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Should Future Frames Follow In Atlas's Footsteps?


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^ Title.

The simplicity, along with the general impact and power his powers display is quite refreshing over the either overly complex or lackluster frame abilities that we've gotten over the past few updates.

Do you believe that the general feel of impact and power, along with its simplicity/somewhat complexity attached, should be given to future frames?
Or do you prefer overly complex/interesting?

Of course complex and interesting can still tie in with the more simplistic stuff. Atlas's Wall(Tectonics) for instance is complex, yet simple at the same time.

As well as Landslide. Very nicely done ability, as well.

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I've been of the mindset for a long time now that we have enough frames. I'm not interested in any more unless they bring something new and fresh to the game. Atlas simply doesn't do this. His only vaguely interesting move is the wall, but it doesn't seem to have any stunning uses yet.


I'd rather have the coders working on re-vamps for the older frames, and the modelers making new deluxe skins/cosmetics.

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We need abit of  both. That should be select on a frame-by-frame basis


Sometimes a frame should be straight to the point, but some frames should be elaborate by design,


Equinox is a frame of duality, it's skills by design should require a fair amount of thought about execution and design

Where as rhino is a very straight forward, aggressive frame. Straight and to the point powers fits the frame well

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cosmetics arent really important for me


i would like to see new races then the main 2 we have and their small extensions, doesnt matter how many different worlds DE wanna make me believe warframe has, it has not


i understand that development needs money, and even then, where does the money go, into cosmetics, weapons, frames ...


half the weapons and frames would be enough if we can have more real different worlds and races


as well as i would love to see a clear storyline for a 60 bucks game with some dlc beside warframe


the concept right now doesnt allow much extensions, instead of that things get drained out until no return with different missiontypes in the always same environment


its my business to support by "renting warframe for 600 and more bucks a year" which is really expensive for what i finally get out of it, and its DE's business to create a quick balance into that all ...


U 18 is needed, urgently =))

Edited by SbruL
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I think Atlas is an overreaction to the absurdly increasing complexity of new frames, starting with Chroma and rising to a ridiculous crescendo with Equinox. He's a bit too oversimplified perhaps, leading them to almost immediately need to add stuff for scaling because he was just too basic. 


We need a middle ground in my opinion. I don't think Atlas is bad, and I don't think Chroma or Equinox are bad either, but they aren't at that middle ground of too much/too little design complexity. 

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I'm perfectly fine with complexity, really - but ideally I'd like to see some sort of middle-ground, and by that I do not mean that every frame should have the same level of complexity, but that there are frames at both ends of the scale, with the average being a mix between the two.


I do very much enjoy the fact that Equinox's abilities are closer to "toggle passives" than anything, as I often feel that, outside of CC abilities, the usefulness of direct-impact abilities are lackluster, even if they are visually and 'physically' present.

Preferably, I'd perhaps like to see more secondary effects on abilities, outside of Augments - more utility than floaty number.


More than anything, however, I'd like to see all frames get innate passives - such as Excalibur, Frost, Zephyr, and Atlas has - as I find they are more proactive, and thus influence the way I play, rather than just the abilities which I consider mostly reactive, and as such are dictated by the way I play.

Or to put it differently, the passives - for me - gives each warframe a bit more flavour, whereas the flavour that their abilities bring, more often than not are just skin-deep.

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Would it be wrong saying that they should make EVERY frame take half a day to make?


I was actually talking with a friend of mine who's rank 8 the other day. I was trying to convince him to play more, and he was saying that the grind for trying new frames was extremely discouraging. Essentially that even if it's one of the frames where the boss battle and thus part grind is pretty quick and easy, and you already have the resources, it takes about three and a half days without rushing with platinum to get that frame built. He said it's hard for the time invest for grinding and resources, and then sitting and waiting several days, and then you finally get to try out the frame and see if you like them. One of the things he was suggesting is that it would more likely for him to play more and test out new frames if he didn't have to wait so long, or if their was an option to "test" a new warframe before you buy it on the market/go grind for it. 


I think it is off putting for a lot of people to try new things and keep testing out new frames when it takes so long just to get a chance to see if you like the way their abilities work. 

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I love Atlas for his simplicity, he took Warframe back to the good old days.. which is what DE was apparently aiming for.



I don't mind complex frames that take skill to master, I really like Limbo and Chroma. however, I'm not a fan of the recent trend of aura abilities, forcing you to stay close enough to your team mates as to be able to smell their non existant breath. This is assuming they haven't already scattered to the four winds.


A good mix of complexity and simplicity would be great in future frames, as long as DE stays away from auras.

Edited by Aoden
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I think Atlas is an overreaction to the absurdly increasing complexity of new frames, starting with Chroma and rising to a ridiculous crescendo with Equinox. He's a bit too oversimplified perhaps, leading them to almost immediately need to add stuff for scaling because he was just too basic. 


We need a middle ground in my opinion. I don't think Atlas is bad, and I don't think Chroma or Equinox are bad either, but they aren't at that middle ground of too much/too little design complexity. 

I myself am a very tanky player ( that's why I'm looking forward getting Rhino) but a solid allround frame would be nice.

I am new into this game my opinion doesn't weigh as others do but I won't touch Atlas just because he is actually the Hulk smashing everything that stands in his way.


I made a topic about an allround frame and yes I know it's based on Chroma and Excalibur but bear in mind this just an idea of how a allround frame ( in my opinion ) can look like. Here is the link https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/544459-medieval-dragon-warframe/#entry6113012


But to get back on topic Atlas smash smash smash fun for a minut but not for all the time.

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make the resources reasonable to find and farm, then we can talk about more frames.


I spent 2 weeks farming the Polymer bundles to build atlas.  and i made mistake of also building Kamas, and then dual kamas


Then I looked at building Tekko, atlas's signature weapon, and how much polymer bundles it would take to build and cried

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Seems a lot of people want a middle ground.

And how do you propose making it middle ground?

More combinations with the available powers the frame will have? Other combinations with other frame(s) power(s)?

How would [DE] go about makin' a middle-ground frame like everyone seems to be suggestin' that they'd like to see?

Just curious!

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Design wise? OH YES. Simple looking and without an absurdly exaggerated accent on the thematic.


Ability wise? Heck no. We don't need more abilities that scale poorly into late game endless missions. No matter how much damage his punches do he will still get his face shot off up close and don't even get me started on the golems(and again I'm talking about late game endless missions for all you mercury-adventurers that are going to tell me he's fine/op).

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Simple frames are some of the best frames in the game. Frost and Loki are two examples. They're very straightforward, easy and fun to use, and quite effective. Ember, Atlas, and Volt also fall into this category. I don't mind complicated frames, but they're a lot easier to screw up and more difficult to balance.


I'd really prefer reworks of existing frames that end up being one-trick ponies or that go almost entirely unused, and I say this as someone who owns pretty much all of the frames and weapons already, minus some time-limited stuff I've missed. I'm well acquainted with the thirst for new content, but I believe strongly in fixing old content first.


Unfortunately, it's a well known fact that DE likes to push out new shiny (and to be fair, that's what most people want), so their resources go toward that. Reworks do happen, but they aren't top priority.


Aside from that though, reworks require DE to face up to the realities of the game as it stands today in order to avoid unused and one-trick pony frames. They seem to be doing a good job of that so far when doing an actual rework, such as with Frost, although when nerfing abilities for a specific purpose, they don't seem to care if they render the frame itself unwanted and unused.


It's interesting that Atlas, when first released, seemed like a non-scaling frame that could easily have been released in 2013. They quickly amended him to be (more-or-less) usable in the endgame. I'd like to see more of that with older frames that clearly need the same treatment... but they aren't selling many of those anymore.

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