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New Warframe: Equinox (U17 Megathread Topic)


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I hope the devs are not done with Equinox, pacify energy drain has been fixed, however bad scaling with power strength and falloff with distance are bad for the ability, leave one and remove the other one, not both at the same time.


Mend wasted healing is also a problem, it doesnt reward players for store all that heals.

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After playing with it a bit, here are my impressions: 




It seems to be the devs intent to have players switching forms frequently. 

The frame actively discourages it though, cancelling all powers and leaving it unable to cast other powers during the transition. 

I would give the transient form: Proc immunity and 50% damage reduction, strength moddable. 


AUGMENT: Perfect Metamorphosis - all powers cast are not cancelled, they only change the effect from day to night. 





The radius is too small. At the minimum it should be buffed. 

I would prefer to have it reworked partially similar to Nova's Null Star, but centered on enemy. 


The power casts a number of charges on enemy. The enemy is effected, and for each unaffected enemy which gets in range, on charge is spent applying the same effect on that enemy. This would give it the QoL advantage of being able to affect other enemies after it has been cast. 


AUGMENT (current version):

We Are One:

Day Form: damage multiplication is further increased by number of enemies affected by power (regardless of number of casts and which player casted)

Night Form: enemies only wake up if the wake up condition becomes true for all enemies sleeping or 1/2/3/4 are killed.

AUGMENT (my rework proposal): 

If the charged enemy is killed, it 'explodes' causing the power's effect with a radius proportional to the number of lasting charges + 1




Pacify: The range and faloff make this power really dinky. It should be changed to: 

1) Double the range;

2) Add faloff to the energy cost too. Enemies further away will be less affected, but also cost less energy. 

Provoke: Is fine as is I think.



Night Form: Incoming damage temporarily increases armor on all frames in range. 

Day Form: Incoming damage is absorbed as energy by frames in range.





Mend: compared to Trinity's ultimate, it is a much, much less efficient healer. It needs a lot of improvement. Mend is a power meant to be activated and deactivated repeatedly. Those events should grant additional effects. 

1) Upon casting/uncasting, Mend removes procs from players.

2) Upon casting/uncasting, Mend staggers enemies. 

Additionally, when restoring health, Mend should overflow excess accumulated/unused health to 'OverArmor'. THis extra armor would erode naturally over time, even if the player does not take damage.


Maim: Upon deactivating Maim, it should do a KNOCKBACK on enemies to clear ground close to the frame.



Mend: Upon reaching 2HP, or if the damge would make the player fall, Mend consumes 10% (or whatever is remaining) health and apply it to that player. 

Maim: If an enemy in range is killed with a proc, another enemy will receive the same proc, consuming 10% (or whatever is remaining) of the accumulated damage. 



These would put Equinox in a much better place. 

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I would like if I didnt lose all stored dmg from M&M when switching forms.

The range on his 2 is quite small, I don't really use it that much.

Modding for duration for his 1 is a waste of time honestly, it's more like a side effect than anything worth modding for, if it didnt decay over time...maybe.

I love Maim and Provoke those abilities are totally awesome, that slicing effect when u release Maim is very cool.

Mend on the other hand needs something, maybe give shields too, overshields possibly.

Overall I like her a lot.

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To Oishii, or A.K.A. the guy ranting about OP Trinity.


Can Trinity switch her roles mid-fight from healer to CC/damage dealer? Or start buffing up power strength? No?


Then please, leave this thread. Here are the doors. -> |  -|

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To Oishii, or A.K.A. the guy ranting about OP Trinity.


Can Trinity switch her roles mid-fight from healer to CC/damage dealer? Or start buffing up power strength? No?


Then please, leave this thread. Here are the doors. -> |  -|

Love it~!

Equinox is a good frame that is pretty good in all fields. I admit that other frames can do stuff better than her, but the frame by itself is rather well made. Granted that there are some changes that need to be done... mostly with mend (plz work on mend). But i have had squads that have made it past 50 min on survival in void because of Equinox (and they had low rank stuff. no trinity either.). Mostly use day form start-25 ish min (going by like T4S) and then night form rest of the way. The one ability that i use seldom in survival is Rage. In night form, having some tanking and healing makes the squad survive more. And having rest cast on enemies makes CC and opens for some nice melee finishers (which you can like kill a level 80 in 2ish finisher hits depending on the weapon).


in this sense, I find other players taking advantage of this and looking at equinox as good high level/end gameplay. Trinity is the better healer and energy giver, but that's all. Equinox is CC, DPS, heals, str boost, def boost, debuffer/buff (rage... seldom use). She does need some work on her to get her to be a bit better, but to be able to switch roles during a mission is something that can go well with any mission.

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Right now Day form is not a proper damage dealer.

Higher lvl enemies take longer time to kill (longer than Maim stun period)

and Stacked damage from maim fall of to non existence at high lvl.

Plus Day form is naked, one shot from sniper can kill her.

If you intend to use maim as a spammable CC, the design and concept of this frame fail.

If you want a damage dealer/multiplier, Maim must do Finisher damage.

And stacked damage can be carried over from night form.(all stacked damage and active abilities must be carried over when you change form)

Night form can do higher damage like 40000-50000 per one finisher it can stack damage faster than day form.

You get like 50k damage from killing one lvl 90 and its HP is around 70-80k

50k damage cant even hurt 1/10 of enemy HP with armor if it is a slash damage which got reduced to oblivion by armor.

Yeah you can use 4CP but 4CP dependent is bad for Public matchmaking.

Night form that claims to be good at defense. The best defense due to the game design is CC.

Night form has only a small AOE rest. No good defense at all.

I kinda understand that DE dont want to turn Pacify into a whole team damage reduction buff like blessing.

I propose that we can fix Equinox survivability by giving Metamorphosis a static 2 seconds of invulnerability.

Even with 2 seconds of invulnerability its energy consumption per time is worse than Blessing Invisibility SmokeScreen

hence it's not as spammable as those 3 and can be used as evasive maneuver only.

Another tweak is Mend shouldn't spend all of stacked energy on heal, those leftover should be kept for another heal or nuke.

2M stacked..... Omg my teams are dying. What should I do??? Save them first? Or Clear the Room first?

With this tweak you can save teammates as well as provide a clear room for breathing.

Edited by Volinus7
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Im finding myself using day form way more due to night form simply being less efficient in several areas :S

metamorphosis should have longer base duration and in my opinion the delay between form change is punishing
i would rather have instant form change so I can quickly adjust to situations

rest and rage range should be bigger

provoke is really good as it is right now but pacify is really discouraging to use
simply because the more damage you and your allies take the more energy is consumed (huge energy hog even with max efficiency)
I think energy consumed over time is plenty enough

Mend is the skill that IMO needs most love
I think this would be really great if it actually would heal you and your allies instantly you kill the enemies
(maybe give you a certain percentage over direct damage turned health in order to balance it)
it also lacks multifunction like maim which does really good cc with its stun
(I think giving accuracy debuff on enemies within radius would be awesome)
also upon deactivation why not give you and your team within radius health and shield boost to a certain point increased by power strenght?

Edited by Twistedsparkle
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Its been a while since the frame has been released, changes takes time i know but while there is some ability who needs minor tweaks, mend is really a problem.


It lacks an effect while is active and the worst part, there is no reward for accumulate more than 20-30k, and please dont fix it with an augment, the basic ability needs changes.

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So I have been playing Equinox for past 3 days I love her but she needs some small tweaks,

Her 1 is fine.

Rest: This is a good skill its super spammable but needs to be buffed to at least 10 meter radius.

Rage: The extra Damage you can deal is nice but the Speed up just seems its there for no reason at all other frames can increase dmg dealt without having your target able to kill you super fast. This speed buff should just be removed all together.

Pacify: Damage reduction is always great but you being closer to the target is kinda silly considering 90% of enemies have guns and will shoot first from a distance, so that fact a lone make the skill kinda worth not using. A good change to would be to make so only allies in the Aura increase the tick of Pacify not enemies.

Provoke: Skill is great would be nice to increase the the cap higher than 50%

Mend: The idea behind is nice but it needs to be able to do something else besides heal. How about any extra health stored that would be used is converted into a shield that will absorb damage based on how much health was stored, Cap the shield at 3k or something(This is not overshields) would work like iron skin kinda.

Maim: This skill is great it scales well far into survival missions once you start fighting level 90 mobs you can get over 100k damage stored up fast that will wipe the room still. You also can spam the move by turning it on and off to stun lock mobs.

She just needs a few tweaks and she will be a better frame.

Edited by Kevo149
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I would rather say that Equinox is hardly even "balanced" despite being a personification of night and day. It's too op in low levels with Maim (run around and insta-kill with Maim) and too useless higher on (dies every time I run Triton). Provoke scales well but dude that energy sap. It's hardly an appealing frame to swift playstyles that I do well with Excal, Loki, Limbo and Valkyr.

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Just some quick thoughts after levelling her for a bit (currently at 21).


Equinox has a few good ideas behind her and nice visuals, but I feel the execution is a bit lacking.


Rest and Rage are my favourite abilities in her kit. They're useful and fit her theme well. One nitpick with Rage: It should be a one-handed cast, so it doesn't interrupt me when shooting. Rest is fine, I like it as it is.


The auras feel a bit forced and are too one-sided. Pacify is much more useful than Provoke, and Maim much more useful than Mend. It feels like other Warframes have much better tools in their kit (or their augments) for what Provoke and Mend are supposed to offer.


Also, I'm not quite sure where to place her. It looks like Metamorphosis wants to reward switching forms often. However, I have to pay a lot of time to get access to the benefits. Not only does the switch time feel quite long, I'd also have to recast the auras every time I do. And it's funny that the passive boni of Metamorphosis decay over time, they don't feel very impactful in the first place.


My Verdict: some nice ideas, but feels too gimmicky overall. She'll probably land in a corner and start collecting dust after the novelty has worn off.

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Why do Maim's slash procs end after the small stun? im so dissapointed about that. And maim's dmg gets increased only by killing affected enemies, plus it feels like releaseing maim on enemies that no longer suffer the slash proc does significantly less dmg. :(

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Why do Maim's slash procs end after the small stun? im so dissapointed about that. And maim's dmg gets increased only by killing affected enemies, plus it feels like releaseing maim on enemies that no longer suffer the slash proc does significantly less dmg. :(


That's due the Armor on enemies. The amount of damage you accumulate includes 75 % of all the HP, Armor and Shields an enemy has. But when you release it on a new set of enemies that damage is getting divided equally between them and also is getting reduced by their armor since the final damage is not slash damage and does not go through the armor.


So in essence if you use 4 Corrosive Projections you need to kill about 133.33 % more enemies with your weapons while they are in range of Maim, then release it on a group of enemies which are of 100 % size.


Example, run a Squad with 4 CP's, activate maim, kill 13 or 14 enemies while running around with Maim active, then release all the stored damage and it will wipe out a group of up to 10 enemies with that damage, give or take.


Without using CP, the efficiency of Maim goes down significantly. If you have reached, lets say level 100 enemies, then you might have to kill 20 of them with weapons to be able to kill 5 of them with Maim. It is an excellent emergency kill skill when used without CP, and can be used to accumulate hundreds of thousands of damage points or even millions, then release when you are in a clutch situation like being mowed down by herds of enemies or when you need to clear a room before reviving a teammate.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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I think DE should either make the slash proc last, or make it so maim gets the bonus from the slash procs themselves aswell, or both. In higher content maim is mostly usefull for its short stun... its short...


That is true but I've found that even at the 1 hour 31 min mark against level 200 enemies in a Grineer survival, if you're using 4 CP's you can rack up millions of damage quickly and kill almost anything. You just need a high damage or AOE weapon like the Tonkor. Once I used only Tipedo and still managed to make it work like that. :) Just need to stack that damage.


And if you're going for really high levels you're going to use CP by default so I guess it still works with that workaround.

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That is true but I've found that even at the 1 hour 31 min mark against level 200 enemies in a Grineer survival, if you're using 4 CP's you can rack up millions of damage quickly and kill almost anything. You just need a high damage or AOE weapon like the Tonkor. Once I used only Tipedo and still managed to make it work like that. :) Just need to stack that damage.


And if you're going for really high levels you're going to use CP by default so I guess it still works with that workaround.


But 4 CP make everything OP when it comes to armored targets... Why do you keep bringing CP up? :(

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Just a random thought about Mend's aura active component: what if Mend gains an innate Regen/Guardian aura effect that heals up to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 health when allies take lethal damage, and it only happens once per cast like Maim's Slash damage/proc/stun?


It doesn't affect Equinox herself to prevent recast exploits, but for allies this is effectively a second chance at surviving endgame content. This also helps keep Companions, Specters and Rescue targets alive and well if properly executed.


Heal on lethal damage is affected by Power Strength. With max Power Strength, you can restore up to 426 health (501 health with Provoke active capped at 50% bonus Power Strength).


Since with Mend & Maim we'll need to recast often to utilize both aura & deactivation effects anyway, I think once per cast is a pretty good balance factor for a powerful effect.

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I know that changes takes time but DE needs to reconsider a tweak for mend, as it is the ability is very similar to renewal but slower and with higher energy comsuption, there is a lot of healing potential wasted, with about 10k is enough to heal everyone in most situations.


Also and as a lot of people says, is pretty unfair how Maim has an effect while active while Mend doesnt have anything, i will be disappointed if they fix this with an augment...


Overshields, armor buff, energy restoration, these are options for all those points while using mend.


It would be good if we get a response if there is something planned for mend.

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I feel that the night form is less usable then the day form. Night is supposed to be a Support, Defense, and utility warframe. But day feels more like that then night. She is basically a Major downgrade to trinity, but in reality she should be like a slight downgrade to trinity. I feel day can buff her teammates much more effectively then night. Here are my changes to make her more useful. I made a thread called Equinox Night changes for usability if you want to learn more on my suggestions.

Pacify- Change pacify to a 75% damage reduction for you and your team. 50% isn't enough and fails to scale. Also, remove the range, I feel the damage mitigation percentage should stay the same where ever I am on the map. I'm not sure about this but Maybe change the power drain to duration.

Mend- This is just a MAJOR downgrade to trinity's blessing. Blessing is instant, Mend is not. Blessing heals your entire team and gives them 99% damage mitigation. Mend just heals them. Also, there is no point in getting more then 5000% because all that damage just goes to waste. He's my change to make it not a worse trinity's blessing.

Mend now slows down enemies in range by 50%. Also, 2% of the damage that wasn't used will be turned into energy that is shared with your team. That energy part may sound a bit op but in a team But think about like this.

Solo- Getting 5000 multiplier on Mend will get you 100 energy.

You and one teammate- Getting 5000 multiplier on Mend will get you 50 energy.

You and 2 teammate- Getting 5000 multiplier on Mend will get you 33.3 energy.

Full squad- Getting 5000 multiplier will only get you 25 energy.

Of course you can go higher then that. For example if I was in a full team with a 50000 multiplier, if I was alone, I would get 1000 which is not needed. But with a team, each member would get 250 power, that's equivalent to getting one void trap with a prime frame.


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I am a great fan of Equinox, and I love your ideas. Specially because, having already made several builds for "super-maian", I really petty the fact that her damage reduction ability simply... lacks something. it requires enormous amounts of strenght mods and range to be feasable, and even them. also, her night ultimate simply seems too much for too less, as you said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, they announced.... more like briefly mentioned... that night's mend will now restore shields in Devstream #60. They didn't go into details, but for those of you who keep comparing trinity's ult and night's ult, WHAT NOW SUCKERS!!! -just kidding- trinity will no doubt still be the better support frame and do better heals.


The question I have, since they didn't go into details, will the shield restoration be included with the heal bomb or will it be a restore overtime while it is active? The need to kill still needs to happen in my mind for the building of the heal burst. I kinda doubt they will go for points built on how much of shields you restore.


Anyway, hope you all like mend after they update it. See you till then

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I honestly think mend would benefit greatly from a mechanic similar to mesa's 1, Ballistic Battery, in which an activation energy would be used, but no drain over time. also, the percentual mechanic would be good: instead of being through "health points", it would be trough percentages. Als, reduce the cast time. The benefits of the power dont really justify such an enormous time to cast, unless a certain ateration could be made: an instataneous heal, scaled through power strenght, that also had a stun effect, similar to main's. 

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