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What Is Nekros Good For



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According to most of the playerbase.

Very accurate xD


If you get the soul survivor augment for him, you can also go as a reviver but thats just if you want to.

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Soul Punch is amazing for removing a heavy unit from the fray if you can get LoS on it. 


Terrify isn't offensive, it's quite annoying to hit the enemies as they run with their AI's movement. Use only when about to die or to save someone else. 


Desecrate is the super farm ability. 


Shadows of the Dead is amazing for taking fire off your team as well as adding some damage. 



He's a good frame to bring on farming runs because of his 3, other than that he's good at being a utility, supportish frame. 

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He is most famous for his 3rd ability, Desecrate, which makes more loot out of dead bodies (also when enemies are cut apart by slash damage, each separate part counts as a whole body for this ability).

His 1st ability is great to get that one heavy unit that's about to wreck your face while you're reloading.

His 2nd ability really takes a lot of heat off the team, but should generally only be used in emergencies, as it makes the enemies annoying to kill (but does remove some of their armor).

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Nekros is (in)famous for being the "farming" frame. His #3 skill, Desecrate, allows you to gather additional loot from corpses, which is not only incredibly useful for generating health/energy orbs and ammo, but allow gives you another chance at getting a mod or resource from them, and even spawns O2 canisters during Survival missions.


Unfortunately this has kinda doomed him to a career of being expected to spam Desecrate constantly and nothing else. It doesn't help that the rest of his skillset isn't all that great; he isn't a useless frame, but other than generating more loot he doesn't bring much to the table.

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With his augment to Soul Punch he's pretty much a master of life and death.

With his Terrify he's an awesome CC caster for endless missions (there are better than him though).

With his Desecrate he's a must have for most farms and he can spawn tons of personal life supports on survival mission too.

His shadows are rather useless.


Thanks to his Soul Survivor and Terrify he's a great asset on the Law of Retribution.

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Mash 3 for top tier gameplay






But really he's not that useful outside of powerfarming resources. And if DE insist on keeping that survival change, then he's gonna be mandatory for any survival runs. 


Soul Punch with augment is actually pretty good. Terrify build can be pretty hilarious and effective if you're not planning on killing anything ( See Phoenix Escalation TA ). Shield of Shadows is fun, but kind of difficult to build. Either way, as long as he's still able to tamper with your drop rates, he's gonna be a pure Desecrate frame and nothing else. 


Also, relevant.


Edited by TotallyLagging
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WHAT IS NEKROS GOOD FOR?! WHAT IS NEKROS GOOD FOR?!?? my god...idk how to define this question -__-

is good for everything! 99% of people use it ONLY for press 3 but he is much more, i bring him in every type of mission, he is NOT only for SURV or "LOOT".

a lot of player dont know how to use it and die every 2 seconds and then they complaing that saying he is useless >_< after learning the best way to use him, I can survive with level 80+ enemies, it's normal enemies with that lvl are strong and they can oneshoot you XD but with a bit of brain you can survives very well...using ALL his abilities, which are fantastic and not only 3.

if you go on Wikia you will find some tricks about him ;-) like Terrify wich lowers the enemies armor. 

(like allways sory for my english)

Edited by Fi-le
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Just so you get this straight


you want people to accept you in the squad and in survival missions and not whine about your usefulness every 2 minutes ? make an efficiency build and keep spamming 3 till you get bored out of your mind or till the run ends.


you want more fun out of the frame? then build a dur / str build for his ulti. I personally use this all the time if I'm playing nekros. I use nekros solo or with friends / clanmates always because randoms keep whining about me not having a desecrate build for more loot or for more LS drops.


It's up to you to choose this is JUST my opinion.

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Absolutely nothing


Ahem... Brilliant to have along on a Farm and maybe a Survival. While i do Press three on a frequent basis with mine i also have a 50sec SoD duration and since i found they will get into Ramparts if near them i try to keep near them till they break, which also means Terrify last a long while aswell which can keep things out of your hair while Rezzing fallen people or what have you.


My Concession to Desecrate is Despoil and Equilibrium. Keeps me in power despite running on base value.


I know someone who apologizes every time he casts SoD for blocking people's shots... i don't, if you cant avoid shooting the Jet Black Shadow then you have other problems

Edited by AzureTerra
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Been said multiple times, but most just spam Desecrate, and that's it.


He's got more than that in his kit, but you'd never know that if you listen to the community. Soul Punch is pretty useful for pushing away more dangerous targets, and it can be just plain fun to fling enemies around. Terrify is a panic button, hit it when you or a teammate/objective are badly outnumbered for some breathing room. Shadows of the Dead is... a bit of a gamble. You may summon some great ghosties to really give the enemy what-for, or you may get a bunch of useless fodder-types that do nothing helpful. Increased power strength adds more shadows to the mix, and Shield of Shadows Augment can help with survivability.


But one thing to keep in mind no matter what? Nekros is a SUPPORT frame, not a damage dealer or a tank. He doesn't lead the charge, he backs it up. Soul Punch nastier people away, fill them with fear for a break, Desecrate for Energy/Health/Ammo, and shadows give them something else to shoot. Don't expect to tear S#&$ up with him, he's just not equipped for it.

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Nekros is a utility frame whom the warframe community has decided to just turn into pure farming tool. Real shame honestly. because all of his abilities are useful at different degrees and I am willing to say he has one the best selection of augment mods in game. The problem is that a lot of the community build it Max range, Max efficiency and only spam desecrate all game long. You literally go into a mission with 3 frames and a guy spamming just desecrate, I legit have seen one nekros in a 40 minute survival with 0 damage and we weren't even camping. Put some power strength on him, Stretch is more then enough range and at the bare minimum leave his duration at the base 100% and your Nekros will be 10 times more useful then the average Nekros.

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