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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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Greetings DEvelopers,


     I have a few questions in the form of a soliloquy. Ahem:


"The new skins for Trinity, Rhino, and Saryn give people hope. I hope their arrival will be announced soon.


Some of the loot table entries for missions and enemies still seem like a joke. If they get resolved, I might just swoon.


I rather like the addition of Gunblades to melee. It'd be nice to have more of them, and more Stances than just High Noon.


Trinity Prime's design fills me with glee. Equipping her with the Immortal Skin, however, makes her seem like a buffoon.


Lastly, Dark Sector had so much potential. I wonder if we'll see its rework finished before next June...."



     I don't normally think in poems, but I thought that so long as I was being haughty, I might as well be a show-off as well.



     Thanks for making a great game even greater on a weekly basis, DEvelopers! kitty%20smiley_zpsnbmyoemz.gif

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As stated in  a Prime Time, there are works on implementing the Steam Workshop with Warframe. What is the current state of implementing steam workshop with Warframe? 

I would assume it's mostly for cosmetics or weapon/warframe designs, like the concepts thread here. Don't expect mods.

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Ice dual rapiers... when? any plans?


Any plans for warframe-archwing collaboration; powers, abilities, and combos synthesing? (currently archwing is way too disconnected from the main game/content/warframe).


Any stealth gameplay on the horizon?


Melee combos 3.0 (better combos, additional to stance, and quick succession finishers)??

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When will the fire rate mod be fixed for the archwing velocitus weapon?



When will limbo get some love instead of hate when he uses his cataclysm and a hail of fire is aimed at him by incoming enemies?


Will there be any changes to rare/reinforced crates as per this thread?


Edited by MegatronG1
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I read "the remainder of 2015" and thought about how fast this year has gone by... almost the end of the year of quality huh... RIP you will be missed.


Question: Are you guys considering a rework for interceptions any time soon? (interception 2.0, as it were) IMHO they are downright the worst mission type in the game. They are boring as you are essentially just sitting there babysitting something to make sure enemies don't touch it (defense is different since they shoot it, rather than need to actually stand there for several seconds), and interception seems to be the root of 70% of xp farm issues... If I'm being honest, I just want to see that gamemode either become something better or go away- I know VERY few people who actually enjoy it, and frankly I think they only say that because they can cheese draco for quick XP and not because they genuinely have fun on it.

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Many "Phased" and "Rubedo" cosmetic items were released and distributed though Steam and Steam's Community Market.

-Will those items ever be released on systems besides PC?

-Will those items ever be re-released on PC?

-Will other Warframe cosmetic items ever be added to Steam's Community Market or trading system?

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Now that the "Year of quality" is coming to an end i think you should step up on adjusting some quality for ALL instead of a certain group. What do i mean by that?


The new tiny enemy health bar UI. In a Dev stream a long time ago you guys showed the ability to move and change the size of each UI element. I think this needs to be done now to help some people with some these changes done now.


This tiny UI disappears to some people in the middle of battle with all that is going on. Options to make it more visible should be implemented.



Auto-rolling on landings. Some folks were fine with the old auto-rolling system and dont like the new hard landings. Give us an option to switch between the two like you did with vaulting.


The same goes for alt-fire\zoom being in the same button. Some people were fine with the old system, some people dont have the extra buttons to add alt-fire. Give us the option to switch between the two.


Let's involve all in this year of quality.

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I'd just like to throw in here that I'd greatly appreciate it if a toggle could be added to the color picker to allow Random to draw colors from multiple palettes. As it stands all five colors are always drawn from the same palette, which makes using the Random button to gen new color schemes a bit too restrictive for my liking.


Looking forward to the stream.


QUICK EDIT: To say that I forgot to mention that I'd also love to see a fix for Mesa losing some of her Peacemaker animations as per some community threads whose names I don't remember. As it stands now she sort of... glide-rotates... to always be facing wherever the targets are, as opposed to using her cool under-arm and behind-the-back shots. Surely this could be addressed by fixing her facing when she enters Peacemaker, and triggering specific animations contextually, relative to where the enemies are? 

Edited by SecondSystem
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Gotta first say that I've been loving the game since I was introduced to it in update 13 and have continued to enjoy all the features that the game offers. I was wondering however, if there will be any changes to the endless survival and excavation missions. As seen with defence and interception, players are given the option to extract separately periodically and this allows players to leave early without disturbing the other players. Would this also be implicated to survival and excavation in the near future? As many players will know the hassle of having to quit the missions or force the team to extract if they can no longer play it seems a shame that players are having to quit early, especially in void survival.


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Spira accuracy fix? Or at least let us know that it's intentional.

Stinger should be silent? Offer more choice of silent sentinel weapon other than deconstructor.

Wukong ETA?

Old prime warframes model update? Fix holes in frost prime sleeves and his neck? More gold armor parts like Trinity and Ash?

Edited by Volinus7
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