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Out Of 10 What Do You Think Of U17 So Far?


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9/10 so far. Dat parkour. Mm mm good. Dat air dodging combined with parkour. Yum yum yum, delicioso! 


Dat Grineer cape! *drools*


As far as the quest being tied to "RNG," I don't mind at all. It's something different. The acquisition of quests needs to be different every once in a while. I like it. People in this game just want everything NOW NOW NOW or it sucks, or it's stupid, "horrendous," etc. I'm not one of those people. It's a good change of pace. Otherwise, everyone would just go to the codex, beat it in 5 minutes & forget about it. 


Also, I can use the Dragon Nikana & not get left behind by my team. Today is a new day! 

Edited by Rexlars
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U17 stands out to me so far as having one really huge positively with two glaring negatives.


I really like the new parkour system. It is much easier on the hands.


Shotgun buffs are very strange and very little thought seemed to be put into them. The "buffs" range from being actually nerfs to being absurd buffs, and the phage was completely ignored which now makes it another inferior clan tech weapon as the absurd buffs to some shotguns make the phage seem yawn worthy now. It is very hard to forma and potato any shotguns as I feel like the shotgun balance was done with the idea the devs will come back to it later and just push out something now.


Incubator and utility slot end up just being money grabs.

Edited by Oishii
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Everything's good except for the sharkwing part.

Oh by the way. I realised on two occasions while using equinox and I switch from day frame to night frame... when i am low on health bleeding off a slash proc and I was about to die... there is this bug whereby I'll stand still and get stuck ...with 0 health and full shields.

I love the kulstar. Mini ogris + scatter bomb :D

Edited by -CM-Valen
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Everything I read from the patch notes sounded great, but once I went in-game and started playing...well lets just say that it's completely a 180 from what was "hyped" from DE. Even the shotgun buffs were lackluster.


I think the only truly great thing from this update were the Frost and prime Warframe buffs.

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Good stuff:

New tile sets, Parkour 2.0 is awesome, +1 trade slot, kubrow fix, new Syandanas are very cool, utility slots, much needed shotgun buffs.

Bad stuff:

Very buggy, movement is slower, Equinox grind is annoying, kubrow fix is expensive, and so are utility slots.

There's a decent amount of bad with the good, but most of the bad seems fixable. The worst lasting part about it is requiring people to use Archwings, which is still miserable.

Edited by xveganrox
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new quest is rng which is sad, but I already farmed equinox casually. Not any harder then farming a normal warframe. Just makes foundry times longer.


Hell I already Got Final Harbinger or whatever the new stance is too, everything so far has gone well.




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I only got a mission or two plus the tutorial before work, but as far as I'm concerned making weapons disappear when holstered on a per slot basis was worth the wait all by itself. Capes are icing on the cake and I have a feeling that sick looking Grineer archwing gun is going to be the "finding twenty bucks in my jeans pocket while doing laundry" moment of the year.


Parkour was a bit wonky until I remembered to use "C" instead of "(left)CTRL" to crouch. Made a lot more sense to my fingers using see and I can C myself getting used to it very quickly.

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The moment I can bring my heavy melee weapons without being left behind is good for me.

Liking the Frost rework so far.

Parkour 2.0 is looks ok enough for now but I feel that the wallhop is a little... wonky.

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8/10 -

1) Update 16 sucked.

2) The QUEST was fantastic, #Lore Bomb

3) Tyl Regor's boss fight was fun. So the Frame Grind didn't really matter TBH.


4) Sharkwing is a ton better then regular Archwing.

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Good stuff:

New tile sets, Parkour 2.0 is awesome, +1 trade slot, kubrow fix, new Syandanas are very cool, utility slots, much needed shotgun buffs.

Bad stuff:

Very buggy, movement is slower, Equinox grind is annoying, kubrow fix is expensive, and so are utility slots.

There's a decent amount of bad with the good, but most of the bad seems fixable. The worst lasting part about it is requiring people to use Archwings, which is still miserable.


I find it interesting you list the equinox grind as a negative but consider the utility slot which pretty much completely eclipses the equinox in grind a positive.

Edited by f3llyn
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Simply because I absolutely fell in love with the new parkour system. It feels and looks great, is stylish, and gives off more of that space-ninja vibe. The Kubrow incubator addition is definitely something I've been wanting from the start. Better late than never.

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Stamina off :excal exalted blade parry is happy


Monkey jumpstyle is awesome, i even start to forget how coptering was, can 't stop try new jump combos, much fun, far way better , ninja's


Frost debuff made me O_o when 80 heavy gunner died in just a few bullets of ours , Fosties happy


rng still sux, but that wasn't a part of update as far as i saw , lol


Thank you DE, i'm really excited by what you did, big time


9.5/10 ( hate rng forever, but keep playing , retard ? )

Edited by DitchDN
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9/10 , Quest was great, parkour is great (ppl saying its slow are not doing it right , bullet jump is MUCH faster than coptering and feels nicer instead of freakin flying all across the map) Love the frost rework , a little too much rng as usual but meh w.e used to it by now.

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Tyl Regor battle and voice is just plain sexy. New weapons ain't half bad. Frost rework is pretty good, Parkour is fun, quest was great ( although kind of annoying to start ), and I welcome the PBR changes ( makes the game sliiightly darker. I like it! ).


As for the shotgun buff. I mean, there's the Hek and Tigris which received godly amount of buffs and I'm loving every single second of it. There's the Sobek which also received a pretty huge buff although not on the same level of Hek and Tigris. And then there's the Kohm, Phage, and shotgun secondaries which remains unaffected.


And then there's the Boar Prime. Sure, its base damage was buffed, but that status and reload nerf was unreasonable and hurts the weapon's overall dps. And then there's the Strun Wraith. It has 4.1 sec reload speed. Hey, remember that one thing that we always complain about the Supra? THE 4.2 SEC RELOAD. This change really just came out of nowhere and should be reverted. It's stupid.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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The pros:

+ The parkour is awesome, the more I learn to use it the better it feels

+ The buffs to weapons and warframes makes them more fun


The cons:

- Haven't gotten a chance to try the new quest because of RNG

- Tried a submersible mission (exterminate), we ended up at 148/163 enemies left with no enemies left (and yes we did search, a lot)



Sharkwing had the potential to save archwing for me, I haven't tried much so I can't say I haven't given it an honest try but so far it's been the same old story: riddled with bugs that make it unplayable.

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Parcour 2.0 - ?/10


Will play for at least a week before judging it. 



Equinox acquiring - 9/10


Not sure if I was lucky or not, but I got all the parts in like 10 runs. While the boss fight was quite interesting, it ended a bit too fast. Then again, for 8 parts, one would expect a short boss-run.



Tyl Regor - 6.5/10


As mentioned above, while the boss is interesting, he went down too fast.

I was also expecting a Sharchwing stage during the boss fight, where I'd be fighting against him in my Sharkwing. Was fully prepared for this as I forma'd my Archwing gear several times.

The main issue I had with the boss, is that there was more waiting for the boss than having an actual fight.

Shoot -> Boss disappears to fill the stage with water -> Wait for the boss to start fighting again -> Shoot again -> Boss disappears to fill stage once more -> Wait for the boss to reappear -> Shoot -> boss dead.

In general, I think the battle was 10-15 sec long and the waiting around 1 to 2 min.



New Quest: Natah - ?/10


Haven't played it. Nor did I run a crazy ammount of missions trying to encounter it, so can't say much.



Uranus Tileset - ?/10


Haven't really experienced it to the fullest. Can't judge.



New Kubrow, weapons, gear...: ?/10


Everything is still coocking.




All in all, a bit too early to judge U17 as a whole, if you ask me.

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