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Remember The Days When... Wf Edition


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When you could have all 4 base elements on a sword and it would apply on every hit.


When the starchart had a sense of progression to it.


When paris p and fang p had armor ignore.


When Rage, Decisive judgement and Berserker dropped from tenno specters in the DS conflicts.

Edited by HermlT
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When the Grineer talked english,


when retrieving a raid artifact/capture target made you glow red,


when rainbow builds were everywhere,


when bosses dropped their loot as glowing spheres that could fall off the map,


when Fragor could send people to the ceiling...


(when there was a skill tree)

Edited by unknow99
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The nifty red resource cubes.
Infinite wallrun bug
Stalker had a Braton Vandal and Cronus (and was actually a threat)
The star map was a simulation of the solar system
The really good ambient music in the system overview
Attack on Tenno, galactic scale.
When Pluto was the third planet you could go to.
When the Infested weren't annoying.
When the J3 Golem was a boss.
When Eris HAD a boss.
When Hek, Vor and Sargas Ruk were beefed up Grineer units.
When rollers were a threat.

The generic drums battle music.
Grineer not having their own ships, the cheap bastards.
Grineer speaking English.
Corpus all having robotic grumbling sounds instead of electronic speech

Laser Grids being lethal.
Purchasable instant-health items
@(*()$! NERVOS!
Enemies being very tough and the game put value on tactics and thinking rather than running and gunning.
The old skill-tree leveling up system

Charged melee attacks

Spy Drone Event

Operation: Sling Stone

When Jupiter was owned by the Infested

Darvo leaving because of Stalker

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