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Dissatisfied With Rng Loot System


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Now before you rush to the bottom and get up in arms saying "Warframe is not pay to win, you can get things without spending a dime!" you are correct about that but here is what i mean by pay to win.


Warframe is suffering because of it's own loot mechanic, and in many ways it's much better to pay a certain amount to get the Weapon/Warframe you want. The mechanic i am talking about is the RNG Loot drops.


i have been a player since Closed Beta and i have watched the missions and loot tables get filled to the brim with new weapons and warframes, the void is the worst of it.


for example when Ash Prime got released i was excited! Ash is my main frame and i immediately jumped into the void to get the parts, by the end of the week i had every part i needed...except the blueprint. and this continued for a long time....how long? well i just got it the day before trinity prime was released when i bought it off the trading post.


that is what i am talking about. this RNG has been pushed too far that now it is making the game for the people that can't spend the 150 dollars to buy the prime access are either leaving the game completely, or slowing down a lot.


Maybe its not pay to win, but it is pay to progress/keep sanity.


Please DE, We love this game! however we need something to either cut back on the amount of items, or the RNG System needs to be re-thought. Maybe something as simple as a percentage system where if you don't get a part, the chance for it to drop gets higher.


Something, Anything.


P.S: I understand that some people may enjoy the game still, i'm one of them, but this has become a major issue that is enveloping the great parts of the game.

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i agree its more pay to progress quickly... and it is rather bad recently, the reason i say its not p2w is that you still need to mode and learn to use and mod weapons/war-frames..... and even then you need to rank mods, which is another issue but the grinding could use some tweaks for sure

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You know, you can trade/sell with players too, or farm more and more, took me 2 month to get a Nova P part from t3s and i was doing 1 / 2 t3s everydays, i could have buy from players or trade, but i was fine farming my part :)


Nothing to have with pay to win :l 

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Dang. Playing the game for free that long? Wow.


Seriously though. I agree with you. I mean DE should make this game truly FREE.


Stuffs on the makets should be more easily obtainable. And there shouldn't be any point for one to get it on the market. And if someone really really really, and I mean really has any money to throw away, and feel pity enough for DE working for free, then they can donate!!!

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Something, Anything.

Hopefully the Void change (which is likely happening with the Star Chart change slated for U18) will alleviate much of the grind. Hold out until then, and try to make a profit selling off the rarer Prime stuff. If we're stuck with bad drop rates, why not at least put them to good (if selfish) use?

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Guys it's pay for advantage, you will get your drop, after you roll your 100sided d&d dice roll a multiple of 25, roll your 50 sided dice, get 50, roll your 2 6 sided dice get doubles, roll again and get 2more doubles, go to jail, pay $50 in monopoly money to get out and roll to get free parking...

Or you can get plat and buy the part from another person or prime access, simple really

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Come on think about what you just posted, this game is far from "pay to win". What more do you want everything is farmable except cosmetics(your not disadvantaged). It's only for faster play .

The whole point is to "play" so if you don't like to play buy access but other then that this game is far from pay to win its just annoying to hear

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"Maybe its not pay to win, but it is pay to progress/keep sanity."

Give example of free to play game without system like this or similar. DE need money from somwhere. And buying things in game where farming is core is... weird.

Edited by MrDar1o
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Well, yeah... They've told you already, not pay to win, but pay for convenience.


Yes, RNG it's annoying and in most of the cases it feels unrewarding, especially with the new shiny gear (Prime access), but we need to understand that Digital Extremes is a company, and needs money to survive. The game is still free, you can basically get everything by farming and giving the game some hours. 


All we can do now is to wait till U18 and see how the startchart 3.0  changes, affects loot and farming, hopefully for the better. 

Edited by Lokime
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As i stated in the actual post, "Maybe it's not Pay to Win, but it is Pay to Progress/Keep Sanity"


The title was meant to get people to look at it.

Clickbait. We need a downvote option.


Also, you are telling me that in 3 months of farming the void you did not get a single item that you could have traded for the BP or sold for plat so you could buy it from trade chat.


If you don't want to farm it, pay for it. If you don't want to pay for it, trade for it.

Also starmap 3.0 is coming. From what DE has said, it will help with grind fatigue.

Edited by xRufus7x
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