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Where Is The Tenno Reputation System And Why Hasn't Been Implemented Yet?


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Now I have been playing this game for a very long time now (ever since open beta) and through my farming times I encountered a variety of players, some great some just awful. 


I feel this game will benefit greatly from a reputation system for each person.

For example at the end of every match you are given the option to rate somebody based on their performance:

Some categories:



- If a person was helping a new player understand some game mechanics, or help them understand their Warframe and how to make it better or helping a new player with a boss mission so they can get the frame parts they need.



- Now there are plenty of times where i'm farming for prime parts and occasionally I see the dreaded 'keysharing'. I go in the lobby i don't know anyone, i'm not sure if i'm going to use my key and then they leave and im 90% shure they are also thinking the same thing, or there wouldn't be a thing called "flash your key so i know you are not BSing me"

-This also dosnt have to be for keysharing it could be used for trading as well. Say you dont know a price of a part or you are new to the game, and you want to trade some of your hard earned plat on a part you need, you would want to know if that guy isnt try to make a max profit out of you and overprice you.



- Over the years I have meat some very nice people, some talk about the game make some jokes making the game experience a blast. Talking about random things like "what do you think about the new monkey king frame?" and all that stuff.



Now i'm still thinking if this is going to be implemented if there should be 'bad reputation' and I am not sure if it will crate a more toxic environment or a good one where people want to have good reputation in the community


Some examples for bad reputation:


-These are for the people that constantly BM others, harassment, and just not being nice to other making the game experience unfair for thows around them.



-Something like unfriendly self exploratory



-For the player that are the 'Hallway heros' in defense missions or the ones that ignore helping with objectives and would rather run away from the team and the die far away from where you need to be for example Mobil defense.


How it may be implemented:

Now there are a lot of ways this can be implemented but here are some of my ideas:


-May be based on a point system the more you get 1 point for each player and can be used on multiple categories, BUT you can only vote on that player one time (as to prevent farming points to trick others).

-You can change your vote when you are on your ship but only once a week so that toxic players can also be given a chance to change their habits.


Rewards for good players:

Now this is where I think the reputation system could shine:


There will be categories for how good of a reputation you have (like syndicate reputation) it will scaled and be based on points like the syndicate system some rewards could be:


Tier 1: (Loyal)

You get a 5% boost in exp gain


Tier 2: (Trusted)

Your building time in foundry reduced by 10%


Tier 3: (True Tenno)

All resource pick ups are increased by 10%


Tier 4: (Lotus' Helpers)

All rewards from previous categories increased by 5%


There are countless ways that this can be implemented in the game and frankly i think this will help the game a GREAT deal. Creating a great environment for new and old players alike. Helping new players get older players to help them and older players the rewards they want to become better farmers or helpers.


Please tell me what you guys think I honestly want to know if i have missed any flaws or may promote more toxicity.



There should be a reputation system so that players can know who is helpful,trustworthy,friendly.

Will be based on point system players can give to thows nice players

Good players should be rewarded for having good reputation.


Edit: Let me get some things out of the way:

1) These are all ideas some things can be taken away and added to improve this system.

2) People that say they get their friends to downvote people they dont like, a solution to this would be that the players they have played with can vote and nobody can vote after the end game screen. So the "downvote bomb" isnt a thing. Or just dont have a downvote and only show what players need to do to do good things.

3) People can only vote ONCE per player as to not prevent farming votes (as i stated in the post), also some are saying that they could just make 'alts', so you are telling me a person will go through the trouble of making multipal accounts and playing on 2 comps just to get rep? I don't think so.

4) I do agree the rewards do promote some bad aura with it, so to fix this, oh i don't know remove it?

5) There will be no indication of how good the player outside of their profile page and they will not get any special badge next to their name or anything like that, although i do think they can get a sigil slimiler to the 'lotus helpers' sigil

Edited by Mini-Gunner
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Let us take a look at some poor examples of this system.


-Trading fame in Maplestory. High fame gave rewards, so people would trade or even buy fame, giving it a poor representation of actual player quality.

-Defame bombing in Maplestory. Piss off the wrong guy and their whole guild and friends list track you down and defame you. Now all that honest rep you worked so hard for is gone in an instant and you look like a menace to society because you picked up someone else's loot.

-Trading reputation in League of Legends. Because everyone wanted those green and red ribbons on their player card on the loading screen.


Player reputation systems just don't work, especially if you give incentives. Incentives will just make reputation another item on the market.

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You'll end up with an entire clan of #$&(% bags giving each other positive rep to the moon.


The reputation system would only be active to the players that have played with each other, unless one guy where to play with his entire clan then yes this would be a problem, or they could make it so friends and clan members cant vote for them. You cant think inside the box, and there are countless ways this can be changed.

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The reputation system would only be active to the players that have played with each other, unless one guy where to play with his entire clan then yes this would be a problem, or they could make it so friends and clan members cant vote for them. You cant think inside the box, and there are countless ways this can be changed.


You underestimate the ability of #$&(% bags to look good while having little real substance. Systems exist to be gamed.

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As much as I would like one it is kinda difficult to implement. I was thinking of badge based system where just beside your name the badges are shown and their color denotes the players ability like green badge for beginners and graduates to red and gold for higher rank. But the deeds that influence the ranking about helping and all that is kinda difficult as in a game where

"in farms we trust" system this ranking is kinda difficult to not farm.

Like me due to college firewalls I can't play with anyone else always solo mode doesn't allow me to get reputation. But then again putting all the attention to skills might promote elitism, but letting other person give you rating like a low lvl Mr is kinda bad in a way.

Lemme explain I played with a Mr 5 player who has a mag so he asks me why my mag is so strong and tanky where as his is not so. I explain how to play mag, he may or may not understand. Then I explain which mods affect her like corrupted mods like transient fortitude makes her good and have high shields. Now he asks me if I have one to spare if I have one and give it it's ok , but not giving him might make him sad some say help me farm (which I am totally for), some beg and some go outright offensive. The nice ones upvote me but else 90% time I will be downvoted as I don't outright give him cores or mods. So it's kinda flawed I would like one but difficult to implement.

Edited by SharkPot
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Let us take a look at some poor examples of this system.


-Trading fame in Maplestory. High fame gave rewards, so people would trade or even buy fame, giving it a poor representation of actual player quality.

-Defame bombing in Maplestory. Piss off the wrong guy and their whole guild and friends list track you down and defame you. Now all that honest rep you worked so hard for is gone in an instant and you look like a menace to society because you picked up someone else's loot.

-Trading reputation in League of Legends. Because everyone wanted those green and red ribbons on their player card on the loading screen.


Player reputation systems just don't work, especially if you give incentives. Incentives will just make reputation another item on the market.


You do posses some good ideas, but there are 2 very easy  solutions to this. 

-No rewards for reputation

-No 'downvoting' punishment


This will fix both "reputation bombing" and the incentive to have constant good reputation as this time it will be a passive thing and can be used as a tool for players.

Edited by Mini-Gunner
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Why do we even need a rep system anyways? Most people you play with that aren't your friends or new probably won't bother to even go through the process of giving some random guy rep.


For the sake of a better community? And the processes to give somebody rep dosnt have to be hard. I dont know why you would think its a pain to do when there could be 3 buttons next to the player end screen (Helpfull, trustworthy, friendly) and you can push witch one you want or just ignore it all together.

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For the sake of a better community? And the processes to give somebody rep dosnt have to be hard. I dont know why you would think its a pain to do when there could be 3 buttons next to the player end screen (Helpfull, trustworthy, friendly) and you can push witch one you want or just ignore it all together.

I never said it was gonna be hard but most people honestly won't care about it unless they can show it off. What's the point of a rep system if all you have to choose from are positive things? People will act exactly the same. All you really need is just a report system.

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I would certainly love a solution that can work as Mr is kinda bad right now as people who have only played for a month are now sitting at Mr 18-20 where as me who has been playing since a year is at Mr 13 enroute 14. These players are worse as they think there rank determines they are better if I get pissed of I just challenge them to a t4 survival of the fittest and kinda go all the way to 50 min while they are out of revives just to teach them a lesson Mr isn't everything. What I do is not ideal but that right now is the only way to combat these elitist and call it tough love and bring them down to earth so they respect people or just ignore and let there ego inflate.

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You do posses some good ideas, but there are 2 very easy  solutions to this. 

-No rewards for reputation

-No 'downvoting' punishment


This will fix both "reputation bombing" and the incentive to have constant good reputation as this time it will be a passive thing and can be used as a tool for players.

The passives you talk about are the rewards. If gaining rep leads to these passives being activated, people will find a way to farm that rep, be it purchasing or trading. And the only "punishment" that I mentioned was looking bad due to negative rep. Your rep system is meant to show people a particular player's quality as a player, so negative rep would mean they're a bad player in one sense or another. While there is no direct punishment, the system would indirectly hinder the player by deterring others from playing with that person.

Honestly, the only way player rep could work is if each player can only see their own rep as a means of self analysis. And a majority of players I'm sure would not look at those numbers critically with the intent of improving them self with the exception of mechanical capability, where improvement is inherent of playing a game in the first place.

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I admire the thought going into this idea, and I know you mean well, but the truth is that such a system could be abused easily if it is not handled carefully with various levels of complexity to ensure a sincere rating, which would end up being an exhausting use of resources for a small implementation done right. 

Edited by (PS4)buddy72757
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The passives you talk about are the rewards. If gaining rep leads to these passives being activated, people will find a way to farm that rep, be it purchasing or trading. And the only "punishment" that I mentioned was looking bad due to negative rep. Your rep system is meant to show people a particular player's quality as a player, so negative rep would mean they're a bad player in one sense or another. While there is no direct punishment, the system would indirectly hinder the player by deterring others from playing with that person.

Honestly, the only way player rep could work is if each player can only see their own rep as a means of self analysis. And a majority of players I'm sure would not look at those numbers critically with the intent of improving them self with the exception of mechanical capability, where improvement is inherent of playing a game in the first place.

Here we need help of DE right here. No solution I perfect but something has to be implemented inplace of Mr. Only DE can say how the community would react to a certain change. And this is I kinda touchy topic but needs to be looked at.
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Who decides this reputation marker? The player base?

It'd be a mighty poor representation of a player if he just gets his buddies to upvote him.

This opens up the doors to massive scamming and trolling opportunities.

"See that thing next to my name? Means I'm a good guy and won't cheat you." and then proceeds to cheat them.

Really, the only time I have ever seen a reputation system kind of work is when it becomes as simple as a "I won't disconnect from a random online match too often, we'll duke it out to the end." And that was only based on a number of completed games versus games that weren't.

That doesn't come close to factoring as many variables in, as in trades being fair, promises kept, "helpful" information being actually helpful.

Adding incentives just turns the whole system even more upside down. Without any real incentive, systems like this are sometimes right in their marker based on the 'honor system' the meta of a game develops. Offering any sort of reward for it usually throws that honor out the window.

I'm guessing we don't see this system because, while the intent is nice, the actual implementation would be incredibly difficult, if not outright misleading and counterintuitive.

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I don't want it because we all have S#&$ty days and some days we treat others worse than other days. I know a lot of players that come home to play Warframe and sometimes they're not in the best of moods. Even I am guilty at raging at players.

Although the Idea is nice, rewarding for good behavior.

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Who decides this reputation marker? The player base?

It'd be a mighty poor representation of a player if he just gets his buddies to upvote him.

This opens up the doors to massive scamming and trolling opportunities.

"See that thing next to my name? Means I'm a good guy and won't cheat you." and then proceeds to cheat them.

Really, the only time I have ever seen a reputation system kind of work is when it becomes as simple as a "I won't disconnect from a random online match too often, we'll duke it out to the end." And that was only based on a number of completed games versus games that weren't.

That doesn't come close to factoring as many variables in, as in trades being fair, promises kept, "helpful" information being actually helpful.

Adding incentives just turns the whole system even more upside down. Without any real incentive, systems like this are sometimes right in their marker based on the 'honor system' the meta of a game develops. Offering any sort of reward for it usually throws that honor out the window.

I'm guessing we don't see this system because, while the intent is nice, the actual implementation would be incredibly difficult, if not outright misleading and counterintuitive.


I have to agree with Mod here, Its best just to leave this out.


If DE or Mods, where able to do it, and "Maybe" guides of the Lotus, then sure that's understandable, but for every player?, Nope.


Only reason why I think Mods/DE, due to they will have a REAL reason to down or upvote you.

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Who decides this reputation marker? The player base?

It'd be a mighty poor representation of a player if he just gets his buddies to upvote him.

This opens up the doors to massive scamming and trolling opportunities.

"See that thing next to my name? Means I'm a good guy and won't cheat you." and then proceeds to cheat them.

Really, the only time I have ever seen a reputation system kind of work is when it becomes as simple as a "I won't disconnect from a random online match too often, we'll duke it out to the end." And that was only based on a number of completed games versus games that weren't.

That doesn't come close to factoring as many variables in, as in trades being fair, promises kept, "helpful" information being actually helpful.

Adding incentives just turns the whole system even more upside down. Without any real incentive, systems like this are sometimes right in their marker based on the 'honor system' the meta of a game develops. Offering any sort of reward for it usually throws that honor out the window.

I'm guessing we don't see this system because, while the intent is nice, the actual implementation would be incredibly difficult, if not outright misleading and counterintuitive.

What you say is certainly true and about trades all I can say is be careful and check what he and you are offering. I don't know any bug that may directly scam and I trade alot mainly corrupted mods as they are very much needed for players who want to max out items.

And about the system there is always a bad scenario good scenario and then the worst case scenario. There is no system perfect. A system based on player ability(how good he plays or how long can he last in t4 Sur)promotes elitism. But rating someone else leads to bad naming. But we also need to remove mr based elitism. What we can look at working good ranking maybe is the cs:go. Yes the ranking in it promotes elitism but a person who doesn't play accordingly with his team goes of solo doesn't kill or going afk also puts a negative rep which may cause him to down rank. Then just like here in warframe aka the hallway heroes are present there as well they die too much, down rank. Then if you kill teammates or try at least a warning or two then you get competitive matchmaking ban. Badmouth someone in chat and immediate competitive matchmaking ban.

What I want to say is let there be mastery rank from 1-infinity but rep system starts from Mr 10 from here every kill you, do assists you do times you die everything counts towards the rep. Other players can give positive rep but can't give negative they are given undefined. This is for reason that trolls can't make you lose rep for their own fun. And all of this is denoted besides your name with badges of grading color.

Help the op and everyone involved to create an intricate system that can actually be implemented. Any solution will be appreciated.

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So let me get this straight, I can bully people into buying from me at ridiculous prices at the threat of having my clan bombard their account into a negative reputation with whatever gameplay reprecussions may come with that?


Sure, sign me up. Absolutely nothing can go wrong with this.

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