, and the bulk of its' damage comes from melee mods. It isn't like it just happens 'for free' like you seem to be implying. Exalted Blade needs to be modded just like everything else.

-How often do you honestly run out of ammo? Yes, you have to reload a gun, buuuut:

-Most of the 'top-tier' guns are hitscan, and if they aren't their missiles travel extremely quickly. They move a lot faster than the energy waves travel. If I really wanted to be annoying I could very easily out damage Excalibur by simply following him around and shooting everything he's slashing at. I can do that with anyone playing melee at all, and in fact a big part of being successful at melee is figuring out where your team is shooting, and putting your sword somewhere else.

As I said, if you can't figure out how to keep up with Exalted Blade then you have other problems that aren't at all related to Excalibur. Problems like "how do I shoot this gun?" and "what is Serration?"

Edited by Acos
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Here we go again...


I thought we'd have at least until Wednesday (when consoles got the skill) to see the embers on this issue flare up.


Long story short:


The power is still new and is probably still being tuned and bug fixed... The change to blocking is going to be a passive tuning to the power assuming the whole blocking mechanic gets changed.

If DE doesn't see what they want from there, they'll tune it directly.


If they don't tune it, then it probably doesn't need tuning and players should stop wailing about it.

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If we take seriously the stated principle behind the Gpull nerf (that DE watch out for abilities that are over-used), then I think Exalted Blade is probably going to be nerfed pretty hard, because so far as I can tell, it's just about the only ability that (what I must presume to be) newbie Excalibros use these days - to the extent that that goddamn "swish swish" sound is the only thing you hear whenever there's an Excalibur on the team.


Not being an Excalibrist, I don't care one way or the other, but if I were, I'd be girding my loins for an incoming nerf.

Edited by Omnimorph
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In game mostly, every match i join as excalibur they all say they should nerf him. I have read some previous complaints about him being nerfed, but that didn't last too long on the forums.


First, if you are worried about an incoming Exc nerf then why are you making a thread about it ( with a clickbait title )?


Second, the most Exc players I met so far are annoying with spamming their energywaves, but that is more or less a problem with the player if he can only use the 4. ability.

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First, if you are worried about an incoming Exc nerf then why are you making a thread about it ( with a clickbait title )?


Second, the most Exc players I met so far are annoying with spamming their energywaves, but that is more or less a problem with the player if he can only use the 4. ability.

I apologize for the clickbait, as soon as i realized i put it together wrong i wanted to edit it but couldn't (also first language is not English). And its true some Excalibur players can be annoying, but my point was that there is an actual synergy with his exalted blade, have you tried Excalibur with his slash dash? both of them have to be used to deal the optimum damage. Anyhow this is your opinion and I do agree with it in a way. . 

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If we take seriously the stated principle behind the Gpull nerf (that DE watch out for abilities that are over-used), then I think Exalted Blade is probably going to be nerfed pretty hard, because so far as I can tell, it's just about the only ability that (what I must presume to be) newbie Excalibros use these days - to the extent that that goddamn "swish swish" sound is the only thing you hear whenever there's an Excalibur on the team.


Not being an Excalibrist, I don't care one way or the other, but if I were, I'd be girding my loins for an incoming nerf.

Just because an ability is overused doesn't mean it's going to get nerfed.  Excalibur is THE slashy slashy frame.  His #4 was made to emphasize the fact he's a swordsman and it does it magnificantly.


What G-mags greedy pull did was allow players to play Warframe in a way that was absolutely not as DE envisioned.  We were never meant to hole up in a one-way-in corner somewhere on a map and just 4 spam room clearing skills (THOSE are broken, but from an intended game play standpoint) with a token Mag in the party literally acting as a long range carrier.  At some point, people stopped playing the game, and just started gaming the system so hard it was arguable if they were actually having fun, or just the classic definition of addicted.


If people are complaining about Excalibur's balance in PvP, good news is that's an isolated world, where ability power changes there won't influence the game play in PvE.

Edited by Littleman88
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