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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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The people who were complaining about coptering are still getting left behind because they lack the skill to keep up in P2. Keeping up full momentum os mure button/skill intensive in P2 than coptering ever was.


Where do you get those information's? Is there anywhere a box with assumptions in it where you can grab some and sell them as facts?

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This is pretty much what I would have said. Coptering wasn't a question of skill. It was a question of getting the right weapon and then stealing a build. That's pretty much it.

As for those who coptered, it will take time for them to get used to movement that doesn't include a melee weapon. Just because they coptered doesn't mean they are completely unable to learn Parkour 2.0.




No, I mean the people that whined because they were bad at it.  I used a D. Nikana during the coptering era.

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The problem with this comparison is that it's a False equivalent.

Random room generation, and the fact that the rooms are in no way equal in length and width and features, removes reliability from your experiment.

Hence, the results are not acceptable. 

If you ran the same, unchanging tile with the 2 systems you would have a fair test.

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I mean, I can do the same thing considering my point was that Coptering wasn't skill based. If it isn't skill based, you can't really be bad at it. Seriously. There is almost no room to be bad at coptering. If you think actually being unable to try something equates to being bad at it, well.... That's just bad reasoning. Kinda like how food doesn't really taste bad until you try it. Everyone has different tastes, but you won't know until you've had it.

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I mean, I can do the same thing considering my point was that Coptering wasn't skill based. If it isn't skill based, you can't really be bad at it. Seriously. There is almost no room to be bad at coptering.

It was skill based and a gear check as well. The same is true of most things in Warframe, including P2.


You know people can be bad at it because of all the complaints of it being "uncontrollable".



If you think actually being unable to try something equates to being bad at it, well.... That's just bad reasoning. Kinda like how food doesn't really taste bad until you try it. Everyone has different tastes, but you won't know until you've had it.

What are you trying to say here?

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The problem with this comparison is that it's a False equivalent.

Random room generation, and the fact that the rooms are in no way equal in length and width and features, removes reliability from your experiment.

Hence, the results are not acceptable. 

If you ran the same, unchanging tile with the 2 systems you would have a fair test.

With random room generation, it should have evened out over time.  Instead the coptering side pulled further and further ahead.

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OK people who are mad at the Devs for Parkor-2.0 how about you be thankful that they spend their time making a game that you obviously love because you are still playing it even though you say parkor 2.0 is terrible. The game is still warframe without coptering and for getting rid of coptering they did a good job of at least getting close to the speed you had with the tibido! The Devs try their hardest to please the comunity and even told you that coptering would not last forever, and now rather then being happy with their sucess of getting near the distance of coptering, you all complain and give the devs a headache over somthing that they already prolonged the exsistence of!  


  Just have fun and enjoy the game and give the Devs a break!



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OK people who are mad at the Devs for Parkor-2.0 how about you be thankful that they spend their time making a game that you obviously love because you are still playing it even though you say parkor 2.0 is terrible

Or . . .


 I can keep playing the game and offer criticism for everything it does wrong, while enjoying what it does right.   It doesn't have to be one or the other.

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Or . . .


 I can keep playing the game and offer criticism for everything it does wrong, while enjoying what it does right.   It doesn't have to be one or the other.

Then leave it as a criticism I have seen too many people on this thread that are nonstop saying that parkor 2.0 it terrible! (not saying you are one of them.) Say what you have to say and leave it as that! :)



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Could I possibly just stick my hand up and say that we get the extra mod slot for rush or whatever you want so you still get to keep your build, and now you get varied melee weapons instead of using TIPEDO 24/7 to get places. Plus its much more flexible, in terms of direction and running, and you don't run out of stamina, and coptering occasionally went wrong, and you ended up flinging yourself too far sometimes without being able to turn back in midair, and straight up jumps were harder, and more.


You do technically lose a bit of speed, but that's if you were using TIPEDO 24/7 so egh. Plus for the heavy weapon lovers this is a blessing.

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Could I possibly just stick my hand up and say that we get the extra mod slot for rush or whatever you want so you still get to keep your build, and now you get varied melee weapons instead of using TIPEDO 24/7 to get places. Plus its much more flexible, in terms of direction and running, and you don't run out of stamina, and coptering occasionally went wrong, and you ended up flinging yourself too far sometimes without being able to turn back in midair, and straight up jumps were harder, and more.


You do technically lose a bit of speed, but that's if you were using TIPEDO 24/7 so egh. Plus for the heavy weapon lovers this is a blessing.


This is a thread about the lost speed from Parkour 2.0, handwaving away "you technically lose a bit of speed" is completely ignoring the point of this thread.

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To sum up everything..

It will not be as fast as the previous glitched movement named "coptering".

Current parkour 2.0 system makes up for it in fluidity and improves overall game play system. Combining all aspects of movement and shooting and trying to allow a player to interact more with the tilesets.

As I mentioned previously and I will say it again....

Warframe has just developed a truly unique system of gameplay movement.

Edited by -CM-Valen
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I don't care. Parkour 2.0 is bloody great. Now we are flexible in how we move, instead of trying to race through things as fast as possible, trying to keep up with the rest.


okey. so we are not more flexible in how we move... now that the update has been out for nearly a week now.. whats new in everybody's day to day missions and farming routines ?




last i recall, you dont see anyone putting the new parkour system into use. besides bullet jump thats all i see. 


while i admire DE making new changes and what not... nothing has changed,


the game will always be about efficient farming / fastest way to do (X)..


also who are you to say how people should play the game.. if people wanted to rush then so be it let them... but they should not be nerfed in a way that they have to now be on the same level as you...


people keep saying that the copter fanboys will never adapt or learn knew things and cant accept the the new 2.0 system... when last time i checked they are the ones that have adapted the most to finding new ways or rushing levels the fastest... granted there are some that wont accept it and may even quit the game now or complain about it.. but thats hardly everyone that used / was a fan of coptering.


in all honesty, id rather rush a match in under 2 mins or under 10, Than focusing or killing things that are no in any way associated with the objective at hand, and casually walking / jogging from room to room... that ends up taking either 2x longer or 3x longer in most cases..

Edited by DiBBz
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And what you fail to mention is that using any of those mods, unless you just enjoy crap warframe builds, is going to require you to unlock the new utility slot, costing either platinum or an exorbitant resource cost, and then putting 3 more forma on your warframe to be able to equip a mod in it. And you'll be doing this for every single frame you want to use with out being $&*&*#(%& slow. But, now you can totally use whatever completely useless cosmetic weapon you want, since they didn't make melee suck less, they just got rid of it's only viable use.


Most warframe builds can afford to lose one slot on mobility. Only the perfect endgame builds can't. And if you're in a position to use those builds, you can afford the cost of an exilus slot easy. Two and a half days simaris scanning, two forma (if you have an endgame build you probably have tons of forma lying around), and one argon. Then you have to scrounge up 5 mod points from somewhere for mobility. Such a tremendous burden. Truly. My heart bleeds for you.


I can't help it if you're one of those sorts who mindlessly get off to numbers without thinking about real world gameplay at all, but that doesn't exactly change the fact that this study is weighted to support the conclusion the OP wants to reach in a particularly blatant manner. (Yes, let's compare a frost with no mobility mods in the new system to one carrying a tipedo with fury in the old one! Because that is absolutely a fair comparison, yes!)

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some will never understand that the game was fast paced before coptering (M2.0) and has lost it with p 2.0. we had a straight forward slide ( fast) that when combined with the spinattack+ jump melee you get that coptering which you can do with every melee weapon if you get your timing in check.


 what we now have  is an uncontrollable floating upwards slow mechanics that has made meleeing just awefull. the movement looks so ridiculous and that is being generous.


 lot of players are voicing and stating that its better now when in reality it is much worse and a lot of the movement is out of whack and you end up where you don't want to go.


 vets as myself tried it did everything  as how I normally play warframe and the experience isn't as satisfying as before. I used to jump towards the enemies and melee now I have to press the jump button twice and the animation takes me over the enemies heads with no way of controlling it and I end up  on a ledge over a door. front flipping never did this it was precise and true everytime with minimal effort or need of special mods.


 I wont speak for everyone or anyone but this new system is lacking in so many ways  and didn't really solved anything. and it sure didn't make anyone changed their normal crowd control melee weapon of choice from the public missions I have been playing all this time since its inception.


 I am not the type of person that suck up to anyone or anything and ill state what is and whats not whether it hurts your ego or not.


playing less warframe now and mainly because the main thing I enjoyed ( melee 2.0) seems to be junk now to do so I sit in region  and  read all the nonsense of justification these pubs comes with .

Edited by ranks21
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playing less warframe now and mainly because the main thing I enjoyed ( melee 2.0) seems to be junk now to do so I sit in region  and  read all the nonsense of justification these pubs comes with .

Nonsense because you disagree? You still didn't say what's really ruining melee 2.0. What's exactly making melee worse? All it did was remove coptering. Edit: Oh you said "seems to be junk now" You aren't even sure yourself!


The fact that you aren't moving accordingly to melee enemies after parkour 2.0 moves shouldn't prompt you to blame parkour 2.0, and rather work on that yourself. Or is it too late that you have too much hatred for the new system that you won't even try?


People say parkour 2.0 moves look really silly or ridiculous, but that's completely and absolutely subjective opinion. After all, judging how it looks cannot possibly be a fact.



 vets as myself tried it did everything  as how I normally play warframe and the experience isn't as satisfying as before. I used to jump towards the enemies and melee now I have to press the jump button twice and the animation takes me over the enemies heads with no way of controlling it and I end up  on a ledge over a door. front flipping never did this it was precise and true everytime with minimal effort or need of special mods.


 I wont speak for everyone or anyone but this new system is lacking in so many ways  and didn't really solved anything. and it sure didn't make anyone changed their normal crowd control melee weapon of choice from the public missions I have been playing all this time since its inception.

Firstly you have a glaring contradiction in your post.


Secondly you should say what's factually lacking about the parkour 2.0, other than the fact that it's a bit slower (obviously) and also the fact that you suck at controlling the new moves in parkour 2.0.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I agree with ranks21. I was excited to see the update, fired up for the new movement, new frame and new boss fight, but the loss of pace and weird movement has me not really feeling like playing much. And if you even dare to complain about it you get some doofus saying that you just need to learn to use it, or calling you a cheater and an exploiter for even noticing it, or throwing up strawman arguments about how awful coptering was and how terrible you are for wanting it back. All of that instead of addressing the lost of pace or strange slow motion feeling the new movement has. "I sure am glad I can wall bunny hop and get so high vertically", said nobody ever on their 53rd assassination run trying to farm an important resource.

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some will never understand that the game was fast paced before coptering (M2.0) and has lost it with p 2.0. we had a straight forward slide ( fast) that when combined with the spinattack+ jump melee you get that coptering which you can do with every melee weapon if you get your timing in check.


 what we now have  is an uncontrollable floating upwards slow mechanics that has made meleeing just awefull. the movement looks so ridiculous and that is being generous.


 lot of players are voicing and stating that its better now when in reality it is much worse and a lot of the movement is out of whack and you end up where you don't want to go.


 vets as myself tried it did everything  as how I normally play warframe and the experience isn't as satisfying as before. I used to jump towards the enemies and melee now I have to press the jump button twice and the animation takes me over the enemies heads with no way of controlling it and I end up  on a ledge over a door. front flipping never did this it was precise and true everytime with minimal effort or need of special mods.


 I wont speak for everyone or anyone but this new system is lacking in so many ways  and didn't really solved anything. and it sure didn't make anyone changed their normal crowd control melee weapon of choice from the public missions I have been playing all this time since its inception.


 I am not the type of person that suck up to anyone or anything and ill state what is and whats not whether it hurts your ego or not.


playing less warframe now and mainly because the main thing I enjoyed ( melee 2.0) seems to be junk now to do so I sit in region  and  read all the nonsense of justification these pubs comes with .


warframe will and will always be a fast paced game.. because of its stupidly annoying RNG farming mechanics... no matter what other people say, it wont change the fact that rushing will always persist...


i played a good 4-6 hours the day the update came out and for some reason its the only update i felt i was getting board of really fast.. im left with a bunch of crafted stuff now that needs leveling but i feel un-interested in pursuing and playing the game anymore - or at least until the next couple updates.


im sorry but i also need to point out the fact that people saying.. that rushers or speed farmers need to appeal to that persons slow play-style and calm down and have fun enjoying the game, need to GTHO..


first off. what gives yous the right mind that somehow speed runners or rushers etc dont all ready have fun doing what they liked to do (Speed run)...


why is it rushers etc need to appeal by a minority's rules and either play like they do or play solo... you dont see (Or at least ive never seen) a rusher complain and say that slow pokes need to play solo and get out of open MM etc.


its pointless saying go play solo when the majority of public open matches are speed runners...


it does not matter what you change about the game... the fact is that rushing missions and figuring out the best possible efficient way of farming will always be and play a huge role within the game.

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last i checked melee was used for hitting things. just you had a secret ability that allowed you to propel yourself faster in a direction..


Aye but you had to use certain weapons that were not so good for actually hitting things in order to #gottagofast instead.

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