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Sunika Prime... Can It Be?!


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Reminds of Metal Gear Solid, for whatever reason.


Regular Sunika: "You're fine. You got all the old man's dominant genes, I got all the flawed, recessive genes. Everything was done so you would be the greatest of his children. The only reason I exist is so they can create you."

Primed Sunika: "So you're saying I'm the dominant one?"


RS: "That's right! I'm just the leftovers of what they used to make you. Can you understand what it's like to know that you are garbage since the day you were born?"


Kubrow Fur Solid confirmed.


But in all seriousness, I don't really bother with Kubrows, however with the fact that RNG and a whole variety of factors are most likely involved... it is rather predictable. Also... how would you even prime the darn thing? Treat it like royalty?

Edited by Zeus154
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People are acting like they're being made to throw their dogs in the trash and it's completely made up.

It's not about being forced.

When you use Forma on an item, why do you do it? Obviously to make an item more powerful. You make a sacrifice in resources and time to improve the item of your choice.

When an upgraded version comes out, of course you will wish to have that instead, the game itself encourages you to always pursue the biggest number in every way (same as with Forma). However, it the price for that is often quite significant: it's completely throwing away all your previous work and starting over.


As it stands right now, all of WF is a struggle to get bigger numbers, so you can't "minmax-shame" players when it's the only sort of progression that the game offers.

Edited by The_Doc
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How the hell does one make a Prime kubrow? How the hell does one FARM a Prime kubrow? Prime Kubrow armor I can get but... Eh, I have a headache now...

Kubrows are companions of the Orokin before and during the old war. They had multiple tiers and purposes, ranging from pets to combat companions.

It can be assumed that a Prime Kubrow is the top tier Kubrow (either by survival of the fittest through selection), or a modified Kubrow through the use of Orokin technology, or both.

Primed Kubrows were probably part of the temple guardians, and probably were used by the temple guardian rhinos.

This is of course my speculation based on the finite amount of info we have on the subject(s). So take it with a grain of salt.

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PS - Anyone who says sunikas are bad, isn't using a fast frame zipping through maps murdering everything on the fly. The other breeds are irrelevant for the most part. I don't stop when a sahasa randomly digs something up half a visible map away when they are at max range and about to teleport to me.

None of that does anything to disprove the fact that Sunika is completely devoid of useful utility - unlike all the other breeds.

All that is just you bragging about going fast ... Which by the way isn't really that hard.

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People are acting like they're being made to throw their dogs in the trash and it's completely made up.

Don't be obtuse - of course DE isn't putting guns to our heads while we hover over the consign button. That doesn't change the fact that if something you own gets an upgrade - with the creeping nature of the game - you do pretty much have to take the upgrade.

For a game aspect that arguably takes more than any other to reach full potential - It is still a slap in the face - and it's one they're doing repeatedly now.

Prisma any old junk - Umbras (like we need another line of everything). Primes that didn't need to happen (Odonata and now Kubrows)

Saying "you don't have to get it" - doesn't change any of that - and spreading that attitude will just encourage them to keep doing this tired, weak excuse for spinning out their game.

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Um, it wasn't datamined... 

Datamining is the action of finding your way deep into the game's files, which requires a lot of effort, and is usually done to find out which prime items are next, but also to uncover what they Dev's plans are. This was just found in (the codex?) somewhere playing the normal game, at least.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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DE. Stop. Right There.


This is in NO way a good idea, unless we can convert our dogs to prime via some genetic mutators in the form of void drops or what not...

If you listen very closely you can hear thousands of Sunika puppies getting flushed down the toilet consigned to the Lotus. That's pretty much what's going to happen when the new independent Sunika Prime shows up on patch notes.


No one is 'forced' to 'upgrade' but most people will more than likely migrate to the Prime variants much like Frames/Weapons. 

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To the people saying "How can you Prime a Kubrow?"


The Kubrows were originally Orokin pets and combat companions, who turned feral after the fall of the Orokin empire, which is where we get the eggs from to "un-feral" them the incubators. "Prime" Kubrows will likely be either made using genes taken from original kubrows that directly served during the Orokin age, by either extracting from a corpse, or finding one in stasis in The Void or something of that nature. I also feel like Simaris could potentially have a part in this, considering he has the ability to replicate blueprints of more-or-less anything.

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If they implement an option to upgrade our Kubrow Collar to a Kubrow Collar Prime which will enhance our campanion DNA im ok.

If not what is the point of breeding normal Kubrow? It's really necessary in the end?


Kubrows have many many problems that still need to be fixed, i really want an option like the syndicate spectre, an option to choose if my Kubrow have to guard one place and not going rampage attacking every high level enemy they see, with the risk of ruining an high level mission. For example Kubrows keep falling from the bridge in the second section of the Raid.


I only use Kubrows beacuse i like them, but its a pain to have to worry to res them every three second because they don't follow me.

Edited by -GarethJax-
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