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Lets Talk About Diriga...


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Yeah, but you can increase this with Eagle Eye.



... for realzis? The attack range of the Sentinel is not effected by Range mods on the Weapon.


Even if it did, 14 meters? I would put another damage mod there.

Ok sorry I don't understand how it works.


Shouldn't it just use the weapon you gave it? Do all the sentinels have different stats that effect how they use the weapons? 14mt is not really worth it IMHO...

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Ok sorry I don't understand how it works.


Shouldn't it just use the weapon you gave it? Do all the sentinels have different stats that effect how they use the weapons? 14mt is not really worth it IMHO...

The Sentinel attack percept will determinate the range at which the Sentinel will fire its weapon regardless of what weapon it actually has equiped . 

The Carrier percept Striker has a range of 10m at max while the Diriga one Calculated Shot has a range of around 70m at max rank . Regardless of the weapon used on the sentinel , it will be restricted by the range limit of its percept .

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Ok sorry I don't understand how it works.


Shouldn't it just use the weapon you gave it? Do all the sentinels have different stats that effect how they use the weapons? 14mt is not really worth it IMHO...

Your sentinel will use whatever weapon you give it to use. How it uses that weapon will be dictated by its attack precept, which is tied to that sentinel. So Carrier will shoot things within 10m, Shade will go after things that attack you if they're within 30m, etc. Each one is a unique beast, and mixing and matching weapons isn't always ideal.


When installed on a Sentinel weapon, Eagle Eye will increase the range of the Sentinel's attack precept. It's not explicitly stated by how much, but presumably, the same factor as it would otherwise be increasing zoom - 40% at max rank. So, in the case of Carrier, it goes from 10m radius to 14m.


A 10m circle has an area of 314m^2 (pi*r^2 and all that). A 14m circle has an area of 616m^2. Thus, under wide open conditions, Eagle Eye can nearly double the area within which enemies can be targeted. Whether or not this is useful is left up to the player.

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Ok sorry I don't understand how it works.


Shouldn't it just use the weapon you gave it? Do all the sentinels have different stats that effect how they use the weapons? 14mt is not really worth it IMHO...

Each Sentinel has an "Attack Mod":


Striker for Carrier

Thumper for Djinn

Revenge for Shade

Swift Deth for Deth Cube

Targeting Receptor for Helios

Warrior for Wyrm

Calculated Shot for Diriga


Each of them has a set range, raise the rank of the mod and the range increases, at max rank Striker has 10m range while at rank 0 Calculated shot has 50m range. Weapon range has NOTHING to do with the range the sentinel will attack, putting Eagle Eye on a Sentinel weapon is like putting Power Strenght on Loki.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Weapon range has NOTHING to do with the range the sentinel will attack, putting Eagle Eye on a Sentinel weapon is like putting Power Strenght on Loki.

U12.6 patch notes:


 Made weapon zoom mods (Eagle Eye and Hawk Eye) and melee range mods (Reach) increase Sentinel targeting range.
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I'm really enjoying this new sentinel. I bought it by mistake instead of buying the blueprint and I have no regrets. I'm trying not to get too attached though because we're fresh off of an update and it'll probably get some sort of nerf soon because it seems too good to be true. That base damage on the weapon is too good to be true for a sentinel.

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Your sentinel will use whatever weapon you give it to use. How it uses that weapon will be dictated by its attack precept, which is tied to that sentinel. So Carrier will shoot things within 10m, Shade will go after things that attack you if they're within 30m, etc. Each one is a unique beast, and mixing and matching weapons isn't always ideal.

When installed on a Sentinel weapon, Eagle Eye will increase the range of the Sentinel's attack precept. It's not explicitly stated by how much, but presumably, the same factor as it would otherwise be increasing zoom - 40% at max rank. So, in the case of Carrier, it goes from 10m radius to 14m.

A 10m circle has an area of 314m^2 (pi*r^2 and all that). A 14m circle has an area of 616m^2. Thus, under wide open conditions, Eagle Eye can nearly double the area within which enemies can be targeted. Whether or not this is useful is left up to the player.

Lol, 2 years and a half here and I always thought the weapon kind and stats were overwriting the sentinel specs...

I'd say on a Carrier it's really not worth it, what a pity!

Edited by siralextraffo
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Calculated Shot also talks about charging a shot. Is there any confirmation (or disproof) that the precept does something like reduce fire-rate while increasing damage? Should be an easy enough test to run in the simulacrum, but I don't see anything on the wiki about it.

Edited by Sines314
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Agreed, Sentinels really need love. Diriga really feels like it's contributing to combat and can be part of a complete build. Bring short range weapons, and your Diriga will focus primarily on blasting enemies you haven't reached yet. For everything else, it's just a matter of "Well there's no reason to not bring a sentinel".


This was exacerbated with most abilities being minimally useful, with the most useful ones (Animal Instinct, Guardian and maybe Coolant Leak) being universally applicable.


Diriga looks to be a big upgrade to what sentinels can do in general, and given that, other than the one argon crystal, it's easily available to newbies, suggests this portends an upgrade to sentinels in general. Right now, if any new player asks what sentinel they should get first, Diriga is pretty much the clear winner, with a possible exception for Carrier (due to it's unique ability and with Sweeper not taking up the much more commonly needed Serration).

I actually wonder if they're going to remove the "Mod only once per build" restriction. I've decided to create a set of spare Elemental Damage mods and a Rank 6 Serration for Diriga, but it'd be nice if I had access to all my mods, and would make sentinels much easier for newer players to use. Before now, my primary reason, by far, for using Sweeper over other weapons was that it didn't interfere with my build.

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As long as it cant use rifle mods that i use on primary, the gun is useless.


I get why people ask this, but it's completely illogical. 


Why should you be able to use the same mod on two guns at once? 


If what you said is true, every sentinel besides Helios (with Deconstructor) is useless, because the same argument applies. 


Did you think before you posted that? 

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Interestingly earlier i gave this guy the deth machine rifle, ( i wanted to stop him kill stealing while i leveled some guns and the actual sentinel), and he was still doing some serious beef with it. Not sure if charged shot is actually giving a damage boost or not, but it is interesting anyway you look at it...

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