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Unintentional Insane Buff To Snow Globe


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Currently with Snow globe, you can instantly kill any enemy regardless of level (even a juggernaut) by casting snow globe,  then watch them speed toward the wall and smash instantly, killing even the toughest enemies in one shot. Although i really love this, it needs to be nerfed in the following way:


Instead of instantly smashing when hitting the wall, a large amount of Impact damage is calculated by how fast the enemy is moving when they hit the wall, 3,000 impact damage immediately, then decreasing to eventually just around 100 when they are hardly moving, and they will unfreeze when this damage is done and dealt the impact proc, staggering them if they survive.  If they are killed by the impact damage from hitting the wall they will still shatter, but this prevents super heavily armored enemies from shattering (as impact will be heavily reduced against armor) while still allowing the augment to have a good use for damage dealing. 


even 3,000 impact damage isn't alot against alot of armor, so it isn't op unless you go on lower levels, and you still have to get them go freeze (50% chance) and smash into a wall hard enough. 


Before you comment:

1. meant to say snow globe when i originally said chilling globe, as i mixed them up when writing this. chilling globe seems to affect it though. 

2. Never said chilling globe was pushing them out.

3. This is not a bug, in the patch notes in update 17 enemies who are frozen can slide around and if slammed into something fast enough will break, but DE did not intend on it killing enemies of all level and type

4. if you demand that DE keep this clearly overpowered addition into the game without fixing it, that shows what kind of person you are, a person who would rather have a really great exploit instead of being reasonable and making things balanced. 



Here is a video of me destroying a level 90 corrupted bombard instantly in the simulacrum. 


And me destroying a level 90 Infested juggernaut instantly in the simulacrum (poor planning made me use an energy restore)

Edited by superbot34
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Well butter my butt and call me biscuit!

Thats hilarious. I'm gonna have a bit of fun with that before it gets nerfed just for the lulz.

I agree though its a bit much and needs tweaking.




It only has a 50% chance to freeze. What happens when a bunch of them rush into ur globe? I think its fine the way it is.pretty balanced imo

50% is actually a reasonably high chance and when a bunch of guys rush in they will still be pushed out and slowed when reentering so its not exactly a significant downside to offset the power this has.

I think a small bit of tweaking is in order so its not always a guaranteed instakill.

Besides, if you do this even remotely close to walls taking into account OP's tweaks it would still instakill just about anything.

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It doesn't need a nerf. It's a bug. The globe is not supposed to launch enemies out of its radius like a railgun made of ice.


Glen knows. It was on his stream a few hours ago. He's going to look into the code and see what makes Snow Globe rocket everything fifty meters away at nearly copter-level velocities.


As for the suggested nerf: Impact is an awful damage type. Fixed damage abilities are almost uniformly terrible because they don't scale, which was exactly the problem with Avalanche before. Under what circumstances could it possibly be a good idea to return to some of the worst scaling issues in Warframe's entire damage system?

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It doesn't need a nerf. It's a bug. The globe is not supposed to launch enemies out of its radius like a railgun made of ice.


Glen knows. It was on his stream a few hours ago. He's going to look into the code and see what makes Snow Globe rocket everything fifty meters away at nearly copter-level velocities.


As for the suggested nerf: Impact is an awful damage type. Fixed damage abilities are almost uniformly terrible because they don't scale, which was exactly the problem with Avalanche before. Under what circumstances could it possibly be a good idea to return to some of the worst scaling issues in Warframe's entire damage system?

Wrong. It's even in the update notes for update 17 that you didn't read. Enemies who are frozen can shatter on hitting a well when they are fast enough, but DE didn't think about scaling it properly. 


That is the point silly, 3k impact damage will still instantly kill all enemies up to level 20, and lighter units up to level 30, but not making it so it instantly kills them. you are overthinking this. 


Besides, this dosn't nerf what chilling globe has always done, which is freeze enemies. The only thing this does is prevent people from going to infested missions and instantly killing the juggernaut. when DE realizes this issue they will nerf it, but i want them to see my suggestion before they nerf it completely to make them deal no damage when hitting a wall, which i am pretty sure they will do,

Edited by superbot34
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The freeze is part of the ability now... not a Chilling Globe buff. Was mention in the livestream talking about the Frost rework.


From wiki:

clearly didn't say that chilling globe was pushing them out, i only incorrectly said that chilling globe was freezing them solid, when it was the snow globe itself.

Edited by superbot34
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clearly didn't say that. chilling globe freezes them, and snow globe pushes them out and if they hit a wall fast enough, they die regardless of enemy level. 

Didn't say what? "Insane buff to chilling globe"? Snow Globe freezes+pushes enemies within range on cast, regardless of augment equipped or lack thereof. Just sayin'.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Wrong. It's even in the update notes for update 17 that you didn't read. Enemies who are frozen can shatter on hitting a well when they are fast enough, but DE didn't think about scaling it properly. 


That is the point silly, 3k impact damage will still instantly kill all enemies up to level 20, and lighter units up to level 30, but not making it so it instantly kills them. you are overthinking this. 


Besides, this dosn't nerf what chilling globe has always done, which is freeze enemies. The only thing this does is prevent people from going to infested missions and instantly killing the juggernaut. when DE realizes this issue they will nerf it, but i want them to see my suggestion before they nerf it completely to make them deal no damage when hitting a wall, which i am pretty sure they will do,

"Wrong", says the one who wasn't listening to Glen's stream last night. Maybe you're the one who needs to start reading, because I went through all the patch notes and was Twitch chatting to a dev in a defense with a Frost.


Enemies that are frozen can shatter upon hitting surfaces with sufficient velocity. Snow Globe is supposed to push back enemies. It is not supposed to launch them into the walls at such intense velocities that they instantly die. He specifically mentioned that it was not intended behavior.


In other words, and here I'll keep it very simple for you:






Also, do you simply not understand that 3000 impact damage is absolutely worthless once enemies get past the 40 or 50 mark? By the time you get to 30, 35 minutes in a survival, basically any weapon with a full load of mods can deal more damage than that in one second. Flat damage has never worked for Warframe abilities and it never will. Especially when it's a damage type that deals somewhere between "bugger" and "all" to flesh and has barely any bonuses to anything except shield. You are effectively nerfing it into uselessness for anything except clearing trash mobs.

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Snowglobe is meant to freeze enemies and push them out the globe that's a new feature how ever it defiantly is not meant to kill the targets that's a bug but if it's meant to do damage I do not know

Chilling globe augment: has a 50 percent chance to freeze targets that enter the globe.

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Or you could deal with the fact this happens and have fun with it. It dosent need to be nerfed simply because you feel it needs to be nerfed.


Moreover arent bosses and eximus units stupidly restant to status now? This more than likely wouldnt even freeze them.

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before you make yourself sound silly again, please take a look at the patch notes that i was talking about. The shattering of frozen enemies was intentional, but clearly they didn't think about it killing all enemies, no matter how much health or armor they have. That is the part that you are talking about, and what Glenn was referring too. 


Or you could deal with the fact this happens and have fun with it. It dosent need to be nerfed simply because you feel it needs to be nerfed.


Moreover arent bosses and eximus units stupidly restant to status now? This more than likely wouldnt even freeze them.

They are nerfing it whether you like it or not. killing any enemy at any level one one shot is too powerful and everyone knows it. just enjoy it while it lasts. 

Edited by superbot34
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Didn't say what? "Insane buff to chilling globe"? Snow Globe freezes+pushes enemies within range on cast, regardless of augment equipped or lack thereof. Just sayin'.

i meant to say snow globe from the start, but it appears that chilling globe has some effect on it. without it, some enemies are pushed away while others are not, but with chilling globe it seemed more enemies were pushed away. still, i changed the title to what i meant to say. 

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DE rework something


The Critiques come in and ruin the experience and complain about every inch of detail.

This game or community will never see better days.

Can ppl just enjoy the game for Christ sake?


Im getting fed up with every thread after every rework -_-

Edited by ShadowsofKoga
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You're being the silliest person in this thread with your unnecessary hostility.


"Push out all enemies" does not imply "launch them into the walls at high velocity". The globe is presently launching enemies much faster than it should.


And what does any of this have to do with the fact that 3000 impact damage is still useless everywhere except with trash enemies? It might as well not do damage at that point, because it's minuscule, non-scaling, uses one of the worst damage types in the game - effectively a token, an excuse to say "Freezing does damage!" without actually making it useful. I mean, really, two years playing this game and you have no idea how much health a heavy unit has at wave 35?

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before you make yourself sound silly again, please take a look at the patch notes that i was talking about. The shattering of frozen enemies was intentional, but clearly they didn't think about it killing all enemies, no matter how much health or armor they have. That is the part that you are talking about, and what Glenn was referring too.


They are nerfing it whether you like it or not. killing any enemy at any level one one shot is too powerful and everyone knows it. just enjoy it while it lasts.

The point FelisImpurrator was making was that the velocity system for the globe is messed up ATM, so when that's fixed, enemies won't be insta-killed as often, because they won't be moving fast enough, which would make all of your tweaks unnecessary. Chill. *canned laughter* Edited by (PS4)spider59234
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DE rework something


The Critiques come in and ruin the experience and complain about every inch of detail.

This game or community will never see better days.

Can ppl just enjoy the game for Christ sake?


Im getting fed up with every thread after every rework -_-

Uh...that's what beta testing is for and the bug and feedback sections of the forums are for. They exist for a reason.


Now, I wonder if you can insta-kill a Juggernauth Behemoth with Snow Globe. Oh geezus, it does. And they were level 95. Definitely balanced, right?

Edited by SicSlaver
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Uh...that's what beta testing is for and the bug and feedback sections of the forums are for. They exist for a reason.


Now, I wonder if you can insta-kill a Juggernauth Behemoth with Snow Globe. Oh geezus, it does. And they were level 95. Definitely balanced, right?


I feel you fam


Feel me in a certain aspec tho.

Frost fans raged about rework rework rework.


Happy Birthday Frost fanboys.

Wait, you dont appreciate your OP gift?! 


Only complaints should come from players who dont own Frost.

Cant wait for my Hard drive to arrive tomorrow. i missed 2 months of gameplay.

Hopefully Excals EB doesnt get nerfed and Frost either.


Guys lets leave him OP and enjoy it.


BUFF ALL FRAMES!  Koga approves of it x)

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It needs to be nerfed, I can just get a range/efficiency build and run around insta-killing everything. not only is it overpowered, it's annoying to other team-mates trying to shoot other enemies when there are like 5 globes constantly being cast blocking their bullets.


You'd have to be insane to think this is balanced. People think its okay for everything to be insanely overpowered just because this is a PvE game and then say that it's too easy.

Edited by Towermice
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