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If Saryn Is Being Reworked Because Of Unhealthy 4 Spam, Why Does Mesa Exist.


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people are saying Saryn is being reworked into a melee based tank and her 4 is being removed for something else, thats completely ridiculous. Obviously she is based on Sarin, a colorless, odorless liquid that is extremely potent and classified as a weapon of mass destruction and is lethal even in very small concentrations and attacks the nervous system. Saryn is completely fine as she is now albeit her 3 is lackluster but most frames have at least 1 lackluster ability. 


If they nerf or even worse remove her 4, i want Mesa's 4 to be nerfed/removed as well. Whenever a Mesa is in a game the ONLY skill they use is her 4 and is extremely more potent and useful.


If anything, Saryns 4 should be buffed to have an additional effect to have synergy with her other abilities and be changed so you do not need -duration, like maybe after using Miasma you get a passive bonus attack speed so her 3 could be used and then you can grab regenerative molt and use molt when things get bad.


yes im salty, melee is dying and has no use outside of OD and for funsies

Edited by Rollerlane
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DE said they will rework Saryn but no one mention her 4th being remove or turn her into Melee frame...Source please?


also yes if Saryn's getting rework in term of annoying 4th ability then Mesa will be the same fate in no time (im hoping she take out her revolver and let you shoot everything with it manually but with little lock on targets)

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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WTF, another anti-Mesa thread? Seriously?


Only Saryn's 4 is very useful, with 2 being situationally useful. Saryn is having a rework, cause 4 is pretty much the only thing people use on her.


On the other hand, Mesa's 2, 3 and 4 are all good. When soloing, her 2 is great. I personally use her 3 all the time. If people want to use her 4 - it's their choice. If you don't like it, form your own group and stop cloning those stupid threads, dammit.

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Saryn is completely fine as she is now

not for game balance, and long term practicality.

easymode button mashing through low Level Missions, and having two Abilities which do nothing useful in high Level ones (once Enemies have mid 5 digit EHP, your bland AoE Blast is not very useful), makes some pretty big problems.

distracting Enemies and Viral debuffing them is Level independent and therefore is always useful (higher Level Enemies being more difficult to use against, but the Ability is equally as useful), but the other two are completely Level locked as to whether they're useful at all or not.

i mean, if 'fine' is defined as what about equates to AFKFarming strategies, then i don't want fine. i want the opposite of fine. the opposite of fine creates a Video Game then. while fine... creates a static Gameplay where you're interacting as little as possible.

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OP you are right to be frustrated. Mag had a neat team ability taken away because of Mesa. And somehow Mesa is still not being brought up.

If Saryn is getting a rework it should have been what Excal already got. Swap 3 and 4 and make the new 4 a crazy gas cloud waves of melee death.

Saryn is my favorite frame. And I haven't liked the tweaks to Frost and Ember. So I worry. The game hasn't been getting better, just going around in circles it feels like.

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We don't have enough details on how saryn is being reworked, but recent endeavors have shown me that there is no good way to build for any other ability other than Miasma. Venom only spreads if its shot, and will not spread if the target is killed. Molt is.. just ok, nothing special other than a nice distraction. Contagion puts you in a spot saryn probably shouldn't even be close to being in for how much damage you actually get out of it.

Also, don't make another mesa thread. Everyone at this point knows that peacekeeper is a bad concept and needs fixing.

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Was wondering what happened to the daily mesa thread. ZzZz

But the way don't make stuff up, they just said they're working on her, and not what you mentioned..lol

the best way to get changes is to let the Dev's know that something is wrong, the forums is our way to let them know, and Mesa's 4 is whats wrong. Mesa threads should keep coming up until something is done about her. And i didnt make it up, im asking a question because this is what i heard.

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Miasma is basically diseased air. A lingering cloud of infection. In my mind, this is ripe for an interesting power -- possibly a long lasting AOE similar to Elytron's Thumper. Instead, it's a bomb. Miasma is not an explosive, so don't try and apply some ridiculous logic of "realism" to justify it.


Also, all that is known is Saryn is being re-worked. We don't know any specifics of what will stay, or what will go. The tank/melee thing is purely speculation. 

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Miasma is basically diseased air. A lingering cloud of infection. In my mind, this is ripe for an interesting power -- possibly a long lasting AOE similar to Elytron's Thumper. Instead, it's a bomb. Miasma is not an explosive, so don't try and apply some ridiculous logic of "realism" to justify it.


Also, all that is known is Saryn is being re-worked. We don't know any specifics of what will stay, or what will go. The tank/melee thing is purely speculation. 


I think it would be awesome to have a lingering, area denial, cloud of gas as her ultimate. It kinda seems too obvious for the name of the ability.

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Pretty sure Saryn's rework is more about 2 of her skills being complete and utter garbage even if you build for them, and being benefited to build against them. 


That said, I'd give anything for Mesa to get a cool new interactive ult. Wouldn't be completely against the commonly suggested idea of "every consecutive shot in a row gives a bonus, and missing resets it" idea, with Redeemers that would replace your gun like melee weapons do. Or maybe even just make it like melees are, multiplier for hitting a bunch, resets if you don't shoot something for a bit. Something that requires aiming at least, I want to like Mesa, and have a gunner frame that isn't Banshee, but I just can't. 

Feel like her 1 should be less obtrusive with it's cast animation too.

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If her 4th were to be reworked, she would need 1 and 3 either completely new powers or reworked immensely.
I'd hate to see my main frame get nerfed to the ground, so all we can do is hope. 

but DE has done VERY good at reworking frost/excal so..

If her 4th was changed into a big Elytron AoE type thing, then it would need a big range buff and damage buff.
because then she would have to be built for duration, range, p.eff, and str at the same time. and to make any of that balanced out with corrupted mods you end up at like 153% duration 120 ish% range 130% p.str and 170% p.eff -those aren't the EXACT %'s cause i'm just trying to recall my balanced equinox build. 

and with something like that it could be a lack luster ability.
UNLESS they keep her trick of less duration = less ticks = bigger damage
They let it stack like Elytron then the power could become more deadly than the miasma we have now.

Let us pray they buff the sprint speed (and maybe more armor to excal levels)

Edited by Vesiga
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DE stated long ago they wanted to change ults that have no LoS AoE damage.  That's why Excalibur got the massive change.  This isn't new, nor is it worth worrying about.  Saryn will change because of how her ult ability works.  Quite frankly, she could use some balance changes.


Also, comparing the mesa ult to what saryn has is a joke.  Mesa has a well designed ultimate ability (with certain well known drawbacks) while saryn has a broken ability in need of changing.


More importantly, nerfing an ability because you dislike it makes no sense.  If you don't want to group with a specific frame, then don't.  If mesa was so broken you would see them everywhere.  Which isn't the case like it was with excalibur pre-change.

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