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Okay I Seriously Need To Understand This....

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Why is naming and shaming a bad thing.  Honestly WHY??


If you got a guy who done somethin bad to somebody else perhaps he scammed him.  SURELY you would want the world to know so their is absolutely no chance that anybody else will fall for his scams. 


IMO this "name-and-shame" as you people call it, is a good thing.  It informs everybody, or at least tries to, of a bad dude and this bad dude's bad stuff.

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Did you ever heard of the inquisition? It leads to witch hunts, you really don't want that.  Naming and shaming can lead to that type of behaviour, you could get persecuted even if you are innocent.


You don't want that in a forum, or anywhere in life really.

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Its because its very easy to troll and do harm to a players reputation. Someone might name-and-shame you just because they want to troll you.


Its simply unwanted negativity in the community. If you have someone you dont like, advise your friends to stay away. Thats about all you can do

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People can make false accusations or grossly exaggerate what the person did, so giving out their name could potentially lead to other people harassing them. There are examples of people having their lives ruined by this and it's really uncool. Tumblr is a good place to find idiots that do this. 

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Because it makes it easy to name and shame innocents.  Idk.

I wanna know too, but if it's in the rules, I have no issue following it.



What if I lied and accused you of something? That's why.



ok make it require proof to be allowed...



Did you ever heard of the inquisition? It leads to witch hunts, you really don't want that.  Naming and shaming can lead to that type of behaviour, you could get persecuted even if you are innocent.


You don't want that in a forum, or anywhere in life really.


actually if this kinda stuff actually happened then there would be considerable incentive to not do bad stuff   because as soon as you did it than you have got yourself a poopstorm to deal with.



It encourages scammers, cheaters, liars, and those of the sort. By indirectly supporting it (scamming, cheating, ect.) by blocking naming and shaming, it promotes people to spend more time in-game or out of wallet to recoup the losses. Do not expect decency from anyone.


"Do not expect decency from anyone"  seems wrong   should be "Expect non-decency from everyone"



You stole my Power Ranger way back in 1997. GIVE IT BACK.


Self-demonstration is strong


prove it



Its because its very easy to troll and do harm to a players reputation. Someone might name-and-shame you just because they want to troll you.


Its simply unwanted negativity in the community. If you have someone you dont like, advise your friends to stay away. Thats about all you can do


Thats fine freedom of speech i guess i dont really care.   No proof? 

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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Why is naming and shaming a bad thing.  Honestly WHY??


If you got a guy who done somethin bad to somebody else perhaps he scammed him.  SURELY you would want the world to know so their is absolutely no chance that anybody else will fall for his scams. 


IMO this "name-and-shame" as you people call it, is a good thing.  It informs everybody, or at least tries to, of a bad dude and this bad dude's bad stuff.

Because even if we all know of a person's wrongdoing new players wouldn't, those who don't wander the forums wouldn't. The point is that DE should know of these incidents, it's better to have them take a look at the problem than us players who can't do much about it, except maybe bork the Trading chat like: "Iscamppl IS A SCAMMER! DO NOT TRADE WITH THEM!!!", this would result in unecessary arguments and whatnot.

Besides, people could get their names thrown into the dirt without deserving.

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I can speak from experience here that naming and shaming is bad because it usually leads to harassment and witch-hunts. I got accused of scamming someone in another game ("she stole something from me even though she doesn't have said item in the first place, ban her!") which ended up with a few friends taking the accuser's side and harassing me. Wasn't a fun experience and the fact my own friends were involved had me in tears at one point. I ended up falling out with said people.


So long story short; You send in a report to the appropriate higher-ups, ignore/block them and move on. Don't N&S.

Edited by Animatronic
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ok make it require proof to be allowed...




actually if this kinda stuff actually happened then there would be considerable incentive to not do bad stuff   because as soon as you did it than you have got yourself a ****storm to deal with.




"Do not expect decency from anyone"  seems wrong   should be "Expect non-decency from everyone"




prove it *****




Thats fine freedom of speech i guess i dont really care.   No proof? okay well f off

Even with everything you said, it's not a healthy environment for a game or anywhere in society. It's better to prevent one innocent from getting like that than getting ten people who are guilty.

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Why can't you N&S here, rule wise, or the reason for the ruling?

N&S violates the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th rules of the Code of Conduct.
N&S, in its title, shames the person in question, making it uncomfortable for them to participate in the Warframe community, it does not encourage thoughtful or intelligent conversation(it encourages witch hunts, harassment, and vulgarities), identifying users to the community, in any way, without their consent, is not respecting their privacy, and complaints about users should be handled through reports (Support or the Report Center).

In other words, DE doesn't want users to throw other users under the bus based on speculation, conjecture, the "he said, she said", or even for actually committing the act they're being blamed for. DE wishes to handle these cases privately, and to respect their users' privacy.

Toxic forum environments based on these N&S posts is not the sort of forum environment DE wants to promote, and that's all it really boils down to.

DE is very good about following up on reports against players, should you provide evidence. The only downside is the overloaded Support center.

What does telling the world do that a Support ticket couldn't? Vigilante justice?
Most places call that harassment, and it isn't condoned.

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actually if this kinda stuff actually happened then there would be considerable incentive to not do bad stuff   because as soon as you did it than you have got yourself a ****storm to deal with.


While this should be the case in essence if it is used correctly, it rarely is ever used in that manner.  

Most name and shames are simply used to bully people that are doing the right thing to begin with or are simply innocent of what they are being accused of.  

This was part of the very reason DE removed the down vote on posts (it fostered a more hostile environment).


Anonymity plus little chance for immediate repercussions, means many people throw their common decency and respect for others out the window.


From time to time there is a lot of angry and insulting posts already, fuel doesn't need to be added to that fire.

Edited by Loswaith
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Well they can always change and learn of their mistakes.


But if you just named and shamed them, you just lead some negativity towards that person, even if he does change, people would still look at him in a bad way.


That's why I believe it's wrong.

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Ever heard of a thing called lying?

Or people being liars?


That's why.

Just because wild accusations are flying does not mean they are true, or actual, one guy always have his side of the story, and the other a different version.

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"Do not expect decency from anyone"  seems wrong   should be "Expect non-decency from everyone"


"Do not expect decency from anyone" is fine grammatically. "Non-decency" is a bit of an awkward way to phrase that. 


And anyways, naming and shaming just creates a hostile environment. It starts flame wars and breeds drama, has the potential to be used for trolling and harassment, and generally doesn't foster respectful interaction. Respect is a big one, it's actually our number one rule: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/286054-community-rules-warning-points-20-code-of-conduct/

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Naming and shaming is bad for 2 main reasons:


1st: It's abusive behavior; it encourages others to be abusive towards the target of the naming and shaming. Whether the person being named and shamed is guilty or innocent doesn't matter; the first rule of the forums and the game is respect. This means you respect everyone. This is the primary reason why it's not allowed.


2nd: It's a violation of privacy. Using others' names without their consent, releasing the content of private messages to the public, et cetera. Moreover, if someone violates the rules, report it to moderators or support staff and move on. If someone violates the rules, the manner in which they're moderated, punished or handled is a private matter between them and moderators/support staff.


Like in the real world, when someone commits a crime, the right thing to do is to report it to the proper authorities. The wrong thing to do would be to take justice into your own hands and exact some manner of 'vengeance' with an "eye for an eye" motto. As the saying goes, "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind".


So, be the better Tenno, report it to the proper authorities and move on.

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