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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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Stop asking for an Auction house its NOT happening.

The reasons should be obvious. Market crash, absurdly low prices for everything etc.

If anything they should just seperate buying and selling chats and then itll be perfect

Another problem with Auction Houses is that DE has to do a crapton of things to maintain profit (they have to put their discount mechanics, in-game economy, and maybe a S#&$ton of stuff into consideration). Hell, at some point, I still tend to question how DE is ACTUALLY earning a profit because their specific business model on how in-game currency works is remarkably fair that I'm 10% upset with the prices that some traders price their stuff and 90% upset that DE won't give me a 75% discount from time to time (I personally think its overpriced, but the fact that the discounts are there and can happen any time... I can't totally complain about it). I don't mind spending on the game, but I think there are a whole lot more Tenno who haven't spent a dime (and refuse to do so, and I can't blame them based on how DE's cash shop/in-game currency-from-real-money works, making it look like they can get away with it), or are cheapskates (again, can't blame them as well).

If an Auction House was to be implemented, two things come into my mind:

1.) When will the prices hit equilibrium in favor of the players? I mean, from what I'm told in other posts, the Tenno are stingy as F***, but there are a fair ton of high ballers.

2.) When will the prices hit equilibrium in favor of DE? I mean, they've got families to feed. Imagine a Trinity Prime set worth 80p at release (not counting Prime Access), and Prime Chamber might even hit as low as 100p. That would be really low and the Tenno might or might not even bother looking at the Auction House to buy stuff unless they don't want to farm (anymore... unfarmable items may suffer less in terms of price drop and what not, but still) and most likely buying plat even on a discount may not even be necessary. The demand may rise, but the law of Supply and Demand won't totally be in full effect unless DE further implements a crapton of things to stabilize (and maybe overdo or get it wrong because I'll even admit I don't like how DE buffs, nerfs, and reworks alot of stuf... much less in the current patch, however) the economy and may unintentionally or intentionally inflate it (again, they have families to feed) and pretty much screw things up. Looking at how Steam's trade market is, some in-game stuff for a game can cost up to more than USD$60 last time I checked, and even higher.

Edited by styxonfire
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no. trolls will flood the market with OP prices.

They do this even without auction house. See what happens after every major update with new prime items. 500pl for Trinity P (i realy saw that) if it isn't trolling then i don't know what it is.


And no, price will not drop so much. Yes. Maybe for easy to find parts and mods, but rare stuff always will be expensive.

And i

Edited by peger
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Prime Chamber might even hit as low as 100p. 

That would be practically impossible, a market relies upon supply and demand.


That mod has such low supply, but the demand is so extremely high that the price isn't so much inflated as it is up to the owner of one to decide the value.

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That would be practically impossible, a market relies upon supply and demand.


That mod has such low supply, but the demand is so extremely high that the price isn't so much inflated as it is up to the owner of one to decide the value.

Tempo Royale came back on more than one occasion, but its price has atleast increased by 100p (You'd think the supply increase would let it drop its price... but nope). The Prime Chamber was just an exaggeration. With the implementation of an Auction House, we'll see each one's price. Most likely it'll drop in price and it'll be a question if it'll return in the Auction House again, soon. But still, I'm just giving an idea on what can happen (minus the exaggeration, but still give a significant difference) unless DE does some random vodoo stuff that can keep the economy stable should they implement an Auction House for everything else that CAN STILL be farmed.

Things that are still an event exclusive (until Baro comes in) like Primed Chamber, the Slash mod set (minus Fanged Fusillade), and the likes are bound to suffer it the least. But what about everything else that is tradeable that can be farmed?

Edited by styxonfire
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Tempo Royale came back on more than one occasion, but its price has atleast increased by 100p (You'd think the supply increase would let it drop its price... but nope). The Prime Chamber was just an exaggeration. With the implementation of an Auction House, we'll see each one's price. Most likely it'll drop in price and it'll be a question if it'll return in the Auction House again, soon. But still, I'm just giving an idea on what can happen (minus the exaggeration, but still give a significant difference) unless DE does some random vodoo stuff that can keep the economy stable should they implement an Auction House for everything else that CAN STILL be farmed.

Things that are still an event exclusive (until Baro comes in) like Primed Chamber, the Slash mod set (minus Fanged Fusillade), and the likes are bound to suffer it the least. But what about everything else that is tradeable that can be farmed?

Tempo is very high demand, and despite coming back there is one flaw to getting it. Drop rate of it from the only enemy that drops it.


It has a drop rate of .0625% from an enemy with a low spawn rate that is only available through events as of now. If that is not an availability limiter, I don't know what is.


It took me more than a few hours to actually get it to drop even with hyper efficient spawn manipulation involving locked doors and moa cabinets. killing 2-3 a minute for a few hours isn't just tedious it is simply not what most people want to do.


Also if you didn't know, primed chamber isn't coming back except for special giveaways.

Edited by Deadoon
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Ok, we have the following items tradable:

Every mod in the game bar a few obtained through accidental release bugs.

Every prime component in the game.

Every syndicate weapon and a few others.

Arcane enhancements and helmets.


I'd say the chances of it having anything that anyone demands or being worth the time to even check would be pretty negligable. Thus the use of that level of partial implementation of that would be pretty close to 0. Pretty close to the chance of it actually having something you are looking for.



And yet Darvo Deals sell only 1 item per day... and most deals aren't worth the discount to most players.  Yet it still exists and offers a different item every day.


Judging by your tone and also your other posts, you seem way too emotionally invested in this to have a rational pros/cons discussion about this, so I'm just going to clarify my original point.


Just like Darvo's daily deal isn't meant to meet the *entire* demand for a weapons market, my idea about a daily ONE RANDOM ITEM PER DAY traders market sitting inside the relay obviously isn't meant to meet the *entire* mod/prime market demand.


Trade chat has built-in friction, by design.  So my suggestion was to reduce that friction by only a tiny bit.  Which I already explained why, but you chose not to include that part in your quote for some reason. :\

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(i already did, you just glazed over them)


- - - - - 


no, let me. with actual numbers.


Warframe, on just Steam, averages 30-50,000 per day. it's known that a larger percentage of Warframe Players are NOT playing it through Steam than are(so atleaast 51%). cut the difference and call that ~80,000 on Steam and standalone on just PC. conservative estimate.

Console has a wider gauge, but another 30-40,000 is a pretty safe estimate.


Q4 2014-Q1 2015, Warframe was already hitting ~120,000 active Players on PC if you gave a two week window to account for Players that don't have the time to play that often, so logging in atleast bi-weekly.


taking a conservative tally of the number of Accounts as of October 2015, there are atleast 12 Million Players between all Platforms.

Digital Extemes counts 16 Million, but shaving some off to account for duplicate or inactive accounts still leaves a lot of Players.

These numbers are all false, warframe never had average of 50k players on steam, highest average was 29k, not even 30k and this is also spiky as hell as ppl come back for new update then leave week or 2 later.


Accounts made also doesnt matter, by these you could say that wow have over 150 milions of players, yet only active subs are taken into account for a reason. Hell if we took these into account lol would have over 500mil players.

Inactive accounts are mostly ppl who played it and quit, thus they generate no revenue.


Ill show something else however. I cant find exact date for trading launch but first posts on trading forums are from 21nov2013.

"October 31, 2013, when the company earned $24.6 million in revenue and $5.5 million in pre-tax profit."
Thats how much de was making before trading
"In the six months leading up to April 30, 2014, Digital Extremes earned $27 million in revenue, or $8.7 million in pre-tax profit."
Thats how much it was improved by trading and first prime access which was also added at that time. 
Even assuming that no one bought PA which we know isnt true, trading given de 2.4mil and that was golden era where whirlwind sold for 40p and quick thinking was selling like hotcakes for 50p.
Anyway, this shows that AH would have 0% chance to cause bankrupcy for DE, even in worst case scenario as most of the money is not made from trading.
Edited by Davoodoo
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O you poor ignorant Tenno. You don't understand a Auction house will not make prices drop. It will make prices RISE.



The DE would NEVER let us buy rare mods for 5 plat they would force us to buy them for upwards of 100 plat. That is just a fact of life Trading is a huge source of income they will NEVER handicap that income by makign a auction house if they can't garrentee a profit.



Say goodbye to your 20 plat parts, say hello to 50 plat for SomaP Barrel, and 300 plat for the whole set. I will garentee they won't let you buy any new things that you can get from Prime acess for any less than what they are offering with prime access. SO Trin prime would be upwards of 1000 plat. 



Your idea will either make prices TO HIGH, or TO LOW. Effectivelly ruining the DE's income, or ruining are plat supplies.

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Stop asking for an Auction house its NOT happening.

The reasons should be obvious. Market crash, absurdly low prices for everything etc.

If anything they should just seperate buying and selling chats and then itll be perfect

No, it just means that less people would be getting ripped off by scammers and people trying to take advantage of them by over-charging. The market would not "chrash"; it would finally stablize.

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Why exactly do you all think the market prices would go down with an auction house. People already try to undercut others and there are lots of people who won't even negotiate prices. I don't think its such a terrible idea. I think you all are just scared.


Couse Scruby-mac-scrub will get Blaze drop and go on selling it for 1pl less then the lowest price in the AH.

Then Fasty_the_cheap_arse will see his Blaze got undurcut and lower the price whit 1pl.


In no time mods that are not extreamly rare will hit 1pl per mod. Tell me how many fleeting expertices at price of 1 plat you will need to sell just to be able to install one patato ? And how many vault runs that would be ?


Right now to trade you need dedication and time. You sit there and look at the WTB's and barter. Sometimes you dont even go directly for the plat. Sometimes you will do a trade that would be good investment in the future ect.


If you want fast plat - you can get it. If you want good proffit you can get it. What you cant get right now is been lazy - trow some stuff on AH and then go on to play a mission.


Example i had selection of arcane helmets that i have been selling for a week. Most offers i got were ... low. Last night i finaly found the correct buyer and now im 2.5k plat richer.

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Tempo is very high demand, and despite coming back there is one flaw to getting it. Drop rate of it from the only enemy that drops it.


It has a drop rate of .0625% from an enemy with a low spawn rate that is only available through events as of now. If that is not an availability limiter, I don't know what is.


It took me more than a few hours to actually get it to drop even with hyper efficient spawn manipulation involving locked doors and moa cabinets. killing 2-3 a minute for a few hours isn't just tedious it is simply not what most people want to do.


Also if you didn't know, primed chamber isn't coming back except for special giveaways.

Still. The fact that it DID come back HAS increased its supply, even if it is a minuscule increase. The price SHOULD HAVE dropped atleast by 10p when Tempo Royale Was 180p at best when it first came out.

And yes, I know Primed Chamber isn't coming back. Despite its high demand, the price is BOUND to drop if an Auction House is implemented because at one point or another, one Primed Chamber owner is bound to drop the price he/she placed in the Auction House.

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Couse Scruby-mac-scrub will get Blaze drop and go on selling it for 1pl less then the lowest price in the AH.

Then Fasty_the_cheap_arse will see his Blaze got undurcut and lower the price whit 1pl.


In no time mods that are not extreamly rare will hit 1pl per mod. Tell me how many fleeting expertices at price of 1 plat you will need to sell just to be able to install one patato ? And how many vault runs that would be ?


Right now to trade you need dedication and time. You sit there and look at the WTB's and barter. Sometimes you dont even go directly for the plat. Sometimes you will do a trade that would be good investment in the future ect.


If you want fast plat - you can get it. If you want good proffit you can get it. What you cant get right now is been lazy - trow some stuff on AH and then go on to play a mission.


Example i had selection of arcane helmets that i have been selling for a week. Most offers i got were ... low. Last night i finaly found the correct buyer and now im 2.5k plat richer.

False.  See, if some one looking to turn a quick profit tries selling an arcan helm for 5p, then a merchant player will just buy it for that 5 plat and relist it immediately for 500.


Also, in an auction house you can set an item to be and auction instead of a buy now price, so things like Arcane Helmets would make you rich because you would have much, much higher visibility on super-rare items.

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(i already did, you just glazed over them)


- - - - - 


no, let me. with actual numbers.


Warframe, on just Steam, averages 30-50,000 per day. it's known that a larger percentage of Warframe Players are NOT playing it through Steam than are(so atleaast 51%). cut the difference and call that ~80,000 on Steam and standalone on just PC. conservative estimate.

Console has a wider gauge, but another 30-40,000 is a pretty safe estimate.


Q4 2014-Q1 2015, Warframe was already hitting ~120,000 active Players on PC if you gave a two week window to account for Players that don't have the time to play that often, so logging in atleast bi-weekly.


taking a conservative tally of the number of Accounts as of October 2015, there are atleast 12 Million Players between all Platforms.

Digital Extemes counts 16 Million, but shaving some off to account for duplicate or inactive accounts still leaves a lot of Players.


None of your comments thus far have mentioned any online game that had its AH/Marketplace not work( unless you want to count Steam as an online game, rofl ). Go back and look over your coments, all you did was yell ''AH/Marketplace don't work'' from under your behind, without giving a single online videogame as an example... Need i say more?!

- - - - -

Davoodoo is absolutely right. Your gross speculations don't add up, if they did ill have to be waiting on draco 15+ minutes for the open party search function to get me in a pub party and ill have to be closing countless player tabs when hosting void missions. You know all too well that Draco, Void and Trial are the most attended content in the game. He is also right that the total number of accounts in the game is absolutely irrelevant, as some people simply try out and quit. There are surely alot of ppl that tried this game out, but that is next to meaningless, what matters is how many people play on a regular basis.



O you poor ignorant Tenno. You don't understand a Auction house will not make prices drop. It will make prices RISE.





The DE would NEVER let us buy rare mods for 5 plat they would force us to buy them for upwards of 100 plat. That is just a fact of life Trading is a huge source of income they will NEVER handicap that income by makign a auction house if they can't garrentee a profit.


Absolutely! AH/Marketplace is all about control, absolute! Those who controll the AH also control EVERYTHING that happens inside of it, which includes: Items, buyers and sellers. De can limit all 3 in every way possible! The possibilities are endless... De will never handicap themselves nor the playerbase! I know they are somewhat greedy, but i also know that these same people put an 75% off of plat aswell, never forget that!



Say goodbye to your 20 plat parts, say hello to 50 plat for SomaP Barrel, and 300 plat for the whole set. I will garentee they won't let you buy any new things that you can get from Prime acess for any less than what they are offering with prime access. SO Trin prime would be upwards of 1000 plat. 


Even if that is to go down, which i doubt, you are forgetting that its 2 sides of the same coin! If you are buying a full trin prime set for 1k plat, you will most definately be selling it for the same value aswell. If De are not fair on the sell=buy they will suffer the aftermath i can guarantee you!



Your idea will either make prices TO HIGH, or TO LOW. Effectivelly ruining the DE's income, or ruining are plat supplies.


You are preaching that De will NEVER handicap themselves and then you twist your neck and say that they will... Impressive ''I support AH'' fallacy!

Edited by kleerr2
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to be honest, the trade chat is one huge mess and there are alot of unfriendly people out there


we really really need something like an auction house maybe stationed on Relays?


please tell me if you like the Idea and i would really appreciate if some DE staff could answer if there are plans to implement something like that.


edit: for all nay sayers, prices of "old" prime parts will drop, with or without an auction house

be honest to yourself, you are just afraid to lose the ability to rip off other players.

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False.  See, if some one looking to turn a quick profit tries selling an arcan helm for 5p, then a merchant player will just buy it for that 5 plat and relist it immediately for 500.


Also, in an auction house you can set an item to be and auction instead of a buy now price, so things like Arcane Helmets would make you rich because you would have much, much higher visibility on super-rare items.



Sometiems i wonder if players that want an AH have ever played a game whit one in it....


I will use an example from a game vast majority of MMO players have atleast played for a bit - WoW.

AH there a tool developed for a long long time. To the point that its very profitable for select band of players that are able to manipulate on large scale the system. For everyone else - its horrid.


Example from back when i was playing. There were this potion that you could make called Flask's that were used in raids. At some point the market was so over saturated by potion makers that could not care less about proffits that a flask that cousted to make 11 gold was selling for 10 gold 50 silver whit added bonus of taxes also taking a toll..... So in effect it was more efficiant to sell the mats and buy the flask. It was not the only item like that.


That also led to other problems. Items that were to cheap to even care about disapeared from the market. Noone farmed for them and noone offered them. So in effect you had to go grind them yourself or buy them at extream prices from the very few select traders. After time more and more will go farm them and in period of a month the pricing will change so drasticly that said item will be worthless once again.


Now something that a lot of players like you miss and shout "Only scamers want the current system to stay" is - the players that are fine spending hours sitting in trade and trading will still make massive proffit whit even less effort whit an AH - but the normal players that just want to trow stuff at AH and go play missions will make even less plat. And i can promise you that. Just like how i was able to make hundreds and thousands of gold in WoW by just spending an hour a day at AH.

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I completely agree. An auction house is something that I've been waiting on for quite literally years now. Trade chat is just archaic. I have plenty of things that I would love to sell, but spamming trade chat, and searching amongst all the other spam in it is incredibly low on my list of desired things to do.

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Or actually play the market.

I did a ton of buying and selling. I checked which servers had a demand for X and which other server had a lower demand for that, buy it from the latter and sell it to the server that had a higher demand. That said... after making those profits (earned like 1k plat in a day)... some things that I liked popped up and there goes my profit.

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