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Can We Please Reduce The Scans Necessary For Scan Targets?


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     To clarify, I'm referring to global scan targets required. I want to actually get to read this lore that's in waiting. At the point of writing this post, two players have between them over 5k scans, with the only required amount being 10, this means that these two players alone have picked up the slack of 250 other players EACH, that's 500 players that don't need to scan anything.


    Why is this important? because no one should have to scan 250 times the required amount just to unlock the global goal!!! It's obviously way to high. Please make it so the entire player base that cases doesn't have to scan the same thing for a month just to get a tiny cryptic snip-it of lore.


     I like the tiny bits or lore, but more regularly. Please?

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It's fine. Those two people are extremes. They have been a a battle of nonstop scanning since it started and have probably near put themselves in the hospital. Anyways- from what I can tell 1% is around 1000 scans. So 100k scans for the total community. That's not bad... there are MILLIONS of warframe players. Each of them needs 10 scans. What needs to change is people actually doing it. -_-

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do more scans to get more simaris rep  IF U SO CHOOSE


but dont do more scans trying to help the 'global goal' becuz that is just a shame


just like the last time that the goal was met and we had to wait several weeks for the 'lore' to be added


its not ingame to be unlocked, they just make it up as they go along and the 'goal' is just the progress on their to-do list

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No but the point is still valid point, as someone else who literally waits eagerly for the lore, we have been waiting for almost 2 months since this first came out to read it. Obviously the pay off for a lot of people wasn't worth as much as they thought it was going to be originally, and many people don't seem to do the scans anymore. 


I'd certainly enjoy going synthesis hunting if it gave me more of a reward within a reasonable time frame. 

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well theres also the problem that by adding simaris/sanct DE effectively replaced the codex with a more grindier version


previously we had occasionally gotten neato lore snippets within the codex for full scans of some mini/mid-boss type enemies, ie G3/stalker/etc as well as some of the prime frames [at one point there was even the assumption that DE would eventually add a lore snippet for each prime frame]


but then they 'added' the sanct with a new way to 'unlock' lore ingame, but rly it was just a S#&$ty way to stop putting out any interesting txt-based lore in the existing codex entries =/


im not against changes per se, and FWIW simaris/sanct r here to stay, but i rly wish DE would just get all their ducks in order at some point in the near future, IE before 2016/17, the game has been wide released in a semi-perma beta state for over 2 years now, some of it is getting rly stale... =/

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Maybe doesnt help the enemy targets vary so much... a butcher? Everyone meets them mid-mission but a Guardsman for example by contrast is a high tier planet exclusive meaning to access, harder to scan and harder to solo which is to remembered when people mention number of players.

Edited by (XB1)Skode
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The freshly pulled out their a$$ narrative that DE have embraced requires each target to take as long as possible.

It takes time to come up with a handful of unrelated paragraphs, write them out at a convincing high-school level (typos and all) and attach them to a random enemy unit in the vaguest way possible.

Artificial obfuscation - that's Warframes "lore" - keeps those forum speculators working overtime on "what it all really implies..."

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By now they should have realised there is not a lot of interest in this. It is taking months to complete the target and that shouldn't be the case (i hope that was not the intended timescale). Time to reassess the total number of scans required per target and let those who care about get on with it and unlock the lore titbits.

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The freshly pulled out their a$$ narrative that DE have embraced requires each target to take as long as possible.

It takes time to come up with a handful of unrelated paragraphs, write them out at a convincing high-school level (typos and all) and attach them to a random enemy unit in the vaguest way possible.

Artificial obfuscation - that's Warframes "lore" - keeps those forum speculators working overtime on "what it all really implies..."


That's how I feel. I posted something similar before and almost got my head cut off. If they wanted people to scan, they would offer a real reward.

I honestly thought i was going to get a blue print of that unit i could throw down in a battle (like specters). The simulore was a step in right direction but after about a month, they introduce a 100% more powerful version. Which is good because the first was nothing more than mastery fodder, but there really is no incentive to scan.

The first lore released with the mentally challenged grineer turned me off. Reading it was a chore. I'd rather just wait until it comes to Wiki.

One of these days, I'll read the rest, but not in a relay, I'll read in on my phone in the bathroom after some bad Mexican food.

Edited by Educated_Beast
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That's a good idea. Because I have no incentive to hunt these targets down. Playing solo on Ceres sucks, and playing with other players means someone is going to try to kill the target. So frustration on top of frustration. No thanks, de should make it easier for those really carrying this endeavor.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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What needs to change is people actually doing it. -_-


Make the required 10 scans not limited by the daily standing cap and maybe i will bother. That or an exilus bp as reward.


And about the lore itself, could be cool to have some kind of arts with it, not just a random text.

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Make the required 10 scans not limited by the daily standing cap and maybe i will bother. That or an exilus bp as reward.


And about the lore itself, could be cool to have some kind of arts with it, not just a random text.

Uh... k. Not much to say about this first part. If you're only in it for the standing you could still get your 10 in over a couple of days, rather than just not doing them. Exilus BP should NOT be a reward for doing 10 measly scans... it's supposed to be an end-game-ish item.


As for the lore- the J-3 lore entry actually DID have concept arts in it- and hinted at what he was before the quest came out.

Make each global scan reward exilus adapter and people will do it madly. Clearly people don't find Simaris scans rewarding enough. They rather hunt that Trinity Systems.

No. Exilus adapter costs 50k simaris rep- 10 scans gets you like 35k. Having an extra exilus adapter randomly given to you for doing 10 scans that wouldn't even afford one in the first place- as a BONUS- makes no sense. It's supposed to be a hard item to obtain, it's already rather easy to get it. You don't need many throughout your entire warframe career. They should not be given out easily.


As for the rest- it's mainly because other than his exilus adapters he doesn't really have anything worth getting rep for that you buy more than once. He needs more, and better, items.


EDIT: Also you can't really say they'd rather hunt Trinity. Can you blame them? She's awesome.

Edited by Stratego89
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Uh... k. Not much to say about this first part. If you're only in it for the standing you could still get your 10 in over a couple of days, rather than just not doing them. 


Hum, that won't do, you keep telling us to do it just for the sake of doing it.

I already get all my daily in one mission (8 min spy) that i do everyday. If a target happens to be on my mission and on my way, fine, that will maybe save me a few seconds of scanning, but otherwise those target give me 0 standing and completing 10 will get me nothing. Why should i bother with this if i don't get anything of it?


For the exilus bp, it's already easy to get (for me 3 missions, 25min over 3 days), the hard part is the crafting with the 2 formas and i don't see my 3 missions being harder than the 10 scans/missions required for the synthesis. Tbh, it's not about the exilus, that was just an example of reward --> a little something for completing would be nice.


as for the art that's was one time...

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Hum, that won't do, you keep telling us to do it just for the sake of doing it.

I already get all my daily in one mission (8 min spy) that i do everyday. If a target happens to be on my mission and on my way, fine, that will maybe save me a few seconds of scanning, but otherwise those target give me 0 standing and completing 10 will get me nothing. Why should i bother with this if i don't get anything of it?


For the exilus bp, it's already easy to get (for me 3 missions, 25min over 3 days), the hard part is the crafting with the 2 formas and i don't see my 3 missions being harder than the 10 scans/missions required for the synthesis. Tbh, it's not about the exilus, that was just an example of reward --> a little something for completing would be nice.


as for the art that's was one time...

Exilus BP... in 3 missions? Oh. I get it. You're one of those crazy inefficient people that choose to scan EVERY SINGLE OBJECT IN A MISSION THAT GIVES 10 REP SLOWLY rather than SCAN ONE THING IN A MISSION THAT IS THE TARGET THAT GIVES YOU 3600 PER RUN. :l


Now that that's out of the way. Ok. So the ONLY ways that you can get all your daily simaris rep in 1 run are either A: being MR3 or lower, which is noone's fault but that person for not having a reason to do it more than that one time per day. Or B: Deciding to scan everything that only gives 10 rep slowly in a mission for whatever unthinkable reason, rather than scan the target that gives you a ton of rep easily- and contributes the the daily goal you are saying we have no reason to do- when it gives you a ton of rep easily.


Not really sure what to say about it other than- I believe what you just said is "There is no reason to do this thing that gives us rep easy, but I'm one of the few people that get rep the hard way for w/e reason and make the conscious choice to do so even though everyone else does the target instead. Therefore there is no reason to do the target- not just for me but for them too". But I'm not quite sure...



I'm not saying keep scanning the target once you can't get any more rep for the day. I'm saying scan it TO get your daily rep for the day (which again, from what I can tell you are not doing, you are instead choosing the incredibly inefficient path of scanning all the random guys and objects instead, which doesn't help the community at all...).


To conclude with a TL;DR: You DO get something out of scanning the target- an EASY way to get your daily rep. Every day. If you choose to do that another way (which again I'm just ASSUMING you do, since unless you're only MR3 ONE target wouldn't fill up your rep for the day...), then that's your choice- and it doesn't mean there is not a reason to scan the target or something in it for you- you're just choosing not to see or accept that it is there for you.

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Exilus BP... in 3 missions? Oh. I get it. You're one of those crazy inefficient people that choose to scan EVERY SINGLE OBJECT IN A MISSION THAT GIVES 10 REP SLOWLY rather than SCAN ONE THING IN A MISSION THAT IS THE TARGET THAT GIVES YOU 3600 PER RUN. :l


Now that that's out of the way. Ok. So the ONLY ways that you can get all your daily simaris rep in 1 run are either A: being MR3 or lower, which is noone's fault but that person for not having a reason to do it more than that one time per day. Or B: Deciding to scan everything that only gives 10 rep slowly in a mission for whatever unthinkable reason, rather than scan the target that gives you a ton of rep easily- and contributes the the daily goal you are saying we have no reason to do- when it gives you a ton of rep easily.


Not really sure what to say about it other than- I believe what you just said is "There is no reason to do this thing that gives us rep easy, but I'm one of the few people that get rep the hard way for w/e reason and make the conscious choice to do so even though everyone else does the target instead. Therefore there is no reason to do the target- not just for me but for them too". But I'm not quite sure...



I'm not saying keep scanning the target once you can't get any more rep for the day. I'm saying scan it TO get your daily rep for the day (which again, from what I can tell you are not doing, you are instead choosing the incredibly inefficient path of scanning all the random guys and objects instead, which doesn't help the community at all...).


To conclude with a TL;DR: You DO get something out of scanning the target- an EASY way to get your daily rep. Every day. If you choose to do that another way (which again I'm just ASSUMING you do, since unless you're only MR3 ONE target wouldn't fill up your rep for the day...), then that's your choice- and it doesn't mean there is not a reason to scan the target or something in it for you- you're just choosing not to see or accept that it is there for you.


For someone who have little  knowledge of efficient scanning, you sure talk a lot and not in a nice way i have to say :/ 

I said i could get all my standing in one mission and i could get an Exilus bp (50k) with 3 missions, i thought that was enough to give you an idea of my MR.


i'm MR15 and i get my 16k standing + a t2/t3key + a chance for a status/dmg mod+ some xp +4-5k syndic rep in 8min .

I do a spy mission in about 4-5min that means i just need another 4-5 min to scan all my rep for my daily cap.


So again : no thanks mate.


last hint : you get 210+rep/mob for stealth scanning (10 rep, really..be serious) + a chance to have x2 rep with the cross matrix widget and you do know we have a frame called loki right?


i leave you "your easy way", i'll keep doing my way if you don't mind.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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last hint : you get 210+rep/mob for stealth scanning (10 rep, really..be serious) + a chance to have x2 rep with the cross matrix widget and you do know we have a frame called loki right?

Firstly, I can get my daily rep (I'm MR19...) In under 10 minutes by just scanning the target. You say I have no idea about efficient scanning- yet I get mine done in under 10 minutes. K.


I said 10 rep for objects- which is what I figured you were doing to get more rep than just scanning a target each run. I forget there are people who cheese it all and stay perma-invis loki in missions to get a ton of stealth scans on mobs. Oh- and fun fact. Cross matrix widget does NOT give you a chance for 2x rep. All it does is give you a chance for 2 scan entries into your codex rather than one. Yes, I know we have Loki- but I tend to forget about him since I don't like to play frames like him because I consider them boring.

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So my way works but now it's about me cheesing the game with loki, great.


It is as fast, more rewarding, and i don't have to go through loading screen/end mission screen/liset x times,

It's efficient and that was my point : no need for me to do synthesis targets to get rep. we're back to square one.


Oh- and fun fact. Cross matrix widget does NOT give you a chance for 2x rep. All it does is give you a chance for 2 scan entries into your codex rather than one.


you're right about this though, can give x2 rep only on unfinished codex entries. i'll give you this one since it's useless in farming rep.


Back on the topic, it's been weeks and synthesis is still not finished. The point of this was getting some lore, either the number of scans required is too high (personnal/global) or just getting the lore is not enough to motivate people. Also Simaris doesn't have a lot to offer to encourage rep farming.


I don't really see DE changing this though, it means more time for them to create their lore.




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What about this:

-More weapons/items/whatever available trough Sanctuary

-When the Synthesis for a creature finishes (that is, it reaches the 100% global) players in the top 10 or 20 positions get a cosmetic item (like a simaris themed syadana, or another sigil, or a kubbrow armor, whatever) AND an Exiuls adapter (no bp, the item)

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