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I'm Curious As To How Many Who Provide Spirited Feedback Have Invested The Equivalent Cost Of A Aaa Title ($60).


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This game has a very different free to play model.


If $60 would buy me everything the game has to offer (no Platinum costs at all) AND removed all the platinum-only purchases AND let me have all colors unlocked (because locking them is stupid for $60) AND did all this with AAA quality (full storyline/questing)...then it might be worth it.


^All of the above?  Yeah, shut up and take my money.


But as it stands, there is still no reliable information in-game about how to do stuff like

.  It seems the developers take advantage of this to drive Platinum purchases by having that kind of information not available in the game (or available through a lot of hassle) and requiring use of alt-tabbing to the wiki to check.  That seems like 'Dark Pattern' Game Design.


It is relatively minor and it seems there is too much expectation for players to 'just check the wiki'.  Tutorials have improved but there does need to be more done to make it accessible within the game instead of having me click on something and have it pop open my browser instead.


If the devs can have their Market adverts play on a screen and be fully-integrated in-game, then there's no reason they can't do the same for other things.


"Companies exist to make money" is like viruses existing to cause disease, but right now this game (for me) doesn't quite yet reach the monetization pattern that would have me drop a nice $60 on it and just ENJOY the game.


Why settle for less when we can expect more?

Edited by JCDenton007
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bought prime access a while ago. was ember prime top tier


I have only 1 problem with U17 and thats the Natah quest. Locking a quest behind rng is horrible.


my favourite part of U17 is the Tyl Regor boss fight and the Kulstar

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Many times $60. Also, hardly any games stop at $60 any more, with all the DLC packs to make the game fun.

Much of the warframe community have helped support the game financially. If someone can't/isn't willing to, that doesn't mean that their voice should be silenced. After all, it still is technically a free game, despite the expected contributions.

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I have invested more Money (2 Prime Acces, platinum for the psn store)  for this game than the price of a AAA Titel.


It is one of the best f2p games and each update has value.

I love the desinge of the warframes wich caught my intrest in the begining.

I admit DE makes mistakes but they fix them and they have my symphaty.

Edited by (PS4)Prisma144
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Ive been around since 11.5, i stopped keeping count of how much i spent ever since i started buying Prime Accessories.


And i think U17 has done more to keep me interested in the game than the last 3 major updates combined.


And given the number of people ive been able to introduce and bring back to the game, its apparent that the movement changes were needed for a long time.

Edited by Dualstar
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Many times $60. Also, hardly any games stop at $60 any more, with all the DLC packs to make the game fun.

Much of the warframe community have helped support the game financially. If someone can't/isn't willing to, that doesn't mean that their voice should be silenced. After all, it still is technically a free game, despite the expected contributions.

Just an FYI, I initially purchased a plat pack to try the game over 6 months ago. Then I slowly became a "diehard" and adopted an "enjoy the journey" attitude with an appreciation for those I play with and the entire DE staff and community. I bought both PA Volt packages to support what has been created.

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I've spent quite a bit more than $60 during my time playing the game.


IMHO, Warframe has one of the most fair F2P models currently, some things are a bit wonky but generally its very reasonable. Yeah colours are locked away...but does anybody even use every single colour on a single frame? Not at all. The option is there for you to buy what you want....thats kinda what you do when you go to a shop to buy food...you don't bemoan the shop for overstocking :/ 


The progress the devs make with the game is also impressive. It's not false ideas, and lost dreams. When they commit to something, the players generally end up getting it.


I'm currently in the market for my next platinum purchase....just waiting on that Valkyr pre-corpus skin....DE, you hear that. Money waiting on the table for you >_>

Edited by MillbrookWest
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Warframe has one of the most fair F2P models?? WHAT?


Clearly you haven't seen other games doing themselves to death with the same model, and other games with better models that do FAR better and are much more fun to play. And don't get me started on Plat discounts. Sure, Warframe has people paying for it, but it's far from being a game that has more than 75% happy players, which is the requirement needed to pass itself off as 'universally accepted'

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I'm a bit older and appreciate the costs of business.

I see scathing criticism more than jubilant praise, and often wonder how many people posting in this manner have invested in the process or at least appreciate it, even if they disagree with it.

Feedback please?

As you, I am of the older demographic.

I have easily covered the price of an AAA title and then some. I did not keep track, as I have been through 2 accounts,  1 with Steam and 1 without, and it was worth it while I played Warframe.

Edited by muzashi1963
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I've probably tossed between 500-1000 on my account into this game. Double it to include money given to my SO to spend on the game.


I am overall pretty content and happy in waframe, sure there's extremely annoying bugs after every update (like being unable to mod my twin grakatas without then losing all progress after that), but eh, they're bugs, stuff gets fixed.


That's nothing compared to what I've dropped on star citizen. <--Javelin owner, and proud of it. My SO owns the idris. Between us we have every ship, including some duplicates, except for the scythe.

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I'm not sure I like where this thread might be going.

Actually I am sure I don't.


Should we compare how much we spent and then judge the value and relevance of our opinions based on who has spent more?

I think this is a very dangerous, and potentially extremely toxic kind of thread, no offense.

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I see scathing criticism more than jubilant praise, and often wonder how many people posting in this manner have invested in the process or at least appreciate it, even if they disagree with it.


There is typically a correlation between the amount a player invests, and how strongly they believe they are entitled to give harsh feedback.


There is also a phenomenon where people are more likely to give feedback when angry than when happy. 


There are people who use video games for catharsis that, when frustrated, take out their worldly problems on the game's developers.


There are also people who are just angry.


Take your pick. All types of people are to be found online.

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Feedback please?


I spent over $100 on warframe.


Each update makes me regret spending anything at all.

To be honest, the only reason I still launch the game on occasion and complain about stupid decisions DE makes, is precisely because I want to get my money's worth out of that $100, and they simply ain't delivering.

Edited by Naqel
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Seeing scathing criticism here isn't exactly unusual, or a problem. If someone is perfectly content with their game, then why would they come and post in a feedback forum? Everyone who posts here wants something to change, and usually people want change because they're unhappy with the current situation. 

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Problem is that regardless if you paid or not as long as you had cumulative amount of 1220p(1000x1 50$, 170x1 10$, 50x1 starter bonus) de actually earned 60$ off you through trading.


As someone who spent 100$ on founder and at least another 100$ on plat purchases, im less and less happy about about de buisness decisions regarding game. If i were asked to pay that money now, i would avoid it for everything that i loved in it years ago.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Been playing since the end of U7, spent nine hundred and fifty dollars thus far.

Which makes me wonder, what did that give you??

If your answer wont be "everything that is there to get" then thats probably reason for harsh crticism.

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I'm not sure I like where this thread might be going.

Actually I am sure I don't.


Should we compare how much we spent and then judge the value and relevance of our opinions based on who has spent more?

I think this is a very dangerous, and potentially extremely toxic kind of thread, no offense.

Seeing how OP has posted here I have my same exact feelings above with Mathrym's reply.

OP you are basically saying to everyone that those who complain and give constructive criticism are usually just a bunch of children who don't have jobs and clearly do not appreciate how DE is working hard to satisfy the player base as a whole. This clearly is borderline discrimination to players who play the game, which for some people in their situations wouldn't allow them to spend more than 60 dollars in a game. And for those free to play players, they have every right to voice their opinions and give feedback, because seeing how the community actually cares to write a good post to tell Digital Extremes what they're doing is right or wrong shows how big the game has grown, how united we are as players who enjoy the game, and how much we all care about the game.

Edited by MikeTheAshmigo
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I spent over $100 on warframe.


Each update makes me regret spending anything at all.

To be honest, the only reason I still launch the game on occasion and complain about stupid decisions DE makes, is precisely because I want to get my money's worth out of that $100, and they simply ain't delivering.

Okay, that's weirdly entitled. I know "if you don't like it don't play it" is a cliche, but here you've made up your mind and aren't playing - yet still you complain.

I mean, can't you just say the game's S#&$ and move on with your life? Why bother giving feedback when you function under the assumption that everything is total bollocks? Seems to me as though you're just complaining for the sake of it, which, lost 100$ dollars or not, is the kind of thing utterly terrible people do.

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